Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 250 Tiansheng Dynasty

"Old Ye, I was in the tavern just now, and I heard some news." On the golden boat, Wu Ting suddenly said in a deep voice.

"what news?"

"It's about the Tiansheng Dynasty." Chen Jingqiu added.

Hearing these four words, Ye Tianxing, who was playing with Xiao Yan, handed Xiao Yan to Qiu Ge, and then turned to look at Chen Jingqiu, "What's wrong with Tiansheng Dynasty?"

"The civil war in the Tiansheng dynasty has been going on for many years, and now Tiansheng has emptied the treasury and lost all its talents." Chen Jingqiu's eyes darkened, and her voice stopped immediately.

"To get to the point, when did you learn to beat around the bush?" Ye Tianxing frowned, and everyone felt a murderous aura invisibly.

"It is said that King Han chose to abdicate the throne in order to avoid more unprovoked killings."

"Dynasty change, cycle after cycle, since it is King Han's choice, it may not be a bad thing." Ye Tianxing said so, but he still couldn't let go of it in his heart, after all, Han Ziqi was also considered to be acquainted with him.

"It is said that King Liang is a ruthless tyrant, and now the entire Tiansheng Palace has been controlled by him. After abdicating the throne, I am afraid he will never leave any trouble."

"The little princess is not bad, why don't we help out? This can be regarded as choosing a wise king for Tiansheng."

"Young master, do you want Mubatu to go for a while?" Mubatu stepped forward and bowed.

"In order to repay the kindness of the adults, Huo Tingsheng is willing to go to help and relieve the worries of the adults." Huo Tingsheng and others also stepped forward one after another.

"If that's the case, then let's go on a journey." After the words fell, the golden boat shrank, turned into a golden shuttle, turned into a rainbow light, and went away through the air.


Tiansheng Dynasty.

At this moment, outside the palace, the army is gathering and setting up camp. The palace is barely supported by an incomplete formation, supported by many masters.

"King Han, the auspicious day of the auspicious day is approaching, and the time is approaching. Let the guards in the palace put down their weapons and come out one by one. Those who are willing to follow my emperor can still retain their posts. Those who do not want to continue to serve the royal family, my emperor can give one of them." Give him a generous reward and send him away safely."

A middle-aged man holding an amber sword, riding a flaming horse, covered in blood, with a terrifying murderous aura raging, giving people a strong oppression,

At a distance of two feet behind the man, two teams of men and horses were neatly lined up. The standard black spears were murderous, and their thick armor was stained with blood.

These are two armies with extremely strong combat power, each of them is above reincarnation, and the leader has stepped into the void,

It was the Amber Army under Emperor Liang's command who possessed great vigor and made countless military exploits for him.

"The majestic King Han is not a villain who backtracks on his promises, is he? The grand ceremony is coming soon but he does not open the palace and raise his hands to welcome my emperor. Could it be that abdication of the throne is false and delaying time is real?" some generals sneered.

"Beat the drum, if you don't open the big formation to greet us sincerely after an hour, we will attack with a large army, and the casualties caused by then will all be caused by King Han's will!"

"Han Wang, this is your way of hanging the pot to help the world and being full of will. The final general told you a long time ago that kindness does not control soldiers, benevolence does not rule the government, and the king does not have the power to deter all directions. How can the world of Kyushu be pacified?"

"Unfortunately, if you don't believe me, you still have to take off your armor and return to the field. Today's situation is all your fault!" The man was riding a giant deep-sea horse, wearing a purple-gold battle armor, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, his face full of vicissitudes. A murderous aura looking at all directions.

One person, one halberd, and one horse guarded one side alone, but there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood underneath.

"A tiger without arrogance is just a sick cat, King Han, your time is over, and the Tiansheng Dynasty should usher in a king more suitable for it!"

In the southeast and northwest, there are masters sitting in the four directions, and they can drag this world into endless slaughter in an instant with an order.

Tiansheng Palace.

