"It's it!" Ying'er recognized the Qingtian White Tiger. During the Tianshengzhai battle, the latter was only in the late stage of Void Transformation. "I didn't expect it to also step into Linxian."

"Master, everything is cleaned up, what should I do with this guy?" Qingtian Baihu threw the dying white-faced Confucian scholar in front of Wu Ting.

At this time, the white-faced Confucian scholar was no longer human, his whole body was stained with his own blood, his leg was broken by Wu Ting, and his hands were removed by Qingtian Baihu, just like a human stick.

"My master is Venerable Chiyang. When he comes back, he will avenge me and drive you all to extinction. Cough..." The blood kept flowing, and the white-faced Confucian scholar turned into a blood-faced stick.

Wu Ting stared at him indifferently, with a look of disgust on his face, "Your master can't come back, so you should go and accompany him too."

As soon as the words fell, the sharp claws of the blue sky white tiger instantly pierced through the flesh of the blood-masked man's stick, and with one claw, he picked up the heart and swallowed it into his belly.

Then he opened his bloody mouth and spit out a mouthful of ice, freezing it into an ice sculpture.

The latter opened his eyes wide, unwilling to die in panic, and his soul was frozen to pieces by the cold.


The blue sky and white tiger transformed into its original body again, flapped its wings, and rushed back to the palace with Wu Ting and the others.

"Master, I smell Emperor Liang's breath, he seems to have escaped." The flying Qingtian White Tiger said suddenly.

"Catch up and don't let him live."

"Yes." The blue sky white tiger folded its wings, its feet glowed, and the surrounding void was seen to recede. It plunged headlong into the turbulent flow of the void, and walked quickly through the turbulent flow.


Tiansheng Palace,

After about an hour,

A blue-sky white tiger galloped down from the sky above the galaxy, tearing apart the barriers of the void and descending on the sky above Tiansheng.

A ferocious head fell from the mouth of the blue sky white tiger, and landed in front of a group of civil servants.


The roar of the tiger resounded in all directions, and after hovering in the sky for a while, the white tiger gathered its wings and galloped down to the front of the palace.

"Liang... Emperor Liang!"

"No, Liang thief!"

Seeing the ferocious blood skull rolling down, all the civil servants were so frightened that they scrambled and moved away from their original positions.

Everyone knelt down on the ground and buried their heads deeply in the ground, not daring to raise their heads.


Seeing all the apprentices come back safely, Master Zhai finally heaved a sigh of relief.


In the reunion after the catastrophe, the originally strong female disciples finally put down their disguise and sobbed softly in front of the master who was like a biological mother.

"How did you meet him?" Ye Tianxing looked at the ferocious blood head on the ground.

"We went to Mount Xiongya, but Fairy Ying'er and the others had already been taken away by the disciples of Chiyang Palace, so we chased them to Chiyang Palace, and took care of Chiyang Palace by the way."

"On the way back, Qingtian smelled his aura. Presumably this guy wanted to go to the Red Yang Palace to escape, but we arrived at the Red Yang Palace one step ahead of him, and then Qingtian caught up with him following his aura."

"It seems that all of this is indeed God's will, but God's will is not on his side."


In the depths of the Milky Way, within the ferocious breath of blood devouring the world,

The flames of the sun turned into countless fireballs and smashed towards the world like falling stars. Each fireball possessed the powerful power to kill Linxian cultivators.

"Wow..." The blood slave shook the blood chain, propped up a blood-colored cage, and wrapped the whole world.

He uttered a deep roar, and his blood danced wildly,


A huge crater was punched out of the bronze tripod, blood chains pierced through the void in all directions, pierced through the left shoulder and legs of the old ghost of Chiyang, and locked him firmly.

The old ghost of Chiyang screamed, blood flowed horizontally, and the endless flames of the sun rushed towards the blood slave, but he couldn't hurt the blood slave in the slightest. He took out a sharp short knife with his right hand out of thin air, and slashed at the blood chain. Cutting off the dagger failed to cut off the blood chain.

"Damn it!" He couldn't help cursing.

