Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 215 4 Fang Yundong

Ye Tianxing's pupils condensed into a pitch-black ink dot after extremely rapid enlargement, the flames were raging, and a cold and scorching breath set off a turmoil.

He let out a howl and burst into a rage,

Under the ferocious face, there are black markings densely all over the whole body in an instant, the fire of the nether world bursts out in the eyes, the eyes of nothingness bleed, and a ray of dark light tears everything in front of him to pieces.

"Eight Grinding Purgatory!" The howling sound raged in every space between heaven and earth, and the sound waves exploded. Qiuge could only feel the world spinning, his ears were buzzing and bleeding, and he couldn't hear any more sounds. He protected himself with a Zen stick, and was caught The sound wave of the explosion made blood vomit from the mouth.

The sky and the earth filled with a bloody moon in the Milky Way caused violent wind and rain, the earth shattered, and endless darkness spread out, swallowing everything. Black flames swept out from Ye Tianxing's body, demons and monsters roared, and a purgatory was looming.

He stepped forward with a single step, with Huang Quan's sword intent destroying heaven and earth, under his extremely distorted face, the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up in a strange and sinister way, and the evil eyes made one's scalp tingle with just one glance.

"Ye ye ye! You told me to come, this guy won't die because of you!"

"This is the price of kindness. In the future, your kindness will not save anyone, and may even kill yourself!" The demon body laughed, and in an instant, the demon flames surged into the sky,

"Only killing is the only salvation!"

The Devouring Barrier was wide open, and the Devouring Storm swept across again, but this time the Devouring Storm was many times stronger than the Devouring Storm displayed by Ye Tianxing.

"A bedbug dares to touch my things!"

The overwhelming coercion suddenly swept across, and in an instant, this world completely manifested into a gloomy and cold endless purgatory!

The soul-locking chain formed by the devouring flames pierced through the blood slave's body, trapping it in purgatory, the flames of hell ignited in the endless darkness, monsters and monsters were roaring, and a bone claw protruded from the depths of the nether world, sucking the blood The air around the slave exploded, and the blood slave's body instantly changed its shape.



The thunder of the Nine Tribulations came here again, bombarding the purgatory violently, the blood slave's body was torn apart, and the soul of the dead demon king let out a terrible scream.

"Who are you, who are you!" The dead demon king roared, all the souls of the dead came out, so how can a cultivator who is facing immortals be a demon god who destroys the world.

With eight soul-locking chains and a bone claw from the nether world of purgatory, the blood slave couldn't move. The Nine Tribulations God Thunder bombarded him repeatedly, making the blood slave bloody and bloody, and was about to be wiped out.

"Immortals in heaven, Yama in hell, cultivators of nine heavens and ten earths, and sages from ancient times and eight desolations, all surrender under my feet. I am the Lord of Purgatory, the King of Asura, and the ruler of all things..." The sinister voice was endless. The domineering, coercive aura that suppressed the world made the entire outside world feel a chill from the soul.

The finger of the demon body raised slightly, and the divine punishment came to an abrupt end. The Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder seemed to listen to his orders, and stopped the attack and punishment. The eight demons purgatory, the breath from the depths of the nether world made the dead demon king terrified.

"Surrender to me!" He stomped his feet, looking down at the blood slave from a high position, with a domineering voice that could not tolerate any resistance or questioning.


Under the huge pressure, the blood slave knelt down, the bones of his feet were cracked, and his body was already twisted to the point of collapsing.

A chain of soul locks pierced through the head of the blood slave, dragging the soul of the dead devil king into the purgatory, only to hear the screams one after another, until the breath of the dead devil king completely dissipated.

"See it clearly, this is the original you and me! The Eight Demons Purgatory suppresses the demon gods of all ages, and we are above all living beings!"

"Everything in the world is an ant, and I am the only one who can be honored in all worlds!" The demon body laughed fiercely, revealing its domineering aura, and the roar of the demon god came from the eight demon purgatory, and then the soul of the dead demon king was swallowed, and slowly sank into it. Among the earth.

Everything turned into vain, the demon body smiled, and glanced coldly, the sluggish Qiu Ge flicked his fingers, and the devouring flame turned into a spear and stabbed at her.

Suddenly, the demon body frowned, its face became a lot more ferocious, and its whole body trembled unceasingly.

The next moment, the spear that stabbed Qiu Ge disappeared in smoke a foot between her eyebrows.

Qiuge is sluggish, and survives after the catastrophe.

Ye Tianxing took a deep breath and forcibly regained control of his body.

"Old witch!"

"Old witch!" He flashed to Wu Ting. At this moment, Wu Ting couldn't feel the breath of life, and his hand was still holding on to the blood chain.

He chanted the Yellow Spring Sutra to protect Wu Ting's soul and stabilize his sea of ​​consciousness. A steady stream of life breath entered Wu Ting's body, but the latter did not have any signs of life.

Ye Tianxing panicked, anger burned in his heart, killing intent swept through his mind, bloodshot eyes glowed with boundless coldness,

"Use the relic, maybe you can save him!" A faint voice sounded in the distance, Qiu Ge looked at Ye Tianxing in fear, and took out a relic of the monk of the covered bridge from his bosom.

"Swoosh!" The relic was absorbed by Ye Tianxing and sent into Wu Ting's body.

Suddenly, the Buddha's light was everywhere, the sound of Zen was loud, Wu Ting's body trembled, and there was a faint sign of life.

