river or lake

Chapter 345 The gap in strength

Qian Xiaoyun is the young master of the Dark Wind League, so Qian Batian is the leader of the Dark Wind League. What the majestic Blood Wolf Gang leader said should be true.

Chen Feifan and Chu Zihan were really taken aback. The deputy leader of the Zhengtian Gang was the leader of the Dark Wind League. No one would have believed it a few months ago.

Seeing the surprised expressions of the two, Qi Hong laughed and said, "I heard that both of you performed well at the Heroes Conference, why not play with Qi."

Surrounded by them all around, it was impossible for the two of them to say no, so they had to bite the bullet and fight.

"Do you want one-on-one or two-on-one?" Facing the two of them, Qi Hong looked relaxed.

The two dare not trust such an opponent, not to mention that if they win by luck and kill the leader of this gang, the morale of that gang will definitely drop, and they will take advantage of this to escape from this place.

Thinking about it this way, the two of them didn't need any words, and after exchanging glances, they killed Qi Hong together.

Seeing the two men killing him, one left and one right, Qi Hong chuckled, kicked his right foot back, and rushed over as well.His speed was obviously much faster than the two of them, and when they saw it clearly, he had already arrived in front of Chen Feifan.

With such a close distance, it was too late to wait for Chu Zihan's response, which had to force Chen Feifei to temporarily change his moves, from stabbing to slashing, but Qi Hong just moved the Phantom Spirit Sword with his claws. , forcing Chen Feifei to be defenseless.If this blow came down, it would definitely be heartbreaking. Although the poison hadn't healed yet, at this critical moment, he could only use sword energy.

Just when Chen Feifei was about to use the sword energy, Chu Zihan had already killed him, and the Zibing sword in her hand was sweeping towards Qi Hong's back at this moment. She saw that Chen Feifan was in danger, so she gave up her plan to pinch back and forth. In order to make a plan, he immediately rushed over to make a rescue from the side.

Although Qi Hong didn't have eyes behind his back, as a master, he had long been able to see all directions and listen to all directions. He knew that the sword wind was coming from behind, and he immediately retracted his claws. At the same time, he jumped up with both feet, and then came in mid-air A backflip, and finally landed firmly.

At this moment, the two of them were four or five steps away from him. They had just fought against each other, and they were a little discouraged. Qi Hong gave them an unfathomable feeling.

Fighting against such a master, if you don't use sword energy, there is no chance of winning at all. Chen Feifei knows this, but the poison in his body makes him not want to use sword energy immediately.It was precisely because of this thought that he almost died.

As soon as he landed, Qi Hong was the first to kill him, and his target was still Chen Feifei.

With a distance of four or five steps, and in the blink of an eye, the blood-red claws had already arrived in front of him. He quickly raised his hand to block the Phantom Spirit Sword in front of him, but Qi Hong seemed to have seen Chen Feifei's intentions long ago. At the same time, it descended down to probe his lower abdomen.

Although Chen Feifei hadn't expected such a change of move, he could barely cope with it. He quickly formed a palm with his left hand and pushed it out with one palm.

The wind of the palm just made Xue Claw pause slightly. At the critical moment, Chen Feifei didn't panic.

Qi Hong's bloody claws also retracted very quickly, not giving Chen Feifei any chance to touch him, and his left hand was not idle, taking advantage of the opponent's left and right hands below, he slapped Chen Feifan's right chest with his palm.

With this palm, the force was so strong that Chen Feifei felt a tightness in his right chest, and he couldn't help but took a few steps back. He felt that he couldn't breathe, so he tried to take a few breaths, and finally he was out of breath. I got up, but the right chest still hurts hot.He tried to lift his right hand, but he was still able to move, but there was some pain, and the bones in his body should not be broken.

At this time, Chen Feifei raised his head and looked forward again, and saw that Chu Zihan was already standing where he was just now, blocking between him and Qi Hong.

This time Chu Zihan knew how terrible Qi Hong was, as soon as she fought, there was a burst of purple freezing air on the purple ice sword, but before she had time to be happy, she saw the blood claw on Qi Hong's right hand flashing red, and she took the initiative to meet Qi Hong. Apply that sword qi, and with a pinch, the purple freezing qi is smashed into pieces.

