"Get up!"

In the Shenchuan station, a divine envoy came bathed in black air, filled with endless sinister aura, and countless undead roared in the black air, turning into skeletons and rushing in all directions.

"It's the Cheng family's bastards again." Ye Tianxing looked indifferent, with boundless killing intent, using his body as a weapon, he swooped towards the land of Shenchuan, and his body galloping across, drew an arc of light in the void, rubbed against the air and ignited a raging flame. void is also


He used himself as a weapon in this way, like a star from outside the sky, slamming heavily on the land of Shenchuan,

A sacred mountain was razed to the ground in an instant, and this sacred mountain was just a corner pillar of the formation.

"Damn it, this guy damaged the column!" An old man cursed.

"Don't panic, no matter how strong he is, he's no more than an Immortal turn, and he can't let him play wild here!"

"I've always heard that Huangtai travels in the night and sky, is invincible in the same realm, and won the first place in the Tianlu list. I am old and talented, and I want to fight with you in the same realm!"

A shrine suddenly opened, surrounded by fairy mist, and an old Taoist walking on crutches walked out of it, full of righteousness and immortal demeanor.

"Shenchuan is connected to the realm of the gods, and the shrine is wide open. They have already set up an ambush and waited for you to enter the urn." A woman in a black dress walked out of the twisted void, covered her face with a light veil, and stepped on the lotus platform. She was the god she hadn't seen for many years The holy maiden of the mansion, Mo Ruyuan.

"Why are you here?" Ye Tianxing swept across the former lightly.

"I told you that the Shenjun Mansion is connected with the God Realm." Mo Ruyuan said in a deep voice, "Nowadays, Shenchuan has become the residence of the gods of all races in the God Realm. Enemy, think carefully."

"The Holy Maiden is kind to Ye Moumou, but today, Kamigawa will surely be destroyed." He glanced ahead indifferently, his pupils pulsating with radiance exuded breathtaking power, and the surging fighting spirit flooded the world.

"Such a domineering fighting spirit, worthy of being a barren body." The old man praised, stepped forward slowly, a mighty aura poured into his body, his pale hair gradually grew black vitality, and his body, which was about to wither, actually appeared a dead tree in spring scene.

In the blink of an eye, his face changed.

"Old Wei Lianqing, an ordinary cultivator in the three realms of the Temple of Heaven, beyond the cloud, can my little friend fight?" The crutch in his hand turned into a long sword. The long sword was like jade, and it looked warm A high-ranking immortal soldier of unknown age.

"Wei Lianqing? It turned out to be him!"

"The fierce man on the other side of the cloud was invincible in the three realms of the Temple of Heaven, and there was no match for him in the same realm. He should have become a legendary figure in the God's Domain, but it is a pity that he met the one from the Yang Clan. The victories were terminated, and a demon was born in his heart, and since then, the realm has always stayed at the fourth turn of Immortal."

"Should have become the youngest immortal king in the three realms of the Temple of Heaven, but met the ancestor of the Yang family and fell down the altar."

"I didn't expect that he was still alive. The legendary figure thousands of years ago actually appeared here."

Ye Tianxing stared at the man, and the latter also stared at him. Compared with his own murderous aura, the latter could not find any murderous intent or ferocious aura.

"Let me come, I have sensed the power of order in him. Although his realm has stagnated, his soul has already touched the realm of the fairy king!" Grab said via voice transmission.

"Senior's kindness, this junior understands, but since the other party has challenged me, how can I back down." Ye Tianxing stepped forward.

The two came towards each other, the speed seemed slow, but the void had already staggered, and the two figures had already fought for several rounds at the extreme speed.

"You learned this sword from Yangmen, right? It's a pity that it only has its shape, but not its true meaning." Seeing the sword Ye Tianxing swung, the old man whispered.

"Little friend, be careful, give me a palm." The old man waved his palm slowly, wrapping up many afterimages, the void shattered, and the true meaning of the Dao evolved to the extreme.

Ye Tianxing swung a fist, and the fist wrapped in the power of the barren body touched his palm. The latter should have been blown away by the huge force, or even shattered his arm.

However, what was surprising was that the power of the barren body couldn't shake him at all.


Suddenly, the back was close to the heart, and there was a dull sound, as if someone had sneaked up and punched hard from behind.

"How come!" Ye Tianxing's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body retreated suddenly. He stared at the law of heaven on the man's body, shocked.


The old man smiled slightly, "This is the magical effect of the laws of heaven. Your strength is indeed amazing. If you were any other cultivator, you would be blown away by your fist even if you were a third-rank Linxian."

"With your strength, there are indeed few people in the same realm who can rival you, even in God's Domain, but there are indeed such a group of people in this world, and their understanding of cultivation is not limited to strength and meaning,"

"On the contrary, they are very concerned about shape. Martial arts practice is ever-changing, and they never rely on strength easily. Back then, I boasted that the gods were invincible. After I met the ancestor of the Yang family, I realized that martial arts is not just about swinging and cutting. , stabbing, chopping and other boring moves."

Between the words, he turned into thousands of afterimages with his body, and slapped Ye Tianxing's body one after another. The desolate body, which was difficult for immortal soldiers to hurt, was severely injured at this moment.

The viscera felt as if they were about to explode, and Ye Tianxing had never encountered such a difficult opponent.

"The waste body is no match at all, and it is at a disadvantage. Hahahaha, who said that the waste body is invincible? Why is it so vulnerable!" You Tianjiao teased.

