Fate is immortal

Chapter 113 Sword Embryo

With the lessons learned by Zhao Yidao and Yu Yanluo, A Yuan didn't dare to reach out to touch it rashly.But although he hesitated, the ancient sword in his hand seemed to be a hundred times more impatient than him.

The closer he got to the phantom sword, the more restless Gu Jian became.Trembling violently and screaming sharply, the ancient sword was like a wild horse in heat, as if it would run away as soon as A Yuan let go.

At that moment, A Yuan finally felt the "state of mind" transmitted from the ancient sword.

It was an ordinary and ugly sword embryo, waiting and longing for thousands of years - I would rather lose my spiritual energy, even if my body was smashed to pieces, but also break the white halo and touch the lofty and incomparably gorgeous phantom sword.

The violent aura fluctuations on the ancient sword seemed to be silently urging A Yuan.A Yuan took a long breath and finally made up his mind.While secretly using the method of "iron arms and bronze body" to defend himself, he slowly transferred traces of golden essence to the ancient sword in his hand.The ancient sword was assisted by the master's true energy, and a dazzling cyan light suddenly lit up on the cold blade, competing with the phantom sword.

Last time, it was the ancient sword that had been hidden for a long time and A Yuan's state of mind, which broke out in a desperate situation.But this time, it was A Yuan who responded to Gu Jian's determination, lifted it high above the top with the momentum of breaking the boat, and poured out his whole body's true energy, just to fight for Gu Jian.

This move pierced the sky, pouring out the ancient sword's thousands of years of waiting and longing. The spiritual energy poured out like an overwhelming mountain, and the sword light streaked across the night sky like a comet. dizzy.

Not only did the white halo not fight back, but it was like a dragonfly touching water, causing countless ripples on the ever-changing Huaguang.The phantom sword is like a reflection in the water, and with the rippling light, it turns into afterimages of floating light, like meteors hitting the cold jade-like blade.

The trembling ancient sword flickered with green light, its long cry was like a song, and the afterimages transformed by the phantom sword were absorbed like a long whale absorbing water.The two blend in harmony and spontaneously merge into one.

A Yuan only felt a stream of heat coming from his hand, the ancient sword suddenly trembled sharply, emitted bursts of clear sounds, and shot out thousands of rays of light, which reflected the entire underground cave in a mottled and colorful manner.

The rays of light are as gorgeous as fireworks, but they are as short-lived as fireworks, and they are dimmed in a blink of an eye, disappearing without a trace.The green awn on the cold blade then disappeared, and the sword energy also dissipated, even the original brilliance disappeared.

With the dizzying changes, the message from Gu Jian also shocked A Yuan's heart.He is connected with the ancient sword's true energy, so he can naturally feel that the ancient sword is overwhelmed, and the spiritual energy accumulated for thousands of years pours out instantly. Scattered, and completely lost spirituality, without any fluctuations.

A Yuan dazedly caressed the ancient sword in his hand that had lost its radiance. Although it was still cold and sharp, he could no longer feel the existence of aura, nor even the slightest bit of spirituality. Even the strange material like corundum seemed to have a little Change, no longer crystal clear, but dull.

The sword embryo that was connected to his state of mind at that moment just now drained the spiritual energy accumulated for thousands of years, and after merging with the brilliance and agility of the phantom sword, it turned into a piece of ordinary iron.

"What, what's going on...?" A Yuan hadn't finished his sentence when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his back, which made him stagger a step forward.He instinctively dodged sideways, and a cold steel knife cut close to his ear and was slashing on his left arm.

Ah Yuan's shoulder hurt, and the torch fell to the ground immediately. He hurriedly fell to the side, and with the flickering light of the fire, he saw clearly that it was Zhao Yidao who was sneaking up on him from behind.

"Be careful!" Yu Yanluo yelled coquettishly before shouting, which shows that Zhao Yidao's sword skills are fast.Although Zhao Yidao's eyes were half-blinded by the strong light, his hearing was still strong, and he had rich experience in fighting in the rivers and lakes. He could also listen to the wind to distinguish his position in the dark, and he rushed straight at A Yuan.

A Yuan was stabbed twice again in a panic. Although it was not a serious injury, blood flowed out, and the pain penetrated into the marrow of the bone.If it hadn't been for the "iron arm and bronze body" that was fully used when he took the sword just now, the first knife would be enough to stab him from behind.If so, he was cut several times in a row, and the golden phase of his body protection couldn't support it, and the wounds became deeper and deeper.

It was the first time in Ah Yuan's life that he was attacked and chased by someone, so he was naturally in a hurry.It was pitch black again, and he had no strength to fight back at all, so he could only dodge and dodge desperately.Fortunately, his leg was not injured, and he subconsciously used Xuanyuan's third pose to dodge left and right, and only then escaped from Zhao Yidao's knife again and again.

Yu Yanluo on the side was extremely anxious. Although she expected that Zhao Yidao would turn his face, she did not expect that the prostitute was so miserable that he was killed so completely that he was powerless to fight back.She hurriedly opened her bag and took out a crescent-shaped glazed lamp.With a snap of fingers, the glazed lamp lights up and floats up, like a rising crescent moon.

Although the glazed lamp is not big, it is extremely bright, instantly illuminating the stone room as bright as day.A Yuan's spirit was lifted, seeing Zhao Yidao slashing at him, he stood upright and moved forward with the ancient sword in his hand.Hearing a crisp sound of clang, Zhao Yidao's heavy steel knife immediately snapped into two pieces.

A Yuan suddenly became courageous, and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue and cut down with his sword, when suddenly he heard two bowstring sounds, his arm hurt, and the ancient sword dropped to the ground.Then there was another pain in the leg, and a feathered arrow pierced deeply into the flesh.

Zhao Yidao reacted very quickly, kicked A Yuan on the chest, kicked him flying, leaned over to pick up the ancient sword on the ground, and shouted: "Good boy! Shoot this kid to death! baby just..."

In the darkness, with the sound of the bowstring, a feathered arrow flew straight towards Zhao Yidao's back, piercing through his chest in an instant, blood flowing like a waterfall.

"Yan Xiaoqi, you..." Zhao Yidao's face was full of disbelief and viciousness, and with a "whoosh", another feathered arrow flew towards him mercilessly, piercing his throat, sealing his last words forever. went back.

Without the slightest sound of footsteps, Yan Xiaoqi quietly walked to Zhao Yidao's body, bent down, picked up the dim ancient sword from the ground, and said in a deep voice, "Zhao Yidao, do you know that my last What I hate is that you yell all day and treat me like a slave. Let me tell you, I, Yan Qi, are better than you in everything..."

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