Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 249 Entering the Human World for the First Time

"So sweet,"

"My lord, what's this called?" Qiu Ge raised a string of red particles in his hand.

"Candied haws." Ye Tianxing replied with a smile, seeing this mature girl who was gentle and occasionally playful in front of him, smiling like an innocent child because of a bunch of candied haws, he also felt healed in his heart.

"Boss, how much?"

"Master Hui, twenty grains of silver." The boss said respectfully.

"This, this, what's it called again?" Qiu Ge trotted to the next booth, pointing at the three-color object spinning in the wind.


"Boss, give me two!" Qiu Ge smiled and took out an ingot of immortal gold from her bosom, and handed it to the boss.

"This... girl..." The boss is also a person who knows the goods. When he saw this huge ingot of fairy gold, he was scared and took two steps back.

"Why not enough?" Qiu Ge took out another ingot from his bosom and handed it to the boss.

At this moment, the boss's face turned pale instantly, he still couldn't see that the girl in front of him who didn't know the fireworks in the world must be the legendary immortal cultivator.

"Fairy, you can't do it, you can't do it... This windmill is for you."

Seeing this, Qiuge frowned, and was very puzzled, "How can you buy something without money? Isn't it enough?" She subconsciously wanted to dig out the fairy gold again, and Ye Tianxing hurried forward to hold her hand with a wry smile. I took my hand back,

"This is a trading place for mortals, how can we trade immortal gold?"

"Take back the fairy gold." Ye Tianxing took out a piece or two of fairy silver from his pocket and put it on the boss's booth.

"Thank you young master, thank you very much, young master!" The boss felt tearful when he saw this. These Taoists from the immortal family didn't know how to grab it.

"Why can't you collect fairy gold? Can't mortals use these?" Qiuge stared at Ye Tianxing curiously, and handed a windmill at hand to Xiao Yan, who was held in Ye Tianxing's right hand.

"Thank you sister Qiu." Xiao Yan happily took the windmill, and the former caressed his face.

"Immortal gold is useless to mortals. If such an ingot of immortal gold is discovered by an immortal cultivator, it will lead to death instead."

"Okay, but I only have fairy gold." She looked distressed, staring at the money bag in Ye Tianxing's hand, looking pitiful.

Ye Tianxing had no choice but to hand the money bag to her. She happily took the money bag and rushed to the next stall.

It is precisely this worthless thing to them that can buy the joy of the moment.

"Brother, where's mine? I want it too?" Pei Shan stretched out his big hands in front of Ye Tianxing.

"What do you want?"

"What else can I ask for, of course it is money."

"No, what do you want this thing for, old man?" Ye Tianxing couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"Brother, brother, you can't stand it if you do this. Why does Miss Qiu have it, but I don't? It's not fair!" Pei Shan simply acted coquettishly. Jiaolai, no matter how you look at it, it's so strange.

"Huh~ I can't watch it anymore," Chen Jingqiu took out a bag of fairy silver from her arms with a look of disgust, and threw it to him.

After receiving a bag full of fairy silver, Pei Shan immediately burst into joy, sniffing the fragrance and ran to a restaurant, the whole street trembled for a while.

"As for you, if you are also interested in mortal things, go pick some yourself." Ye Tian took out all the little fairy silver left on his body.

"I want to eat that too!" Mubatu pointed at a braised pig's trotter on a table in the restaurant.

"We, too, think it should be delicious." Seeing that everyone had the same intention, Emperor Ye simply asked Chen Jingqiu to bring everyone a snack.

"Isn't Xiaoyan hungry?" He looked at the well-behaved little boy beside him.

Li Yan shook his head, smiled and showed his teeth leaking, buried his head on Ye Tianxing's shoulder, and played with the windmill in his hand seriously.

Seeing this, Ye Tianxing felt very distressed. The shadow of childhood and the life of losing his brother made him more sensible than anyone else when he was young. It is precisely this sensible that concealed the frankness that belonged to childhood.

