Fate is immortal

Chapter 111 Shimen

A shrill scream echoed above his head, and A Yuan was driven by fear enough to overwhelm his mind, running like a rabbit cornered by a hunter.Stepping on the uneven, wet and slippery stone steps, he staggered down an unknown number of steps, and finally slipped and rolled down like a rubber ball.

At the critical moment, A Yuan hurriedly forged his true qi to forge his bones, relying on Hu Buguidu's true qi to protect him and displayed his "iron arm and copper body", and finally managed to keep his bones from falling apart in a series of bumps and bumps.

Accompanied by a muffled "boom", A Yuan finally fell on a flat ground. Although he couldn't see his fingers, it was obviously not on the stone steps.

A Yuan fumbled to take out the fire folder, and was about to light it up to see what happened.Suddenly there was a sound from above, something in the darkness came with the sound of the wind, crashing into his arms with a bang.

A Yuan, who managed to sit up with great difficulty, was suddenly thrown to the ground again, only to feel that his eyes were full of stars, and every bone in his body was aching.

With a soft sound, A Yuan lit up the fire and saw that lying in his arms was indeed his enemy—little sister "Pickled Carrot".

The girl in red was so frightened that her face turned pale, but there was a hint of shy rosiness. She tried her best to stand up, but her whole body was sore and weak, so she had to grit her teeth and say, "Put me down quickly!"

A Yuan was thinking that she was being pressed hard, so he immediately pushed her hard.The girl fell to the ground with a thud, and after a soft moan, there was a muffled sound of a fist hitting the ground. In the darkness, she didn't know the expression on that pretty face.

A Yuan stood up, lit the spare torch, looked around, and found that they had indeed walked out of the nightmare-like spiral stone steps.Here is an empty stone cave, except for the stone steps above the head, there is a stone door faintly visible in the distance.

"It's strange, how did we get out of the maze?" A Yuan didn't know that there was a gaze behind him that was about to kill him, so he asked suspiciously.

In the darkness, there was only a slight sound, like a beast grinding its teeth.

"You should say something..." After a long time without a response from the girl, A Yuan turned his head suspiciously, only to see her clenching her teeth, her face flushed, her whole body curled into a ball, trembling slightly.

"Sister pickled radish, are you okay?" A Yuan was taken aback, and quickly reached out to touch her head.

This "little sister pickled radish" became the last straw.The trembling girl threw A Yuan heavily to the ground like a mad lioness, and cursed incoherently while biting and scratching: "You shameless bastard! Bastard! Without you, I will be unlucky every day! I can’t raise my true spirit, I can only be bullied by those bastards, and I am trapped in this ghost place, you, you, I will fight with you!..."

A woman is desperate, and ten thousand husbands are invincible.A Yuankong has a unique skill, but he was so crushed that he couldn't breathe, so he could only wave his hands repeatedly, begging for mercy.

At this moment, the sound of heavy and slow footsteps suddenly came from the stone steps, and A Yuan and Yu Yanluo who were fighting were frozen like stone statues.The joy of escaping just now made them forget the horrifying scene on the stone steps for a moment.At this moment, fear gripped my heart again.

A Yuan gently pushed away the girl on his body, picked up the ancient sword on the ground, and boldly shouted: "What, who is it?"

The man didn't answer, but slowly appeared in his field of vision.

"Zhao, the head of the Zhao family?" A Yuan seemed to see a relative, and was about to step forward, but suddenly the corners of his eyes twitched, and he stopped abruptly.Zhao Yidao's face was as pale as a dead man's, and the steel knife in his hand was covered with blood, dripping drop by drop on the stone steps.

"Zhao, Mr. Zhao is in charge, are you okay? Above..."

"They were all killed by me." Zhao Yidao's cold voice was trembling uncontrollably, "The third child, the fourth child, no matter whether they are human or ghosts, they were all killed by me."

A Yuan's heart trembled. He could understand if the fourth child didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost, but how could the third child...

Zhao Yidao seemed to know what he was thinking, and seemed to be talking to himself, "The third child was bitten by the fourth child, and he died immediately. However, he got up again in a blink of an eye, just like the fourth child. Pounce on me..."

The distraught Zhao Yidao staggered down the stone steps and looked around blankly.When his eyes fell on the stone gate in the distance, his dim eyes suddenly burst into a beast-like light.

Zhao Yidao rushed over in a few steps, patted the heavy stone door, gritted his teeth suddenly, and pushed hard.

There was a low, piercing noise, like the claws of a wild animal scratching the skull.The stone door slowly moved away, and the black hole looked like a huge mouth that devoured people...

"I found it, I found it!" Zhao Yidao, who was already out of his mind, rushed in with a big laugh.

A Yuan stared blankly at the half-opened stone door. After experiencing a series of horrors, even if the treasure of the fairy family was right in front of him, he might hesitate for a while.

As expected, there are strange and evil spirits hidden everywhere in this ancient tomb, and A Yuan was worried that Hu would not return, so he didn't know whether to advance or retreat.The red makeup thief Yu Yanluo ran to the stone gate in a few steps, and got in without looking back.

Hero Yuan was left alone, and when he thought of the strange maze and the horrifying corpses on the stone steps, he suddenly became short of breath, so he had to hold up the torch and followed Yu Yanluo into the stone gate.

Passing through the stone gate is an empty stone cave. I don't know whether it was formed naturally or excavated by manpower. After tens of millions of years, it has long been unclear.

There is thick rock and soil on the ground, surrounded by concave and convex rock walls. Although several landslides have blocked the line of sight, under the light of the torches, one can see that the entire cave is empty, except for scattered gravel and broken walls. , there is not a single thing of brilliance and mystery.

Perhaps this ancient tomb was searched, and the search was very thorough.Or maybe there is nothing here, and as far as the eye can see, there is nothing that can be called a harvest.

So many brothers died in exchange for such a result, Zhao Yidao became more and more insane, he looked around with a torch like a headless chicken, chattering endlessly, and from time to time let out howls that did not resemble human voices... …

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