Fate is immortal

Chapter 114 Yan 7

Yan Qi suddenly appeared, but shot and killed Zhao Yidao with an arrow. A Yuan was in a turmoil, and couldn't help worrying whether Hu Bugui had been murdered.

But right now he was in danger, even though the arrow in his leg was pulled out, the wound was excruciatingly painful, let alone running, it was difficult for him to even stand up, he became a living target.Even with iron arms and copper body protection, how many more arrows can he take?

At this time, Yu Yanluo quietly ran to A Yuan's side, stuck a red talisman on his chest, and said softly: "Fast luck and true energy activate this talisman."

Although A Yuan had suffered a lot, he didn't want to think about it at the moment, and hurriedly mobilized his dantian's true energy to break through the tanzhong, breaking through the restriction on the Taoist talisman.The red talisman suddenly lit up, and then turned into flying ash, Ah Yuan felt his whole body tighten, the pain in several wounds on his body disappeared immediately, and the bleeding stopped immediately, as if most of them had healed in a blink of an eye.

Yu Yanluo quickly took out another paper umbrella, one umbrella, and covered the two of them inside.

A Yuan was dumbfounded, wondering if the red-dressed thief had been taken aback, when she twisted the handle of the umbrella, a row of golden talismans immediately lit up on the umbrella, converging into a stream of golden light.Yu Yanluo didn't stop for a moment, and stuck a few spells on the umbrella, the golden streamer suddenly became brighter, like a shiny steel shield.

Yan Qi reluctantly moved his eyes away from the ancient sword, and then glanced at the open golden umbrella, a charming smile suddenly appeared on his handsome and stern face.He silently put away the ancient sword, pulled out a golden arrow from behind, rubbed his thumb on the tip of the arrow, and the arrow suddenly lit up with golden light.

Yan Qi took a deep breath and slowly drew the bow fully. With a flick of the bowstring, there was a piercing scream in the silent stone room, and the golden arrow shot across the ribs in the center of the paper umbrella like a shooting star.

With the sound of gold and iron colliding, the umbrella bone was pierced straight through like tofu and shattered into countless pieces, and the shield woven with golden streamer also fell apart.Yu Yanluo screamed, quickly let go of the handle of the umbrella and bent down, the golden arrow continued to strike the stone wall behind her, so deep that it was featherless.

A Yuan's heart that had just been let go suddenly came to his throat again. Yan Qi's arrow was obviously also infused with the true energy of gold. In terms of power, it is not inferior to Guo Banshan's sword light. His "iron arm and copper body" is undoubtedly in front of this golden arrow. Just like paper.And Yu Yanluo was even more startled, jumping up, and shouted: "The Ming Dy arrow method?"

Yan Qi was slightly surprised, smiled slightly and said, "I didn't expect you, a thief, to be quite knowledgeable."

Yu Yanluo suddenly took a step forward, took out something from his bosom, showed it in front of Yan Qi's eyes, and said loudly: "Since you are a descendant of Lord Yan, you should know this thing. After a long drought, you think about rain, when the smoke disperses and the clouds come out, the blue sky Tears, drops of water turn into rain..."

It was half a jade gui, made of sapphire, with a pointed head and a flat end, two ancient seals were faintly engraved in the center, with double hooked string patterns on both sides, but it was broken from the middle, leaving only half a piece.

Yan Qi glanced at it, his expression didn't change a bit, and the curse-like prophecy didn't move him at all.

"I don't know what this is, nor is it a descendant of Duke Yan, I'm just me, Yan Qi..."

Saying that, Yan Qi with a cruel smile drew out another golden arrow and put it on the string.

Yu Yanluo's complexion changed drastically, but it was not because of fear, but because of unbelievable anger—"You, you, as an old citizen of Yu Country, after the Duke of Yan, you even forgot your ancestors and used Jin Mingdi to point at the same people in the old country, don't be afraid Will the heroic souls of the ancestors not let you go?!"

"Hmph, the Yu Country has been dead for almost 100 years, so how can there be any old people from the Rain Country? I only live for myself..." Yan Qi slowly pulled the bowstring, and a little golden light shone on the arrow tip again. rise.

Where the arrow pointed, Yu Yanluo and A Yuan finally showed terrified expressions. They both pointed behind Yan Qi and shouted: "Behind, behind! Zhao, Zhao..."

"Zhao Yidao?" Yan Qi sneered, "This kind of old-fashioned trick is too shameless in front of me—ah——"

Before Yan Qi could finish her sentence, it turned into a scream.Behind him, Zhao Yidao, who was already completely dead, "lived" again, biting his neck.

Yan Qi pulled out the dagger and stabbed it back desperately, hitting Zhao Yidao in the chest.But Zhao Yidao didn't even hum, instead he grabbed Yan Qi's arm, rushed up and threw Yan Qi to the ground, and gnawed fiercely.

After a shrill scream, Yan Qi, who was still high-spirited just now, struggled a few times, then became motionless.

"Zhao Yidao" got up slowly, looked around with blank eyes, and walked towards the two of A Yuan step by step.

"Zombie, zombie..." Witnessing this horrifying scene with his own eyes, A Yuan turned pale with fright and was at a loss for what to do.

Yu Yanluo snorted, but calmly patted another golden talisman on his chest, angrily scolded: "What's so scary about zombies? It's easier to deal with than that wolf-hearted bastard. Thanks to you, you know a few magic tricks, Zombies move slowly, no better than masters of the rivers and lakes. As long as we are not afraid or careless, we will not be afraid of ten."

It's a pity that the world is impermanent, but now she and the "shameless adulterer" have become "us".

A Yuan drew the gourd in the same way to activate the golden talisman, he felt calm, and the zombie in front of him suddenly became less scary.At the same time, a golden aura spread throughout the body, somewhat similar to the golden armor woven with iron arms and copper body. Perhaps the golden talisman has the effect of calming the mind and protecting the body.

"Little pervert, look out!" Yu Yanluo glared at A Yuan, took out a small machine crossbow, aimed it at Zhao Yidao who was coming, and took out a golden magic talisman to put on the crossbow bolt.

As soon as the trigger was pulled, the crossbow bolt was nailed to Zhao Yidao's heart with a whoosh.Zhao Yidao twitched and fell to the ground, never moving again.

"Did you see it?" Yu Yanluo asked proudly, tilting his nose up triumphantly.

A Yuan was overjoyed, he didn't expect that the red-dressed thief not only had a good temper and loves to bite people, but also had the ability to exorcise evil spirits and subdue demons. He was about to praise him when he heard a voice echoing in the empty stone room.

"Not bad, really good..."

A Yuan and Yu Yanluo were taken aback, and hurriedly followed the prestige, only to see Yan Qi, who was lying motionless on the ground, slowly sat up, and murmured: "If it weren't for you, I don't know how long I would be stuck here. It seems that I am destined not to be annihilated here with hatred..."

Yu Yanluo quickly raised the crossbow and aimed at him, and asked in surprise, "You, you're not dead?..."

Yan Qi turned her head, her gray eyes were full of evil, she was completely different from Fang Cai, only the smile at the corner of her mouth was still charming, "Yes, I'm not dead. The feeling of not dying is worse than dying... ..."

"You, who are you?" Yu Yanluo asked tremblingly.

"Me?" Yan Qi smiled slightly, "It's ridiculous, you broke into my final resting place, but instead asked who I am..."

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