Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 262 Time flies

"The demise of the three sects has nothing to do with us. We have never even been out of the East Field, let alone killing your master and elder brother!"

"This statement is absolutely true. We have never even been out of Dongye, so everything that happened in Nanhuang has nothing to do with us!" A disciple was in a trance, with an ugly expression, and glanced into the distance from time to time.

Recently, everyone has a set of arguments, and no one acknowledges the trip to the Southern Wilderness.

"I wanted to spare your lives, but now it seems that none of you intend to tell the truth. I can only take back my preface and send you on the road together. I will have a companion on the road to Huangquan." Ye Tianxing's eyes were fixed, and a wave The destructive coercion suddenly swept out. The disciples who were kneeling on the ground seemed to have a mountain on their backs, making it difficult for them to breathe.

"It's Li Qinghu from Fuling Mountain. Not only did they destroy the three sects, they also brought back many female disciples from the three sects for the disciples of Fuling Mountain to play with. Among them, several talented and good-looking ones were sold by Li Qinghu to Nanhuang Huanxi at a high price. He Guangrong of the pavilion, I hope your lord will clearly understand that this matter has nothing to do with us!" A disciple was covered in sweat, knelt on the ground and said loudly, he was terrified, and instinctively told what he knew in the face of death everything.


Behind the crowd, several figures suddenly flew up from the ground and escaped into the void, but a few moments later, there were several screams in the void, and the bones of the few people who tried to escape were broken and thrown into Ye Tianxing's body forward.

"My lord, please forgive me. We are just obeying orders. If we want to blame all of this, we will blame the gods of the gods. If they hadn't threatened us, we would never have traveled thousands of miles to destroy a small three sects." The man's face was pale. I broke my leg and couldn't move.

Ye Tianxing took a step forward, condescendingly looking down at the man on the ground, his bones were broken, lying like a dead dog,

"You are Li Qinghu?" Ye Tianxing looked at him indifferently, his calm voice could not hear the slightest wave, but those eyes seemed to come from the depths of hell, just a quick glance made him die, scalp Numb.

"He's not Li Qinghu, he's Li Qinghu's big disciple. He usually does some shady things for Li Qinghu. He has done a lot of inhumane things. With Li Qinghu's backing, few people in Shenchuan territory dare to provoke him. There are countless female cultivators who have been resold by his scourge." A disciple raised his head and said with righteous indignation.

"You are slandering me," He Guangrong became impatient, "My lord, don't listen to the villain's slander. I haven't been out of Dongye in the past few years, and I haven't done anything outrageous. This guy is trying to frame me in Fuling." Shan, wants to use the hands of adults to destroy Fuling Mountain and take over the entire Shenchuan!"

"Oh? Is that so?" Ye Tianxing became a little interested, "But, the fluctuation of your soul tells me that you are lying." The deep voice was like a death talisman. The baby was imprisoned, and the weak baby was so small in front of Ye Tianxing's consciousness, and the chaotic fluctuations of his soul showed his panic and despair at the moment.

"My lord, everything I say is true, if there is any falsehood, there will be a thunderbolt!" The man kneeling on your knees took a few deep breaths, suppressing the fear in his heart.

"We can all testify, if there is even half a lie, you will die!" A group of disciples said one after another.

"Now, do you think I should believe what you said, or what they said?" Ye Tianxing looked at He Guangrong's divine baby, and the corner of his mouth raised a subtle arc.

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, I have no choice but to force me to do this. It was Li Qinghu who forced me to do this. He is a dog for the protoss. If I hadn't obeyed him, I would have died so many times." He Guangrong said to himself confessed to what he had done,


There was a wave of wind in the void, and He Guangrong's divine baby suddenly exploded, turning into countless fragments of spiritual consciousness, and disappeared in this world in the blink of an eye, and He Guangrong's physical body also completely lost its vitality.

"Boom, boom, boom!" A series of slight explosions resounded in the minds of all the disciples in Fuling Mountain, their eyes gradually dimmed, and their vitality was cut off.

