
The void exploded, and a powerful impact set off a storm of air flow, and Ye Tianxing's figure smashed heavily to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

smoke billows,

It became extremely difficult for Ye Tianxing to breathe, and he was only kicked in the air, and his sternum was broken.

In the void, those empty and numb eyes looked at the sluggish figure in the smoke and dust, and then slowly walked down the void, approaching Ye Tianxing.

"Old Ye!!" Wu Ting galloped towards him, his eyes suddenly bloodshot with murderous intent.

"Don't come here!" Ye Tianxing roared, and the Bahuang Pagoda suddenly fell from the sky, trapping Wu Ting inside.

"Just stay there and don't come near!"


A mouthful of blood spewed out, Ye Tianxing barely supported his body with his right hand, his pupils shrank, staring at the slowly approaching blood slave, the thunder and flames in his pupils were instantly covered by pitch-black flames.

A black flame then swept out from his body,

The prehistoric bloodline was fully activated, thunder surged, and the black dragon was covered with a layer of faint dark gold armor.

The black flames are raging, the aura of heaven and earth is reversed, and the empty arm on the left is visible to the naked eye.

The sea of ​​fire roared, and a fire dragon gradually materialized,

The blood of the war wilderness is activated,

Soaring to the sky to fight, piercing through the poor sky,

The galaxy is endless, and two full moons rise, covering the entire space.

The sacred bone of the barren body erupted with holy light, and Ye Tianxing's aura rose sharply to the peak of Linxian Yizhuan.

"Not enough, not enough!" He roared, his eyes shot out breathtaking black flames, and then a terrifying storm rose in the void, and the storm swept to form a huge vortex, spinning at a perverted high speed, surrounding, all Everything in the world was torn into it by this storm, the world gradually lost color, sound, light, everything that could be felt and seen was torn and swallowed by the storm.

Not far away, Qiu Ge was trembling, looking at the figure exuding black flames and exuding an endless sinister aura, his soul trembled.

That figure stood like a demon god, and the vast galaxy behind him was swallowed by darkness.

Two visions flooded into the darkness, and the full moon seemed to be bound by shackles.

The darkness descended completely, engulfing the whole world.

The bloodthirsty pupils of the blood slave looked at the lightless, colorless and tasteless space, and the iron chains around him shot holes in all directions.

Ye Tianxing held the Immortal King container, and five immortal soldiers were melted into it. Under the blessing of the sacred bones of the barren body and the crazy absorption of the power of devouring, his realm jumped directly to the rank of three ranks of Immortals.

In the endless darkness, between his brows, an evil eye slowly opened, and a strange force swept through the world. The evil eye glowed with a faint light, watching the blood slave's every move.

An arc of light flashed away, and the Blood Slave stood in the dark, when suddenly ten chains of fire formed by black flames appeared out of thin air, binding its body, and a fist burning with black flames bombarded his body silently superior.


The fist was embedded in its body, and the power of devouring burst out suddenly, crazily destroying the body of the blood slave,

The blood slave stretched out his palm and grabbed blindly behind him. At the same time, the blood-stained blood chain formed a net and shot towards the night sky hole behind him.

Ye Tianxing retreated in a hurry, the thunder dragon and the fire dragon were entangled in the body, and the moment the barrier formed touched the blood chain, it wiped out endless light, and was swallowed by the darkness in the blink of an eye.


Ye Tianxing dodged frantically, and was almost cut in half by accident.

He swung the container of the fairy king, Qiankun slashed at the blood slave several times with a single sword,

The Blood Slave deserved to be the existence of Li Xingjing, relying on Ye Tianxing's slashing moment to capture his position, blood chains shot towards him overwhelmingly.

Its perception was ridiculously sharp, and it reacted even before the darkness completely engulfed the light and sound.

How terrifying are those who are strong in the Leaving Form Realm!

Ye Tianxing ran away in a panic, if he hadn't used the sacred bones of the desolate body to block him in time, his immortal body would have been pierced several times.

"Tian Xing, don't you understand? He is playing with you. With his strength, he can easily shatter your Devouring Barrier. The three departures are much more terrifying than you imagined!" Yaojun Chu Kuangshan said .

"What should I do? This is already my current limit!" Ye Tianxing panted heavily, with a dignified expression, just avoiding the blood slave's attack is so strenuous,

With his current limit, he is far from being the opponent of the blood slave. There is another form of the devouring body. Although it is overbearing and terrifying, if he uses that form, he will be completely demonized and lose his mind.

"Hey! I will lend you some of my monster power. To what extent I can achieve it depends on your body's ability to bear it." The demon king Chu Kuangshan said in a deep voice.

In the next moment, a terrifying demon power swept from the heart of the demon king in the sea of ​​reincarnation to the limbs and bones. The moment the power of devouring, the blood of the barren body and the demon power touched, a terrible impact erupted. Ye Tianxing only felt the strange scriptures The Eight Meridians were about to explode at this moment.



As he roared up to the sky, the sound of the dragon's chant resounded, and the soaring demon energy caused changes in the heavens, and the vision of the full moon bound by the black flames instantly turned into a blood moon.

Ye Tianxing's pupils changed again, the left eye was scarlet, the right eye was dark, how domineering the devouring power was, it crazily devoured the demon power until it was tamed.

As a result, a steady stream of demon power was subdued by the devouring power, poured into the sea of ​​reincarnation, and then rushed to all parts of the body.


