Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 248: Southern Wilderness

"What, you're leaving?" Chu Liyu held her hand slightly, she was happy to step into the Immortal Realm, but the sudden words made her lose her mood for an instant.

"That's right. Back then, I came to the Demon Realm just to kill the Demon Scorpion Sect father and son, but I didn't expect so many things to happen. It's been almost three years, and I should go back and have a look." Ye Tianxing took a sip of his glass with a smile Zhong Jiajiu, he seems very calm, but he still feels a little bit reluctant in his heart. After getting along for the past three years, he has also developed some feelings with Chu Li and the others.

"Brother, are you leaving now? I haven't introduced you to my clan yet, and my father is planning to host a banquet for you. No matter what you do, you have to travel all over Mysterious Xiaojie, to our clans. Let's go back after eating and drinking!"

"I appreciate your kindness. I will come again when I have a chance. The Mysterious Little World is there and it will not disappear. Besides, if you are free, you can also go to me."

"Oh, that's fine, I'll go to the Hui clan immediately, pack up some things and come back, I will follow you from now on, little brother, I will follow you wherever you go!" Pei Shan said with a smile, and now he is also ready In the realm of Linxian, the aura is vigorous, and the accumulation is enough, and only one opportunity is needed to step into Linxian.

"Brother Ye, do you really want to leave?" Kong Xuan came over, and Kong Xuan's spirit and spirit, which was inherited by the Golden Winged Roc King, had undergone great changes. Even Ye Tianxing couldn't see through his current strength.

"It has been delayed for a long time. Although I have enjoyed getting along with you, I still have more important things to accomplish. Now that your strength is invincible in this mysterious world, Fire Cloud City is enough for you to sit here. I have nothing to worry about."

"Okay, since Brother Ye insists on leaving, Kong Xuan will not keep him, but Brother Ye must accept this peacock feather. Seeing this fairy feather, if you see Kong Xuan, the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire, the blue sky falling into the yellow spring, Kong Xuan will definitely agree even if he dies." Follow!" Kong Xuan held the peacock fairy feather in his hands with a solemn expression.

Ye Tianxing naturally understood the weight contained in this fairy feather, it not only represented Kong Xuan, but also represented the peacock clan of the Great Ming Dynasty.

"Okay, this fairy feather is accepted by Yemou." Ye Tianxing took the fairy feather with both hands, and put it into the Sumeru ring.

"Uh, I don't have anything to give you. If you like something from my Chu family, you can pick whatever you want, and I'll make the decision." Chu Li assured, patted her chest.

Hearing this, Ye Tianxing gave her a teasing look on purpose. When the latter saw this, she subconsciously tensed up for a moment, "Don't be nervous, I don't dare to pick on Miss Chu. Compared with presents, Ye Mou hopes that she will give her a gift in the near future." I received the good news of your marriage." He chuckled and took out a pair of ten-thousand-year blood jade pendants engraved with dragons and phoenixes from his arms. This pair of jade pendants was obtained from ancient creatures, and they are very extraordinary. Consider it a gift."

He handed the ten-thousand-year blood jade pendant engraved with a dragon to Kong Xuan, and the ten-thousand-year blood jade pendant engraved with a phoenix to Chu Li.

Seeing this, the two subconsciously looked at each other, Kong Xuanjunyi couldn't see any expression on his face, but Ye Tianxing clearly caught the inadvertent flash in his eyes.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Xiaoxuanzi, Pei Shan, and I are close relatives who grew up wearing a pair of pants. The three of us are brothers. Where are you going?" Chu Li accepted Ye Tianxing's hand frankly. Feng Pei, who came, looked at it happily, "But I will accept this jade pendant, as a souvenir."

Seeing Chu Li's performance, Ye Tianxing curled his lips, and patted Kong Xuan's shoulder helplessly, "Good things take time."

Kong Xuan turned sideways, with a hint of bitterness in the corner of his mouth.

Ten days later, with Chen Jingqiu, Qu Wencang, Wu Ting and others leaving the customs one after another, a grand farewell banquet was held in Huoyun City, and prominent forces from all sides in the mysterious world also came to pay their respects.

The feast lasted for five days, and the farewell officially came to an end.


