Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 230 Taking Your Body as a Bet

For a moment, under the Demon Town Tower, this bet became the focus of attention.

All of a sudden, there was a wave of gambling in major cities,

for a while...

"Dayan City accepted this bet. Although one hundred thousand cents is a lot, with the power of Dayan City, it is still more than enough to take this gamble!"

Pushing aside the crowd, a bewitching man with a happy face came, with a smile on his brows and eyes, his handsome appearance revealed a trace of elegance, but his body, which looked like a Buddha's wrath King Kong, formed an extreme contrast with his appearance, which made people laugh. People shudder.

"Da Yan, Gu Sunye!"

"The fierce man who ranks ninth on the Xuanjie list!" There was a burst of sighs from the crowd.

"One hundred thousand immortal gold is nothing to Dayan City. If Gu Sunye has already opened his mouth, then this bet can be considered a success!"

"Luzhou City [-] immortal gold, bet to lose!" A burly and majestic young man of the Yaozu put down ten thousand gold to buy Yetian and lose.

"Pingdingshan, [-] cents gold, lose the bet!"

"Mobei, eight thousand immortal gold, lose the bet!"

"Monan, [-] cents gold, lose the bet!"

"Seven Profound Palace, [-] Immortal Gold, lose the bet!"


As the major forces expressed their views one after another, many Tianjiao immediately wavered, betting on the failure of Ye Tianxing, and more and more forces joined in this gamble, so that Dayan City had to recruit two more forces to be the banker.

"Zhentianfu also came to join in the fun and bet on a Tianyuan Pill. Although I am very optimistic about my little friend, it is not a child's play to break through the 65th floor. It is definitely not that easy without a few years of adaptation and training. It is the first time to participate It is a miracle to be able to enter the 64th floor of the trial, but the current record holder of the [-]th floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower can reach the seventh floor only after participating in the trial for the first time!" The old man stroked his beard and smiled and put down a jade core , which is a pill in the nucleus, it is a child with the embryonic form of a baby.

"It's really Tianyuan Pill!"


"The market price is [-] celestial gold, but there is basically no market for Tianyuan Pill. What is Zhentian Mansion thinking? They are gambling with Tianyuan Pill?!" Many Tianjiao were shocked and puzzled.

After what the old man said, Tianjiao, who had originally bet on Ye Tianxing's victory, was too late to regret it.

"Hehe, the senior said this, and the junior also regretted it a little. Can I take back the one hundred thousand immortal gold?"

"I think your Excellency is very clear about the truth of buying and leaving." Sarco sneered across his face.

"If you admit defeat now, I can be the master, refund you a tenth, and get out of the mysterious world with this fairy gold!"

"Don't admit defeat, the majestic body, the outstanding people of the human race, how can you back down just like that, if I were you, I wouldn't retreat, but I should raise my bet, the money is small, but the reputation is big!" Someone sneered.

"This brother is right, the money is small, but the face is big, a mere [-] cents, if you lose, you lose!" Ye Tianxing gave a wry smile and reluctantly withdrew from the crowd.

Seeing this, many Tianjiao bet on Ye Tianxing's victory, and they regretted it to the extreme.

At the gambling table, many Tianjiao turned their backs and bet heavily on Yetian's defeat.

Ye Tianxing came to the Town Demon Tower, and all the Tianjiao followed, surrounded the entire Town Demon Tower, with fiery eyes.

While no one was paying attention, a young man took out a fairy artifact, put it on the table, and asked, "Can the fairy artifact be used to bet?"

"Okay, hurry up if you want to place a bet!" The man said impatiently, obviously he didn't pay attention to a low-grade fairy weapon.

"Oh, I bet on five fairy artifacts, two low-grade ones, three middle-grade ones, plus [-] fairy gold, and all the mining rights of Biyou Lake!" The man waved his sleeves, and four fairy artifacts flew out of his sleeves one after another. The vessel plus [-] cents and a deed,

"You...!" Seeing this, the impatient man suddenly stood up.

"Guardian! This..." The man quickly transmitted the voice.