Unexpectedly, Chu Zihan's purple frozen air was so vulnerable in front of Qi Hong, Chu Zihan hurriedly jumped back and stood side by side with Chen Feifan.Both of them were full of astonishment, even the sword energy couldn't help him, how strong is this blood wolf gang leader!

"As expected of being the leader of the Blood Wolf Gang, the title of Blood Wolf King is indeed well-deserved." Chu Zihan said to Chen Feifei, "Be careful of his blood-drinking claws and ghost steps."

With such a terrifying opponent on the opposite side, the two must fight together.That palm from Qi Hong just now really hurt Chen Feifei, and there was still a burst of pain when he raised his hand, but at the moment he could only bear the pain, because he knew that Chu Zihan alone would not be able to deal with Qi Hong.

"Hmph!" Qi Hong sneered, "As expected of Chu Bingye's daughter, she knows quite a lot."

"Where is Jia Yanjia?" Chu Zihan asked coldly.

Qi Hong didn't want to answer this question, so he waved his hands and said, "Come on, you two go up together, beat me, and I'll tell you again."

The two knew that the other party would not tell them so easily, so they kicked hard, and the two of them attacked Qi Hong at the same time, one left and one right.But even so, Qi Hong still attacked Chen Feifan's side, as if he didn't pay attention to Chu Zihan at all.

Chen Feifei's speed was very fast, but Qi Hong's speed was even faster, and his footwork was weird. He was originally on Chen Feifan's right side, but in the blink of an eye, he appeared on his left side.

The blood claw in front of him was as fast as lightning, and Chen Feifan didn't have time to block it. He only felt that his left waist was being torn violently. At this time, he could only thrust forward with his sword and slap forward with his left palm. , Come to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

Qi Hong's feet moved together, and he stepped back quickly. The sword and palm in front of him could not touch him. He was holding a small piece of meat with cloth and skin in his hand. It was the meat from Chen Feifei's waist, and he threw it on On the ground, he turned sideways to block Chu Zihan's Zibing sword.

A piece of flesh was torn off abruptly. Although it was only a small piece, Chen Feifei gritted his teeth in pain. A little sweat broke out on his forehead. He hurriedly tore off the torn clothes again. Some cloth strips were wrapped around the waist wound.

Chen Feifei was bandaging the wound over there, while Chu Zihan had already started to attack Qi Hong with all his strength, only one step away, the Zibing sword stabbed at Qi Hong's right shoulder, Qi Hong just raised his hand, but unexpectedly the long sword passed by An arc pierced straight into his lower abdomen. This kind of tactic of pointing east and west, with fast speed and many changes is the basic sword technique of Lengye Mountain Villa: ten-step sword.

It is said that although the ten-step sword is the basic sword technique of Lengye Mountain Villa, everyone can learn it, but the ten-step sword is also a powerful sword technique.As long as the two are within ten steps apart, that is when it exerts its greatest power, the so-called sword technique that can kill the enemy within ten steps.

However, Qi Hong was too strong, he stepped back lightly and shifted again, the blood claw on his right hand grabbed forward, and easily grabbed Chu Zihan's Zibing sword, completely defusing her attack.Chu Zihan's sword is fast, but Qi Hong's is even faster. With the ghost step and the blood claw, the ten-step sword can't do anything against him.

It took only two breaths between the two of them, and Qi Hong didn't intend to hurt her at all. With the grabbing and sending, Chu Zihan was pushed several steps away with his sword.

Chu Zihan did not continue to attack, but came to Chen Feifan's side. Seeing a smear of red around his waist, he knew that he was injured, so he quickly asked softly: "Fan Feifan, how is the injury?"

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury." Only Chen Feifei knew about the pain. The injuries on his left waist and right chest were indeed affected a lot, but he didn't want to talk about it.

"Is this the top ten of the heroic conference?" Qi Hong said with a look of disdain.

Both chose to remain silent. Although they hadn't tried their best yet, the opponent was too strong and had no hope of winning at all. This point of self-knowledge was still there. What they had to consider at this moment was how to escape.

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