"Dead?! The ancient creature died like this?" Countless Tianjiao watched this scene, unable to control their emotions.

"An ancient creature at the immortal level, even if its heart is crushed, it is impossible to die. The source of the ancient creature's pill should be destroyed by the Nine Tribulations God Thunder!"

"If you can turn the Nine Tribulations God's Thunder into your own use, maybe none of these guys can escape!" Beidi's face was serious, just as Huo Pingzhang said, even he is absolutely no match for the human race's barren body .

After suppressing and killing the ancient creatures, Ye Tianxing's eyes once again focused on the remaining three Tianjiao of the Yaozu.

He smiled, and that smile made the scalps of the three tingle.

"Qianzang, you are the only one who can fight with him here, it's up to you!" The two demon clan geniuses suddenly stood behind one of them.

The Yaozu man was sullen and shook his head again and again, "I can't, I can't fight with him!"

"You are someone who has entered the invincible realm. You have opened the absolute domain and stepped into the invincible realm. You can fight with them. The two of us will assist you, and you will definitely be able to kill the barren body! Don't hide your clumsiness. Life and death are at stake. !"

"Hurry up, he's coming towards us!" The two Yaozu Tianjiao urged eagerly.

"No, I can't open the absolute domain. Within his invincible power, my state of mind has already been shaken!" The man shook his head bitterly, with a helpless expression on his face. He was originally here to intercept and kill the barren body, but now, under the invincible situation of the barren body, he is not even qualified to trigger the absolute domain.

Under this kind of power, it is difficult for any Tianjiao to be firm in his Taoist heart. The invincible trend requires a strong invincible heart, fearless and fearless.

"How could this happen? If you can't become invincible, what are we fighting for? Under his invincible power, we have no chance of winning!" The three cried out secretly.

"Unlucky, I knew I wouldn't come to this muddy water!"

"It's too late to discuss these things now. Let's think of a way to deal with the situation. The barren body should have been seriously injured. Should we fight with all our cards, or retreat temporarily?"

"It's too late, the most important thing is to save your life first, retreat, and wait for the barren body to fight the remaining three ancient creatures, we will see the situation!"

The three of them made up their minds, and suddenly withdrew and retreated, rushing towards the direction of the three ancient creatures.

"What are they doing?" Tianjiao, who was watching the battle, was puzzled.

"Misfortune is being diverted to the east. I know I am invincible, and I want to lead the barren body to the ancient creatures."

"No way? Then Qianzang is a peerless arrogance who has stepped into the absolute realm, and he dare not fight head-on with the barren body?"

"There is a gap between being invincible. The barren body is powerful, and ancient creatures can be easily suppressed and killed. He becomes more and more courageous as he fights, and his potential is at the peak. With this aura of absolute invincibility, Qianzang may not be able to step into invincibility at all!"

"Shake your mind, and break your invincibility!" Huo Pingzhang said in a deep voice. He knew that feeling very clearly. The achievement of invincibility does not happen overnight, but the invincibility can be broken in an instant.


"Can you run away?" Under the waterfall-like black hair, Ye Tianxing's eyes became extremely dark and fierce. He was eager to fight, and a ghostly and evil surface appeared on his slightly ferocious face.

He laughed again, this smile was so bloodthirsty that it made one's scalp go numb.

"Brother Ye, there seems to be something wrong!" The three monks of Kuhai sensed something strange, a strong murderous aura was filled with a ray of evil.

Wu Ting looked at Ye Tianxing, and couldn't help frowning. The murderous aura on the latter was getting stronger and stronger, and the number of times that bloodthirsty and strange face appeared gradually became more and more frequent. He knew that all of this had to do with his body It is related to the demon body.

"Three, for today's plan, only if we unite can we have a chance of survival, otherwise we can only be defeated one by one and die!" Qianzang and the three rushed to the side of the three ancient creatures, keeping a certain safe distance from them.

"I was planning to do this, but now I was struck by the lightning of the Nine Tribulations God, and I was seriously injured. I still need the five of you to join forces to stop one or two and buy some time. Don't worry, I will help you in the dark and beat him up." Unprepared!" Saying that, the ancient creature disappeared into the void.

"Alright, five of us will take action to kill the barren body, and whoever contributes the most precious blood of the barren body will get more, how about it?"

"Naturally, kill the barren body, and then distribute it according to the contribution!"

The few reached a verbal agreement, but they said so in their mouths, but they had their own ghosts in their hearts.

An arrow made of the fusion of thunder and flames came through the sky, the might of the dragon was mighty, and the might of the real dragon swept the world.

In the hidden void, the ancient creatures were thinking about how to get out of trouble, but an arrow had already approached them.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and just as he was about to resist with all his monster power, the arrow pierced his chest.



The Bahuang Pagoda was shaken, and there was a thunderous roar. The Tianjiao in the pagoda near the edge of the Bahuang Pagoda was shaken so that the eardrums burst, and the seven orifices bleed.

The ancient creature was nailed to the Bahuang Pagoda by arrows, and a huge blood hole appeared in the indestructible treasure body. He was seriously injured by the Nine Tribulations God Thunder, and his body was torn to pieces by the force of the arrows. The eight veins are also completely cut off.

Screaming and roaring, how desolate and unwilling to be at the last moment of life, all of his cultivation was in vain, and his life of cultivation ended here!