"Li Qinghu, do you want me to capture you personally? Or come out by yourself?" Ye Tianxing suddenly said in a deep voice to Fuling Mountain in the distance.

The deep voice echoed over the entire Fuling Mountain, wrapping up boundless sound waves.

At the foot of Fuling Mountain, a faint aura hides in the depths of the ground, trying to cover its tracks with a large array, but Ye Tianxing now has the super perception of the golden holy dragon, and the life fluctuations in the depths of the ground cannot escape his perception.

There was no echo in Fuling Mountain, Huo Tingsheng broke through the air, stepped over Fuling Mountain, waved his dragon claws to tear apart the mountain, and grabbed towards the ground.


A scream resounded, and a strange aura tried to escape from the ground, but the next moment, Huo Tingsheng, who had crossed the space, caught him back.

"I am the guide of God's Domain, you can't kill me, you can't bear the anger of God's Domain!" Li Qinghu roared, extremely panicked,

"All the envoys have been killed, just a mere guide, why do you think I dare not kill you?" Ye Tianxing waved his big hand, and all of Dijue Twelve and Tiangang 36 stepped forward, their terrifying fighting spirit shocked Shen Chuan Inside and outside, the entire Kamigawa is now under his control, and it only takes one thought to make Kamikawa completely disappear from the territory of Dongye.

"What do you want? Immortal gold is still a treasure of heaven and earth. Just ask, and I will do my best to satisfy you. I only hope that you can let me go!" Seeing that Ye Tianxing could not be threatened, Li Qinghu wanted to save himself by trading.

"Hehe, do you think I'm missing these?" Ye Tianxing's eyes were wide open, with murderous intent, he stretched out his hand, and the Bahuang Pagoda was summoned, and the pagoda was enlarged, imprisoning Li Qinghu on the second floor, and instantly Suddenly, heart-piercing screams and eerie roars came from the second floor of the Eight Desolation Pagoda, and he became the nourishment of the corpse puppets.

But killing Li Qinghu alone was not enough to vent the anger in his heart, "There will be no survivors in Fuling Mountain!"

Dijue Twelve slaughtered forward, and after a while, the entire Fuling Mountain was shrouded in screams and roars. Outside Shenchuan, the proud sons of countless forces saw this, their hearts trembled,

But within a day, Shen Chuan was bloodbathed.

"Brother, revenge, brother has avenged you." Ye Tianxing looked at the void and said to himself, even though Shen Chuan was washed with blood, the anger in his heart still did not ease.

"From now on, Shenchuan will no longer exist. Ye Mou would like to advise everyone, don't try to cooperate with Shen Yuyu to control the Milky Way Star Region, let alone try to be enemies with Ye Mou and Hanlinxuan, this is the end!"

"If you try to start a war, Ye Mou doesn't mind, I will wash the Milky Way Starfield with blood!" His cold words made countless forces outside Shenchuan feel extremely cold, and no one dared to believe his words.

All the forces in Shenchuan were wiped out, less than one-tenth of the original number of people survived, and almost all the masters above the reincarnation realm were wiped out.

This battle sounded the alarm for all the forces in the Tianhe Star Region. The strength and dominance of Ye Tianxing made the ancient families and sects in the Tianhe Star Region have to re-evaluate their connection with the God Realm.

"Brother Ye, it's been a long time!" In the twisted void, a white-robed man came, personable and heroic, with slanting sword eyebrows as delicate as feathers. A breath of dominance that looks down on the world.

Jianzhong Bai Yefei, now he has reached the quasi-celestial realm, and he can ascend to the fairyland at any time.

"It's been a long time since we met. Brother Bai is as strong as ever." Ye Tianxing recalled the scene when he met Bai Yefei last time, and his memory was even a little blurred.

"Brother Ye, don't make fun of Bai. Over the past few decades, Brother Ye has become an existence of the overlord level in the world today, and Bai is no more than a quasi-immortal." Bai Yefei shook his head with a wry smile.