Seeing this, Ye Tianxing was overjoyed, and flashed to the place where Xie An died, and found the second relic from his Sumeru Ring, and found the third relic in the body of the dead dragon turtle, and sent them all to Wu Ting in the body,

The three relics are originally from the same source, and they were all left by the monks of the covered bridge. Together, they exude a powerful essence of life.

Wu Ting's whole body was filled with the essence of life exuded from the relic. The Buddha nature of the relic made him look extremely holy, but the power contained in the same relic left by an immortal king was by no means something ordinary people could bear.

Circles and circles of divine consciousness were woven into a net, wrapping the Buddha nature and power of the relic. He chanted the two pages of the Nine Heavens Taixuan Sutra, using the Buddha nature to contain the Buddha nature. To his surprise, the relic seemed to pass through Like a spirit, it stayed quietly in Wu Ting's body, exuding holy light, continuously pouring towards Wu Ting's limbs and bones, repairing the meridians of his whole body.

"The origin of divinity!" Ye Tianxing felt a divine will from it, and this will should come from the saint monk of Langqiao.

Accompanied by the transmission of the divine essence, Wu Ting's breath of life has gradually stirred up waves from being imperceptible.

"Old witch!" Ye Tianxing was overjoyed, took out countless bottles and cans from his body, refined all the life springs and blood-enriching elixir and sent them into Wu Ting's body.

In this way, Qiu Ge looked at the busy man, from being afraid and guarded, to gradually becoming curious.

That demonized gesture was so terrifying, the fierce laughter shook her soul, and the endless flames made her shudder when she thought of it. A god of killing, who flaunts so wantonly, life is being squeezed wantonly in his hands,

But in the face of his friends, he did his best.

She was very glad that she was not an enemy of him, and she was even more glad that when everyone was besieging him, she said something like that,

It was these words that kept her alive.


In the mysterious world, in countless secret realms, caves, and strange pools, all the arrogances from all walks of life came out one after another. The appearance of the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder made the whole mysterious world tremble.

In the ten directions of the mysterious world, the land that has been silent in the long river of time, the mountains and rivers that have been dried up in the ancient torrent, suddenly seemed to wake up, and one after another divine sense penetrated the gate of the mysterious world, and kept scanning in the mysterious world.

The outside world has already exploded. After half a year, the small world in the covered bridge palace has ushered in a catastrophe. The mighty power of heaven spreads over the entire sky where the covered bridge palace is located, breaking through the barriers of the mysterious world ,

A vision appeared in the sky, the Buddha's light was radiant, and a strong body wandered above the nine heavens. After a few days of tempering, he punched open the fairy gate and disappeared.

The arrogance of the entire mysterious world felt the shock for several days.

And after that, another half a year passed, and the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder came to the world again, born with four phenomena, and the barriers of the mysterious world were broken down again. If there were not strong restrictions from the mysterious world, how many arrogances in the entire mysterious world would have died.

In the ten directions of the mysterious world, the old antique who has been silent for many years has recovered from his slumber. There are immortal emperors who spy on the mysterious world, but they find nothing.

The god operator risked the punishment of the heavens to calculate the secrets of the heavens, but was finally countered by the heavens and returned without success.

"There is no past and future. Is the connection cut off in the ancient torrent, or is someone covering up his numerology?" An old man deduced the secret at the cost of 50 years of cultivation, but ended up seriously injured.

God's Domain, the compass of destiny that has been dusty for a long time, suddenly had a movement today,

The old man followed the direction pointed by the compass and opened the way to the outside world.


In the sky above the hinterland of gods and demons surrounded by stars, a black-haired man with bright eyes like abysses, using the Milky Way as a plate, moved the stars around, playing games with the sky, and raised his hand as if pointing to the common people.

He suddenly looked back, and then counted in the starry sky full of stars, "Rui'er, it's time for you to go out and move around!" He said quietly to the void.

"Old man, where are you going to order me?" An afterimage came out of the void, a man with black hair like a waterfall, and a black robe the same color as the starry sky.

"Go where you should go and wait for the person you should wait for." He looked at the starry sky and made another move. The man next to him glanced at the chess game in the starry sky, fell into deep thought for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "I'll go right away." .”


In the lineage of the prehistoric, the giant sword screams, in the lineage of the war, the golden bell sings,

Strange things happened bit by bit all over God's Domain.

And in the mysterious world, the young man walked under the thunder of the Nine Tribulations God with a golden pagoda, followed by a graceful woman, and the two of them disappeared after crossing the fairy gate.


During this year, the entire mysterious world has been looking for the three people who stepped into the fairy gate, and people are inquiring everywhere. If there is any information about the three people that is confirmed, it will be auctioned for a sky-high price.

The Tianjiao of the entire Xuanjie was very crazy this year, and the peerless Tianjiao of the Xuanjie who was devoted to enlightenment felt extremely depressed, and his firm Dao heart was also shaken under this depression.

"Maybe it's them, but it shouldn't be. They have only entered the late stage of the Void Transformation. How could they become immortals in one step in such a short period of time!" This person is the second highness of the Bailong lineage, Huo Pingzhang. The scene of the demon god sacrifice is vivid in my memory ...

"Hey, I'm so angry that people are better than others. How long has it been since my eldest brother entered the late stage of the Void Transformation, so he's directly ascended to the immortal? Immortal gate, why didn't he take me in to have a look!" Pei Shan sighed. Among them, Ye Tianxing is the only one who can have this talent and stand out from the past.

"It's probably them, but there were only two of them when they came, who is that woman?" Chu Li complained.

"Hey, whoever he is, I'm really envious to be able to enter the fairy gate!"

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