Fate is immortal

Chapter 112 Phantom Sword

A Yuan was also looking at the stone cave in front of him. Several landslides separated the empty space like pillars, forming several small stone chambers at the corners.But the stone chambers were also empty, and A Yuan searched carefully one by one, but in the end he found nothing.

Standing blankly in a stone room at the deepest part of the hall, A Yuanzheng was a little disheartened, the ancient sword in his hand suddenly shook, a stream of water-like brilliance lit up, humming endlessly.

A Yuan caressed the blade of the ancient sword lightly. In the past, the spiritual energy on the blade was just like a touch of water, but now it is as rough as a river at high tide.

In fact, ever since he entered the cave, A Yuan noticed that the aura on the ancient sword was agitated a lot, like a hungry beast finally found its prey.At this time, the ancient sword trembled and shrieked, as if it had finally stretched out its minions and locked on the target—it was the stone wall at the end of the stone chamber in front of it.

A Yuan quickly went over and knocked a few times, his voice was solid, it didn't look like there was a partition.But the increasingly violent aura fluctuations on the ancient sword showed that the source of its restlessness was at the other end of the stone wall.

A Yuanzheng didn't know what to do, and suddenly heard a scolding voice from behind: "Get up!"

Looking back, it was the pickled radish little sister, holding a pair of iron drill-like things against the stone wall with both hands, and I didn't know what mechanism was pressed, the thing buzzed and turned, making a toothache and tinnitus noise. Drill a big hole in the stone wall.

There was a rumbling sound on the stone wall, and sparks splashed in all directions. Only then did Ah Yuan realize that the light in the eyes of the pickled radish sister was not inferior to Zhao Yidao at all...

Zhao Yidao was not idle either, he leaned over with red eyes, swung his broadsword and slammed the back of the sword on the stone wall.The rock formation that had been drilled by Yu Yanluo collapsed little by little under the knocking, and scattered down.

The two companions were so devoted, and A Yuan couldn't help being infected.We are also experts in digging walls and digging holes!A Yuan hurriedly took out Yansi's fine steel glove and put it on his right hand, turned out the hidden drill bit, exercised his feet to strengthen his bones, and punched the stone wall with a powerful fist.

Now with the guidance of Hu Bugui Duqi, the strength and control of Ah Yuan's bone-forging true energy are much stronger than when he was in the dungeon of Wangyun Villa. With this punch, half of his forearm was fully sunk, and when he rotated again, the stone wall suddenly The ground fell apart, digging a big hole.

Yu Yanluo glanced at A Yuan with a little surprise, and seemed to be somewhat interested in his stainless steel gloves, but he didn't have time to ask more, and still hugged the guy and buried himself in the drill.

The three of them didn't talk to each other, and they all worked hard like a competition, and they made rapid progress.About an hour later, with a loud bang, the thick stone wall was finally completely pierced.

Facing the earth and rocks splashed like hail, Zhao Yidao was the first to dive in, and Yu Yanluo was not slow, following closely behind.A Yuan was half a beat behind at the critical moment and became the last one.

Sure enough, there is a stone room hidden behind the stone wall. In the middle, there is only a white jade table, with a milky white halo on it, like a dream, like a dream, pouring the brilliance like water softly, like a veil of mist, very light The spirit is ethereal.

But the thing in the center of the halo is like a beautiful woman under the curtain, and only a shadow can be vaguely seen from a distance.

"This, is this the treasure of the Xian family?" A Yuan trembled all over, and was about to step forward to take a closer look, when he heard Zhao Yidao laugh wildly, and rushed forward.

Zhao Yidao didn't even see what was in the halo, so he couldn't wait to reach out to grab it.But just as his hand touched the edge of the white halo, there was a loud bang, and the halo suddenly shot out an incomparably dazzling white light.Zhao Yidao wailed, covered his eyes and rolled to the ground.

A Yuan and Yu Yanluo, who was about to step forward, were also dizzy by the sudden white light, and their eyes were full of gold stars.After a while, the dazzling white light gradually dimmed and turned back to a soft, watery halo.

A Yuan shielded his eyes with both hands, and looked carefully through the gap between his fingers. Hidden in the milky white halo was a five-foot long sword that was radiant and colorful, quietly floating in mid-air, constantly changing its brilliance. .

"This, this is—the phantom sword!" Yu Yanluo exclaimed, almost jumping up in surprise.

A Yuan was taken aback, and quickly took a closer look.It turns out that the long sword is not a real entity, but a mass of colorful lights and shadows, flowing with seven colors of black, white, gold, red, green, yellow and green, changing endlessly.Sometimes the seven colors complement each other, like a rainbow, and sometimes they are purely the same color, changing alternately.

The overflowing brilliance is gorgeous and dignified, just like the substance.And as the light and shadow interweave and the color changes, the shape and "texture" of the phantom sword condensed by Guanghua seems to be changing.Sometimes it looks like a blue smoke, which is entwined with thousands of strands of blue silk, dancing with the wind; sometimes it solidifies like a black ice that will not melt for a thousand years, crystal clear; the void.

The brilliant brilliance and the changing sword shadow seemed to possess endless magic power, which instantly took away A Yuan's three souls and seven souls.He stood there blankly, staring at the ever-changing phantom sword, as if he was afraid that he would shatter this magnificent and mysterious phantom if he stretched out his hand.

However, not everyone is as infatuated and calm as Yuan Daxia. After Yu Yanluo exclaimed, he quickly calmed down. Suppressing the shock and ecstasy in his heart, he took out a blue talisman from his bosom and stuck it on his palm, and stretched out his hand cautiously Probe to the phantom sword.

As soon as the green onion-like hand came into contact with the milky white halo, a burst of white light was immediately aroused. Although it was not as dazzling as last time, it instantly burned the green talisman to ashes.Yu Yanluo's palms were burning with pain, he babbled, and kept jumping on his toes.

Zhao Yidao also got up, although his eyes were red and swollen, and tears flowed, he staggered like a blind man and fumbled in the direction of the phantom sword.

Only then did Ah Yuan realize that the phantom sword in front of him was not just a beautiful phantom, but also a fairy treasure that everyone wanted.I have gone through so many difficulties and obstacles along the way, and now my baby is in front of me...

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