Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 216 The Change of Autumn Moon City

"Hey, we've all been in the Mysterious Realm for a year before we knew it, and I haven't made any progress in this realm, and I've gone to a few relics, large and small, without any treasures!" .

"Dingyanquan didn't buy it either. These guys are too dark-hearted. They only sell so much at a time, and they can't rank up with us. The auction doesn't feel worth it!" Chu Li complained. In a year, they went to They snapped up the Dingyan Spring that they have been thinking about, but it is much more difficult for them to buy Dingyan Spring in this mysterious world than going to the sky without organization and power.

"It would be great if the eldest brother was here!"

"Otherwise, let's just join Beidi City. At least that guy Huo Pingzhang is covering us, walking outside under the banner of Beidi City, and no one dares to touch us."

"If you want to go, I won't go!" Chu Li said with a bad face, "But as I said before, if you go, we will break up our relationship!"

"Don't, don't, I'm just talking! Why don't we change cities?"

"I'm not interested. It's not my style to be someone else's dog!"

"Oh, my auntie, the three monks and the eldest prince are doing well now, but we are still wandering outside, if one day we meet some difficult guys, maybe We're going to explain it here."

"How about we build a city by ourselves, called Huoyun City?" The two were talking, when a familiar voice suddenly came to their ears.

"Fire Cloud City,... Hey, Xiao Xuanzi, why are you here!" Pei Shan saw the person coming, with ecstasy on his face, he rushed up and hugged Kong Xuan's relatively small body.

"Xiao Xuanzi, how's your injury?" Chu Li smiled happily, and hurried to Kong Xuan, looking him up and down.

"Well, it's almost better." A faint smile appeared on Kong Xuan's indifferent face, and this smile would only be revealed in front of the woman in front of him.

"That's great, but how did you get in? The Heavenly Gate should be closed!" She wondered.

"Uncle Chu opened the back door to send me in. He said he was worried about your safety. Moreover, there have been many changes in the mysterious world some time ago. Uncle Chu and my father and the king are discussing whether to reopen the Tianmen Gate and let the arrogance of our clans Join together to build a city."

"This is a good thing. By uniting the arrogances of our clans together, we can more or less form a force that is not weak. No one dares to provoke us easily in this mysterious world!" Pei Shan suddenly regained his energy. .

Hearing this, Chu Li couldn't help but shook her head. Back then, the ancestors of several clans of geniuses also united to form a force belonging to Mysterious Xiaojie. Unfortunately, due to conflicts of interests, they caused internal fighting, and many clans were killed and injured. It has also caused the long-term grievances of various clans, and it is also because of this that the ancestors closed the Dengtianmen, limited the time to open the Dengtianmen, and set up many obstacles in the Dengtianmen, increasing the difficulty of entering the mysterious world. The young Tianjiao entered the mysterious world.

"With the strength of our clans, even if we build a city, it is still far behind other old brands. Furthermore, if we want to build a city, where should we build it? A city without rich resources is just a burden."

"So, what my father and the others mean is to ask Brother Ye for help." Kong Xuan looked around, but did not find any sign of the two of them.

"Don't look for it. It's been a year and we haven't seen anyone. If they were here, we wouldn't be in such a mess. We finally found some treasures in the ruins, and we had to be chased and hacked by a bunch of guys." Pei Shan sighed. road.

"They should still be in the Mysterious Realm. According to Uncle Chu, they have come out of the Immortal Gate a few days ago and returned to the Mysterious Realm. They should be cultivating somewhere at this moment."

"Really? Then what are you waiting for, let's go find them!" Pei Shan's eyes lit up.

"The mysterious world is so big, who knows where they are, it's not easy to find them!" Chu Li said.

"It's actually quite easy to find them. Spend some celestial gold to go to Zhentian Mansion in Xuanjie to hang up a recruiting notice, and he will always notice that as long as he sees our names, he will naturally find them." Kong Xuan said.

"That's right!" Pei Shan clapped his hands fiercely, "Why didn't I think of it, don't say anything, we're going to set off now, and by the way, put up a reward list, and find someone to make those scumbags that hacked us last time! "


Seven days later, in the five northern cities, four figures appeared in a secluded green lake, enjoying a moment of tranquility.

"Young Master, this is the most famous Biyou Lake in the five northern cities. The water in this lake has great whitening and moisturizing effects, and it is sought after by many women. The guarded Dingyan Spring is equally famous, but its value is much lower than that of Dingyan Spring." Qiu Ge pointed to a secluded waterway in a lake.

"Biyou Lake." Ye Tianxing held up a handful of water and took a sip, "It tastes sweet and delicious, and there is even a hint of daughter's fragrance."

Seeing Ye Tianxing take a sip, Qiu Ge couldn't help chuckling.

"Why is the girl laughing?"

"To be honest, the reason why the young master smelled the fragrance of my daughter is because there are women who spend a lot of money to bathe in Biyou Lake, and because of this, the water in Biyou Lake can be sold at a good price."

Hearing this, the burly young man who had been sullen couldn't help but laugh. This was the first time Qiu Ge saw this big man laugh.

Ye Tianxing couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Ahem, there shouldn't be any men bathing in this lake, right?"

"Well, that's not the case. Men generally don't spend a lot of money for a little lake water with whitening effects."

"That's good."

While the three of them were talking, outside the Biyou Lake, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and there were ferocious beasts screaming in the surging void.

"What's going on?" Qiu Ge's eyes narrowed.

