Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 257 Reiki flows, everything recovers

Wu Ting glanced at Chen Jingqiu, "I see you kid, your skin is a little itchy recently, do you want me to loosen it for you?"

"Want to divert your attention? No way, to be honest, are you interested in Fairy Ying'er?" Chen Jingqiu didn't care about Wu Ting's threat at all, instead leaned her face and asked with her nose up.

"A big man has ambitions in all directions, how can he be bound by his children's affection." Wu Ting turned his face sideways and said in a deep voice.

"Pretend, boss, this guy is really pretending, I think his eyes are uncertain, you are right, hehe!" Chen Jingqiu smiled triumphantly,

"Boss, I think you'll come forward later and ask Fairy Ying'er. If Fairy Ying'er is willing, you can quickly finalize the old witch's matter."

"Old Ye, don't listen to this kid's nonsense."

"Come on, you, this suggestion was made by the boss. I'm not talking nonsense. Anyway, the road has been paved for you. The next step is to see how you behave yourself, a boring gourd."

Everyone laughed when they heard it.


"Ziqi, father, I'm sorry."

"Father, what are you talking about? When did you feel sorry for me?"

"If the father is not so useless, you can at least follow him with peace of mind." King Han felt guilty,

"No, even if Tiansheng is fine, my daughter won't follow him now." Han Ziqi shook his head.

"Why? Don't you like him?"

"I like it, but now I can't be his arm, I can only become his burden, so I can't follow him yet." Han Ziqi smiled bitterly, "Father also saw that the masters around him are like Yun, although I like him very much, enough to give up my own life."

"But that's exactly the case. I don't like it, and I don't want to be his burden." Han Ziqi tried hard to look calm and calm, but his eyes were inexplicably sour.

She looked at the direction Ye Tianxing was going away, pretending to be very happy.

"You are the love of my Han Ziqi's life, you were in the past, you are now, and you will be in the future!"

"The next time we meet again, I will amaze you for the rest of your life. I will be the one who catches you off guard. I will become stronger and become your strong backing!"

"Did you hear it?"

In the open mountains and plains, her voice echoed, shaking off the long first snow on the cedars, slowly drifting into the distance.

It was also from this time that the woman's heart had unknowingly put on a mask for camouflage.


Milky Way,

Southern Wilderness.

The clouds are low and dusk, and the snow dances back to the wind.

At this time, the Southern Wilderness is already in the season of deep winter. When you look up, you can't see a clear starry sky, the wind is howling, and the snow is dancing wildly. This is the season of dormancy, but it is more alive than spring and summer.

The green pines are straight and straight, supporting sheets of snow curtains, and everywhere the river is cut off, you can see fish swimming upstream and jumping out of the ice.

Everything should have been silent, but it was surprisingly revived.

"The aura of the heavens and the earth will flow back and all things will recover. This is a sign of the coming prosperity."

"Under the prosperous age, the heroes compete for the deer, and it is difficult to have peace in the world." A faint sigh came from the place where the clouds and mist surrounded the mountains with white snow.

"The war on the ancient Xinghe Road has begun, and all the races in the God's Domain have started to stand in line. We and the ants can only find a chance of survival in this prosperous world by huddling together to keep warm." The voice rang for a moment, and then fell silent again.

Within the Milky Way, a golden shuttle came through,

Looking around, the broken remains of ancient chariots are floating around the ancient Xinghe road, fragments of immortal artifacts have fallen everywhere in Xinghe, fragments of the avenue, the corpse of Linxian...

Give people infinite desolation.

"That's the Azure Emperor Star, how did it become like this?" Chen Jingqiu looked at the dilapidated ancient star, which was once prosperous, but now it is crumbling.

"This is the handwriting of the Immortal King. If it weren't for the protection of the laws of the Emperor, this ancient star should have been destroyed." The grub said in a deep voice, smelling an unusual breath.

"My fellow Taoist, may I ask what happened on Qinghuangxing?" Ye Tianxing took a step forward and said to a broken mountain on Qinghuangxing across the Milky Way.

Hearing the voice, the mountains trembled slightly, and a moment later, an old man with bones and fairy style stepped into the galaxy, facing everyone.

"This old man has met fellow Taoists." The old man bowed his hands in the direction of the grub respectfully.

"Senior, what happened to Qinghuangxing?" Ye Tianxing asked again.