The Guardians of Dayan, who were focusing on Ye Tianxing in front of the Demon Suppressing Tower, turned around after hearing the sound, checked the bets, and frowned.

"Are you from the five northern cities?" Gu Sunye said in a deep voice.


"Can you be the master of this contract?"

"Of course it can be authorized by the city lord." The man nodded.

Gu Sunye immediately looked into the distance, and Qiuge smiled and nodded at her.

"How many, do you want to pick up or not?"

"What do you want?"

"Dayan City has a Zijinhan Iron Mine, one-third of the mining rights!"

"What are you dreaming about? A Biyou Lake is like exchanging the mining rights for Zijinhantie?"

"Hehe, my city lord said that you can do whatever you want. Although Biyou Lake is not comparable to Dingyan Spring, you know how much it is worth. One-third of the Zijinhan Iron Mine mining rights are not too much. "

Gu Sunye pondered for a moment and hesitated.

"Since you guys don't want to pick it up, I'll take it back." The man stretched out his hand to take it back,

Gu Sunye held down the paper deed, "A quarter of the mining rights, this is what I can decide!"

The man glanced back at Qiu Ge, saw her nodding, and let go of her hand, "Good deal!"

"Brother Ye, how can you agree to this bet? What if that guy really breaks the 65th floor? If the city lord finds out about this, then it's still worth it?" Sarko became a little nervous.

"Then Qiu Ge and Huang Ti are in the same group. She dares to bet like this, obviously she has a certain degree of confidence. Isn't it too risky for us to do so?"

"Hmph, gang, you pretend I don't know?" The hesitation on Gu Sunye's face swept away, and then there was a hint of jokes, "I dare to make this promise, of course I have asked for the opinion of the city lord."

"Oh? Is this what the city lord meant?"

"No City Lord nodded, dare I promise? Don't worry, the City Lord is currently staying on the No.60 floor and has not attacked the next floor. What do you think he is waiting for?"

"Hey, I got it! Even if this barren body is capable against the sky, it is absolutely impossible to break through the No.60 floor!"

"What if he breaks through the 61st floor? At that time, he still has the strength to hit the 65th floor?"

"It's best to hit the fifth floor of No.60. If so, we'll make a lot of money!"


"It's done?"

"Well, they seem to hesitate in agreeing, but Gu Sunye is really overjoyed. Dayan Xumi has been on the first floor of No.60 and has not attacked the second floor of No.60. I am worried that there are tricky sons who must be careful, and they will be safe. It's important." Qiu Ge worried.

"Don't worry," Ye Tianxing motioned her to relax.

"Old Ye, why don't I go in with you." Wu Ting worried.

"Don't worry, wait for me to go in to get the scriptures first, and you can go in after I come out!" He knew that the Suppressing Demon Tower was not ordinary. He didn't want him to risk himself at the moment.

As soon as he lifted his foot, light and shadow flickered, and he stepped into the Demon Town Tower.

Entering the Demon Town Tower, what catches the eye is the eye-catching murals of fairy kings on the tower wall.

The space inside the pagoda is so big that you can't see the edge, and the perception of the divine consciousness is also restricted, and the four fields are confused and don't know the north, south, east, and west.

Ye Tianxing was actually trapped on the first floor.

An hour passed, and Ye Tianxing in the first floor was still carefully looking for the entrance to the second floor, but the outside world exploded.

"In an hour, you didn't even pass the first floor, and you still want to break through the 65th floor?" Many Tianjiao couldn't restrain their ecstasy.

"I've already said that the Demon Suppressing Tower can't be easily broken through by brute force alone, or else we Tianjiao spend a lot of time thinking about it every year?"

"If you don't have enough experience and don't know the tricks, let alone the No.60 level, you won't even be able to break through the first fifty levels!"

At this moment, the Tianjiao who failed to bet on Ye Tianxing became more confident in their hearts.

"It seems that our worries this time are superfluous. In this state, he won't even be able to enter the floor!"

After another three hours, there was still no movement from Ye Tianxing on the first floor, which made Tianjiao who had bet on him very anxious.