"It's okay, take your time." Ye Tianxing said in his heart.

"My lord, what are you dawdling about, follow up!" Qiu Ge trotted over, holding Ye Tianxing's arm with his right hand, and led him forward.

In the two-mile long space, she wandered for an hour, until she had visited all the shops, and then excitedly found a snack bar for a snack or two.

"My lord, the snacks here taste really good. Although there are some in the demon world, the taste is not as good." Qiuge took Xiaoyan over and hugged him beside him. Not full.

The three of them were frozen in the same frame, Xiao Yan and Qiu Ge happily ate deliciously, while Ye Tianxing looked at the two of them quietly, watching them laughing happily, the corners of his mouth raised a faint smile from time to time. The arc, every frown and smile of the two touched his heartstrings, healing and warming the bottom of his heart that no one could touch.

This kind of life is not what he yearns for.

"Hehe, a family of three, it's pretty sweet." A playful sneer broke the silence at the moment.

"Master, it's her, look, I didn't lie to you!" A little waiter pointed to Qiu Ge who was eating happily, and his face was full of ecstasy.

"That's right, it's really stunning in the world. I didn't expect to encounter such a beauty in this small border town!" The young man dressed in brocade clothes and sable fur young master, holding a folding fan, stared at Qiu Ge, with a twitch on his temples. With a small braid behind her back, she sat down next to her thoughtfully, with her folding fan slamming on the edge of the table, her right hand dragging her cheek, her eyes squinted into a line, and she stared at Qiuge Diet with a smile.

"Are you okay?" Ye Tianxing didn't look back at him, but asked softly, he was afraid that his voice would be loud and disturb the short peace and quiet.

The young man also didn't look at Ye Tianxing on the left, and turned his big face straight to Qiuge with narrowed eyes and a smile.

"Crack!" He took out an ingot of fairy silver with his left hand, which was as much as 50 taels, and he said to himself, "A fairy is a fairy, and even eating is picturesque. This is my destiny."

Qiu Ge, who was eating with a mouth full of fragrance, saw the ingot of fairy silver, her beautiful eyes shone slightly, she stretched out her white jade hand, and grabbed the silver in her hand, "Is this silver for me?" She smiled slightly .


It was precisely this smile that made the young man feel like he had received an electric shock, covering his chest and laughing like a fool.

"Yes, it's for the fairy. As long as the fairy follows this young master, she can have as much money as she wants."



The young man spent a lot of money, and took out three ingots of fairy silver one after another, each of which was a hundred taels, "Boy, your wife is with me, and you who are sensible take the silver and get out quickly. This silver is enough for you to go back to the countryside and marry a few more houses." gone."

Hearing the words, Ye Tianxing subconsciously looked at his simple attire and his dusty face, he was indeed a bit poor.

Qiuge looked at the three ingots of fairy silver, and the gleam in her beautiful eyes intensified. In her eyes, these were delicacies and toys, more precious than fairy gold and treasures of heaven and earth.

"That's so embarrassing," she said on her lips, but her jade hand subconsciously stretched out to the three ingots of immortal silver.

Her movements were so slow that the young man couldn't help being tempted, and stretched out his hand to touch the slender jade hand under the fair skin.

But she didn't stop her, she just glanced at Ye Tianxing slyly, and said in her heart: Let's see if you are jealous.

Sure enough, in the next moment, amidst the screams, the bench under the young man's buttocks suddenly flew upside down with the person, and the bench got stuck on the threshold, but the person rolled out on the ground several times, and fell to the ground. , can not find southeast northwest.

Ye Tianxing withdrew his foot, while Qiuge pocketed the three hundred cents silver contentedly.

"Oh, master, are you alright?!"

"Who, who did it on horseback!?"

"It's him, young master, I saw him kick with his right foot with my own eyes!" The little servant pointed at Ye Tianxing's right foot and yelled viciously.

"Boy, you are looking for death, and you dare to do something wrong. Do you know whose young master this is?"

