When old people meet each other, their identities may change, but their previous feelings will not change because of this.

"The disciple pays respect to the master!"

"Master, we miss you so much!" Seventh Son rushed over, wrapping around Ye Tianxing.

"Okay, okay, here's a gift for each of you nine." Ye Tianxing couldn't stand the entanglement of the seven sons, so he had to give enough benefits to these guys before they were willing to play.

"Tian Xing, where do these seven little guys come from?" The moment the seven sons appeared, the grub's eyes fell on the seven of them, lingering on them, and the more they looked at them, the more shocked they were. The seven of them obviously only had the reincarnation state, but he But he couldn't see through it, and he could only see the vast ocean-like power of order, which even he couldn't control now.

Ye Tianxing smiled wryly and shook his head, "I don't know the origins of these seven little guys, but even though they only have reincarnation, they can move the order of heaven and bring down divine punishment. This kind of miracle is unheard of by juniors. Unseen."

"Seven Sons of Destiny!"

The grub murmured lower than himself, his expression was in a trance, and he fell into a short thought.

"Tian Xing, you haven't introduced yet, who is this senior and these?" Gu Qingyou and the others all stepped forward and bowed slightly to the grub.

"This is senior grub from the Xiaoxuan world of the demon world. These few are my friends." Ye Tianxing did not introduce in detail, and the news of the two worlds of humans and monsters was relatively sealed off, and they did not know about it.

"Master Xuan, I've been back for a while, why didn't I see Xiaolan, master and uncle? Where did Jiang Chen and Brother Deng Gan go?" It took a long time to see a few people appear, Ye Tianxing looked around but did not see Their traces made me a little worried for a while.

His eyes shifted to Gu Qingyou and the others, and Ye Tianxing's heart tightened suddenly because of their embarrassing expressions.

"Why didn't Master Xuan speak? Is something wrong?" Ye Tianxing's pupils suddenly caught people incomparably.

"Tianxing, don't get excited, let us explain to you." Gu Qingyou took a deep breath and described what happened before in detail. Master Wuyouzi was invited to go to the three sects, his uncle Qiu Shangping and his eldest brother Qiu Yue Ming colleagues, the Southern Wilderness was very safe at that time, and no one could have imagined that such a thing would happen.

However, since it happened, someone has to pay for it.

A violent murderous aura swept across quietly. Although Gu Qingyou had stepped into Linxian, she still felt afraid under this aura.

"So, knowing that those three are my Hanlinxuan people, they still killed them?" Although he didn't show too much anger on his face, the anger in his heart was already on the verge of going berserk at any time.

"That's right, the Milky Way Starfield has undergone a major cleansing. On that day, even the most powerful people attacked Han Linxuan. The two seniors Jiang Chen and Deng Gan couldn't stand it at all. He almost wiped out the entire Southern Wilderness with just one hand. Fortunately, the Yangmen of Shenyu took action to protect Nanhuang in time, and erected a monument [-] miles away from Hanlinxuan. Since then, no one dared to cross the boundary. door shelter."

"Tiangang Big Dipper, Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams are indeed written by the Yang family." Ye Tianxing whispered, this is where the strong aura of grandeur in Hanlin Tianfu comes from.


A light and shadow flickered, and Ye Tianxing appeared in a closed space.


"Master, it's me." Ye Tianxing walked out from the darkness.

"Tian Xing?!" Seeing the person coming, Qiu Shangping's face showed a long-lost joy, "You boy, when did you come back? Why didn't Xuannei inform me, so the uncle can go to catch the wind for you." He left In front of Ye Tianxing, he looked carefully and nodded, "Good boy, it's getting stronger."

Ye Tianxing looked at the white-haired old man, and the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

On the hospital bed, Wuyouzi was lying quietly, without the slightest sign of waking up, but fortunately, Wuyouzi was alive.

"Don't worry, Senior Jiang Chen used secret techniques to protect his soul and heart, and it's only a matter of time before he wakes up." Qiu Shangping comforted him with a smile, not wanting Ye Tianxing to worry.

Yetian walked to the bed, crushed a refined life essence, and sent it into Wuyouzi's body. After checking Wuyouzi's injury, he didn't say much.

It's just that the sky above the southern wasteland was still covered with snow, but now it was covered by endless dark clouds.

"Uncle, my condolences." Ye Tianxing looked indifferent, "Don't worry, Tianxing will definitely repay this hatred, and let them pay it back a hundredfold."

"Tianxing, people are mortal, so don't mess around! The current situation in the Tianhe Starfield is chaotic, and it is no longer what it used to be. Don't be brave for a while." Qiu Shangping quickly persuaded, fearing that Ye Tianxing would commit another crime. risk.

"Whoever offends me in Hanlin, I will make him pay the price!" After the words fell, Ye Tianxing's figure disappeared into the confined space again, and appeared in the sky above Hanlin in the blink of an eye.

"Tian Xing, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of them." Ji Lan blamed herself.

"Where is the senior sister, you can't stay behind them all the time," Ye Tianxing stepped up through the air, his expression of indifference was exactly the same as that of the frosty and snowy world, and in an instant, a destructive wave swept across the entire Southern Wilderness.

"Where are the twelve lands?"


"Where is Tiangang 36?" Ye Tianxing asked calmly to the void one after another.

"Here!" The orderly shouts immediately filled the entire Hanlin Tianfu.

Twelve Dijues and Tiangang 36 are based on the Twelve Demons of the Yin Capital and Tiangang 36 Boys back then. They are extremely powerful. Most of them were the strongest soldiers under the command of the Immortal King Jiang Qingshan back then. The spiritual energy returned and their strength had almost recovered, and their strength was even better than before.


The edge of the hinterland of gods and demons,

Outside Samsara Ancient Pool, two figures sitting cross-legged opened their eyes first.

