Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 229 Betting

"Today's battle, the barren body is destined to become famous!"

"I don't know if he is famous or not, but in this battle, he killed many ancient creatures and suppressed several peerless talents. The forces behind them will definitely not let him go."

"Strength is always respected in the mysterious world. If you are not strong enough, you deserve to be killed. Is it possible that only they are allowed to kill and others are not allowed to kill them?"

"It makes sense, they want to kill the barren body, but they don't allow the barren body to resist? What kind of nonsense, coveting the precious blood of the barren body, but being killed by the barren body, deserve it!"

The Mysterious Realm Ranking, with the death of several peerless geniuses, the list has been updated. The name of the barren body night and sky has been widely spread in the mysterious world for a while, and because of this, Huoyun City has become the top power in the mysterious world. No one dares to provoke him anymore.

Countless Tianjiao came to vote one after another, but out of consideration of character, Huoyun City rejected the majority of Tianjiao's refuge,

Today's Huoyun City does not have many resources in the mysterious world, and there are not many arrogances to support, not to mention the Chu family, Daming Peacock, Three-tailed Emperor Scorpion, and the four clans of Xiaotianhu who are also sent to the mysterious world For cultivation, as far as Huoyun City is concerned, resources are limited.

But fortunately, Huoyun City has already established a firm foothold in Xuanjie.

After this battle, no one in the mysterious world dared to provoke the killing god of Huoyun City,

The Tianjiao of the entire mysterious world was shrouded in a kind of haze and remained silent for a long time.

Until, early one morning, the ancient king bell in Zhentian Mansion was rung, and the mysterious world that was originally silent was once again scorching hot.

The ringing of the bell represented the Profound Realm's Prodigy, and another year's competition had begun.

"The Demon Suppressing Soul, the Demon Suppressing Tower, exists to experience the geniuses of the mysterious world and cope with future changes. The Demon Suppressing Tower has 72 floors, but since ancient times, the most outstanding geniuses of all dynasties have reached the fourth floor of No.60. This The record has been maintained until now, and the current No. 60 Yan Xumi in Xuanbang has only broken through to the No.[-] floor!"

"Will no one be able to pass the level?"

"Clear the level? Don't even think about it. The monsters above the [-]th floor in the Demon Suppressing Tower are the supreme existence of the dead demon clan on the eve of the ancient times. It takes several people to join forces to kill them and strip them of their souls." Come out to make a sample of the demon body, suppress it in the Demon Suppressing Tower, and use it for future generations of Tianjiao to practice!"

"Anyone who can break through to the [-]th floor in the Demon Suppressing Tower will be invited by the Tiandu Mansion in the ten directions of the mysterious world, and become the key training object of the ten directions in the mysterious world. The glory is also our pursuit!" Qiu Ge explained to Ye Tianxing.

"What kind of organization is Tiandufu?" Ye Tianxing asked curiously.

"Tiandu Mansion is an organization jointly formed by ten heavens in the mysterious world. It specializes in recruiting and cultivating peerless talents with outstanding talents. Zhentian Mansion is a subsidiary of Tiandu Mansion. Zhentian Mansion is responsible for collecting resources for use by Tiandu Mansion. Of course , Many masters who have reached the bottleneck and stagnated in strength in Tiandu Mansion will also be arranged to work in Zhentian Mansion!"

"You just need to know that Tianjiao who can enter the Tiandu Mansion will grow up to be a powerful existence dominated by the monster race!"

"Where is Tiandufu?"

"Shenyu, Tiandu Mansion is a powerful existence alongside many ancient clans. As long as you enter Tiandu Mansion, you will have a strong background in God's Domain to support you."

"With the strength of your son, it is not difficult to break the record of the Demon Suppressing Tower. You might as well give it a try. If you can enter the Tiandu Mansion, with the Tiandu Mansion as a shelter, the entire mysterious world will treat you as a guest of honor!" Qiu Ge looked forward, she was very curious about which floor Ye Tianxing could reach the Demon Town Tower.