"Reporting to the city lord, in the past year, because you disappeared in the Palace of Covered Bridges, everyone thought you..."

"A city cannot be without a leader, so they re-elected the city lord, and now Qiuyue City has also been merged into Qitian City!" one person said respectfully.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Uh... City Lord, you just came back, and you have a distinguished guest to entertain, and your subordinates haven't had time to report to you yet."

"Then who is the current city lord?"

"That, Ding Yuan, former deputy city lord of Qitian City."

"Ding Yuan, Equal to Heaven City? You chose someone who is not from Qiuyue City to be the city lord? Who gave the power? Where is Qiu Ming, the deputy city lord?"

"City lord, don't get angry when you hear that, Deputy City lord Qiu, he, he was killed by the people of Qitian City, and all the brothers who supported you before also died, wounded and wounded, and the rest have no choice but to surrender! "The man said with a distressed expression.

"Killed?!" Qiu Ge's eyes froze, and his murderous aura immediately burst out.

"City Lord, where are the brothers who accompanied you back then? If they were there, and some brothers supported you, then Qiuyue City will be taken back!" the man asked.

Qiuge's face showed embarrassment, and when she thought of the people who died with her, she felt extremely self-blame and guilty.

"Dead, we encountered trouble in the Palace of Covered Bridges, and I was the only one who escaped."

"That said, people from the other two cities also..."


"Hey, city lord, don't go back to Qiuyue City. Qitian City and Shuangzhou City are now united, and the other two cities have been subtly swallowed up. Qiuyue City has also been merged into Qitian City. With you alone, You can't take it back, if you go back so hastily, you will be in danger." The man persuaded.

Qiuge frowned slightly, and her beautiful eyes were rippling. She turned her eyes to Ye Tianxing for help, and when she saw Ye Tianxing nodding, she said to the man, "Don't worry, we will take back Qiuyue City, brothers and sisters." Revenge will be reported!"

"City Lord, don't be confused, there are so many masters in Qitian City now, even if you are capable, you still..."

"Xiao Gao, trust me, I have helpers." Qiu Ge pointed to Ye Tianxing, "With them here, Qiuyue City cannot be lost."

"Well, just three people..."

"If you can trust me, go back and gather the brothers who are still willing to follow me, and we will be there right away."

"This... hey, die as long as you die, the city owner, be careful." After the words fell, the man tore through the void and left.

Qiu Ge stared at the disappearing smoke and dust in the sky, a ray of coldness surged in his eyes.


An hour later, the four of Ye Tianxing descended on Qiuyue City. At this time, many masters had ambushed around Qiuyue City, and they had set up a net to wait for the arrival of the four.

"City Lord Ding is such a big battle, dominating my Qiuyue City." Qiu Ge said coldly, a gleam of frost flashed across her beautiful eyes.

"Hehe, it's really you. It's really surprising. For many years, no one has ever come out alive after the bridge palace was closed. Qiuge, you are No.1. This has already broken the record in the mysterious world!" The man laughed loudly, wearing a blue-patterned python robe, a pair of green cloud boots, and a pair of maces on his back, exuding a majestic murderous aura all over his body.

"Just in time, you are back, Ding is extremely happy, and specially arranged a banquet to welcome you, to celebrate your victory!"

"Stop being hypocritical, I'm back today, and Qiuyue City won't allow you to behave wildly!"

"Hehe, City Lord Qiu's tone is still as loud as ever. Today is not the past. What are you fighting with us? Just rely on the three melons and two dates behind you?" Ding Yuan sneered.

"Don't talk nonsense with them, you just need to say which ones should be killed and which ones shouldn't be killed immediately." Wu Ting stepped forward indifferently, staring at Qi Xinyuan coldly with a pair of tiger eyes, full of murderous aura. It was lucky that he had refined the relics of the Saint Monk of the Covered Bridge into an immortal golden body, and he had completely entered the ranks of Immortals, and his power was far beyond the past.

Ding Yuan glanced at Wu Ting, his whole body trembled unnaturally for a moment, this was the first time he had encountered such a feeling.

"It's just an illusion." He comforted himself, then retreated subconsciously behind everyone.

"Where is the idiot who dares to speak wild words?" a monster clan Tianjiao sneered.

"Things who don't know how to live and die, can't they understand the situation? Even the masters in this city can drown you with a mouthful of spittle!" Laughing sounded in the city.

"Qiu Ge, you should go away, don't make unnecessary struggles, the city master Ding has a lot of people, and he won't argue with you." A middle-aged man persuaded.

Qiu Ge glanced at him, "Commander Guo, if you still think about the old feelings, you will take the brothers of Qiuyue City and retreat. Today, anyone who participates in killing our compatriots and hurting my brothers in Qiuyue City, don't even think about it." Get out alive!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience roared with laughter, "City Lord Qiu, you are just a bare City Lord, are you still acting like a dominator here?"

"The cats and cats of your clan are handsome and delicious. My brothers like them very much. The city lord likes you very much. Why don't you stay and serve our city lord and be the wife of the city lord, so you can still give orders? Everyone, what do you think?"

"Hahahaha!" The laughter grew stronger.

Qiu Ge's jade fists were clenched, her eyes were piercing, and her nails were embedded in her palms.

A figure was seen flashing away, and a big hand was silently strangling the throat of the molested person just now.

"Crack!" A crisp voice sounded in the city, everything came so suddenly,

The laughter stopped abruptly.

The smile at the corners of the man's eyes hadn't closed yet, and the curve at the corner of his mouth was still there, but his life had stayed at this moment forever.

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