"It's the young master who's back." Jiang Chen stared at the top of the ground, feeling the aura that was already so strong that it made his heart palpitate, he was both happy and surprised.

"The young master has already stepped into Linxian, so the speed of cultivation is really terrifying!" Deng Gan's face was full of pride.

"Did brother come back?" In the middle of the ancient pool of reincarnation, under the ancient tree of reincarnation, the woman in blue opened her pupils, which were full of brilliance. After years of hard work, Chu Lan came from behind and stepped into the ranks of transforming the void.

"Guchi Guchi!"

"Guchi Guchi..." In Chu Lan's arms, a small elf-like beast woke up from a deep sleep. It was the Ice Crystal Xuanqi. Now the Ice Crystal Xuanqi has grown a lot in size, and its fur has become softer and brighter. It even grew a pair of delicate wings.


Above the Southern Wilderness, the void is turbulent, and the overwhelming fighting spirit has materialized, piercing the blue waves, no one knows what happened, the whole Southern Wilderness is trembling, the world wrapped in silver makeup seems to have opened the gate of hell, endless In his fighting spirit, there is a terrible gloom.

"What's the situation? Is the Southern Wilderness going to be cleaned up again?" Many forces survived the last cleansing and hid in the fringes of the Southern Wilderness in search of peace. Feeling this breath at this moment, they had to hide again.

"No, this posture comes from Hanlinxuan, is Hanlinxuan going to make trouble?"

"Dijue 36, Tiangang [-], this is Hanlinxuan's hole card, and now they are all dispatched, who are they going to encircle and suppress?" Shocked voices rose from all directions.

All over the Southern Wilderness, countless sect forces were trembling.

"There are... there are enemies coming!" On the edge of the East Field, the disciples of the Ghost Spirit Sect were practicing on the border. Suddenly, a huge mouth opened in the sky, and a group of figures walked out from the crack in the void. Roaring low, birds dormant, beasts humming.

The king of the beast forest prostrated himself on the ground, not daring to raise his head. The giant beast sleeping in the mountain was awakened, but he didn't dare to make any movement.

Moments later,

In the vast east field, a gust of evil wind struck, causing thousands of ripples, and endless dark clouds gathered in the direction of Shenchuan.


Thunder from the sky broke through the barriers above Shenchuan,

A natural vision, a black dragon piercing through the sky, it was still day and night just now, but it has fallen into starry night in a moment.


The sound of the dragon's roar resounded throughout the land of Shenchuan, and the thunderbolt condensed in the sky. The terrifying power of thunder flooded the sky above Shenchuan. It was as viscous as magma and might pour down at any time.

"what happened?!"

In Dongye Jiange, several figures swept out from the cabinet and went away through the void.

"That's in the direction of Kamigawa. Hasn't the Great Wash passed, and is there going to be another wave?" Almost trembling horrified voices sounded from all over Dongye.

Looking at the dense clouds covering thousands of miles and the materialized power of thunder, how many cultivators are not afraid of it.

"He's back!" A lotus platform pierced through the sky from the ancestral land of the Shenjun Mansion. On the lotus platform, a woman wrapped in a black dress instantly submerged into the void of chaos.

"Is the big purge coming again? Why is there no news?" From all walks of life in Tianhe, the sound of surprise from the sleepers sounded.

"This vast and domineering aura always feels a little familiar!"

"Did that person come back? Did he step into Linxian first?"

Surprised voices resounded from all over Tianhe. The Tianhe star field, which has just been stabilized not long ago, is already in a state of panic. Now that troubles arise again, who is not afraid?

"There is no movement in God's Domain, it's not someone from God's Domain!" An old man walked out from the deep mountain and sank into the vast galaxy.

"Who dares to trespass on the land of Shenchuan!" A loud shout exploded out of thin air. This is the temporary residence of the envoy, and there are several sects gathered around, all of which are the top forces in today's river star field.

"Anyone who has nothing to do with Shenchuan, leave quickly, and after a stick of incense, Shenchuan will be washed with blood!" The deep voice submerged into the chaotic void, and then resounded throughout the entire sky of Shenchuan.

"Huh, what a big tone, bloodbath my Shenchuan, what the hell are you?" Some Huaxujue practitioners sneered.

His smile hadn't fully unfolded, and it disappeared out of thin air the next moment, as if he had never been in this world. In the void where he was, there were only a few wreckage of magic weapons left.

"Run, run! It's the evil god who's back!" Suddenly there was a scream in Shenchuan, and then a figure escaped from the range of Shenchuan at a desperate speed.

"He, it's him, waste body, he's back!"

For a time, the screams spread wildly all over Shenchuan, and countless cultivators heard about it, and without any hesitation, they urged the magic weapon to flee desperately.

"It's really him. After leaving for several years, he has already stepped into Linxian!" In the depths of the chaos, an old woman looked at him through the turbulent void, and the shock in her heart was unspeakable.

"Hmph, if you're just a barren body, if you don't hide in Hanlin Xuan, if you dare to come to Shenchuan, I will definitely kill you today!"

"I didn't wait to find you, but I sent it to your door instead. You have the guts!" The arrogances of several major forces in Shenchuan came out together, flying swords in groups and slashed towards the vast galaxy.

"Not one left." The indifferent voice resounded through the land of Shenchuan, and the endless killing fell from the sky.


The black clouds rolled like ink, the black dragon emerged from the viscous thunder, and the mighty dragon swooped down. The power of the thunder was condensed into thunderballs, which hit Shenchuan indiscriminately like stars falling.

"Kamikawa is going to be destroyed!"

In the ancient temple of Xichuan, the bronze bell rang, and a golden Buddha flew out of the temple, stepping on the snow and climbing into the blue sky.

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