Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 260 Waiting for an Era

"Floating Cloud Barrier!"

Wei Lianqing groaned, and a world of floating clouds evolved, and Ye Tianxing's vision and perception were all covered up for a while.

"Three Thousand Buddhas!"

In the barrier of floating clouds, Wei Lianqing performed uninterrupted tricks, transforming himself into three thousand people at once.

Three thousand incarnations strike, endless laws weave textures, and order arises when they resonate.


The three thousand incarnations are synchronized in shape and meaning, and the rhythm is synchronized. They hit a shocking combination, the void collapses in the resonance, Ye Tianxing suffers a heavy blow, and the internal organs are injured under the resonance of the same frequency. , and cannot ignore such offensives.

The golden red blood floats in the floating cloud world,

He swung his claws suddenly, and the claw strike tore apart the floating cloud world, but in an instant, the floating cloud world that implied the texture of order healed again.

"In order to defeat my friend's will to be invincible, this old man has no choice but to use this insignificant power of order." Wei Lianqing's flat voice came from the world of floating clouds.

Three thousand incarnations struck again, and there was no trace to find, and the divine consciousness as powerful as Ye Tianxing could not perceive the location of his body.

"Huh~" Ye Tianxing suddenly closed his eyes, and began to adjust his breathing method, imitating the breathing method of a dragon. In a moment, the pores of his body stretched, and his perception became stronger and clearer than before by several times.


The dragon chant exploded, deafening, and Wei Lianqing lost his hearing at this moment, relying entirely on his powerful spiritual sense to catch every move of Ye Tianxing.

But in the next moment, Ye Tianxing disappeared out of thin air in his powerful spiritual perception.

"It's space power again!"

While he was anxiously searching for the direction of Ye Tianxing, a gust of air created slight waves behind him, and then the jet-black dragon claws shone with a burst of metallic luster, piercing through Wei Lianqing's body.

"I found you." Ye Tianxing's mouth curved playfully.

But in the next moment, the playful look at the corner of his mouth dissipated into nothingness.


"Bang!" The three thousand incarnations launched an offensive again, and Ye Tianxing was hit hard.

"It's so dangerous! The technique of dragon's breath is indeed terrifying, but fortunately you haven't fully adapted to this force." Wei Lianqing took a deep breath, his back went numb, if he hadn't been decisive enough just now, that blow would have killed him. At least half of the body must be abolished.

Ye Tianxing became angry, his eyes erupted with divine light, and he turned his palms over. In an instant, the river hung upside down, the tide flowed backwards, and water jets turned into water dragons and soared into the sky.

The world of floating clouds was submerged in the whistling, and the water dragon breathed out, setting off a turbulent wave,

An icy air swept across, and in an instant the entire Floating Cloud World turned into an extremely cold place.

Everything the water dragon passed was frozen, and the three thousand avatars were shattered in the extreme cold. Wei Lianqing shivered and had no choice but to withdraw and fly back.

"It's so cruel, you are also a Qi refiner who controls the power of the four attributes, right?" Wei Lianqing was speechless, startled. Under this extreme cold, his incarnation could not produce any effect.

"You are very strong." Ye Tianxing praised sincerely. He knew very well that the opponent did not try his best. Facing his strong offensive, although the latter looked embarrassed, he was actually able to handle it with ease.

An opponent who has no killing intent cannot arouse his true fighting intent.

"If your purpose is just to play with Zai Xuan, then I'm sorry, I don't have extra time to accompany you."

Ye Tianxing took a deep breath, thinking of the injured Wuyouzi and Qiu Yueming who died at his hands, a strong killing intent burst out at this moment.

One thought is invincible!

Invincible posture, invincible posture,

The majesty of the emperor and the aura of the overlord were fully displayed, and then the coercion of the overlord rushed out.

"Are you serious?"

Wei Lianqing frowned, and shook his head with a wry smile. He hadn't encountered this kind of breath for a long, long time.

"The posture of the barren body is really extraordinary. You can be called an outstanding man in this world."


