Boxing Eight Wilderness

246 Medicinal Bath Quenching

Sublimated in invincibility, his unrivaled edge is no longer concealed, the sky moves forever, the stars move, he strongly suppresses the will of King Shura, and the domineering spirit that looks down on the world and disdains the heroes, even the King Shura who once overlooked all living beings, cannot conceal half of it .

This battle has attracted worldwide attention.

Until the ghost-faced Shura dissipated, the violent killing aura receded, King Shura's will was suppressed,

Only then did Xinghe return to its previous calm, and Wu Ting sat cross-legged in Xinghe, completely suppressing King Shura's will.

Only then did Ye Tianxing wipe off his sweat, and slowly walked down from the galaxy.

Countless Tianjiao looked up at the gradually enlarged figure in the pupils. Compared with the Yaozu Tianjiao, the oppression given to them by their slightly thin body has far surpassed that of the real fairy king.

"King Shura's will has been covered up. If you don't see it with your own eyes, how can you make people believe it?"

The gazes cast by them were full of awe, from top to bottom of Huoyun City, everyone bowed and saluted to Ye Tian,

An existence that has defeated King Shura's will is worthy of their bowing down.

"Boss, mighty!" Chen Jingqiu grinned with pride, while Qu Wencang shook his head and sighed, calling out evildoers.

"Brother Ye's power is truly unparalleled in the world, I admire, admire!" the three monks of Kuhai said respectfully.

At this moment, no matter how unrestrained the proud son of heaven, he let go of his prejudice and jealousy. They no longer have the qualifications to compete with the strongest.

Mubatu has been looking up at Wu Ting in the galaxy, his chilling eyes are full of awe at this moment.

He moved towards Qing Cang, and Wu Ting knelt on one knee in front of him.

"Blood Fiend Bull Clan, Mubatu, kowtow to my king!" The sonorous voice resounded under the galaxy, a proud son of an ancient creature kowtowed to a human being, such a scene is really rare.

"This is?" Ye Tianxing was puzzled.

Seeing this, Qiu Ge explained, "The blood-fiend bulls are the subjects of the Shura clan. Although they are ancient creatures with noble blood, they have always obeyed the orders of the Shura clan. King, when the dead demons invaded, it was King Shura who rescued the barbarian bulls and taught them the method of Shura, so that the blood-fiend bulls were passed down in that turbulent era."

"Therefore, King Shura is the eternal belief of the Blood Fiend Bull Clan, even Lord Dragon King's prestige is not as good as it."

"There is still such a relationship?" While Ye Tianxing was shocked, he was overjoyed. He admired Mubatu's talent and strength very much. He wondered what method he would use to keep Mubatu. Now that he has this A relationship is much easier.

"Master Ye, Huo Tingsheng from the Black Dragon lineage would like to see you." The elder of the Peacock Clan of Daming said respectfully.

"Oh? He figured it out?"

"From the old man's point of view, he should have figured it out."

Hearing this, Ye Tianxing was overjoyed, "Double happiness is here."

After the voice fell, his body escaped into the void and disappeared in place.

The underground blackwater prison of Huoyun City, the place where the former Demon Dragon Fort held felons,

The owner of the castle, Huo Tingsheng, the protector Huo Yuanlang, and the big dog, Ed Covez, were all suppressed here.

"The three of you want to see me, have you considered it?" A figure quietly appeared in the black pool like a ghost.

Seeing the person coming, the three of them frowned, with a look of awe on their faces. Although they were imprisoned in the underground black pool, they could still clearly perceive the fluctuations in the outside world.

"After careful consideration, I am willing to follow you, but I have one condition, and I hope you must agree!"

"Come and listen."

"Let's wait for the three of us to come up with a set of forbidden talismans and go to the Demon Suppressing Tower!"

"Just this little request? I agreed, but how can I believe that you are not lying to me?"

After hearing the words, the three of them looked at each other in dismay, and all summoned the baby god, and stood in front of Ye Tianxing without any resistance.

"Very good." Ye Tianxing smiled happily, and branded the soul seeds on the three souls.

"As long as you follow me sincerely, I will not treat you badly." Ye Tianxing reached out to erase the powerful restriction on the black iron chain, and connected Huo Tingsheng's broken arm bone,

The moment the three were banned and sealed, and the black iron chain was torn off, the three of them sat helplessly in the black water pool, soaked in the black water pool for too long, and the bodies of the three were already weak.