The blood slave took advantage of the opportunity and raised his hand to punch the former. Unable to dodge, the old ghost of Chiyang had no choice but to bite the bullet and punch the blood slave.


The two faced each other, and the sky and the earth were bright and red. The blood slave's physical strength was terrifying. With one punch, the arm of the old Chiyang ghost was smashed into pieces, and the blood slave's fist also penetrated his right arm. shoulder.

"Let's go."

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that this battle had come to an end.

Accompanied by the fall of the Chiyang old ghost, today's place is completely peaceful. Hundreds of thousands of Tiansheng's army and nearly a thousand civil servants and generals dare not get up, and kneel outside the palace for a long time.

"My son, Chihuaizi, is the first disciple under the seat of Chiyin Palace of Chiyin Palace, so I don't know Mount Tai just now. Please forgive me if I offend my son and seniors!" Disrespect, even the old ghost of Chiyang can be wiped out, and it is not difficult to wipe out their Chiyin Palace.

"It's okay, you can stand up at the moment of Tiansheng's crisis. As a friend of the princess, I should thank you." In front of him, "Your Chiyin Palace should have some relationship with this Chiyang Palace, so this ancient bronze tripod is given to Your Excellency."

"Old Chiyang ghost's ancient bronze tripod, this is a high-grade fairy artifact, such a precious thing, I have never worked hard, how dare I accept it!" Chi Huaizi was terrified, thinking that Ye Tianxing was testing him.

"I see that although the extreme Yin cold on your body and the extreme Yang flame are repelling, they have something in common. You can accept this bronze tripod. It is also a spoil of war for you to fight for the Tiansheng Dynasty. "

"I won't stay in the Tiansheng Dynasty for a long time. In the future, I will have to rely on the protection of the Red Yin Palace. If there is a chance, I will visit the people of the Red Yin Palace. I hope you will lead the way." The Chiyang Divine Manual was also pushed horizontally in front of Chi Huaizi.

"Huh~" Chi Huaizi took two deep breaths. Although the Chiyang Divine Canon and the Chiyin Kungfu he cultivated are mutually exclusive, they are originally from the same source. This is something that his master Chiyin can only dream of. In front of him, the high-grade fairy weapon can increase his strength dramatically. How can he not be moved by such two treasures?


"Young Master, Chi Huai's family teacher is very grateful for your generosity! You want to go to my Chi Yin Palace, it is my honor. The gate of Chi Yin Palace is always open for you!" Chi Huai Zi rushed Ye Tianxing bowed, and then took the Chiyang Cauldron and the Chiyang Divine Tome with trembling hands, feeling ecstasy in his heart.

"Baby, baby!" Chi Huaizi's inner excitement was completely revealed on his face.

"Young master, are you going to leave?" Ying'er asked.

"Well, I will leave tomorrow and rush back to Tianhe." Ye Tianxing said lightly.

"So soon? Can't you stay longer? We haven't entertained you well yet." Han Ziqi came out in a change of daughter's makeup. Called a stunning beauty.

Seeing this, Qiu Ge couldn't help pushing Ye Tianxing from beside him, and said in a low voice, "Master, you are too confused. If I have such a beautiful princess, I won't take a nap for a few days, and make a baby by the way." Let's go."

The corners of Ye Tianxing's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but glance at Qiu Ge.

"The danger of Tiansheng has been resolved, and you have to rush back to Tianhe as soon as possible. What you have to do now is to reshape Tiansheng. There will be a lot of things left for you, and you should rectify it. If you really want to thank me, everything will be cleared up in Tiansheng." Return to the past, you can come to Tianhe Star Region to find me." Ye Tianxing patted the little girl's head caressingly, among so many people, only when Ye Tianxing stroked her head, she didn't have any resistance.

"Oh, I see." She pursed her lips, a little disappointed.

"Senior, I have a set of formation restrictions, and please arrange them inside and outside the palace." Ye Tian is about to hand over the complete Immortal King's restriction that was rubbed on the Soul-Suppressing Pagoda to Graub.

The grub sensed it slightly with its spiritual sense, and its expression changed, "Wu Que's Immortal King's Restriction!"