"I'm not interested in entering Tiandu Mansion." Ye Tianxing stretched lazily.

"Is that so, but if you can break into the [-]th floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower, you will get a Tianyuan Pill, and if you can break the record, you will also get an additional magic weapon as a reward!"

"What is Tianyuan Pill? What is Mowu?"

"Tianyuan Pill is a powerful elixir condensed by immortal king-level masters using the fairy-level demon beast's demon pill as an introduction. If masters below rank [-] of Linxian use it, they can improve one or two small realms. This order can also strengthen the soul and cast the soul. , prolong life!"

"And this magic weapon is the powerful soldiers of the dead demon clan collected in the ancient battlefield. Most of them have been wiped out of demon spirits. Extreme Immortal Soldiers!"

"No matter how bad it is, you can still get a middle-grade immortal weapon."

At this point, Ye Tianxing's eyes suddenly brightened. Even if he doesn't need these things, there are many people around him who can use them.

"Alright, let's go to the Demon Town Tower!"

Seven days later, the Demon Town Tower.

"Dayan City Salhaqi, 57th floor!"

"Sarco, Dayan City, 58th floor!"

"Dayan City Gusunye, 59th floor!"...

"Seven Profound Hall Zhuoma Danyang, 57th floor!"

"Huayin City is so embarrassing, 56 City!"

"Qi Yunxi, Xiyun Palace, the sixtieth floor!"

"No. 60th floor, Qi Yunxi is really powerful, and his strength is still terrifying!" For a while, there were heated discussions outside the Demon Suppressing Tower. Pale, obviously suffered a lot in this Demon Suppressing Tower.

"Master, are you alright?"

Qi Yunxi nodded and shook her head slightly, indicating that she was fine, but her slightly staggering body could no longer support herself, "Have those guys from Beidi City and Dayan City come out?"

"Returning to Palace Master, the Northern Emperor has entered the No.60 floor a long time ago, and is still supporting it now. Maybe he wants to attack the No.60 floor!"

"Huo Pingzhang is very surprising. He appeared on the ninth floor a long time ago, but he has not entered the No. 60 floor until now. On the contrary, the elf girl Cuipingwei only reached the ninth floor in previous years, but this year she rushed to the No. 60 floor." Entered the No.60 floor, and now it is also attacking the No.[-] floor!" The man's voice just fell, and a slightly embarrassed figure came out of the tower.

"Huo Pingzhang, Beidi City, 59th floor!"

Huo Pingzhang's expression was gloomy, his eyes dull, and he left straight away after leaving the Demon Town Tower.

"This guy seems to have suffered a lot from the battle with the barren body, and I'm afraid there will be no further possibility in the future!" Many arrogances in Siye commented.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, there was a vibration from the Demon Suppression Tower, and then one after another focused their eyes on the No. 60 floor of the Soul Suppression Tower.

"It's the No.60 floor, the Northern Emperor is worthy of being the Northern Emperor, and he really broke through!" Many arrogances in the Northern Emperor City exclaimed, shocked.

"Om!" There was another trembling sound, and the place under the Demon Suppressing Tower suddenly boiled.

"His Highness Qianye has also entered the No.60 floor!"

"I don't know if he can break his own record this year and enter the second floor of No.60!"

"It's not that easy. I don't know how long it will take to adapt to the death energy of each floor. What's more, the people guarding the second floor of No.60 are all the demon kings of the past. Even if they are in the same realm, they are not easy to deal with!"

Time passed by like this little by little.

Until, the arrival of the pride of Fire Cloud City.

"Huangti, he's here!" Outside the Demon Suppressing Tower, many Tianjiao looked at Ye Tianxing with awe.

For a moment, all eyes focused on him.

"He really came. With his strength, I'm curious if he can break His Highness Qianye's record!"

