On the sixth floor, Ye Tianxing has already prepared corresponding medicinal baths for Bowen and Li Yan, in order to broaden the foundation of practice for the two children.

Different levels of medicated baths are aimed at those who do not pass the test. It is self-evident that the blood of the Immortal King is domineering, and the combination of immortal medicine can greatly improve the physique of the Tianjiao.

After doing all this well, Ye Tianxing retreated from this space again and returned to Huoyun City. During the cultivation period of everyone, he cooperated with the elders of several clans to guard Huoyun City. He would always ask Ye Tianxing to make a decision, but he is used to being lazy, and unless there is a major decision, he will not participate in the elders' decision.

The Demon Suppressing Tower is closed, and you can only go out but not in. The voices of the past have resumed in various places in the mysterious world. Reached a strategic alliance with Fire Cloud City.

However, such invitations were rejected one by one by Huoyun City. The current Huoyun City is already quite powerful. The so-called strategic alliance will indeed make Huoyun City stronger, but at the same time it will also push other forces away. To the alliance, there will be different degrees of alliances and alliances in the entire mysterious world. Such a situation is not what Huoyun City wants to see.

Time flies, half a month has passed since everyone practiced in the Bahuang Pagoda, and there is still no movement on the No. 70 floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower.

When he was bored, Ye Tianxing began to travel all over the mysterious world, breaking all the records left by all the supernatural talents of the monster race in the mysterious world, and overturning all the records in the mysterious world with his own power. It was shocking for a while, but after three days, the Yaozu Tianjiao seemed very calm, and began to count the days to guess how long it would take Huanghui to break through various records.

As a result, Zhentian Mansion seemed extraordinarily busy.

What he looks forward to is unstoppable, and countless arrogances regard it as their faith.

"I admit defeat, I admit defeat!"

On this day, Ye Tianxing, who had never missed a shot, suddenly heard the news of defeat, and the whole mysterious world was boiling over it, and the arrogances of the monster race were all curious about what happened, and they let the waste body directly admit defeat.

"Four of the seven beauties of the mysterious world came together and invited the deserted body to drink together at Hemu Ferry, and then set up a silk array of unfeeling heaven. They actually used their bodies to lure the deserted body into the battle,"

"What? There are such beautiful things!?"

This news caused countless arrogances to be shocked, and four of the seven beauties who shocked the mysterious world actually used the physical body as a guide to lure the barren body into the game. Such a scene has never happened in the mysterious world.

"The seven beauties of the mysterious world are all the stunning beauties in the mysterious world. They have laid down the heavenly love silk formation. Even if they can't break the formation, for all the peerless talents, standing in the formation is an ultimate enjoyment. They can't break the situation and fall into the trap." It's normal, after all, the barren body is not a god, who can put aside the emotions and desires?" You Tianjiao took pleasure in other's misfortunes, and finally saw the barren body defeated.

"However, this guy didn't fall into the formation and lose himself, but after entering the formation for a while, he calmly retreated from the Tianjue Qingsi, that is to say, the Tianjueqingsi formation did not trap him."

"Hasn't even a trace of Tianjueqing trapped him? Is this guy still a man?" Countless Tianjiao started to doubt the orientation of the deserted body, while Ye Tianxing over there was sweating profusely.

"If your heart is as clear as ice, you won't be startled by the sky falling... If your heart is as clear as ice, you won't be startled by the sky falling..." Ye Tianxing couldn't calm down for a while, and there was a rush of heat all over his body. The powerful phantom array was personally arranged by four of the seven beauties in the mysterious world. Ye Tianxing thought that his own concentration was enough to break through the illusion and break through the unfeeling silk array.

But what he never expected was that, in the scene of unrequited love, he glanced at the scene that he thought was an illusion, but only after touching it did he realize that everything was real.

These four beautiful women in Xuanjie set up a trick for him, in the name of illusion, but in fact they set him up. When all the scenes that he thought were illusory before him became real, this unexpected situation , really made Ye Tianxing flustered, he obviously did not expect that these four women would fight so hard, so he retreated in a hurry, and fled in a hurry, leaving this defeat behind...

"This guy is really a freak. The four of us showed our real bodies in front of him, and he didn't pounce on him, but instead ran away. I have never imagined such a scene." A woman pouted with a puzzled face shaking his head.

"Hahahaha, I am dying of laughter. I thought this guy was not afraid of anything, but he was afraid of this kind of scene!" Xue Liuli sat on the jade stool, holding her belly and laughing so hard that her branches trembled. She still remembered that day. The little thief thought that the other party was a bold and lustful person for her frivolous face, but who would have thought that in reality, the latter's panic-stricken appearance of running away made her grin from ear to ear.

"Tsk, what a mistake. With the looks of the four of us, it's a shame and a shame to let him run away." Another beautiful woman sighed softly.

"The bloodline of the barren body, the body of an outstanding man, if he can let him leave a bloodline, the four of us are willing, and it is not a grievance. Compared with the bloodline of such an outstanding man, our innocence is nothing."

"But this guy doesn't know what's good!" The woman clenched her jade fists and pouted her small mouth, a little annoyed. Her graceful body was seen, but the matter was not completed.

"It's a big loss, alas."

"It can be seen that the waste body is quite self-disciplined. In the face of impulsiveness and rationality, he chose rationality. This kind of spirit is rare and precious. This kind of man is what I yearn for." One of the women showed a slightly drunken expression, I have always heard how amazing the barren body is before, but I have never seen it. When I first saw it, she looked ordinary and was not moved by it. If it wasn't for a bloodline, she would definitely not have made such a shameful decision. Before that, she felt a little wronged , but now I regret it.