"Everyone, send you thousands of miles away, and you will have to say goodbye at the end."

Ye Tianxing clapped hands across the Xinghe River, and on the other side of the Xinghe River, the fire king Chuxiong, the Peacock King Kong Li of the Great Ming Dynasty and other leaders of the four clans also came to see them off. Such a battle is really rare in the Mysterious Xiaojie.

Huo Tingsheng, Huo Yuanlang, the black dragon's arrogance, and Ed Covez from the big dog clan all followed, and all three of them had returned to the clan to say goodbye to the clan.

"Everyone, take care!" Kong Xuan and others spoke across the galaxy.

"Treasure!" After Ye Tianxing saluted slightly to the four kings, he waved his sleeves, and all the people walked away on the nebula.


"He's gone?" The lineage of the Phoenix, the sea of ​​fire in the ground, and the fire lotus in the center of the earth, the woman's jade body is transparent, her black eyebrows are staring at the wall, dazed.

"Well, he's gone. After coming out of the mysterious world, he didn't even stay in the Chu clan, and left with a group of Tianjiao." An old female voice sounded from the depths of the underground sea of ​​fire.

"Why didn't he come to me? Doesn't he want to know who he is?" The woman's heart was flustered, and she couldn't calm down at this moment, "No, I have to go see him."

"In your current state, sometimes you wake up, sometimes you fall asleep. It's better not to see him. If he is really that person, you will always meet again."

"But, I miss him very much." She clenched her jade hands lightly, but she couldn't step out of the burning range of the fire lotus in the center of the earth.

"I've been waiting for 1 years, so why care about this little time? Besides, he doesn't remember who you are at all. Compared to seeing him, you still worry more about yourself." The old voice fell, and the ground Apart from the sound of magma surging at the bottom of the sea of ​​fire, nothing else can be heard.


"The wasteland has left, but we can't do anything." A gloomy voice sounded in the darkness.


"The demon general grub didn't know why he followed him. We didn't dare to approach him. Once we were discovered, we would probably be wiped out."

"Bastard, bastard! Then my son Qianzang died for nothing?!"

"Elder, I think you should let go of this idea. Not long ago, the Phoenix Clan in the Mysterious Xiaoxuan Realm sent people to the ancient lifelines for a while, killed many experts, and let anyone dare to trouble that kid , just waiting to be wiped out!"

"The phoenix lineage of Mysterious Xiaoxuan? It's just a group of miscellaneous birds with impure blood, dare to be so arrogant and domineering?" the man yelled.

"It would be great if it was just like this. There are immortal kings in the lineage of the ancient creatures, but they still let the masters of the clan be killed. It is not easy. According to the speculation of the younger generation, there are rumors that the old guy in the Phoenix lineage survived from the ancient times. It should be true, otherwise, how could the ancient beings be bullied and come to the door without saying a word?"

"Huh~ An old guy who survived the last days?!"

"But why? Don't the Phoenix lineage have enmity with that kid? Why do you want to protect him?" The man clenched his fists tightly, his veins bulged, and his eyes were about to split.

"This, I don't know. The junior came here to remind you, the elder, don't try to retaliate, so as not to burn yourself and implicate the Dayan clan."


Promise City,

"Is this guy really leaving like this?" Xue Liuli suddenly sat up from the seat.

"Then why not? Do you still want him to do something before leaving?"

"But, I lost the bet to him. Even the god baby was branded with a soul-seed by him, and he didn't even come to look for me, so he just left?" She was very puzzled. After leaving, I was a little worried that this guy would come to threaten her and take her away. After all, the baby god had been planted with a soul seed, and was struggling to figure out how to evade it, but he didn't expect that the other party would not come at all.

"Xiao Liuli, I see that your expression is very disappointed, do you really want him to take you away?" Qingqing teased.

"No way, that guy looks so ordinary, and I don't like him, so why did you go with him? I'm just curious. I lost a bet to him, and he came to ask for a bet forcefully. It can be seen that he must want to Do something, I am the majestic young master of the Promise Palace, normal people control my power of life and death, shouldn't I ask for something? Even if he doesn't want the person of my palace master, he must ask for the same things Bar?"

"Otherwise why would he ask me for a bet?"