"I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing."

"You don't know how to live or die. This is the eldest son of General Wu of our border city, the son-in-law of Tianliang City, the owner of Wang's Casino, and the guest of Furong Pavilion!"

"Each identity is enough to make you die thousands of times,"

"You, you, you, you... are dead!" The little servant pointed at Ye Tianxing and suddenly stammered.

Seeing this, the boss panicked and staggered from the stairs on the second floor to the corner of Ye Tianxing's table. A small business can't afford to provoke these people, so I'll take care of it."

"Little Er, see off the guests!"

"Young master, run quickly, this is the eldest son of General Wu, Wu Guanhou who has won the three armies bravely, the overlord of our border town, the in-laws of the lord of Tianliang City, you must not be provoked."

Xiaoer walked quickly to the back hall and lifted the curtain, and then casually invited eleven burly men from the back yard, "Don't be nervous, these are the signs of the small shop, and all of them are one of a kind." Good hand!"

"As long as the young master leaves quickly, there is nothing wrong with the shop, and you will be fine. If you don't leave, then you have to hold back and stop calling. Their service will become more enthusiastic following the shouting of the young master. It is quite thoughtful to provide a one-stop service."

"If you can't help yelling, the neighbors and other guests in the neighborhood will think that our store is a small bully, which will have a bad influence on the century-old store, so you should leave quickly."

The 11 people stood upright with their heads held high. They were two meters tall and their well-developed muscles turned dark bronze after being exposed to the sun. They were quite bluffing at first glance.

"Assassination against this young master, since you don't eat and drink fine wine, then go to hell!" The young man yelled, murderous, "Give it to me!"

With a wave of his big hand and an order, the little servant stared at Ye Tianxing coldly as if staring at a dead person.

After the young man signaled for a moment, there was no movement behind him. Just as he was about to get angry, a shadow suddenly appeared on the sunlit earth, covering him in it.

"Young master..." The little servant suddenly stared behind the young man in horror, trembling all over.

The young man looked back, but only saw a big mountain, which completely blocked the sunlight and his sight.

"Gulu~" He had an ominous premonition, and looked up. A harmless face, as big as three plates, was looking down at him with a smile.

A big hand reached out, grabbed him lightly, and then walked towards the store.

The moment he stepped on the threshold, the entire door was completely blocked by the burly body, and the store was instantly dark.

The eleven strong men stared at the muscles the size of their buttocks, subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and shrank neatly behind the curtain.

"Brother, why did you find such a small shop, you can't even get in through this door." With a light tug of Pei Shan's big hand, the wall the size of the door was torn off and thrown outside the door.

"Heck~" Although the boss and the waiter were expressionless, there was an undercurrent surging in their hearts.

"I'm sorry, but how much is this door, I will compensate you." Pei Shan put the young man on the ground, spread his hands, and took out an extra ingot of fairy silver out of thin air.

The waiter and the boss saw the situation, they were in a state of confusion, but their feet subconsciously ran towards the backyard.

"Immortal, Immortal...!!" The young man's face turned green with fear. Behind the curtain, eleven burly men saw this scene through a gap in one corner, trembling.

"Let him go, we've almost eaten, it's time to leave."

"Okay." Pei Shan grabbed the young man again and casually threw him out the door.

"Who dares to beat Wu Guanhou's eldest son!"

"This body shape doesn't look like a human!" The crowd pointed to the store and discussed.

Pei Shan made a way out of the door, and Qiu Ge walked out first with Xiao Yan in his arms. The moment she walked out of the store, her gentle and pretty face had a knowing smile.

I don't know how many people were fooled by this smile, and how many people's dreams were warmed.

In the next moment, time seems to freeze at this moment, the space freezes, the surrounding things stop flowing, and everything remains in a fixed posture.

A golden boat lay in front of the store, and everyone got up and boarded.

When everything was restored to the original state, the group of people just now had disappeared.


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