Now that the restriction was lifted, the sealed fairy altar began to crazily absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, and Huo Yuanlang's body pierced by the blood slave also began to repair.

But this fix is ​​apparently slow.

Ye Tianxing stepped forward, put his hands close to Huo Yuanlang and Huo Tingsheng, and in a single thought, the might of the dragon was powerful, and the powerful breath of the real dragon entered into the bodies of the two. In an instant, their physical bodies recovered at an incredible speed. The scars of the Great Dao were also erased in an instant.

"This is...!!" Feeling the breath of the real dragon, Huo Tingsheng and Huo Yuanlang widened their eyes almost at the same time, and their expressions changed dramatically. The noble black dragon blood was trembling under the breath of the real dragon.

"Blood of the Dragon Emperor!"

Both spoke in unison.

"That's right, your perception is quite sharp." With a wave of Ye Tianxing's sleeve robe, the dragon bone hung above the heads of the two, and the real dragon's aura enveloped the three of them.

"Dragon Emperor's Bone!" The pupils of the two condensed, and they whispered, their whole bodies knelt down under the Dragon Emperor's majesty.

The Dragon Emperor Bone exudes divine power, washing the bodies of the three, and instantly refreshed and refreshed.

It wasn't until the aura of the three returned to extremes that Ye Tianxing waved back the Dragon Emperor's bone.

The oppression on the three of them disappeared in an instant, and they stared at Ye Tianxing with horror and disbelief in their eyes.

"Subordinate Huo Tingsheng"

"Subordinate Huo Yuen Long"

"Subordinate Ed Corvis"

"Willing to follow the adults to the death!"

The three of them kowtowed in unison, and the sonorous sound lingered here.

"This whole set of prohibition talismans is the method to break the prohibition of the Demon Suppressing Tower. Whether you can get something or not depends on the chance of the three of you!"

Three sets of forbidden talismans floated in front of the three, and the three were delighted after receiving the forbidden talismans.

"The Demon Town Tower is about to close, let's go."

"Thank you sir!"

The three disappeared in the black pool in the blink of an eye.

When Wu Ting returned, he was full of vigor and blood, and his killing was astonishing. The inheritance of King Shura had brought about a huge change in his spirit, energy, and spirit, and he had a domineering aura of looking down on the sky with every look.

"Old Ye!" Seeing Ye Tianxing, Wu Ting had a smile on his face.

"Does the Buddha-nature will of the Saint Monk on the Bridge still exist in you?" Ye Tianxing asked.

"It still exists. The will of the Buddha nature is deeply rooted and integrated into the blood. Although Shura's will is overbearing, with the assistance of Subduing Demons and Ten Thousand Phases Art, the two forces coexist in the fairy altar, and they live in peace."

"That's good. With the will of Buddha nature, no matter how overbearing Shura's will is, you can rely on the Buddha's will to suppress it. Now that you have the inheritance of King Shura, I will help you strengthen it and fully control King Shura's will." .”

"You have a solution?" Wu Ting's eyes lit up.

"Hey, although I didn't get the inheritance of the ten kings, I got something more precious than the inheritance of the ten kings."

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tianxing had nothing to do, and the figures of the two disappeared out of thin air.

When the two reappeared, they had already appeared in a sea of ​​thunder, the dark gold thunder filled the entire space, and there were real dragons roaring in the sea of ​​thunder from time to time.

"Here, there is a force that makes King Shura's will afraid." Wu Ting said in shock.

"That's right, the Dragon King's bloodline is stored in this thunder pond. I got the inheritance of the Dragon King's son, and I refined a lot of the real dragon's bloodline. Moreover, I got two Dragon King's bones!"

Ye Tianxing summoned the Dragon Emperor Bone again, and the divine will of the Dragon Emperor Bone sank into the sea of ​​thunder as a golden holy dragon.

Wu Ting, who has received the inheritance from King Shura, naturally knows what the Dragon Emperor Bone is, and he is happy for Ye Tianxing from the bottom of his heart.

"I originally planned to give you part of King Shura's inheritance, so it seems unnecessary." Wu Ting scratched his head honestly.

"I have two Dragon Emperor bones, and now I have refined the blood of the Dragon Emperor's son. As a barren body, the Dragon Emperor bones are not very useful to me, but the Dragon Emperor bones are useful to you." Useful, the might of the Dragon Emperor can just suppress King Shura's divine will."

"You want to give me the Dragon Emperor Bone?" "Old Ye, I have enough inheritance from King Shura, so you should keep the Dragon Emperor Bone for yourself!"

