river or lake

Chapter 348 Jia Yanjia

With such a familiar voice, Chu Zihan, who had always been cold-faced, showed a smile at this moment. Looking at the reputation, he saw a woman dressed in elegant and luxurious clothes, followed by two maids, walking towards them quickly.

It was Jia Yanjia who came. Seeing that her cousin was alive and alive in front of her, Chu Zihan finally felt relieved, this time it was not in vain.

"Miss Jia." Qi Hong's attitude towards her was lukewarm, but he seemed a little helpless.

"Let them go." Jia Yanjia was not afraid of the blood wolf king, and she spoke without any discussion, as if ordering others.

"Miss Jia, this is not acceptable." Qi Hong's words also left no room for negotiation.

"Why, do you want me to die in front of you?" Jia Yanjia said as she took out a dagger from her pocket and put it around her neck.

"Cousin, what are you doing?" Chu Zihan quickly stepped forward.

"Cousin, don't worry about it, let me handle this matter." Jia Yanjia turned her head and finished speaking, and continued to look at Qi Hong.

If Jia Yanjia died, the connection with the Jia family would be severed. Qi Hong couldn't afford such a result, so he had no choice but to reply: "Okay. I promise you and let them go."

"Cousin, come back with me..." Chu Zihan grabbed Jia Yanjia's hand, but the two maids behind her pulled out their long swords.

"Cousin, I'm afraid not." Jia Yanjia shook her head and pushed Chu Zihan's hand away.

"Why? Qian Xiaoyun is a member of the Dark Wind Alliance, and they are doing things that are against the heavens and reason." Chu Zihan looked puzzled, she didn't understand why her cousin would follow this beastly Qian Xiaoyun .

"I know." Jia Yanjia nodded, and suddenly blushed and leaned close to Chu Zihan's side and whispered something in a low voice.

"What!!" Chen Feifan had never seen Chu Zihan have such an expression, it was an extremely angry expression, and such a beautiful face became a little distorted because of this anger.

"Where is he? I'm going to kill him." Chu Zihan's performance has run counter to her original glamorous performance. This performance is close to madness, which made Chen Feifei just pull out the Phantom Spirit Sword from the ground. At this scene, he quickly walked over.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Chen Feifei asked softly.

Panting, Chu Zihan pouted at Jia Yanjia and said, "Ask her."

Jia Yanjia lowered her head, remained silent, and obediently stood beside Chu Zihan, not like the previous arrogant and unreasonable Miss Jia.Seeing her like this, Chen Feifei was too embarrassed to ask.

"This is their territory, you two can't beat them, you better go, if he comes back, maybe you can't even leave." Jia Yanjia begged the two in a low voice.

"No." Chu Zihan's words were firm, "Your father misses you very much, if you don't come with me, I won't leave here either."

At this moment, Jia Yanjia stopped talking to her, but turned to Chen Feifei and said, "Chen Feifei, my cousin depends on you."

At this moment, Chen Feifei felt that Jia Yanjia was different from before, and he couldn't tell exactly what was different.Although I don't know why Chu Zihan insisted on taking Jia Yanjia away, but judging from the current situation, it is the best policy to leave here as soon as possible.Chen Feifei was not a fool either, he could see that Jia Yanjia chose to stay here because she had something to hide, but she was not in any danger for the time being, and even the leader of the Blood Wolf Gang wanted to give her some respect.

"Go." Chen Feifei grabbed Chu Zihan's right hand and dragged it out.

"Let go." Chu Zihan shook off Chen Feifan's left hand, and stood still.

"Cousin, let's go." Jia Yanjia was a little anxious.

With such a cold look in his eyes, Chen Feifan had never seen nor thought that Chu Zihan would treat him like this.

Qi Hong stood on the outer circle and watched the good show inside, but if someone was careful, he would notice that one of the two people behind him had disappeared at this moment.

In this situation, Chen Feifan's first consideration was naturally how to persuade Chu Zihan to leave here, so he took half a step forward.The fragrance emanating from Chu Zihan's body made him a little distracted. He collected himself, and then said: "The situation here is not trivial. If you don't leave, I'm afraid your father and others will be involved."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Zihan's face instantly softened a lot. She looked at Jia Yanjia and then at Chen Feifei.

Seeing that she was hesitant, Chen Feifei hurriedly grabbed her hand again, and this time she didn't try to break free again. She looked at Jia Yanjia and wanted to say something, but she moved her lips, but she didn't say it.

The two sisters were relatively silent like this, getting farther and farther apart.Qi Hong looked around, then at the two people who were walking away slowly, and remained silent.

When the two of them were approaching the gate of the city, the man behind Qi Hong came back and whispered a few words beside Qi Hong. I will chase, kill the men, and keep the women. Send Miss Jia back to her room to rest."

Over there, Chen Feifei took Chu Zihan along and walked all the way, neither of them spoke, until they left the city gate, Chen Feifan asked softly: "Zihan, what happened just now, Jia Yanjia told you what?"

Chu Zihan sighed and replied: "She is pregnant. Qian Xiaoyun, one day, I will make him pay the price."

Just as Chen Feifei was about to speak, he heard many voices not far behind him. Looking back, he found that many people were rushing towards them.

It seemed that there was another change. This group of people chased after them, most likely with malicious intentions. The two hurriedly quickened their pace, and soon came to the small forest. After untying the rope, the two got on their horses, With the whip down, the people behind him will be thrown far away.

Looking at Yangfan City again, at this moment, Qian Xiaoyun appeared beside Qi Hong, and Jia Yanjia had been "invited" back by the two maids.

"Young master. Both of them left on horseback." Although he was the leader of the gang, Qi Hong was respectful in front of Qian Xiaoyun.

"Forget it. Hmph, Lengye Mountain Villa, that is a place that will be flattened sooner or later. One day Chu Zihan will be my man." Qian Xiaoyun clenched his fist in his right hand, "That Chen Feifan, give me an early Get rid of him."

"He is also considered a master, and he is still young. It seems that the hidden wolf can't do anything to him, or..."

Before Qi Hong finished speaking, Qian Xiaoyun quickly waved his hands and said: "I was also speaking in a moment of anger. Although this person needs to be eliminated, the important thing is. Now is the time for employing people, and everything should be arranged by my father. "

The two of them went straight to Qitian City without stopping, and it only took two and a half days.

"Extraordinary, we will meet later." Although Chu Zihan was reluctant, but in order to take the overall situation into consideration, she had to make a plan to return to Lengye Mountain Villa at this moment.

Chen Feifei also knew that the current strength of the two of them was not worth mentioning in front of real masters.Now that this series of things has happened, of course they have their own plans. Since the other party spoke first, he didn't say anything more, nodded and said: "There will be a period later, be careful on the road."

"Fan Fei, wait for me." Chu Zihan said softly, a blush was wiped on her white and tender face. After saying this, she rode away quickly without looking back, leaving only the remaining Chen Feifei stayed where he was and recollected these words.


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