Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 261 Closing

"Where did you come from? Where are you going back? Your hands are stretched too far." A grub dressed in a simple and seemingly ordinary body stood in front of the Shenfu, and the void behind him became distorted. Huo Ting The void a few meters in front of Shengsheng suddenly fractured, and the space broke, and the big hand from the Shenfu lost its target because of this.

"You dare to meddle in the affairs of our clan, are you tired of your life?" An angry voice came from within the Shenfu.

The grub stood here quietly, without any movement, the entire shrine suddenly began to collapse, and the passage of the shrine that connected from the domain of the gods was collapsed by a powerful force. Such a scene was too unimaginable.

In the Shenfu, the initial angry and forceful voice suddenly disappeared, followed by two horrified voices.

In Shenchuan, looking at the gradually collapsing Shenfu, the masters of several major forces began to panic, and the playful look on the face of the embarrassed angel froze instantly, and was replaced by a shock,

Countless people stared in horror at the figure that had no sense of existence. It appeared quietly, but at this moment it exuded unrivaled power.

"You bastard, die to me!" In the collapsed divine mansion, a giant hand broke through the void, wrapped in supreme divine power.

The grub casually raised his hand to respond, and the giant hand that hit him instantly shattered,

"How dare you make a mistake in the mere Lihun Realm, do you really think that there is no one in this world?" Grampus said in a deep voice, gently clenched his palms across the long river of void, and the sky burst into light in the Divine Palace, and then there were several screams.

"Queen King!!" There was a terrified roar from inside the Divine Mansion, and then it completely collapsed, the fairy mist receded, and the painstakingly connected passage was destroyed by grubs waving their hands.

Such astonishing power caused the inside and outside of Shenchuan to boil completely. Countless pairs of eyes stared at the ordinary body that had no sense of existence.

Shouts of astonishment came and went.

Huo Tingsheng turned his eyes to the embarrassed angel, and the corner of his mouth was filled with amusement again. At this moment, the face of the angel was once again full of panic, "If you are an enemy of our gods, you will definitely suffer God's punishment and never recover!" He screamed With a sound, he took out a golden talisman refined by a secret method, and activated the golden talisman with blood. In an instant, a powerful force of space reversed the space and swept across here.

"Want to run? Have you asked me for permission?" Huo Tingsheng's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and a black dragon sneaked in the space and attacked instantly.


At the moment when the golden talisman was about to open the space channel, the envoy was about to escape, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face, but at the next moment, a dragon claw tore through the space, and in an instant, the golden talisman that was activated And the hand of the envoy holding the golden talisman was torn together.

The envoy screamed blood in the sky, and his palm was cut off by the dragon's claws. He failed to escape, and the hope of life was cut off.

The black dragon swept its tail in the void, and the envoy's body was swept away and turned into blood mist.

"Dead! All the envoys were killed, the masters of several major forces were powerless to parry, and even the Divine Palace collapsed. What kind of monsters are this group of people?"

Outside Shenchuan, the masters from all domains were horrified. Shenchuan is the residence of the gods of the gods, and there is a shrine connecting the gods as a passage. Now the shrine collapsed and the gods were all beheaded.

"Today's Shenchuan is really about to be wiped out by Hanlinxuan!"

"I didn't expect that such a character was born in my Tianhe Starfield. The forces of Shenchuan almost wiped out all the forces of Tianhe Starfield. This kid actually wants to wash Shenchuan with blood!"

"It's terrible. Even the envoys of the gods were all beheaded. The terrifying existence in the shrine had its arm broken on the spot. The shrine that was built with great difficulty was also destroyed. What is behind the barren body today? Huge terrorist force, this is only a hundred years, from having nothing to looking down on the Milky Way Starfield, the growth rate of this guy is unimaginable!" You Tianjiao sighed, and once participated in the feast of stars with the barren body.

"In today's Hanlinxuan, there are probably no less than ten masters above Linxian, and there are even terrifying existences above Sanlijing. Even if the Tianhe Star Field is united today, it may not be possible Compete with a Hanlin Xuan!" Many former saints lamented that they were the pride of the same era as Huangti, but now Huangti has stepped into Linxian, but they are only at the peak of the emptiness, and there is still a distance from Linxian.

"In the past, he was just a small person who was deprived of his spiritual roots in the Three Sects. Who would have thought that this guy would become a person who would shake the entire Milky Way Star Region in the next few decades." Mo Mo Nian walked out of the void, looking at such a scene, he felt a lot of emotion. Once upon a time, he drove the barren body into the abyss of the gods to pick elixir. At that time, the former was just like an ant in his eyes, but now it has become something he can't look up to in his life. exist.

In less than a hundred years, the barren body was born out of nowhere, first destroying the Nine Sacred Nest, shaking the Southern Desolation, and now cleaning up the Tianhe River with bloodbath, how many people can compare with such a record after the ancient times?

"He has grown up completely. Not only does he have many powerful partners, but he also has the Yang family as his backer. You must know that on the day Nanhuang was washed in blood, some powerful members of the Yang family took action to protect Nanhuang, and in the There is a monument erected outside the Hanlin Xuan, but anyone who crosses the monument and is not good for the Hanlin will be the enemy of the Yang family!"

"Fortunately, we didn't fight against it, otherwise our fate is self-evident!"

"Fortunately, we didn't make a move just now, otherwise we would really be destroyed together with Shenchuan!" In the dark, Tianjiao secretly rejoiced that they were summoned by the divine envoy to defend against foreign enemies. Fortunately, they were a step late and did not step into Shenchuan.

The ancient Xinghe road continued to collapse, and Ye Tianxing evolved the laws of heaven in Invincible, mobilizing the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder, in order to counter Wei Lianqing's power of order.