Ye Tianxing shook his head, "You know my ability, with the inheritance of the son of the Dragon Emperor, I can gain the same power."

In his mind, the golden holy dragon jumped up from the sea of ​​thunder. Wu Ting almost knelt down on the ground due to the overwhelming coercion. Under Ye Tianxing's manipulation, the golden holy dragon submerged into Wu Ting's body.

"I'm going to take out one of your bones, hold back!"

Seeing this, Wu Ting gritted his teeth and nodded abruptly, "Come on!"

Accompanied by a heart-piercing roar, the monstrous hostility raged in all directions, setting off a thousand waves in the sea of ​​thunder, and the entire Bahuang Pagoda trembled for it.

"This is the blood essence of the golden holy dragon. You keep it for refining the dragon emperor bone. As long as you integrate the dragon emperor bone into your blood, you can generate the pure blood power of the golden holy dragon. At that time, you will have real gold." The power of the holy dragon."

"It's up to you next!" Ye Tianxing imprinted a copy of the cultivation secret technique left by the son of the Dragon Emperor into Wu Ting's mind, and then he quietly exited the Bahuang Pagoda.

Although the Dragon Emperor's Bone is precious, having the Immortal King's Bone, the son of the Dragon Emperor, has the same meaning to him. The remaining Dragon Emperor's Bone, Ye Tianxing plans to leave it to his apprentice Qian Tangfeng.

"I don't know how Xiaofeng is doing now. How is life on Tianlu?" The space where the Bahuang Pagoda is located is full of restrictions, completely isolating the air mechanism here from the outside world, and Ye Tianxing left this nothingness Space.

"Old Ye, where's the old witch? Why did you come out alone?" Chen Jingqiu searched around for a while but couldn't find Wu Ting.

"He has received the inheritance of King Shura. To strengthen his cultivation, he has gone into seclusion. He will not be able to come out for a while."

"Hey, this guy is too boring. He retreated as soon as he came out. That won't work. I also want to practice and strive to step into Linxian as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I'll take you to a place later."

"Where to go?"

"I'll bring Banuhe, Bowen and Xiaoyan here, and you go and inform Chu Li, Qiu Ge, the Three Monks of Kuhai, the First Prince, Pei Shan, Qingtian Baihu, Qingluan and Mubatu to wait here. I."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Tianxing broke through the void and left.

Not long after, Ye Tianxing turned back from the Mysterious Realm and brought Bowen and the others to the Mysterious Realm.

"Boss, everyone has already called."


"Young Master gathered us here, do you have any orders?"

"I have something for you."

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tianxing led everyone into the closed barrier and came to the Bahuang Pagoda.

There are eight floors in the Bahuang Pagoda, and Wu Ting is currently on the top floor.

"What a pure Longwei, could it be...!" All the arrogances of the monster race all changed their faces.

"That's right, the power of the Dragon King, although I didn't get the inheritance of the Ten Kings, but I got the perfect treasure body of the son of the Dragon King, and refined a few drops of the blood of the golden holy dragon, which is of great benefit to your body tempering cultivation. "

"Dragon... the son of the Dragon Emperor?!" The corners of Chu Li's mouth twitched in shock, and the rest of the people were all shocked.

"Mubatu, Wen Cang, Jingqiu, First Prince, Pei Shan, you all go to the fourth floor. I have prepared a medicinal bath for you. Here are a few fairy plants that can help you step into the fairyland!"

"Mubatu is already a Linxian, so he doesn't need it. You both take two of the six demon pills, Qingtian White Tiger and Qingluan, and keep the remaining two Banuch. It is more useful for your cultivation!"

"Thank you for your gift, sir!" The three respectfully said, Qingluan and Qingtian Baihu, the former has also entered the late stage of Void Transformation, while the latter has already reached the bottleneck, and there is only one chance to step into Linxian.

"Me, too?" Mubatu said in a daze.

"Your strength has already entered Linxian, but the blood essence of the son of the Dragon Emperor will be of great benefit to you. Since you recognize the old witch as the king, I will not treat you as an outsider."

"Banuch, Qingluan, Qingtian Baihu, you go to the fifth floor!"

"Qiu Ge and Chu Li, you two go to the third floor."

"Thank you, son!" Everyone was overjoyed, and each of them stepped into the corresponding level, while Ye Tianxing brought Bowen and Xiaoyan into the sixth level.

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