river or lake

Chapter 347 Lost

To let them live and die, Qi Hong is obviously very confident in such a plan, so he targeted Chen Feifei from the beginning to the end.

Xue Claw faced the Phantom Spirit Sword again, but this time only Chen Feifei retreated, Qi Hong remained motionless, and then dodged to the left, dodging Chu Zihan's blow behind him

During this period of time, Chen Feifei's sword energy has indeed improved a lot, but it seems that Wang is still in the middle of the fourth step. Facing a master like Qi Hong, he has no chance of winning

As soon as Chen Feifei retreated, Qi Hong hurriedly stepped forward and slapped forward with his claws. He had no choice but to block it with Jin Qian. The red sword qi flew towards the opponent [] Is the starting point Jiang or Hu 37

The distance between the two was only half a step, but Qi Hong was able to dodge the sword energy with his strange steps, which had to be admired

At this moment, all Chen Feifei can do is hold his breath and try to block every threatening attack from Qi Hong

The cooperation between Chen Feifan and Chu Zihan was nothing in Qi Hong's eyes. He attacked and blocked, and it was more than enough to deal with the two of them. In this way, the confidence of the two of them had long since disappeared, and it would be really difficult to get away. Make it harder

The blood claw on Qi Hong's right hand, the red light that soared by two inches, obviously made them afraid, just like the sword energy and sword glow, this blood claw also has a way to show its power

Even though he was wounded, Chen Feifan was not confident that he could beat Qi Hong even with full sword energy. The opponent in front of him was aggressive at the moment, claw after claw, and he had no strength to fight back with the phantom spirit sword. In his hand, he could only block the opponent's blood claws with one sword after another, completely unable to show the ability of sword energy

Just when Chen Feifei was about to take back his sword energy, Jie quietly appeared beside him in white clothes. However, as she spoke, he still couldn't hear the reaction directed at Qi Hong and Chu Zihan. Knowing that no one can see his referral

"What should I do?" Chen Feifei said to himself in his heart

Unexpectedly, Najie said a word at this moment: "Up"

The clear and pleasant voice passed through Chen Feifei's ears clearly and penetrated into his brain

I can hear it!But he couldn't hear what Jie said next, but the first word he could hear gave him enough confidence, he burst out with all his sword energy, and completely forgot about the wound on his body

At this time, the colorful light of the Phantom Spirit retreated a little, while the scarf near the pepper showed a crystal clear color.

Such a change was enough to excite Chen Feifei. After blocking Qi Hong's claw, he took the sword in both hands and approached

The colorful rays of light met the red rays of light, and neither of them would let the other. After entangled with each other for a while, the red rays of light were actually defeated and shrunk by half an inch.

But Qi Hong didn't panic, he pushed the blood claw forward, pushing away Chen Feifan's phantom spirit sword, and then slapped it sideways with another claw. Chen Feifei also changed to one-handed sword at this moment, and swung towards Qi Hong sideways. , but his claws were faster, and the two collided again

In front of Qi Hong, just like in front of Chu Bingye back then, Chen Feifei didn't have any moves to deal with, as if any sword technique was useless in front of the opponent, all he had to do was to move the sword faster and harder

But this time Chen Feifei lost, let alone who is stronger in martial arts between the two, his phantom spirit sword relies on the strength of his right hand, while Qi Hong's blood claw uses his entire right arm to hold it tightly. This is a comparison of the strength of the two sides, the phantom spirit sword in his hand was abruptly released in Zhejian, and was slapped ten steps away by the opponent's claw

This kind of thing has never happened before, but what Chen Feifei has to do now is not to take the sword, but to point forward with both hands, and immediately two purple red sword qi flew towards Qi Hong.

Qi Hong's ghost step was at its peak. The two sword qi in front of him were only one step away from him, and they came suddenly, yet he was able to dodge them.

This made Chen Feifan dumbfounded, but the dumbfounded was nothing but dumbfounded, his hands immediately turned into palms, and a strong wind on the left and right slapped forward, but it was too late. It's really hard to guard against [] Is the first game Jiang or Hu

Seeing a black shadow flashing in front of him, Chen Feifei instinctively leaned back, but it was still a lot late, five bloodstains appeared on his chest, and the pain was burning, while the opponent's bloody claws were covered with some flesh and blood. mince

When Chu Zihan saw that Chen Feifei dropped the sword and was injured, she naturally gave up her life to save her, but Qi Hong's strength was in front of her eyes, so she had no power to fight back. desperately suppressed

At this time, looking at Chen Feifei again, he fell to the ground with his back to the sky, and looked at the phantom spirit sword that was already far away from him. At this moment, the phantom spirit sword had lost its colorful light, and had returned to its original Nirvana and color

Losing the sword and being poisoned again, the situation couldn't be worse. Could it be that he really wants to die here today?

Chen Feifan was not reconciled, looking at the phantom spirit sword, he didn't know what was going on in his mind, he stretched out his hand to grab it out of thin air, and the phantom spirit sword actually moved, could it be that he was dazzled?Chen Feifan grabbed it out of thin air again, and it was unbelievable that the phantom spirit sword took another step towards him

In an instant, Chen Feifei gained confidence again. He hurriedly stood up and grabbed the phantom spirit sword fiercely. He saw the phantom spirit sword left the ground, flew straight towards him, and then landed firmly on the ground. on his right hand

Looking at the sword in his hand, he still couldn't believe it. This should be Yujian. He had seen Bai Muqi and Lu Fang of the Wuzhi Sect before at the Yingjie Conference. He didn't expect that he would do it now. No wonder Just came out and said something he couldn't hear, maybe that's what she wanted to tell him

Thinking like this in my heart, I saw him throw the phantom spirit sword up, and then pointed forward out of thin air. Sure enough, the phantom spirit sword did not fall from the air, but flew towards Qi Hong on the opposite side, even though he had seen the big scene How does the blood wolf king not be surprised, but at this moment, he still felt a little surprised

This sword passed, and after dodging Chu Zihan's blow, he saw his ghostly move, and the erratic figure also dodged the blow of the phantom spirit sword

At this moment, Chen Feifei also rushed over again. He didn't have a sword in his hand. Although he couldn't use swordsmanship, he still had two palms and sword energy. Now, two people with one sword, went straight to Qi Hong, but the blood wolf king dodged left and right. , still not weak

After a few rounds between the two sides, Qi Hong raised his leg and kicked Chu Zihan a few steps away, and the phantom spirit sword was caught in his hands at the next moment. After two sword qi and several palm winds, The poison on Chen Feifei's body became a bit heavier

"Yu Jian hum..." Qi Hong sneered and threw the Phantom Ling Jin on the ground, the sword was nine points into the ground by him, leaving only a hilt

From the time they met to now, the three of them fought a total of dozens of rounds. Chen Feifei was injured on his chest and waist, and bled and lost flesh; Chu Zihan was sweating profusely, and seemed to have some internal injuries; It just happened to be scratched by the sword energy, and the clothes were torn, but there was no injury

With such a result, the two were convinced that they lost. Qi Hong obviously felt that there was no need to continue the fight, and ordered in a cold voice: "The man is killed, and the woman is tied up and sent to see the young master."

Facing such an opponent, it seems that at this last moment, they must do their best. In fact, Qi Hong still doesn't know that the two of them have not used their trump card to compete with such a master from the beginning to the end. It is too early. Using the trump card may make them lose confidence, so before the critical moment, both of them are on the verge of losing their confidence.

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