Holding the bow of Quell Shaman, Ye Tianxing came here on the galaxy, the galaxy is long under his feet, the stars behind him are bright, the full moon is hanging high,

The unrivaled posture of dominating the world is fully displayed in invincibility,

The sky and the earth tremble under his feet, and all living beings tremble before him.

The majesty of the emperor and the aura of the overlord are here, and the peerless arrogance is horrified. Under this absolutely invincible momentum and power, he can no longer arouse the slightest fighting spirit.


"I'm numb." The corner of Bei Di's mouth twitched, and then he smiled wryly.

Huo Pingzhang frowned, with a hint of self-mockery on the corner of his mouth, "I thought that my strength would not be too far from his, but now that I look at it, I don't know if I overestimated myself or underestimated him."

"That's all, I will admit defeat at the hands of such a monster."


Ye Tianxing descended in front of the five, staring at them indifferently with his icy eyes, like the judgment of the god of death, setting off a turbulent wave in their hearts.

"Fight it!" He heard the ancient creature yell in a trance, and then saw the blood rushing into the sky, and the three demon clan's geniuses also violently raised their voices.

The extreme light almost blinded everyone's eyes. Under the threat of death, the five of them dared not keep their hands, and used the lower cards one after another.

Seeing this, Ye Tianxing sneered, and then stepped straight down, only to see the wind blowing up the galaxy and creating waves,

"Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things!"

"Tai Chi produces Liangyi, Liangyi produces Sixiang, and Sixiang produces gossip!"

Ye Tianxing kept making tricks in his hands,

Strings of talismans surged around him, a huge gossip lingered at the place where his feet stood, and black and white Tai Chi Pisces tightly surrounded him.

"Tai Chi Holy Light, open!" Only heard a soft moan,

The holy light of Tai Chi circulates, the black and white Pisces swims, and a series of golden light spells form a series of spells to protect and protect the whole body in the night sky.

The sky walks in all directions, and his figure forms afterimages in the extreme light,

In an instant, the holy light shines!

The blood light was dispelled the moment it touched the holy light,

A lotus grows under one's feet, and the lotus of the unworldly Buddha is in full bloom, and then the sound of the Buddha is heard everywhere, resisting the fierce offensive of the five, and in the holy light, a big Buddha appears, with a solemn treasure appearance, not angry and majestic.

He raised his hand in the Invincible Forbidden Domain, and the Hundred Buddha's hand clapped down, as if countless stars descended here with the light of the Holy Buddha, engulfing the entire world.

The peerless Tianjiao urged the whole body of demon power to tear apart the buddhist hands that fell like stars, but the demon power in his body showed signs of retreating under the overlapping Buddha palms.

"What is this!?" Qianzang noticed something strange, but by the time he realized it, it was already too late.

The light of the ten thousand-zhang holy Buddha poured down, the galaxy moved, and the bright stars trembled. Inside the Pagoda, where the light of the Buddha went, no one could see anything. They could only hear a few sounds under the suppressed light of the holy Buddha. angry roar,


The howling sound became weaker until there was no more sound.

The impact of the light of the Holy Buddha lasted for about tens of breaths, and the trembling Yaozu Tianjiao, who was huddled on the edge of the Bahuang Tower, seemed to have gone through a long era.

The coercion and fear emanating from their souls almost made them collapse, unable to lift any strength.

When the talismans around Ye Tianxing faded away and the light of the holy Buddha dimmed, his eyes stared at the land flooded by the holy light from far away in the galaxy. In the bottomless darkness, those five have long since disappeared.

"Huh~" On the void, Ye Tianxing exhaled heavily, his face was a little pale, and then he swallowed two Linxian-level corpse pills directly into his stomach while all the Tianjiao were stunned.

The Bahuang Pagoda shrank rapidly, turning into a small golden pagoda, and submerged into his body. The Yaozu Tianjiao who survived in the Bahuang Pagoda were all paralyzed on the ground. This battle was deeply burned in their souls. Indelible awe and fear.

"What is invincible? This is invincible!" The old man of the Chu family stroked his beard, his face seemed calm, but his heart was turbulent.

"Who dares to say that he is invincible? In front of Huang Ti, who is invincible?" The elder of the Peacock Clan in Daming sighed deeply.

Between the heavens and the earth, there was an awe-inspiring silence, not even the sound of breathing could be heard.

In addition to killing, there is only killing.

The ancient beings were beheaded, and Tianjiao died tragically on the Xuanjie list. He was better than the invincible Qianzang, who was not even qualified to step into the invincible forbidden area in front of him.

The elites who originally had evil intentions restrained everything at this moment, and quietly retreated without a trace, as if they had never been there.

Full of pride and fighting spirit, how brave you are when you come, how embarrassed you are when you go.

Those peerless arrogances who shouted that they are invincible in the world and have never been defeated have all lost their voices today.

"The so-called peerless is nothing more than that. Human race, this is a hero!" Cuipingwei looked at this scene calmly. It's normal, so there's nothing to worry about.

When I figured it out, I was relieved.

Cui Pingwei has figured it out, but the other people in Beidi City are still in extreme depression.

In Zhentian Mansion, an old Taoist raised his hand and wrote down today on the silk foil.

Dayan City, engulfing the sea of ​​clouds, the steaming murderous aura, set off clouds and rain...

In Xiyun Palace, all the chief guardians were silent.

"With such strength, there is indeed the capital of arrogance!" Qi Yunxi left with a flat sentence.

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