Fate is immortal

Chapter 110 Fright

A group of people knocked and chopped on the narrow stone steps, as if trying to dig another tunnel.But even though they scratched the stone steps and the two walls full of holes, they still didn't find any "holes", and the nightmare-like spiral stone steps still couldn't find the end.

The sound of hitting the stone wall became weaker and weaker, and the stone steps gradually became quiet, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing.

After a long time, it was A Yuan who broke the silence and vomited out the doubts in his heart: "I said——if we are divided into two groups, one group goes up and the other goes down, what will happen?"

"Well, it's hard to say..." Hu Bugui pondered, "Maybe we will meet each other, maybe we will get lost and never meet each other again, but we may also find a flaw in the formation and break out..."

"Then, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and give it a try!"

Yu Yanluo glanced at A Yuan, and said with great disdain: "I don't think this maze is as simple as someone's brain, if we separate rashly, there probably won't be any good results."

A Yuan raised his neck and said, "Who said someone should try it? Aren't there live hares and sparrows? Let them out and have a look, maybe they can find a way."

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately, they were flustered just now, and they didn't expect this. After A Yuan's reminder, Wushan Lao San quickly opened the hunting bag and released all the sparrows and hares.

As soon as the sparrow was free, it flapped its wings and flew away to the top of the steps, while the hares fled downward one after another.Everyone pricked up their ears, but only heard the small voice gradually fade away, and there was no more words.

Everyone waited anxiously for a long time, but there was no more sound.Those sparrows and hares are all gone forever, and I don't know if they escaped from the sky or have died.

"Third brother, you are too reckless. Why did you release them all at once? You should keep two!" Zhao Yidao complained, frowning.The third child was the most flustered among the crowd, so he could only lower his head at this moment, without saying a word.

But Yu Yanluo looked at A Yuan provocatively, snorted and said: "Look, this is the end of the division of troops into two groups."

A Yuan gritted his teeth, wishing to catch those silly birds back and ask them if they flew out.Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, clapped his hands and said: "We use a long rope to pull each other, won't we not get lost?"

Yu Yanluo smiled and said: "Are you an idiot? Where can I find such a long rope?" After finishing speaking, she was taken aback for a moment, and murmured: "Yes, there is snake skin..."

Brother Wushan peeled off the skin of the two big snakes except for the piece on the forehead of the Xueyuhan snake.If they were cut into thin strips a few inches wide, twisted into ropes and then connected together, let alone a hundred stone stairs, even a thousand steps would be more than enough.Everyone was in a hurry to go to the doctor, and finally found a way, no matter how sure they were, it was better than nothing, and they immediately got busy.

The snow jade cold snake skin is so precious, it would be too wasteful to rub the rope with it, the black snake skin is enough.Everyone worked together, and in less than an hour, a long snakeskin rope was twisted out. It was soft, light and extremely tough, and it would be difficult to tear it without using a sword.

Hu Bugui finally smoked the last pot of cigarettes on his body, clapped his hands and said: "I can only try. I, A Yuan, Yu Yanluo and I are going down, and brothers from Wushan, you are going up, how about it?"

In terms of the relationship between six people, such a division is only natural.But Zhao Yidao said in a deep voice: "This labyrinth is so weird, you must be fully prepared. Among us, Brother Hu and Brother A Yuan are naturally the most powerful, but Brother A Yuan is still young and lacks experience in the world. How about this, brother A Yuan, me, the fourth child and Yu Yanluo go up, brother Hu and the seventh brother go down, I wonder what brother Hu wants?"

This division is quite subtle, Yuyan Luo Zhao Yidao must be brought with him, and A Yuan, a simple-minded "young immortal cultivator", is also a good windshield.As for why the third child was brought along but the seventh child was pushed out, only Zhao Yidao knew.

Hu Bugui thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Just follow Zhao's orders." He glanced at Wushan Lao Qi, who had twinkling eyes, grabbed the rope and walked down.

The four on A Yuan's side also naturally divided into two groups, the youngest followed closely behind the eldest, and Yu Yanluo clung to A Yuan's side with a bit of reluctance.The four carefully straightened the rope and slowly climbed up the steps.

Walking these dozens of steps was several times slower than before. Almost every step, people from both sides shouted a few times and communicated with each other.On this dark and strange spiral stone steps, sound is obviously a more reliable link than ropes.

Counting to No.40, Hu Bugui suddenly shouted from below: "It's weird..."

Just as the four of A Yuan showed joy, Hu Bugui's voice stopped abruptly. No matter how hard they pricked up their ears to listen, there was no more sound.The four shouted desperately, but neither Hu Bugui nor Lao Qi responded.

A Yuan panicked and lost his mind, and asked anxiously: "He, are they in danger? Let's go down?"

Zhao Yidao waved his hands again and again, signaling him to keep quiet.A Yuan calmed down and listened carefully, his heart suddenly jumped.It turned out that there was a sound of footsteps from above the steps.

The sound of slow and heavy footsteps was like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's hearts one after another.A Yuan's heart was beating wildly, and he asked tremblingly, "Hu, Brother Hu, is that you?"

There was no response, the sound of footsteps was close to my ears, but suddenly stopped.Zhao Yidao gritted his teeth and gestured to the third child. The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, boldly stepped up two steps, holding up the fire...


With a scream, the torch fell to the ground, and under the flickering light of the fire, a ghostly figure rushed towards him.That pale and bloated face was none other than Wu Shan's fourth child who had already passed away!

Yu Yanluo's shrill scream almost pierced A Yuan's eardrums, but before he recovered from the shock, his body moved spontaneously.The instinct that comes from the depths of the soul is naturally not the first move of Xuanyuan Sanshi, but the last move - run!

The last scene that remained in A Yuan's eyes was the fourth child in Wushan showing his white teeth, biting the third child who fell limply on the ground, and a shrill scream echoed on the stone steps for a long time...

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