river or lake

Chapter 349

As long as he doesn't encounter a master like Qi Hong chasing him, Chen Feifei is still confident that he can escape, but now his poison is a little bit heavier, and in more than a month it will be the day when the Zhengtian Gang summons all the major sects up.Chen Feifei hesitated whether to go back to recuperate or go straight to the Zhengtian Gang.

Leaving Qitian City and heading south to the side of the official road, Chen Feifei decided to go back to Woniu Mountain first and inform Han Lin over there.

Now that there is an official road, it only takes three days to ride a horse to reach Sifang Town. Chen Feifei is eager to return home, and he has long wanted to go back to see his brothers. Habit.

After riding the horse for a day, he was a little tired. When he saw a small village beside the official road, Chen Feifei decided to settle there tonight.As soon as he led his horse into the village entrance, he saw a group of people around an inn not far away.Out of curiosity, he tied Night Breeze aside and squeezed into the crowd to see what happened.

I saw a man who looked like a scholar standing in the middle of the crowd. Next to him was a knife. The scabbard of the knife was already stained with rust. There was also a wooden board standing beside him. On the wooden board were written the four characters "Wu Kung Fu Knife" .

Come early is worse than coincidence, it seems that this group of people just formed a circle, the scholar-looking man saw that there were many people watching the excitement, he clasped his fist at the surrounding people, and said: "Fathers and elders, this knife It was left by the ancestors, but my father died early, and Xiaosheng was a scholar, so I couldn't use this knife. Now my mother is seriously ill and has exhausted all the family wealth, so I can only sell this knife. Xiaosheng is not greedy, but this time The knife is indeed a good knife. The price is [-] taels of silver, and the price cannot be countered. Because the ancestors are all martial arts practitioners, this sword has been passed down from generation to generation, so Xiaosheng wants to sell this knife to martial arts practitioners. Therefore, here Set up the rule of winning swords in martial arts everywhere."

"How good is this knife? Little brother, why not take it out and show us first." A person in the crowd said.

As soon as he said this, everyone around him also echoed. Seeing this, the scholar had no choice but to hold the scabbard with his left hand and the hilt with his right hand, and pull it out with all his strength. Seeing how hard he was, the knife seemed to be very heavy.

When the scholar pulled out the whole knife and exposed it to the outside, everyone around couldn't help but exclaimed. Except for the handle, the whole body of the knife was red like a blazing flame.In the eyes of laymen, this is indeed a good knife, and the eight taels of silver may be worth the money.

"This sword is called Lieyang Dao. Xiaosheng has poor eyesight. Apart from the fiery red color, which is different from other things, he doesn't know its power. It is only because it has been passed down from generation to generation, so he bid eight taels of silver." The scholar said. Put the knife back into the scabbard and put it aside.

"Little brother, such a good knife, why don't you sell it in the city, but come here to sell it?" asked the big man in the crowd who saw the excitement.

Another old man also said: "This knife may cost more than eight taels of silver, but at this price, ordinary people in our village still cannot afford it."

After the two said this, the rest of the people around began to talk about their opinions, and most of them thought that it was really worthless for this scholar to sell knives here.

Hearing everyone's words, the scholar's expression was a bit subtle, he was silent for a moment, and said: "Xiaosheng also knows that selling it in the city may cost more than this price. But the bigger the city, the more people there are, and there are dragons and snakes in those places. If this knife comes out, To be favored by others, to be robbed openly and secretly, Xiaosheng is a scholar, does not know martial arts, and is unable to protect him, so the gain will outweigh the loss."

This made sense, and everyone nodded their heads, but helplessly, the knife was sold for eight taels of silver, which discouraged many people. It was impossible for a farmer to use a knife bought for eight taels of silver to chop wood and cut trees.So those who watched the excitement continued to watch the excitement, and those who didn't want to watch left and continued to do their own things.

"Little brother, I bought this knife." A big man in his 30s came out from the crowd.

Just as the scholar was about to speak, another person came out. This person was tall and burly, much stronger than that big man. He said: "Wait a minute, I want to buy this knife too."

All of a sudden, two people came and wanted to buy a knife. The scholar was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "You two elder brothers, Xiaosheng wrote that you won a sword in a martial arts competition. Why don't you two have a competition. In order not to hurt the peace, the competition ends. Who will sell this knife to. I also ask all the fathers and villagers present to be a witness."

"What if I win and other people want to buy this knife?" the big man asked.

The scholar thought for a while, then timidly replied: "Continue to compete, Xiaosheng really wants the capable to get it, please forgive me."

The big man was not angry, nodded and said: "Then come."

The two stood facing each other, suddenly each took a pose, and then fought into a ball.The so-called layman watches the excitement, while the insider watches the way.Chen Feifei saw it, and naturally knew who would win and who would lose in the end. The big man seemed to have practiced some kung fu, while the strong man relied on his own brute strength.

The two only fought for a dozen or so rounds, and the strong man was knocked down to the ground by the big man, and all the laymen around immediately applauded.

The big man pulled the strong man up from the ground, clasped his fists and said, "Accept! Accept!"

The brawny man naturally knew that the other party had some skills at this moment, so he didn't dare to mess around, so he also clasped his fists, turned around and left without saying anything.

At this time, another person came out from the crowd. This person was carrying a burden and holding a knife in his hand. He seemed to be a foreigner.He put the burden and knife on the ground and said: "I will try it too."

Seeing the other party dressed like this, the big man knew that he was also a person who knew martial arts, so he hurriedly smiled and said: "This brother, please!"

The two of them spoke politely, but they didn't give in at all when they fought. Their punches and kicks were full of strength.The big man's boxing skills are good, and although the foreigner has nothing special, but relying on himself, he is obviously better than the opponent.After ten or so rounds, the big man took the initiative to admit defeat.

Next, the foreigner easily defeated the three people who came to challenge him. The successive contests made the villagers who were living an ordinary life very happy.Of course, everyone knew that they were no match for the foreigner. After the three of them passed, no one stepped forward to challenge.

Seeing that no one came up from around, the foreigner picked up the bag and walked towards the scholar. The scholar also stood up, picked up the knife at the side, and handed it to the other side with a smile.

It seems that there is no one else. Chen Feifei really thought about wanting a knife before, but he didn't want an ordinary knife. Now that this extraordinary looking knife appeared in front of him, he was a little moved, but is this knife just a knife? He can't tell if it's just a show.He was still hesitating whether to take this knife just now, but looking at the situation now, if he didn't take it again, he would have no chance.

"Two, wait a minute." He squeezed through the crowd as he spoke, and came to the two of them.

The foreigner looked him up and down, and said: "My friend, I think you have a sword in your hand, so you must be a swordsman. What's the use of this sword?"

Chen Feifei smiled and said: "Although I am a swordsman, I have also learned sword skills. Seeing that this scholar has such a good sword, I naturally want to come here to try my luck and see if I can get it."


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