King Han sat on the steps in a green robe, his eyes darkened.

"King Han, this seat and the Lord Zhai will join forces to protect you and the princess. You should consider carefully whether you really want the Zen position. Once you fall into the enemy's hands, even if this seat and the Lord Zhai join forces, you will be able to save your life." Not you."

On the left side of the main hall, sat a white-robed man, his face was sickly pale, and he couldn't feel much popularity all over his body, just sitting there made people feel cold.

"I am the King of Han, and I shall die for the royal family. My father is dying, and all the generals under his command will sacrifice their lives to protect the royal family. How can this king live on mere existence!" Han Wang smiled wryly, raised his golden bottle and drank it.

"You two have done your best to protect my royal family. This king is very grateful. Now I am only worried about the little girl Qi. I only hope that when the battle is broken, the vegetarian master and the layman can protect her life and take her away."

"The child will live and die with the father and the king, and swear to live and die with the dynasty. If the father does not leave, and the officials and soldiers do not leave, how can Zi Qi live alone?" A sonorous female voice came from outside the hall. The woman was wearing soft armor and was covered in blood. Holding a mirror in his hand, the mirror surface reflects an extraordinary luster, and each ray of luster has the power to kill the master of the void.

She broke into the hall, full of fighting spirit, "As a descendant of the Han family, the blood of the father and king is flowing in the child's body. Even though he is a woman, he can be a hundred and kill all the thieves!"

Over the past few years, Han Ziqi's face faded a little bit of youthfulness and innocence, and added a lot of obliteration. The spooky and unruly princess back then has become a female general who leads the party.

"We are willing to follow to the death, but we are absolutely unwilling. If the king of Han wants to live with the dynasty, we will live and die with the dynasty!"

Of the eighteen retainers back then, now there are only these eight people left.

"Nonsense, Ziqi, the way of heaven cannot be violated, the dynasty will eventually fall, as a father, it is a pity that I failed to give the people a peaceful and prosperous life, the dynasty fell into my hands, what face do I have to live on as a father?"

"Eight elders, you have followed the dynasty for hundreds of years. This king is grateful. Now that the dynasty is exhausted, I hope that the eight elders will protect the little girl and go out together. If the blood of the Han family is broken by my hand, in front of the ancestors and heroic spirits, How should I say it, even a hundred deaths will not erase the eternal felony!" Han Wang was moved, his hair was disheveled and he no longer looked like a monarch, and he was drunk.

"My child will never agree. Before the ancestors and ancestors, I will let my child explain. The Han family can be defeated, but the descendants of the Han family will never live in vain. The child has made up his mind, so the father and king should not worry about it."

"The thief surnamed Liang is cruel and ruthless. Even if you are in charge of him, your cronies and even anyone who has an affair with the Han family, he will never let him go. If we don't kill all of us, how can he sleep peacefully?"

"Father, you have lost your anger over the years. You said that the Korean family will be handed over to the boy. If there is no tomorrow, it will be today. The boy wants to lead the soldiers to fight to the death. This is the boy's decision, and I beg you!" King Father promises!"


"Silly girl, why are you so stubborn?!" King Han was annoyed.


Suddenly, the sick man in the hall shouted coldly at the sky above the hall,

Immediately afterwards, all the generals outside the main hall urged the magical weapons in their hands, and the intention of killing swept out of the main hall.

"No, someone broke in!" Zhaizhu's complexion changed drastically.

"No, more than one person!" The man's pupils narrowed, "How is it possible, how did they break in."

"Since they've all broken in, let's fight out!" Han Ziqi was so angry that the mirror in his hand suddenly glowed with blood, showing great power.

"Father, the sons of the Han family should fight bloody battles in all directions, and fight to the last person. How can we be wronged and seek perfection? That is the real shame against our ancestors!"

Han Ziqi took a deep breath, the soft armor on his body exuded divine light, and charged forward with a mirror in his hand.

"Kill me!"