Under the Nine Tribulations God Thunder, Wei Lianqing's scalp was numb, and he could also hook the Nine Tribulations God Thunder to kill, but there was a huge gap between his own physical body and the barren body. Under the Nine Tribulations God Thunder, obviously He had to suffer too much, and what made him even more unbelievable was that the other party was able to use the thunder power of the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder for his own use, which he couldn't do at all.

Ye Tianxing is a prehistoric body, and his fate supernatural power is to manipulate the power of thunder. His body has already been tempered to the extreme under the thunder. Even the Nine Tribulations God Thunder now has a certain degree of immunity. Cooperating with the control of the power of space by the blood of the Dragon Clan, Wei Lianqing suffered big losses one after another.

"As expected of a prehistoric body, the body of an extraordinary person can be compared!" Wei Lianqing chose to retreat, not daring to continue the fierce battle under the thunder of the Nine Tribulations God. His body could not last long, and the opponent would break through if he was not careful.

"No more fights, no more fights." Wei Lianqing fled away, sighing again and again, his body has not fully recovered, and he has been sealed away in the torrent of time for hundreds of years, if once unblocked, he will not be able to have such a peaceful life now ,

Moreover, he didn't feel that this life was the opportunity he was waiting for.

"Your companions have all been killed, don't you intend to avenge them?" Ye Tianxing said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, revenge?"

"This kind of waste is not qualified to be my companion. I am here today, but I have been entrusted by my family. With my current strength, I can't change the pattern of the Tianhe Starfield. With a quasi-immortal king, even if Those big families in the Divine Realm also have to weigh it carefully, especially at this critical juncture, no family will dispatch a master of the Immortal King for a small Tianhe Star Realm!"

"Today's discussion is very suitable for me. I have no enmity with the Yang family, and I even have a good relationship with the master of the Yang family. Therefore, if I offend you today, I hope you will not take offense."

"You know the master of the Yang family?" Ye Tianxing restrained his murderous aura.

"That's right. Once upon a time, the old man also exchanged lessons with the three masters of the Yang family, and he learned a lot. With your current combat power, if you haven't raised your realm, your combat power may have reached the limit. If you want to make a breakthrough, the old man will not be able to make a breakthrough." I suggest that you go to the Yangmen of the Divine Realm, and with your relationship with the Yangmen, study in the Yangmen for several years, as long as you are guided by the three masters of the Yangmen, your combat power can go even further."

Ye Tianxing clasped his fists slightly at Wei Lianqing when he heard the words, "This junior will also benefit a lot from the fight with the senior. I will go to God's Realm after my business is over. At that time, if there is a chance, I hope to fight the senior again!"

Hearing this, Wei Lianqing shook his head with a wry smile, "The me you saw just now is the limit of my current body. To tell you the truth, part of my physical strength has been blocked, and I haven't fully recovered. It takes a certain amount of effort to recover. The price, before confirming that this life is the opportunity I am waiting for, this ban will never be unsealed, the years to come will be very long, and the mortal body will eventually grow old in the long river of time, once unsealed, the blood will only Slowly wither."

Ye Tianxing was terrified. He almost tried his best to fight, but the opponent blocked part of his power. From this, it can be seen that this once peerless genius in the three realms of the Temple of Heaven does have the possibility of being invincible for the rest of his life.

"Before the chaos disappears, I have to leave. If someone finds out that I have not worked hard and spread to God's Domain, it will be easy to attract people's tongues." After the words fell, Wei Lianqing returned to his calm appearance, with a slight smile on his face, his physical body also Gradually aging in the smile, returning to the original old age.

"Farewell, little friend!" Leaning on crutches, he walked slowly towards God's Domain.

"Senior, cherish it!" Ye Tianxing clasped his fists and bowed to send him off with courtesy. Such a character, whether as an opponent or as a friend, deserves his respect.

In today's battle, Ye Tianxing finally understood what it means that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

The chaos dissipated, the galaxy receded, and Ye Tian walked down the sky and set foot on the sky above Shenchuan. At this moment, Huo Tingsheng and others were ready to finish.

"Your Excellency, Huangti, please let us go. What we did today was all forced by the God Realm. If it wasn't for the God Realm's compulsion, we would definitely not be able to cause chaos in the Tianhe Star Region!" The master knelt on the ground on one knee, without any dignity at all, behind him were a group of disciples, all of them showed fear.

"My lord, what should I do?" Huo Tingsheng asked.

"Brother!" Ye Tianxing was about to make a decision when a beautiful figure behind him threw himself into his arms.

Looking at the more and more beautiful girl in his arms, Ye Tianxing immediately dissipated the killing spirit of his life, and a long-lost smile appeared on his indifferent face.

"Xiao Lan, I haven't seen you in a few years, but you've grown a lot." He lovingly stroked Chu Lan's beautiful hair, but when he saw her tense body, he completely let go of his guard.

"Hey, thanks to the teachings of Senior Jiang Chen and Senior Deng Gan, my strength can improve rapidly."

Ye Tianxing turned around and cast grateful glances at the two of them.

"Brother, can you not kill them? They were also persecuted by God's Domain." Chu Lan looked behind the middle-aged man at a group of teenagers who were similar to her age. The fear in their eyes made her feel a little sympathy.

Chu Lan's words made Ye Tianxing hesitate. He wanted to kill all these guys, but he didn't want his sister to see him stained with blood.

"Then according to what you said, keep them alive, but someone has to pay for the serious injury of the master, the death of the elder brother, and the destruction of the three sects!"

"Anyone who participates in it will never want to live." Between the words, Ye Tianxing's eyes showed two fierce lights, and then everyone in Shenchuan was still breathing, and all of them knelt and kowtowed in order to survive.

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