river or lake

Chapter 352 Disguise

The reason why Chen Feifan was able to agree to Song Sheng to go to the Zhengtian Gang was because he thought of a way to get the best of both worlds. In the inn, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms, which was given to him by Han Lin, so he went to the window Before opening the cork on the porcelain bottle, he saw a stream of red gas floating out of the bottle and rising straight to the sky. He muttered five times in his heart, then closed the cork again, looked up at the sky, and the gas had already disappeared no save sg

Does this even work?Suspicious of the letter, Chen Feifei found a small piece of paper and wrote down what happened in the Sky Cave and what happened to Yangfan City in a concise and concise manner. All he can do now is to wait quietly for the response from the other side

The evening smoke was setting in the west, and the lights outside were brightly lit. At night, an eagle flew over silently from outside and stopped at his window. There were small bamboo tubes tied to the left and right sides of the eagle's legs. He was about to reach out for it Touching the two small bamboo tubes, I saw that the eagle opened its mouth and was about to peck him with its beak. Looking at the situation, it was obvious that he didn't want him to touch the small bamboo tubes.

If you can't get close, how can you pass the delivery note?Handed the dry food in the bag to the eagle, it ignored it. Chen Feifei was at a loss. Why do you come here? The president loves deeply

So, he took out the small porcelain bottle in his arms again, shook it in front of it, and saw the eagle shrank its head back, and then let Chen Feifan touch the small bamboo tube on its leg. Be vigilant, it seems that Han Lin has worked hard on this, but he was also careless, and he didn't tell Chen Feifei about it

Pull out the wooden corks on the two bamboo tubes, both of which are empty, obviously wanting Chen Feifan to put the small note in, there are two such diabolo tubes, probably also prepared for sending two pieces of paper

Chen Feifan stuffed the small note in his hand into one of the small bamboo tubes, and then used the cork to prevent the eagle from resisting. He let him finish these things, then shook his wings, and disappeared into the dark night middle

At dusk the next day, the eagle flew back and stopped at the same window as yesterday. Chen Feifan took out the small porcelain bottle from his bosom, shook it, then approached it, and found out from the first bamboo tube. A small note with Han Lin's reply on it, obviously he is lying down

Although this place is not far from Wowei, it is hard for the eagle to come and go like this every day and night.

The letter said that the second brother Xiao Mufeng had already been to Danyun Mountain Villa, and Han Lin told him about his elder brother, and now he has returned to Xinglong City. The road news has confirmed that he is still with Ma Ran

Both of his brothers had news, which reassured Chen Feifan a lot. Just in case, he burned the little note. When he looked up to the window again, the eagle had quietly flown away.

Early in the morning of the third day, Chen Feifei was ready to go, and rode Night Breeze to the south gate of Sifang Town. This time, he was no longer carrying a knife on one side and one on the right, but was carrying a phantom spirit sword on his back. At first glance with the Lieyang knife hanging from the front, I thought he was a swordsman

The cold-faced young man arrived as promised, he came on a white horse, without any entourage behind him

"Go, go."

Because there is still more than a month, the two are not in a hurry, so they don't take the newly built official road. Although the road passes through Wolu and Xinglong City, it is still inconvenient for the two of them to go together, so Chen Feifei didn't go. See Han Lin and Xiao Mufeng

The two rode horses to Xinglong City for half a month, and then went west from Xinglong City to a small town not far from Kuanghu City.

Level Zero Great God http:///19181/ This journey has nothing to say, and I didn’t meet any people from the Dark Wind Alliance on the way. The inn they stayed in was shared by one person, and the food they ate was also delicious food. The expenses were all paid by Song Sheng Chen Feifan didn't want to eat and drink for free, but Song Sheng refused, saying that he was a businessman

Over the past month, the two of them have indeed talked a lot, and they know each other a lot. Chen Feifei started a business with his three brothers and had business contacts with Yan Zeyu. For the time being, he still won't talk about it, after all, he doesn't know Song Sheng very well.

As for Song Sheng, he also talked about his own situation. His family is well-off, and his ancestors were businessmen. When he was young, he met an old man who was honored as Jiang Lao. Years ago, after his father passed away, he asked the housekeeper to take care of everything for him, while he went out to roam the rivers and lakes, on the one hand, he wanted to exercise himself, and on the other hand, he was looking for traces of Mr. Jiang

There are still seven or eight days until the wind removal meeting, the two of them have nothing to do, except eating and shopping, and occasionally learning about martial arts. In the past few days, Chen Feihua's unintentional sword skills have improved by leaps and bounds. , they are totally two different things, Song Sheng was also amazed by that Lieyang Knife

Seeing that there were three days before the wind removal conference, the two left their horses in a small village not far away, then walked westward for half a day, and arrived not far from the Zhengtian Gang. This time they sneaked into the Zhengtian Gang secretly. Naturally, I won't go to Kuanghu City, there are too many people there

From a distance, the Zhengtian gang is heavily guarded, and it is worthy of being the largest gang in the martial arts. If Chen Feifei went in openly and squarely, he could go in at any time, but if he really went in secretly, it would be really difficult.

Just when he was thinking about it and couldn't think of a good solution, Song Sheng at the side seemed to see what he was thinking, and said with a grin: "What's so difficult about this, Zhengtian Gang, the largest gang, that's all it is" President deep love

Waiting until dusk, Song Sheng took out two extremely thin human skins with him. Seeing Chen Feifan's expression change, he hurriedly explained: "Mr. Chen, don't be afraid, these are not real human skins."

Song Sheng sent one of the human skins to Chen Feifan. Chen Feifei took the skin, weighed it, felt it was very light and explosive, and felt it. The texture was the same as that of real human skin.








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