"Kill!" The eight vassals erupted with powerful force, followed Han Ziqi and rushed to the outside of the hall, with murderous intent.

But at this time, a light and shadow flickered at the entrance of the main hall, the previous step was still outside the main hall, the next step was already inside the lightning, and the next step was in front of Han Ziqi.

Before Han Ziqi could make a move, he just sniffed the breeze on his face, and two fingers had already reached between her eyebrows.

As if she had been electrocuted, the mirror she raised froze in mid-air, her pupils dilated, and her body was frozen in place.

"Zi Qi!"

"The princess!"

King Han's pupils contracted, and a domineering killing spirit swept out immediately, and the eight retainers jumped forward, with an unparalleled offensive.

But in the next moment, the eight of them were fixed in the air just like Han Ziqi.

And King Han was restrained by an invisible force, making it difficult to move.

"Absolute Territory!" The sick man's face changed drastically, and he felt horrified.

Just as I was about to start,

But seeing the black-robed man gently push his fingers, Han Ziqi's petite body staggered back half a step, but he was completely fine.

"Kill, kill, kill, the Princess of the Dynasty, who doesn't wear makeup, has a dusty face, and is full of fighting and killing, can you still get married like this?" The calm voice was heard by everyone in a low-pitched way. It rang in my ears.

The man's hair is half bundled, half of it is neat and clean, and the other half is messy and flowing.

Han Ziqi stared blankly at the person who came, under the slightly funny hair, a pair of eyes as deep as the vast stars, glowing with a little shimmer, a pair of flat lips, often with a hint of disdain On the face that is so familiar that it can't be more familiar.

Her lips trembled immediately, and her stubborn and murderous eyes were instantly covered by a touch of pitiful grievance.

She leaped forward, regardless of anything, rushed into the arms of the man,

With a "wow", cries full of grievances and unwillingness instantly filled the entire hall.

The sadness that he had swallowed alone for several years, the fear hidden in his heart, and the expression of pretending to be strong, all turned into a torrent at this moment, dyeing Ye Tianxing's clothes.

"My son-in-law, my son-in-law?!" The eight servants saw the face of the visitor clearly, and suddenly there was a touch of ecstasy on their faces. They opened their eyes wide and stared at Ye Tianxing. The next moment, Han Ziqi cried with years of grievances. In the voice, old tears flowed freely.

The eight retainers hid their faces from each other.

"Gulu~" King Han was puzzled, suspicion appeared on his murderous face, and he was at a loss for a while.

"Young Master Ye, he's here!" The woman in white put down her guard, her tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and a look of relief appeared on her face.

"Master Zhai is familiar with this person?" The man was still on guard and did not dare to relax his vigilance. The black robed man who suddenly appeared in front of him gave him an indescribable sense of oppression.

"This is my great benefactor of Tianshengzhai, that outstanding young man who is famous in Tiansheng." The headmaster in white had always shown others with an indifferent face, but at this moment, her face covered with frost showed a little more warmth.

King Han calmed down. Seeing this scene, he suddenly remembered, his pupils dilated by two points, "He, could it be that he just defeated those peerless geniuses in the God Realm?"

"That's right, it's the barren body of the world, the outstanding person in the world!"

"I didn't expect that in just a few short years, his strength has become so unfathomable that Hua Xu Jue Dian is not even qualified to move in front of him." She couldn't help sighing, and felt more at ease in her heart.

"My robe costs a lot of fairy gold. It doesn't matter if you get wet from crying, but if you cry like a cat's face, if this powder gets on my robe, the price will not be cheap."

"Woo~ I'll cry,"

"Huh~" She simply blew her nose violently and wiped it on Ye Tianxing's body.

The former's face instantly twitched.

... All the retainers had black lines all over their faces.

"Sure enough, only in front of the son-in-law can the princess return to her original appearance." The eight retainers said happily.

"Let me emphasize again, I am not your son-in-law."

"Good son-in-law, we all understand!" The old man made a gesture of understanding.

Ye Tianxing was speechless.

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