Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 218 Beidi City, Cuipingwei

"Is that your name Lei Chuang? It's called Lord Lei!" A man in the shape of a dung beetle, with a weird antennae on his head, about ten feet high, took a step forward, staring down at Ye Tianxing condescendingly, his nostrils sticking out. The air of contempt.

Lei Chuang stretched out his hand, motioning the man to back up, then stared at Ye Tianxing contemptuously, with a provocative smile on his face, "That's right, the young master is Lei Chuang, why, come to me if you need something?"

"It's fine if it's you, I'll accept the reward order." Ye Tianxing said flatly.

After the words fell, the entire crowd walking in Zhentian Mansion stopped, and looked towards this side in shock.

"I'm afraid this is a fool?" Everyone thought.

"You took it?" A group of tall Demon Dragon Castle disciples sneered, getting closer, blocking the surrounding light, and a terrifying sense of oppression swept out. peed.

"Hey, there are people who are not afraid of death!"

Lei Chuang's playful face raised a serious arc, and his fingers were heavily on Ye Tianxing's chest, "You pick it up, so what if you pick it up? Are you going to kill me?"

"Well," Ye Tianxing scratched his temples, "If it's convenient, I'd like to trouble your Excellency to cut off your head for me, which will save me trouble. As a reward, I can immortalize your consciousness, but if it's not convenient for you It doesn't matter what you say, we can come and pick it up in person, but it doesn't matter what we say, I'm afraid we may kill all your brothers by accident." He smiled with a harmless smile.

Shino and the crowd of spectators were dumbfounded by his words and deeds. They suspected that their ears had heard it wrong, and they couldn't help laughing when they turned their heads.

A group of Demon Dragon Castle disciples headed by Lei Chuang were stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly.

Lei Chuang hilariously patted his belly, "My mother, I laughed so hard! Where did this come from? If you want to kill me, you don't want to do it yourself. If you want Lord Lei, I will cut off my head and hand it to you!" he,"

"How many years, today is the happiest laugh ever!"

But at the next moment, the laughter stopped abruptly, and a disciple of Molongbao had a frozen smile on his face, and with a cold expression on his face, he raised his hand and struck Ye Tianxing on the head with a palm.

"You don't know how to live or die, who do you think you are talking to?!"


The palm wind raged, and there was a turmoil in Zhentian Mansion. All the spectators shook their heads, knowing that the two people must have been decapitated, but a shocking thing happened.


The two people in front of them didn't move at all, the face of the disciple of Demon Dragon Castle who made the move was flushed, and the next moment he hugged his palms and howled,

"My hand, my hand!" His hand bones were broken by the shock.

Seeing this, the smile on Lei Chuang's face disappeared, and the people around him shot vigorously, only to see the wind of waves sweeping, the wind of fists and palms thundering, but the two in the middle did not move an inch, and the powerful attack from the top of reincarnation landed on them Her body was like drizzle, not hurting anyone, but hurting herself.

Lei Chuang was shocked, and hastily drew his knife to cut it off. The explosive breath shook the entire Zhentian Mansion. The next moment, a big hand held his blade with one hand, and with a slight force, the next moment, the high-grade spirit forged by fairy gold and cold iron Bing, the blade was crushed in the naked eyes of all the masters.


"Damn it!" Someone around was shocked.

At this moment, Lei Chuang finally changed his color. The two harmless guys in front of him were masters at all.

"Kill me!!"

He roared, but his body retreated suddenly, and then he swung the saber with both hands repeatedly, and the blade slashed in all directions. If it wasn't for the strong restraint of Zhentian Mansion, all of them would have been razed to the ground under this blade.

Wu Ting moved, ripples arose under his feet, and the Immortal King's Domain instantly opened, sealing off the space. He slowly rushed towards Lei, ignoring all attacks. In the past year, he has also practiced the Immortal Golden Body of the Saint Monk of the Covered Bridge, supplemented by three relics, and his Indestructible Golden Body has reached perfection!