"Brother Bai, don't underestimate yourself. With your ambition, there is a lot to do in the future!"

Bai Yefei didn't take the polite words of praise to heart, but took out a token belonging to the sword mound and symbolizing power from his bosom.

"Bai is here today, and I have something to ask for." Bai Ye said nonchalantly.

"What's the matter?"

"Bai wants to go to the depths of the starry sky, but today, the situation is chaotic, and Bai is worried, so I beg Brother Ye to help when Jianzhong is in danger. In return, Brother Ye can watch the secrets of Jianzhong at will. Read!" Bai Yefei held the token in front of Ye Tianxing, intending to entrust the sword mound to him.

Ye Tianxing knew what this token represented, it was a portable token that belonged to the head teacher of Jianzhong.

"Isn't Gu Yao at Jianzhong?" Ye Tianxing asked.

"Gu Yao has already left Tianhe and set foot on the ancient road of the galaxy. In today's Tianhe star field, most of the peerless talents of our generation have set foot on the ancient road of the galaxy to seek the way deep in the starry sky. Only a small number of them stayed. Sit and guard the sect." Bai Yefei explained, "The masters of the sect also left one after another, and the return of spiritual energy gave them the hope of breaking through."

"So that's how it is." Ye Tianxing put the token into the Sumeru Ring, "Don't worry, as long as the sword mound is still in Nanhuang, Hanlin Xuan will take care of it for a while, this token Ye Mou will temporarily keep it for you .”

"Thank you, so Bai has nothing to worry about."

After several conversations, Bai Yefei bid farewell and left, embarking on the ancient Xinghe Road.

From Bai Yefei's mouth, I learned that Zhongbai, Ximengzhu, Nanyanrou, Xichuan ancient temple Xuankong, Tianjundian Zhuangxuan, Zhuangchu and other contemporaries of the Northern Mausoleum have set foot on the ancient Xinghe road, following the long Xinghe ancient road Go to the depths to find the way.

"Does Fairy Mo have anything to say?" Ye Tianxing turned his head to look at the void, Mo Ruyuan was standing there without leaving.

"It's hard to imagine that you have grown to such an extent, far beyond my expectations." Mo Ruyuan looked at the grub beside Ye Tianxing. She couldn't imagine that an existence of this level would become his thugs.

"The world is impermanent, and everything cannot be expected by the fairy." Ye Tianxing said lightly.

"That's true, but now it seems that the Tianhe Star Region will usher in a period of peace under the awe of the young master, and the God Realm will not extend its hand to Tianhe in the short term."

"hope so."

After a brief exchange between the two, Mo Ruyuan told Ye Tianxing that the gate of the Heavenly Road will be opened again soon, and the proud sons of heaven who have set foot on the Heavenly Road will come out.

Back then, Xiaofeng and Liu Ruyan set foot on the celestial road together, and Li Qin, the saintess of the Shenjun Mansion, also accompanied them. It has been more than ten years since then.

The Tianjiao of the younger generation have also grown up, unknowingly, they have all become elders in the eyes of the younger generation.

"Go back to Hanlin."

Ye Tianxing turned around slowly, and led everyone back to Hanlin Xuan. He should tidy up, go to the teleportation point of Qinghuangxing, and pick up the little guy and go home.

"I don't know how far Xiaofeng has grown now." Shan Tingxu and Deng Changyu seemed very excited.

After returning to Hanlinxuan, Ye Tianxing brought the grub to the ancient tree of reincarnation in the heart of the gods and demons. A cave was opened not far from the reincarnation pool of the grub, and a strong restriction was placed. He will spend a long time here In the shortest time, carry out the refining of the Demon King Flower, and attack the realm of the Immortal King.

And Ye Tianxing was in Hanlin Xuan, and began to engrave the Immortal King's prohibition bit by bit. He wanted to arrange the complete Immortal King's restriction learned in the Demon Suppressing Tower outside Hanlin Xuan, so that Hanlin Xuan had double protection.

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