"To tell you the truth, fellow daoists, you should have already noticed that the spiritual energy is returning, and the prosperous age is approaching. Some evil ancient creatures and existences that should have passed away in the years are taking the opportunity to recover. The Qinghuang ancient star has the Qinghuang inheritance. Those old things I have been coveting this for a long time, if the Qinghuang Sword hadn’t come across the galaxy at a critical moment and protected the Qinghuang Star, I’m afraid you would not be able to see it at this moment.” The old man sighed.

"The Qinghuang Sword has returned." The grub was shocked, how terrifying the intact imperial soldier was, and people from all directions in the mysterious world felt the most.

"Come on, Tianhe Starfield." Ye Tianxing's expression became anxious for an instant.

"Are you monks from the Milky Way Starfield?" The old man looked at Ye Tianxing in shock, "Fellow Taoists are full of blood and shocking, when did such an existence appear in the Milky Way Starfield?" The old man was surprised, and then He added, "Don't worry, the Tianhe star field is safe and sound. Today's Tianhe, Beichen, and Buzhou star fields are protected by the gods, and those old things still dare not stretch their hands there."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, in recent days, God's Domain has begun to appear in groups, causing the major forces in the surrounding star domains to reshuffle their teams. Several fellow Taoists, be careful."

After speaking, the old man hid himself from the galaxy and retreated to the mountains.

Ye Tianxing was awakened by the old man's words. After a moment of contemplation, he turned around and said,

"Old witch, you go back to Beichen first to investigate the situation. If necessary, take your family to Hanlin, and we will gather here."

"Wen Cang, I will send blood slaves to accompany you to Buzhou. Everything is about safety. If necessary, you can move to Nanhuang with your clan like the old witch. We will use Nanhuang as our base for the time being. "

"Okay, keep in touch, I'll go back as soon as I go!" After the voice fell, Qingtian Baihu turned around and drove Wu Ting and Mubatu towards Beichen.

"If you have time, go to the Seven Seas Scholars." Ye Tianxing said again, and Mu Qingying went to the Seven Seas Scholars, and there was a little more concern there.

Wu Ting understood.

"Jingqiu, you go with Qingluan, follow Wencang, you will be much faster with Qingluan, if you are in danger, don't force your opponent, retreat first, everything is about self-protection."

"Boss, don't worry, with me here, little brother Wen Cang will be fine." Chen Jingqiu assured.

"Blood slave, protect them." Ye Tianxing ordered the blood slave to die.

"Boss, we are leaving, keep in touch, if you want to support Wanli Chuanxun!" After the voice fell, Qingluan croaked and fluttered its wings high.

After arranging these things, Jin Shuo carried the rest of the people across the galaxy at a very high speed, breaking into the Milky Way barrier in turns.

"It's a harsh winter, and the earth is rejuvenating. This is indeed a sign of prosperity." Ye Tianxing said in a deep voice.

"My view is that the sky connects to the realm of the gods, and the clouds are overcast, and there may be catastrophe in the hinterland of gods and demons." The grub showed a dignified expression.

"The Milky Way Starfield is the closest to the God's Domain and the hinterland of gods and demons. It can be the safest place or the most dangerous place." Huo Tingsheng couldn't make a sound.

The golden shuttle passed through the sky above the Sanzong. At this time, the Sanzong no longer existed, leaving only a piece of wreckage.

Ye Tianxing's deep eyebrows sank, and a complex color flashed across his face.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the half-moon bend. As soon as Fang stepped in, Ye Tianxing felt a powerful and majestic aura of heaven and earth, which shocked the grub beside him.

"Fortunately, Hanlin is safe." Ye Tianxing escaped directly into Hanlin Tianfu.

"Who is here?" There was a burst of shouting from Tianfu Mountain, followed by several powerful auras rising into the sky.

"Master Xuan is me, so don't panic." Ye Tianxing passed through the voice transmission, and the tension just now dissipated instantly, and a thick ecstasy emerged.

"Tian Xing, you're back!" Gu Qingyou, Ji Lan and others stepped forward one after another, and a moment later, Zhu Yan from a secret room also came through the air.


"Senior Brother Ye, it's Senior Brother Ye!" All of a sudden, the entire Hanlin Pavilion was completely boiling, and all the disciples and elders who were in retreat rushed towards the outside of the hall.