"Go on a horse, this guy won't join forces with Dayan City to cheat us, will he?"

"Give me back my fairy gold, I won't gamble anymore!" Tianjiao yelled.

For a moment, many Tianjiao shouted in the direction of Huoyun City.

"Brother Ye is a bit reckless to gamble [-] celestial gold. It is definitely not so easy to break through the Demon Suppressing Tower."

"It's only a few hours, so don't worry." Qiu Ge comforted everyone.

"That's right, he is a miracle-creating existence." Chu Li nodded.

"Anyway, I bet all my wealth on my elder brother, so it doesn't matter if I lose, if I win, I will earn blood!" Pei Shan said.

"Young man, your decision is very wise. My boss never fights uncertain battles. Let alone the mere 65th floor, it is not difficult for him to clear the Demon Town Tower! He is the nemesis of all evil!" Chen Jingqiu He looked very calm.

Demon Town Tower, first floor,

Ye Tianxing imprinted the prohibition on the tower wall in the sea of ​​consciousness, finally found the entrance to the second floor, and was about to enter the second floor.

But a woman blocked the way.

"What do you mean girl?"

"Su Wen Huang's body is an outstanding person in the world. I saw her today, but her appearance is very ordinary, not as stunning as the rumors say." The woman blinked her black eyes and looked carefully. There was a faint fairy charm on her body.

"The rumors are inherently false, so why should you listen to them?" Ye Tianxing didn't care.

"You are also honest."

"There is a net waiting for you in front of you. Are you going to go up like this?"

"Then according to the girl's opinion, what should I prepare?" Ye Tianxing said lightly.

"Calling more people can at least share some pressure. I heard that you plan to attack the fifth floor of No. 60."

"Young lady is really well informed. What just happened outside the tower, you already know inside the tower."

"Xuanjie is a place where no secrets can be hidden," the woman smiled, "Since you have already bet with them, you might as well bet with me, how about it?"

"What do you want to bet on?"

"It's very simple, your right to use it." The woman's pretty face was filled with a faint smile, and she raised her jade hand and pointed at Ye Tianxing.

"My access?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Ye Tianxing shook his head and refused.

"You're not going to hear my bet?"

"It's nothing more than some natural treasures or fairy artifacts. I don't lack these."

"Of course I know that you don't lack these vulgar things, and I won't bet with you on these vulgar things."

"Then I'm a little curious, what does the girl want to bet on?"

The woman smiled and raised her jade hand, pointing at herself, "Me."

"Tsk," Ye Tianxing couldn't help laughing, "The girl seems to be a bit underestimated. If I want a woman, I would rather have some treasures."

"I don't understand the taste," Seeing Ye Tianxing's refusal, although the woman was a little unhappy, the result was as she expected.

"You have to know that I am not just me. Behind me is the Promise Palace, one of the eight major powers in the demon world. My father is also the head of the Tiandu Mansion. I am the only daughter of the family. If there is no accident, I will He will be the next Palace Master of the Promise Palace."

"Aren't you tempted by me like this?"

Her beautiful eyes are shining with little stars, which is very attractive.

"This is indeed very tempting, but in today's world, there are countless arrogance, why does the girl choose me?"

"Hehe, don't get me wrong. Although I choose to bet with you, it doesn't mean that I am interested in you personally. Your ordinary appearance is not my preference. I choose to bet with you just because I think you are right. I have value, and I will never lose!"

"Before this, I have gambled with people more than ten times, and I have never lost a single one. This time, I will not lose either!" She was very confident and calm.

"You're quite honest too," Ye Tianxing looked up at the Demon Suppressing Tower, "Okay, I'll bet with you, but I have to add one condition."

"What conditions?"

"If you lose, I will plant a soul seed in your soul."

"Of course, to prevent me from going back on my word, you also have to let me plant a soul seed in your soul."

"A word is settled!"

After the words fell, the woman smiled seductively, and then a large formation was raised on the entire first floor, trapping Ye Tianxing within it.

"Hee hee, in order to win, it's no wonder that this girl will do whatever she can."

"Don't worry, I won't lose, and I have no interest in the girl herself."

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