"I think it's very difficult. The Demon Suppressing Tower can't be broken up by brute force alone. You know, His Highness Qianye has been trapped for five years on the 60th floor alone! He didn't even get used to it for a few years. Unable to enter No.[-] floor"

"I'm quite optimistic about him. Maybe it's not difficult for him to break His Highness Qianye's record. How can an outstanding person in the world be judged by ordinary hearts? I guess he can at least reach the fifth floor of No.60!" You Tianjiao said emotionally.

"No. 60 fifth floor? Are you kidding me? It will break the record since ancient times!"

"Why is this impossible? Do you understand the gold content of a human hero? That is the existence of a master who can suppress and kill several dead demons in the same realm!"

"The present is different from the past, and in this world, who dares to say that?" You Tianjiao retorted.

"It's very simple, just play a game!"

"Okay, let's bet on whether the human barren body can step into the fifth floor of No.60!"

"Who will be the dealer? I'll bet three hundred cents on him!"

"I bet five hundred cents that he can't!"

All of a sudden, a game of gambling unfolded under the Demon Town Tower.

"I, Dayan City, can build this village," said a burly man from the crowd.

"Da Yan Sarko!" Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect a figure of this level to participate.

"It's very simple, three options, less than 65 floors, exactly 65 floors, or more than 65 floors!" Sarko said with a smile.

"One thousand cents, bet he breaks through the 65th floor."

"Oh? This brother is very face-to-face, and his shots are quite generous, so you are not afraid of losing everything?"

"Hehe, I don't have any skills, but I have a little more celestial gold. After all, I am a barren body of the human race, and I can be worthy of being an outstanding person. I still have to give this little face." The man smiled and put down a thousand gold, and completed the registration.

"Oh, courageous." Sarko smiled.

Immediately afterwards, more and more Tianjiao joined the betting. Compared with betting on Ye Tianxing who can break through the 65th floor, it is obviously much less than betting on him not being able to.

"Qiu Ge, how many times can one person participate in the Demon Suppressing Tower?" Ye Tianxing asked suddenly.

"There is no limit to the number of times this is done, but generally, if you participate once, you won't be able to participate a second time. What's the purpose of this?"

"I mean, if, if I break the record, leave the Demon Town Tower, and re-enter to break my own record again, how many magic weapons can I get?"

"Uh..." The question of Ye Tianxing confused Qiu Ge, obviously she had never considered this question, "Zhentian Mansion has not clearly emphasized and stipulated it, this Qiu Ge really doesn't know,"

"Young Master, you don't really want to go back and forth like this to break the record, do you?"

"If there is a reward, I would like to try it. After all, no one has too much of Mowu."

While talking, Ye Tianxing walked towards the gambling table with a smile,

Following his arrival, the surrounding Tianjiao immediately gave way, and the top masters of Dayan City, such as Sarko and Sarhaqi, saw Yetian walking, and there was a gloomy look on their faces.

Ye Tianxing had already known the identity of Qianzang who was beheaded by him from Qiuge, and he was the guardian of Dayan City. He was not surprised to see a few people showing murderous looks.

"Can I participate?" Ye Tianxing looked at Sarko with a smile, with a harmless smile on his face, but Sarko couldn't help but tighten his heart.

"Of course you can, but you only have two choices, which is the fifth floor of No.60, or breaks through the fifth floor of No.60!"

Hearing this, Ye Tianxing smiled and nodded, "It's reasonable, in case I deliberately release water!"

"How much do you bet at most?"

"Heh, how much do you have, our Dayan City can eat it all!" Sarko said coldly.

"That's good." While speaking, Ye Tianxing's cuffs kept plundering fairy gold, and a small mountain was piled up in an instant, and the gambling table was crushed under these fairy gold.

"This...!" All the monster clan's arrogances were dumbfounded.

"I have [-] fairy gold here, can I add some treasures as deductions?"

"Gulu~" Sarko swallowed in surprise, his eyes wandering for a while, not knowing how to make a choice.

All of a sudden, countless Tianjiao followed Ye Tianxing and bet that he could break through the fifth floor of No.60.

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