"There are people beyond the human body, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Isn't this the best example of a mortal body fighting against a barren body?"

"Today's barren body will be buried here!"

"Is this the legendary figure in God's Domain?" Ye Tian said to himself, the bright holy light formed a mask around his body, and the golden light talisman rotated to block the man's palm.

"Tai Chi Holy Light Curse?"

Seeing the golden talisman lingering around Ye Tianxing, Wei Lianqing was a little surprised, "I didn't expect that the Yang family even passed on such secret techniques to you."

"It seems that that person values ​​you very much." A faint smile suddenly appeared on the man's face.

"If you want to fight, fight, so much nonsense!" Ye Tianxing said in a deep voice, the man could not detect the slightest killing intent on his body, his figure was unpredictable, his speed was so weird and inexplicable that even his spiritual sense could not catch it .

This can only show that the spirit of the other party is really as grub said, much higher than him.

"I don't have time to spend here with you!" Ye Tianxing's eyes shot out thunder and flames,

The realm of the Immortal King is wide open, and the blood of the barren body is fully activated, and it is necessary to end all this with violence.


Another sacred mountain was destroyed, vast immortal energy surged out, Ye Tianxing acted like a god of war possessed, a steady stream of power poured into the limbs and bones, in the galaxy, the Wanjun thunder condensed again, and then rushed down, this time the thunder For example, it was just several levels of horror.

In the blink of an eye, the entire land of Shenchuan was submerged in thunder.


Thunder from the sky struck every time the man landed.

"Tai Chi swordsmanship, wind and clouds!" Ye Tianxing raised a sword in his sleeve and set off a violent wave in the sea of ​​thunder. The man countered with the sword, but was still knocked back.

The sky walks four elephants, the speed is pushed to the extreme, and it is finally able to catch up with the man's pace.

"Barrier Fist!"

A violent punch that contained the true meaning of the Dao, blasted the entire void in front of him into pieces, and the man blocked it with his palm again,

But this time was completely different from the last time, the man's body was blown away by a huge force.

He frowned suddenly, and when he lowered his head, he suddenly realized that he had stepped into a huge gossip at some point, and the Tai Chi Pisces swam, reversing the power around him.

"When? Didn't notice it!" The man was startled, he only focused on observing Ye Tianxing's every move, ignoring the changes in the surrounding things.

The Immortal King's Domain firmly trapped the man, "This time, I'll see how you run."

A phantom condensed behind him, and the aura of heaven and earth frantically gathered towards the time,

Immortal King Domain, Immortal King Dao Body.

"Thousand Buddha's hands!"

In the narrow space of the Immortal King's Domain, Thousand Buddha's Hands pressed forward, and there was no way to avoid it.

The man suddenly made a tactic with both hands, and the tactic was flying for a while, and behind him also condensed a golden body of an immortal king,

He deduced the law of the great way forward, the coercion of the way of heaven appeared, and a vision appeared in Changtian, holding a sharp blade, piercing the galaxy, breaking the vision of the galaxy in Ye Tianxing.

Such a scene, how can people not be moved?


The Thousand Buddha's Hands collided with the Immortal King's golden body, and the terrifying explosion wave shattered the Immortal King's domain supported by the two. The next moment, the figures of the two turned into rainbows and criss-crossed over Shenchuan.

The galaxy is endless, and a black dragon is facing the vision of heaven holding a sharp blade. The unparalleled coercion makes it difficult for everyone in this world to breathe.

"This man is clearly a mortal, why is he so unreasonably strong?" Huo Yuanlang was startled, even he couldn't bear Ye Tianxing's full-strength punch, but the former had already fought with him for dozens of rounds.

"Wei Lianqing is worthy of being Wei Lianqing. Although his realm has stagnated, his combat power is not weak at all, and his demeanor remains the same as before!" A faint voice sounded from the depths of the Divine Mansion.


Within the Milky Way, there was a torrent surging, and under the focus of countless masters, the body of the black dragon gradually turned golden,

The aura of the golden holy dragon was completely revealed, and Ye Tianxing's body was filled with the power of a mighty real dragon. At this moment, his body was covered with the thick scales of the golden holy dragon, emitting a bright glow in the light of the galaxy. luster.

"Golden Sacred Dragon!" Wei Lianqing was shocked, and there was a wave of waves in the misty fairy fog in the divine mansion, "This is the breath of the Golden Sacred Dragon, no, this pure blood power is the blood of the royal family!"

"He is a human race, how can he have the royal blood of the golden holy dragon?"

"This guy, didn't he refine the blood essence of the golden holy dragon?"

Now in this world, the golden holy dragon still exists, but the number is extremely rare, and it is difficult for the current golden holy dragon family to find the purest royal dragon blood.

"Little friend, good luck! If I didn't read it wrong, this should be the royal blood of the golden holy dragon,"

"I'm curious, why do you have such a pure golden holy dragon breath in a human race, even if you refined the blood power of the golden holy dragon royal family, it shouldn't be like this."

The man was very curious. What Ye Tianxing showed far exceeded his expectations. He even used a little power of order, but he still couldn't defeat it. You must know that the power of order can only be touched by the fairy king. .

"You are curious about a lot of things." Ye Tianxing looked indifferent, he was covered with scales, and the sea was flowing with his hands, the tide reversed, the sun, the moon, and the stars moved.

He moved, coordinated with the Four Elephant Steps, and teleported to Wei Lianqing's side in an instant.

"The power of space!" Wei Lianqing's pupils condensed. One of the dragon's powerful advantages is the natural control over the power of space.

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