Like the vast breath of stars turned into a sky-slashing sword,

As soon as Wei Lianqing stepped into invincibility, the majesty of the emperor and the aura of the overlord also swept away.

At this moment, the entire land of Kamikawa trembled,

The same majesty of the emperor, the same air of dominance,

The same invincible posture.

"With your strength and state of mind, how could it be possible to stop at Immortals for four turns!" Ye Tianxing asked in shock, feeling the imperial arrogance that was no weaker than him.

"I'm waiting for an era that belongs to me, an era where I can be invincible!" Wei Lianqing said solemnly.

"Then have you waited?" Ye Tianxing asked indifferently, the Four Elephant Steps were urged to the extreme, the sound of the dragon's chant was startling, the two started a game again in the galaxy, the entire sky above Shenchuan was full of broken laws of heaven,

The power of order is surging, protecting Wei Lianqing's body from being broken.

"The answer is not yet clear. In this life, I don't know if we can wait." Wei Lianqing was very calm, but there was a little helplessness in his words.

The two fought to the ancient Xinghe road, the ancient road collapsed, and the sky was beyond the sky. Countless arrogance watched the confrontation on the ancient road, trembling.

"This Wei Lianqing is really a character, he was able to fight the elder brother to such an extent." Pei Shan was amazed.

"The legendary wizard on the other side of the cloud in the three realms of the Temple of Heaven was also an existence that was invincible among his peers back then. He can be called a hero. It's a pity that Yang Qiankun came to the God's Domain. That is the nightmare of all the talents in the God's Domain." The cultivators hid in the distance and watched, talking a lot.

"I've heard about this ancestor of the Yang family. When he stepped into the realm of the gods hundreds of years ago, he was only in the realm of Linxian. In just a few hundred years, he stepped from Linxian to the realm of Immortal Emperor. This kind of cultivation speed , It’s not something ordinary people can do.”

"A sage of the human race who overwhelmed the gods. It is said that he has traveled to the Three Realms and fought for a hundred years. He is a sage who can truly rival the ancestors of the Cheng family!"

During the discussion among a group of masters, the battle between Ye Tianxing and Wei Lianqing on Xinghe became more and more intense.

Powerful as a barren body, Ye Tianxing failed to suppress Wei Lianqing in the same realm, which shows how powerful Wei Lianqing is, but such a person who can be called a hero has not been able to go through a week in the hands of the ancestors of the Yang family.

This can't help but shock, what kind of existence is the ancestor of the Yang family.

If there is a division of arrogance in the world, then after looking at the ancient times, Yang Qiankun stands alone.

In the land of Shenchuan, Huo Tingsheng became invincible again, and he was not defeated by Ye Tianxing's power. Compared with the domineering and domineering him at the beginning, he is now more calm than water.

"It's an invincible forbidden area again, and there are such fierce generals under the command of the barren body!"

Thousands of flying swords killed Huo Tingsheng, but they couldn't hurt him at all. He deduced the way of heaven and earth in invincibility, and a protoss envoy was beheaded by him forcefully.

Dijue Twelve ruthlessly slaughtered, Tiangang 36 guarded the edge of Shenchuan, and no one could escape.

The masters of several major forces came out together, but they were powerless to resist.

"This little Tianhe, how many Linxian masters have come? Even the peerless arrogance of the monster clan has appeared!"

"That black dragon is not simple, it even killed the god envoy who is in the fourth rank of Linxian!"

Standing beside Mo Ruyuan was a middle-aged man, who was the master of the Shenjun Mansion. Ye Tianxing was only a child when he set foot on Huaxu Juedian, but now that many years have passed, that child has already stepped into the Lin Dynasty. Immortal, and he has just stepped into the late stage of Linxian first turn.

Such a comparison really made him feel ashamed.

"I didn't expect that he would befriend such a peerless genius. If the people in Shenfu don't take action, Shenchuan may really be reduced to ruins." Mo Ruyuan stared at the ancient Xinghe road and sighed. Every time that guy appeared, he would do something. Make an earth-shattering move.

"We seem to be a bit late." Jiang Chen and Deng Gan stepped forward one after another with Chu Lan.