"Unbelievable." Xue Liuli shook her head, puzzled.

"Then you're not lucky? It means that this guy's character is not bad, why don't you think about it, before your father arranges a marriage for you, cook a mature meal with the barren body first?"

"Go away, I want to marry you"

"I would like to, but people don't want to."


A golden boat shuttled across the Milky Way without encountering any obstacles along the way.

"I thought there would be ignorant guys, but I didn't expect that no one would find fault with me." The ignorant guys in the mouth of the grub naturally refer to the forces behind the Tianjiao who were suppressed and killed by Ye Tianxing.

"They don't have the guts to measure them. We have so many masters here, and we have Uncle Grub here. Even if we send out an immortal king, it may not be able to defeat us. What's more, in the demon world, there are restrictions on how the immortal king can attack us. What do they use to fight us?" !" Standing on the top of the golden shuttle, Pei Shan looked at the ever-changing scenery around him, and breathed the surrounding air freely.

Soon, I will come to Donghua Palace again,

Today's Donghua Palace is still the same, not much has changed. After entering the Donghua Palace, it seems that someone has greeted them in advance, and the shrimp soldiers and crabs will not stop them from passing.

"Since you're here, why don't you show up?" Grub whispered to the void.

A moment later, the void twisted, and a middle-aged man in a white robe appeared in front of everyone. This person was the current owner of Donghua Palace.

"This junior has seen the seniors of the Monster Race." The master of Donghua Palace bowed to the grub, and then turned his eyes to Ye Tianxing and the others next to him, "This Taoist friend is very familiar."

"No, you, you are Ye Tianxing!?" The man recognized Ye Tianxing's appearance, and his expression changed drastically, he was extremely shocked.

"You, all of you have actually broken through to Linxian!" He looked at Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting in shock.

Seeing this, Ye Tianxing smiled slightly, "Well, I was lucky enough to step into Linxian."

"Senior, I don't know if the people from Tianshengzhai have left?" Ye Tianxing asked.

"Huh~ I've been away for a year." The middle-aged man couldn't calm down.

"Have the two saintesses from Tianshengzhai ever appeared?" Ye Tianxing asked again.

"No, since entering the fairy gate, there has been no news of them. I don't know where they have gone. The people of God's Realm are searching for their whereabouts everywhere. I'm afraid the two of them will not dare to show up."

Ye Tianxing nodded, and then cupped his hands at the middle-aged man, "Then the younger generation will not bother you anymore."

"It's rare for younger brothers and seniors to visit, so it's better to go to the humble house and talk about it, so that I can show the friendship of the landlord."

"No need, I'll take my leave when I still have something important to do." After the words fell, Ye Tianxing took the lead to leave, followed by all the Tianjiao.

This scene was seen by the owner of Donghua Palace, and it became even more incredible. He could never have imagined that in just three years, the barren body had already entered the realm of immortality.

What's even more exaggerated is that if he guessed correctly, there are at least six people in the group who are in the Immortal Realm. What kind of concept is this?The more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

"No, it seems that this guy is giving orders just now?"

"No...would...right? Could it be that they followed suit with the barren body?"

"Hiss~" Thinking of this, the owner of Donghua Palace took a few breaths, "What has this guy experienced in the past three years? Let alone stepping into the Linxian Realm, there are so many Linxian masters accompanying him ,"

"Terrible, terrible!"

A group of people quickly left Donghua Palace and came to the land of the human race. It was the first time for Pei Shan to enter the land of the human race at such a young age. To him, he was full of curiosity.

"My lord, is that the human race's market?" Qiu Ge pointed at the crowded crowd below Jinsuo, her beautiful eyes full of curiosity.

"En." Ye Tianxing nodded slightly.

"It's so fragrant, it's a little different from the market of our Yaozu."

"I also smell the fragrance, is this human delicacy?" Pei Shan opened his eyes wide and sniffed the air with his nose.

"My lord, I haven't seen a human market yet, can we go down and have a look? Just for a while." Qiu Ge pursed her lips, her gentle eyes full of anticipation.

"This, well, you all restrain your breath a little, this is the territory of the human race after all."

"Okay!" Qiu Ge suddenly smiled.

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