A moment later, the news of Ye Tianxing's return sounded from all around Hanlin Tianfu.

"Tian Xing has seen Senior Deadwood, Master Xuan, and Palace Master." Although Ye Tianxing's current strength is much higher than that of several people, he still maintains respect for his seniors and elders.

"God, great, you're back!"

"You, have you already broken through to Linxian?!" Gu Qingyou stared at Ye Tianxing, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Breakthrough by luck." Ye Tianxing said lightly, but his eyes fell on the arm of Taoist Deadwood, and his sleeves were empty.

At this time, the life breath of Taoist Dead Wood has reached freezing point.

"Senior Deadwood, this is..." Ye Tianxing's eyes were fixed, revealing a chill.

"Hehe, I'm old, I can't live for a few days, and my hands don't bother to spend blood to restore them, so there's no need to worry, little friend."

Ye Tianxing took out a piece of life crystal from his bosom, crushed it with his hands, and wrapped the life crystal with Yuan force and poured it into the body of Deadwood Taoist.

"This is...!" A majestic breath of life poured into the limbs of Taoist Deadwood, and for a moment, his body showed signs of spring in the dead wood.

"Little friend, how can such treasures be wasted on the old man." Taoist Deadwood tried to stop him.

"Seniors, don't worry, there are many juniors in this thing!" After killing the ancient creatures, Ye Tianxing had already considered this point, so he refined a lot of blood essence and condensed several life crystals.

Sending all the crystals of life into the dead wood Taoist's body, the body that was supposed to be completely exhausted, now glows with vitality visible to the naked eye. Such a scene is amazing.

"Senior accepted this fairy spirit, supplemented by the fairy spirit's immediate retreat, and refined all the life crystals, the senior's strength should be able to improve."

"Here, what should I do for this old man!" Taoist Deadwood was at a loss for a moment, "Little friend, you should keep this treasure for yourself, even if it is given to these younger generations, it is better than giving it to me, who is about to die. .”

"Senior, don't worry, go to retreat." The voice fell.

"These rings, Master Xuan and Palace Master, each of you has one ring. Master Xuan and Senior Sister Lan have already stepped into Linxian, so this fairy spirit will not be distributed to you. There are many treasures of heaven and earth in the ring, and there are some good ones. His classics and practice insights should be of great use to you." Today, the aura of the earth is returning, and the world is changing at an accelerated rate. The current prosperity indicates the beginning of a catastrophe, and he has to use all methods to enhance their self-protection power.

"Tian Xing, you need these things more than we do!" Ji Lan refused, unwilling to accept.

Ye Tianxing didn't say much, and with a wave of his sleeve, a pile of natural materials and earthly treasures piled up into a mountain, instantly flooding the entire open space of the square.

"All Hanlin disciples have a share." He waved his big hand again, and the outside of the hall was filled with spirit artifacts and fragments of immortal artifacts.

With another wave, hundreds of thousands of immortal gold, a large amount of purple gold cold iron, and too many black iron refining equipment flooded the gate of Tianfu Mountain.

All kinds of celestial lights soared into the sky and gathered together to produce a colorful vision, and the whole Nanhuang focused on Hanlinxuan for a moment.


Deathly silence!

Everyone stared at the treasure that almost filled the entire Tianfu Mountain. The shock in their hearts could not be described in words, and it could not be calmed down for a long time.

There are so many heavenly materials, earthly precious fairy gold and purple gold cold iron, even if the power of the entire Milky Way Starfield is added up, it is nothing more than that.

But after the shock, there was incomparable excitement.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Ye!" The crowd's voices rose and fell one after another.

"Tian Xing, you, where did you move these fairy mansions?" Gu Qingyou was dumbfounded.

"It's only half here, I still have a lot on me, Master Xuan will send someone to divide it." Ye Tianxing said lightly.

"You boy, you really make me feel ashamed." Gu Qingyou exclaimed, "Hanlinxuan is in such a grand situation, brother should also rest in peace." He patted Ye Tianxing on the shoulder lightly, and stopped making further excuses. Put the ring in your bag.

At this point, Ye Tianxing's heart trembled slightly, and a dusty memory in his heart was also revealed and flooded into his mind...


Several familiar voices sounded behind him, Ye Tianxing turned his head, and the once proud sons of Hanlinxuan were standing behind him respectfully, and now they have stepped into the Void Transformation Realm one after another.

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