river or lake

Chapter 346 Strong Enemy

After much deliberation, the only way to get out is to defeat Qi Hong together.This place seems to be the territory of the Dark Wind Alliance. They are leaving now, and only Qi Hong can stop them on the spot; if he can be defeated, he can naturally escape from this place. If he cannot be defeated, I really can’t think of any other way to leave here.

"Boy, what skills do you have? Use them quickly, and don't complain about not giving you a chance later." Qi Hong seemed a little impatient.

"He won't kill me." Chu Zihan whispered to Chen Feifei at this moment.

Just as Chen Feifei was about to speak, he saw that after Chu Zihan finished speaking, he rushed towards Qi Hong by himself.

It seems that the young master Qian Xiaoyun has a lot of power, and they wanted to capture Chu Zihan alive, which made Qi Hong only hurt Chen Feifei.Chu Zihan also understood this, so he went up to block Qi Hong first, so that Chen Feifan could have a chance to escape.

But Chen Feifei is not the kind of person who hides behind women. If he leaves now, with Qi Hong's skill and many people from the Dark Wind Alliance around him, Chu Zihan will definitely be captured alive. It fell into the hands of the Dark Wind Alliance.Thinking of this, Chen Feifan kicked his legs back, followed closely behind Chu Zihan, and also went straight to Qi Hong.

The two rushed over again, but Qi Hong was unmoved. In his opinion, these two could be regarded as young masters, but such masters are not to be feared in front of real masters.

This time, the two attacked from the front at the same time. When they were only one step away from Qi Hong, Chu Zihan stepped to the right, then turned around, and attacked from the right. Seeing this, Chen Feifei hurriedly took a step to the left, then twisted his body, and attacked from the left.

The soldiers suddenly split into two groups, and at such a short distance, even a master like Qi Hong didn't dare to be arrogant, and hurriedly retreated.Qi Hong's retreat was so fast and far away that the two of them couldn't touch him at all.

If one blow failed, the two of them would naturally not give up. They turned their feet, raised their long swords in their hands, and continued to chase him from left to right.

The purple ice sword on the left is very cold, while the broken sword on the right has no tip, but its momentum is equally aggressive.Qi Hong would not be so stupid as to block the two swords head-on at the same time, but it is not his style to retreat blindly. It was seen that he just took a step back, and then grabbed the phantom spirit sword tightly with his right hand. Grab it in your hand, then flick it to the left.

Chen Feifan didn't expect the opponent to make this move at all, not to mention that Qi Hong's strength was so great that he leaned to the right with his sword and others.Naturally, Chu Zihan was on his right side, and the two of them collided with each other, and Chu Zihan's blow had to be disrupted.

Of course Qi Hong would not miss this opportunity, and the five five-inch blades pointed directly at Chen Feifei's face.The two were close together, so Chen Feifan had no choice but to push forward with his left hand, but this neither strong nor weak palm style could do anything to the opponent at all.Chen Feifei knew it well, so after this palm, he turned his palm into fingers, and a purple-red sword energy rushed over.

In this situation, Chen Feifei also had to use sword energy. Unlike Chu Zihan's sword energy, he was not produced by the sword body, but the sword energy in his body. I don't know if this could pose a threat to Qi Hong's blood claws.

Qi Hong was really surprised that the sword energy came later, but he is a master after all, he saw his blood claws stretched forward, and a one-inch-long red light suddenly appeared on the entire blood claws, and it was extremely easy to block one after another. Under Chen Feifan's sword energy and palm wind.Although Chen Feifei was poisonous and didn't use the purple sword energy with all his strength, the purple sword energy was not something ordinary people could easily block.

Unexpectedly, there is such a gap between the leader and deputy leader of the Dark Wind League. If Zhao Wumen and Chen Feifei of the Blood Wolf Gang have fought against each other, one-on-one may not work, but if they are two-on-one with Chu Zihan, It shouldn't be a disadvantage; but this Qi Hong is different, the two of them are still at a disadvantage at the moment.

From this point of view, Qi Hong is really a master of masters, and both of them are a little worried about the situation at this time.This time, Qi Hong did not retreat, but Chen Feifei and Chu Zihan each stepped back a few steps.

Seeing this, Qi Hong slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Not bad, not bad."

"Flee!" Chu Zihan said softly to Chen Feifei, and saw the Zibing sword in her hand waving forward several times in a row, and several icy sword qi flew towards Qi Hong.When Chen Feifei heard this, he hurriedly comprehended, and raised the Phantom Spiritual Sword in his hand, and sent a few bursts of purple-red sword energy towards Qi Hongfei.

These few sword qi wanted to hurt Qi Hong, neither of them dared to hope, as long as they could block him for a while, they could take this opportunity to escape from here smoothly, this was what they thought.

The sword energy in front of him was so much and fast, Qi Hong was a little overwhelmed, and hurriedly said loudly: "Don't let them run away."

When the leader gave an order, naturally everyone followed and came to stop them one after another. It took only one round to kill and block, and Qi Hong had already chased them over there, and the two of them had no chance to escape.

"You can leave if you want." Qi Hong walked towards them slowly, with a smile on his face.

"Is Jia Yanjia here?" Chu Zihan asked again.Since they couldn't escape, the two had no choice but to fight.

This time Qi Hong answered her very generously: "Yes, she is indeed here, with the young master."

"How can we get out of here?" Chen Feifan asked.

Qi Hong snorted and said with a smile: "Kill me, as long as I die, you can leave here. Two against one, such a good opportunity, if you don't grasp it, then you can only blame your fate .”

Facing such a formidable enemy, it seems that if you want to escape, you must fight with all your strength.The poison on his body was a hidden danger, but at this moment, if Chen Feifan didn't try his best, he might even die.

Thinking of this, Chen Feifan mobilized all the spirit gang sword qi in his body, and the free blade qi was also ready to be released in his dantian.

After all, Qi Hong was a master. Seeing Chen Feifan's aura, he instinctively took a few steps back. He already sensed the danger.

Immediately, the phantom spirit sword let out a soft cry, bursting out with seven-colored light, followed by the crystal clear sword head, and the rest of the sword body was still wrapped in seven-colored colors.

With such a phantom spirit sword in his hand, Chen Feifei naturally became more confident. Although he was worried that the poisonous gas in his body would be difficult to control at this moment, he couldn't control that much anymore.

Although Qi Hong didn't change his expression, he was still taken aback in his heart, and the red light of the blood claw on his right hand also increased to two inches at this moment.

The two rushed towards each other at the same time, and Chu Zihan followed closely behind Chen Feifei, and the Zibing sword in his hand was also clinging to a thin layer of icy sword energy.

A sword and a claw collided with each other in an instant, and then separated immediately. Both of them took a few steps back.At this moment, Chu Zihan passed Chen Feifan and pointed the long sword at Qi Hong.

"Be careful." Although Chen Feifei stepped back uncontrollably, he reminded Chu Zihan.

Seeing Chu Zihan attacking, Qi Hong stopped, leaned forward, and slapped the blood claws forward.

Chu Zihan is not a weak woman either, and when she saw her figure swaying, three figures swayed out, it was hard to distinguish the real one from the fake one, but they were the Leaf Slashing in the residual leaf sword technique.

Unexpectedly, Qi Hong walked erratically and strangely, passing Chu Zihan and heading straight for Chen Feifan.


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