Lei Chuang panicked, his expression became extremely ugly, no matter how much he bombarded him, he couldn't hurt Wu Ting in the slightest.

"Laugh, keep laughing, why don't you laugh?" Wu Ting slowly walked up to Lei Chuang. Although he was tall, he still looked a little petite in front of Lei Chuang. He stared at Lei Chuang calmly. In Bo's eyes, there was a destructive light.

For a moment, Lei Chuang felt a domineering pressure that made him despair.

Every time Wu Ting took a step forward, his sense of suffocation would deepen by two points.

"I, I am the leader of Demon Dragon Castle. Which faction are you a friend of? Today is not a stranger. If you let me go, Demon Dragon Castle will treat you as a distinguished guest!" He was afraid, and his heart was trembling. Holding on to his fearful heart, he pretended to be calm.

"Friend?" Wu Ting rarely smiled, "Since we're friends, I'll lend you your head to use, you shouldn't object, right?"

After speaking, he raised his hand to suppress Lei Chuang, without any fancy offensive, just slapped Lei Chuang with his palm, Lei Chuang stood still and did not dodge.

Everyone was stunned, only to see that Wu Ting's palm took nearly three breaths from lifting to falling, even a cripple had already run away, but Lei Chuang was still standing in place.


A crisp sound sounded when Wu Ting's palm landed on Lei Chuang's body, and then Lei Chuang's bones fell apart. It wasn't that he didn't want to hide, but that he couldn't hide, a powerful consciousness grabbed him when he was not prepared With his spirit lost, he has nowhere to hide.

In the horror of the surrounding and all the talents of the Demon Dragon Castle, Wu Ting cut off Lei Chuang's head. The deacons and guards of Zhentian Mansion were all dumbfounded. In the end, I never expected the ending to be reversed so quickly.

A thought flashed by, and Lei Chuang's soul was wiped out amidst the screams,

Only then did Ye Tianxing sigh leisurely, "I gave you a chance to turn yourself in, but you couldn't grasp it. It's fine now, why bother?"

Wu Ting lifted Lei Chuang's head, and the whole world was in shock.

"How dare you kill my leader of Demon Dragon Castle, wait to meet the anger of Demon Dragon Castle!" Seeing that Lei Chuang was killed, a group of Demon Dragon Castle disciples panicked and ran towards the outside of Zhentian Mansion without looking back.

Wu Ting didn't make a move, and Ye Tianxing remained where he was.

But in the next moment, only a muffled groan was heard, and all the disciples of Demon Dragon Castle flew back upside down, their pupils protruding, their bones and tendons were broken by the huge force, and their blood spilled on the spot.

"You...!" Seeing this, a deacon of Zhentian Mansion broke into a cold sweat, "Guys, these are people from Demon Dragon Castle. Do you know how terrifying Demon Dragon Castle is? The owner of Demon Dragon Castle must take revenge Ruthless people, you killed their people in Zhentian Mansion, not only will you suffer, but we will also be punished for not stopping it in time!"

"Are you afraid of being affected? That's easy. If you take action now, if I cut off each of your arms, the Dragon Castle will have nothing to say, right?" Wu Ting approached the deacon, and the latter gasped after hearing the sound. Backed up again and again, backing behind a group of guards.

"Your Excellency is extraordinary. This is Zhentian Mansion. You have committed a big taboo in killing people in Zhentian Mansion. If you hurt people in my Zhentian Mansion again, there is really no turning back!" A guard said in fear.

"Mr. Wu, don't bother with them, they are just ordinary cultivators working for Zhentian Mansion." Qiu Ge persuaded.

Hearing this, Wu Ting restrained his breath and stepped back holding Lei Chuang's head.

"Starting today, Fire Cloud City welcomes everyone to join!" Ye Tianxing said loudly to the spectators, throwing two ingots of fairy gold from his sleeve robe and standing on the counter, "This is today's loss fee, and the rest is considered as processing." Corpse tip."

After the words fell, the four of Ye Tianxing walked leisurely towards the outside of Zhentian Mansion.