"This restriction is no small matter." Grub was shocked.

"This restriction was obtained by the younger generation on the Soul Suppressing Pagoda. It should be left by the son of the Dragon Emperor." The two communicated with their spiritual sense.

"Hiss~ Son of the Dragon Emperor, no wonder!"

"Boy, even I can't complete the complete arrangement of the Immortal King's Restriction in a short time. In a day, I can arrange at most two corners of the formation pattern, but the arrangement of these two corners of the formation pattern can also resist the monsters under the Immortal King. any attack."

"Being able to resist the attacks under the Immortal King is enough. In the era when the Immortal King was not born, it is impossible for the real Immortal King to make a dynasty."

In the next day, Ye Tianxing and the others ate, drank and played in the palace, while the grub devoted itself to arranging the two corner patterns.

"In the past few years, haven't there been any news about Mingyuexin and the two of them?" Ye Tianxing couldn't help asking, logically speaking, they should have already come out of the fairy gate.

"No, I haven't heard from Mrs. Saintess for the past few years, and I don't know if I'm doing well." Ying'er shook her head with a gloomy expression. fell on him.

Ye Tianxing smiled knowingly, understanding, he couldn't help but glance at Wu Ting, he couldn't see through whether this guy had intentions.

"Tianshengzhai, how many people are there now?" He asked again.

"Since the last battle, master dismissed many Tianshengzhai disciples, leaving only about a hundred of us and a few elders who have followed Tiansheng for a long time. Master is worried that those guys from God's Domain will come to make trouble again, so We have not returned to the former site of Tianshengzhai, nor have we left Tiansheng in these years, and have built a temporary residence in Qianxinghai."

"We have been waiting for the saintess to appear, but there has been no news of them in the past few years."

Ye Tianxing nodded, looked at Ying'er and Wu Ting again, and thought about it.

"Jingqiu." Ye Tianxing called to Chen Jingqiu who was playing with Xiao Yan by the pool.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"Come here with your ears." Ye Tianxing whispered a few words in Chen Jingqiu's ear, and the latter's eyes lit up immediately.

"Leave it on me." After the words fell, Chen Jingqiu ran away happily.

"Brother, what did you tell Jingqiu? Tell me too, I'm so bored." Pei Shan ran forward with a curious expression on his face.

"It has nothing to do with you. If you are really in a hurry, go and see how the seniors set up the formation."


This night, it was really difficult to sleep, no one fell asleep, Han Ziqi drank a lot of wine, but surprisingly, he talked a lot less, and he didn't even take the initiative to cling to Ye Tianxing, just sat obediently not far from him Listen to him quietly.

vertical sun,

The grub arranged the two corners of the pattern completely, and reinforced a few small prohibitions to assist in control. After everything was done, Ye Tianxing left some treasures of heaven and earth and three fairy artifacts, and handed them over to Han Ziqi then spoke to everyone.

"Sending you off for thousands of miles will eventually require a farewell, everyone, take care of it."

"Husband-in-law, go slowly, come back and see us when you have time!" The eight retainers waved and shouted.

"My lord's kindness, Tiansheng Dynasty will remember it in my heart!" King Han bowed across the void.

"Sanggong, I will come to you, you can't marry someone else!" Han Ziqi still couldn't hold back his tears.

Ye Tianxing couldn't help laughing when he heard it, "Run Tiansheng Dynasty well, and you will become a king. Don't cry at every turn, and leave."

After the words fell, Ye Tianxing led a group of people to tear apart the void and fled away.

"Why don't people from Tianshengzhai see you off?" Qu Wencang was puzzled, which was also what Wu Ting suspected.

"They are already waiting in front." Chen Jingqiu smiled triumphantly.

"What do you mean?" Qu Wencang was puzzled.

"The Boss has sent an invitation to the owner of the vegetarian. From now on, Tiansheng Zhai will temporarily set up a shelter in Hanlinxuan until the Holy Maiden appears." While speaking, Chen Jingqiu couldn't help running to Wu Ting, and asked with a smile, "Old Witch, what do you think of the boss doing this?"

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