"The young master's trip to the demon world this time has gained a lot. He has obtained the flesh and blood of the golden holy dragon."

"This Wei Lianqing is indeed a character. In the same realm, it's the first time I've seen the young master fall into such a hard fight."

"Can brother win?" Chu Lan looked worriedly at the ancient Xinghe Road.

"Win is hard to say, but at least the young master will not lose." Jiang Chen said with certainty.

The three of them were talking, when above the void, a pair of eyes suddenly looked over, and a solemn look appeared on Jiang Chen's face, "Three departures."

"A master in the demon world." Deng Gan said in a deep voice.

The two are facing a big enemy.

"You two's life roulette seems to be incomplete." Grub looked at the two of them. At this time, they didn't know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

"Guchi Guchi" Ice Crystal Xuanqi vibrated Ice Crystal's wings and issued a warning to the grub.

"Ice Crystal Xuan Qi, there are still alive Ice Crystal Xuan Qi in this world!" The grub was surprised, the creature that almost disappeared in ancient times was seen after ancient times.

"You guys don't need to be nervous, this little girl has the aura of Little Friend Ye in her soul. Thinking about it, you are the younger sister he has been thinking about all the way." Grab said lightly.

"It's friends!" Jiang Chen and Deng Gan breathed a sigh of relief.

"The young master actually got acquainted with such an existence!" The two couldn't help but feel a little startled. A three-time departure is enough to sweep the entire Tianhe star field, but this does not mean that the Tianhe star field is weak, but that the talented peerless After Tianjiao grows up, without exception, he will enter the realm of the gods.

"Junior Chu Lan, I have met senior!" Chu Lan respectfully saluted the grub.

The grub nodded, and then turned his eyes to the direction of Shenfu.

At this time, the land of Shenchuan was almost on the verge of destruction. Huo Tingsheng, Huo Yuanlang and Ed Corvis could sweep Shenchuan without him taking action. He only needed to keep an eye on the guys in Shenfu.

"The divine envoy, that's all." Huo Tingsheng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and beheaded another divine envoy with the flick of his fingers. Several factions of masters were also killed under the cooperation of Huo Yuanlang and Ed Corvis.

"If you don't attack again, Shenchuan is really going to be destroyed!" The last envoy roared at the Shenfu, covered in blood, was forced into a desperate situation by Huo Tingsheng, and had no power to parry under Huo Tingsheng's offensive.

"A bunch of trash." An indifferent voice came from the Divine Mansion, and then within the fairy mist, a big hand reached out and grabbed Huo Tingsheng.

"Guys from God's Domain, I still can't hold back and want to make a move. The agreement reached by the big families of God's Domain just now will be voided again!"

The power of destruction suddenly came, and the three departures were so terrifying that the space around Huo Tingsheng was instantly sealed off, even with escape techniques.

"The demon clan didn't stay in the demon world well, and ran to the human world to die. No wonder the old man is so cruel."

"The old man has practiced for a long time and played aggressively in front of us. How dare he fight against the realm? Grandpa, I will let you have two legs and one hand, and kill you with one hand." Huo Tingsheng stood still on the spot, but did not show any domineering aura. No reduction.

"You have to be stubborn when you are about to die. Hehe, if you dare to fight against our clan, you will surely die!" The envoy's face was stern, and he grinned, waiting for Huo Tingsheng to be crushed.

"A generation of Tianjiao has just fallen."

As Linxian, there is a qualitative gap between the sixth rank of Linxian and the third departure, not to mention the third rank of Linxian. In front of the third departure, once trapped, it means death.

The big hand came very slowly, and the guy in the Shenfu enjoyed the fearful expression of Peerless Tianjiao when his death was approaching. That kind of despair, resignation and powerlessness was exactly what he wanted to see.

However, such an expression did not appear on Huo Tingsheng's body.

On the contrary, Huo Tingsheng showed a mocking and provocative expression.

"Old cripple, you can't kill me."

While everyone was not paying attention, a figure with no sense of existence appeared in front of the Shenfu at some time.

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