"Qingqing, I think you are really in heat. Apart from his good strength, there is nothing to like about this guy. Anyway, he is not my type, and his appearance is too ordinary." Xue Liuli sat up straight, holding her hands Rubbing her cheeks, thinking of Huang Ti's frivolous behavior that day, her heart was always a little displeased, but just now seeing Huang Ti's appearance of fleeing in a panic, although it was very funny, her rejection of him in her heart was actually reduced a bit, and her mouth was not happy. Forgive me, but I understand in my heart that, as Qingqing said, in the face of their four beauties, she did not push the boat and sink into it, but retreated rationally. This spirit is very rare.

At least on this point, Xue Liuli agreed in her heart.

"Liuli, to be honest, do you really not feel a little bit moved by this kind of top-notch man? I heard that you even dedicated the divine baby to him. Could it be that you are carrying us behind your back, even your body..." Qingqing's beautiful eyes were in the snow Liuli lingered up and down, jokingly, the other three girls gathered around when they heard the words, half-smiling and half-teasingly said, "Quickly, Liuli, have you already obeyed behind our backs?"

"Go, go, what are you four talking nonsense about? If you talk nonsense again, I'll be rude to you!" Xue Liuli curled her lips, stared at the four girls for a moment, and then suddenly smiled slyly.

Seeing this, the four girls hurriedly moved away from her, because they all knew about this girl's tricks.

"Then tell me, why did you dedicate the divine baby to him, the majestic Young Palace Master of the Wuji Palace? If uncle finds out about it, then it's okay? Everyone in the Tiandu Palace of the Wuji Palace must not flay him alive?"

"Oh, I've said it all. I made a bet with him. I thought I would win 100% of the bet. As long as I win him, he will be used by me. Once the blood of the barren body and the body of the hero grow up, it will definitely be a big power. Powerful help, you want blood, it’s not a trivial matter to beckon, but who ever came up with such a monstrous freak, I don’t know what method was used, not only broke the record of the Town Demon Tower, but also cleared the Town Demon Tower, During this time, this guy has made a lot of money by making forbidden talismans."

"But even though you lost, you shouldn't give up the baby baby easily. Whether the game between you two exists or not is up to you. You are the young master of the Promise Palace and the jewel in the palm of the master of Tiandu Mansion." , even if you don't admit it, I don't believe that he really has the heart to kill you, a delicate and charming lady.

"You didn't see his posture at that time, he wanted to eat me, and he threatened me with Wuji City, if I don't keep his promise, he will kill all Wuji City masters, I'm just a weak girl, what can I do? "

"Of course, I admit that my brain was a little twitching at the time, but I have no other choice." Xue Liuli complained.

"Hey, don't say it, it's not necessarily a good thing, and the waste body doesn't look like a very vicious person. Just look at what he did to the Chu people in Xiaoxuanjie, you can see that he understands Entu report!"

"Although Chu Li is also a stunning beauty, charming and charming, our sister Liuli is no worse than Chu Li, no matter in figure or appearance, since Chu Li can capture him, little Liuli can work harder."

"Hee hee, if it really doesn't work, find a chance to put some strong medicine on the barren body, and cook the raw rice into rice. As long as he becomes a member of our side, what's the point of dedicating the baby to him?"

"Go, let's go, you dead girls, you don't have any good intentions, I want you to go, this Palace Master will not go."


At the end of the journey, Ye Tianxing returned to Huoyun City quietly. During the period, he went to the five northern cities, and everything was safe and sound.

another two months,

Ye Tianxing was retreating, and a golden light suddenly appeared above the Demon-Suppressing Tower, and the sky was covered with auspicious clouds. The ghost of the golden-winged roc rose from the sky above the Demon-Suppressing Tower, rushing into the chaotic depths covered by auspicious clouds.


A bolt of thunder pierced through the chaos and struck the shadow of the golden-winged roc. The terrifying sound of thunder broke the silent mysterious world for a moment.

"In Immortal Tribulation, there is finally movement!"

Ye Tianxing opened his eyes, stepped out of the secret room, and swept up the sky in one step. At this moment, countless arrogances in all directions are moving towards this sky.

"Xuan'er!" The elders of the Peacock Clan of the Ming Dynasty were surprised and delighted at the graceful figure above the Demon Suppressing Tower. To the depths of that chaos.

Ye Tian travels up to the sky, the long galaxy recedes, and then steps into the chaos,

The golden light of chaos lingers in the sky above the mysterious world for a long time. The chaos is full of waves, but outside the chaos is extraordinarily calm. If there are not thunderstorms from time to time, no one will notice.

Time passed like this little by little, and not long after, another thunderbolt pierced through the barrier above the mysterious world and landed on the top of Huoyun City.

With the help of the fairy spirit and the blood essence of the Dragon Emperor's son, Chu Li finally took that step.

With the passage of time, in the mysterious world, divine punishments would break through the barriers of the mysterious world every once in a while, descending on the sky above Huoyun City.

Ye Tianxing witnessed this scene after another, it was hard for him not to sigh,

Thinking back then, it was extremely difficult for Nanhuang to produce a Linxian master, but in this mysterious world, Linxian exists everywhere. Is the world changed?

After all, Nanhuang was too small.

Compared with the Ten Directions of the Mysterious World, the Milky Way Starfield is much, much smaller.

"It's time to go back to the Southern Wilderness." Ye Tianxing stared at the sky above the mysterious world and murmured. With the help of the demon pill, Qingtian Baihu also stepped into the ranks of immortals.

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