It wasn't until the figures of the four people disappeared that the sound of everyone's panting came from the suppressed Zhentian Mansion.

"What kind of freak is this, he slapped Lei Chuang to death with one slap!" After a while, everyone was afraid,

"This Lei Chuang was originally a top expert in the late stage of Void Transformation. His body could not be injured even by a high-grade spiritual weapon, but he was slapped to pieces. How terrifying is this guy's physical strength?!" There were voices of horror one after another.

"Fire Cloud City!"

"He's from Fire Cloud City? The newly established Fire Cloud City actually has such top experts!"

"Qiuge is walking with them. Doesn't it mean that the five northern cities are also friendly with Huoyun City?"

"I see, this Huoyun City was originally built by the masters of the five northern cities, and their purpose is to expand to the south!"

"Expanding to the south, the first to bear the brunt is Demon Dragon Fort and Xiyun Palace. Could it be that their targets are these two cities?" Someone exclaimed.

"Isn't it realistic? The foundations of Demon Dragon Castle and Xiyun Palace are so terrifying. These two cities have existed for thousands of years and have not been shaken by any forces. Just these four people want to swallow them? Impossible, absolutely impossible !” One person shook his head.

"In addition to the large number of people in the five northern cities, there are very few peak combat powers, and none of them even made it to the Mysterious World Rankings. With such a combat power, even if the strength of the five cities is gathered, they are definitely not the opponents of Demon Dragon Fort and Xiyun Palace!"

"That's not necessarily the case. The Mysterious World Ranking is just a list. Aren't those three just now much more powerful than some guys on the Mysterious World Ranking?"

In Zhentian Mansion, there was a lot of discussion. The news of the killing of Demon Dragon Fort Lei Chuang and his party spread quietly. Huoyun City was about to be destroyed by Demon Dragon Castle, so it gave up again.


Central part of the mysterious world,

In front of Dingyan Spring.

"Do you have the quality? Everyone is queuing up. You came here to cut the line, but even bought out all of Dingyanquan's shares today. You really think we are easy to bully, don't you?" Pei Shan jumped to the front of the line and shouted shouted.

"Where did the clown come from, don't you want to live?"

"The one who rides the horse is called Xiaoye clown?" Pei Shan stepped forward angrily, and a roar of a tiger shook the sky, and the sound waves swept away, shaking the speaker until his seven orifices bleed. Seeing this, they scattered like seeing a ghost.

"Hmph, a bunch of cowards, they dare not say anything even when they are being bullied!" Pei Shan sneered. They have encountered something like today more than once. If it was before, he would not dare to mess around. They are either some ruthless characters, or they are backed by powerful forces, but ever since he knew that Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting had returned to the mysterious world, he no longer forbears, but whenever there is something that is not pleasing to the eye, he will directly take action without talking nonsense , wishing to make the noise louder so that Ye Tianxing and the others could see it.

"You, you dare to hurt me. My lady is one of the four guardians of Beidi City. If you hurt me, you will definitely die!"

"The Four Great Guardians of Beidi City?" Pei Shan's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at the man's attire, and immediately knew that he was in serious trouble. He was flustered, but he didn't show it on his face, "Hmph, it's just the Four Great Guardians." , do you know who my elder brother is? Huo Pingzhang from Beidi City was beaten into a Muggle by my elder brother, and he was able to get out of bed after recuperating for more than half a year. Don't even dare to let it go!" Pei Shan said aggressively.


"Then I really want to see your elder brother's demeanor, is it as you said, I dare not even give a fart when I see him." In the void, an ethereal and ethereal voice suddenly sounded from afar, Looming, a beautiful figure in a purple dress gradually appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Damn it, Cuipingwei!" Seeing who came, Pei Shan secretly groaned, one of the four guardians of Beidi City would appear here, he was the one who didn't pee, and ran away without saying a word.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to bring me to see your elder brother? I don't want to see, how am I farting in front of your elder brother?" Cuiping Wei raised her jade hand, and a jade ring shone with golden light, covering him.

"Xiao Xuanzi, save me!"

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