Ye Tianxing took a deep breath, his veins swelled, and his body more than doubled due to the unsuitability of this force, making him look extraordinarily bloated.

In the body, without Yaojun's voice, Ye Tianxing knew that Chu Kuangshan had taken a great risk by lending this part of his power to him.

"Senior, thank you very much!"

A warm current flowed through his heart, and under the demonic power of the Yaojun, he was pulled up to the fifth rank of Linxian!

This feeling of controlling power is extraordinarily fascinating.

With the blessing of this power, the Devouring Barrier has also become stronger several times,

Relying on this power, he opened his body together and killed the blood slaves in the darkness of nothingness. Although there was still a qualitative gap between Immortal Rank [-] and Lixing Realm, this time, he was no longer as powerless as before.


"The devouring body!" A voice of surprise sounded from the depths of the viscous death energy like a deep pool. The voice was weak and low, but it could not conceal the hidden ecstasy at all.

"In the universe, the body of devouring has reappeared!"

The endless death energy condensed into three tentacles along with the sound, piercing towards the devouring barrier.


Three holes were pierced through the devouring barrier, which was so strong that even blood slaves in the Leaving Realm could hardly break through it.

The scarlet moonlight shone in, and a blood chain pierced Ye Tianxing's arm. He held the blood chain in his hand, and with a sudden force, he tore off the blood slave's arm.


The engulfing barrier was broken, and Ye Tianxing stood under the scarlet moon, his face was pale, and his blood was overflowing continuously. If he forcibly obtained power beyond the limit, he would have to pay a corresponding price.

His body also gradually changed shape.

A steady stream of deadly devil energy poured into the blood slave, his originally empty and lifeless eyes suddenly had a gleam of spirit at this moment, and the arm that was torn off by Ye Tianxing was also repaired at an extremely fast speed.

"The devouring body, it's been a long time!" The blood slave opened his mouth to speak.

"Dead Demon King?" The devouring eyes stared at the cloud of black energy that suddenly appeared in the blood slave's mind, and shot out a gloomy light,

He carried the Immortal King Vessel to suppress and kill the blood slaves with the momentum of thunder,

With one thought, Thunder God Domain spread out,

The raging fire is burning, the magical power of destiny is activated, the hot flame is accompanied by the rolling thunder, and the two are fused with each other under the package of powerful spiritual consciousness. Two completely different forces are fused together, and the power that erupts is by no means any kind. can be compared.

"Small tricks!" The blood slave raised his hand, with a surge of death demon energy, he lightly blocked the slash with thunder and flames,

In the blink of an eye, they have fought for ten rounds. The former blood slave was like an empty puppet, but now with the soul of the dead devil king, the blood slave's strength has increased several times.

A blood slave in the Formless Realm can hardly be suppressed by relying on the Devouring Barrier, but now that there is the soul of the Death Demon King, it is foolish to want to suppress it.


At this moment, Ye Tianxing only had this thought in his mind.

But it was not easy to escape with Wu Ting in front of the Blood Slave of the Leaving Form Realm who possessed the soul of the dead demon king.

"That's right!" Ye Tianxing suddenly thought of something, and the power of devouring erupted all over his body again, frantically sucking the only remaining aura of heaven and earth in the world, and stuffed the top-grade spirit stones and spirit crystals into his stomach madly.

Then, he pushed his aura to the extreme, and the aura of an emperor and hegemony erupted at this moment,

With one thought, enter the Invincible Forbidden Domain!


He evolved the great way of heaven and earth, mobilized the power of heaven and earth,

The vision surged, the thunder rolled, and the dark gold thunder fell from the sky,

In the sky above the location of the Palace of Covered Bridges, thunder and lightning flashed, and divine punishment descended from the sky above the mysterious world, and the rolling thunder raged, submerging the entire location of Palace of Covered Bridges.

Shocked voices erupted in all the cities in the mysterious world, countless Tianjiao tore through the void, and rushed towards the location of the Langqiao Palace.

"What kind of divine power is this, this kind of divine punishment, which I have never seen before!"

"This is the location of the Covered Bridge Palace, but there is no one here, why did such a divine punishment break out!"

The remaining two city lords came from the five northern cities, and they were horrified when they saw this scene, "The Langqiao Palace has been closed, and Qiu Ge, Xiao Kun, and Xie An all missed the time to come out. Could it be that this battle is theirs? Made it?" A city lord doubted.

"Impossible. Although the talents and strengths of the three of them are good, this kind of supernatural punishment cannot be caused by them!" The man shook his head.

"Then what's the reason? Could it be that something else happened in the Palace of the Covered Bridge?" A moment later, the area around the Palace of the Covered Bridge was already full of people.

There was a sound of wind and thunder, and in the depths of the endless thunder, there was a thunder beast roaring.

A thunderbolt pierced through the layers of chaos and myriad thunder, and pierced through the barrier of the small world where the Bridge Palace is located.

It crashed down from above the black cocoon.


The black cocoon was split open into a huge hole, and when Ye Tianxing saw it, a look of surprise appeared on his face,

"One, two, three... eight, nine... hiss" In the mysterious world, a monster Tianjiao wearing a black tyrant heavy armor stared at the looming nine colors in the thunder, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't restrain himself. trembling.

"Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder!"

"Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder!!" He screamed as if he had lost his mind.

"Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder? Are you sure?!"

"This kind of power, these nine colors, what is it if it is not the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder?"

"How many years have passed, how many years have passed in the demon world, and the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder has not appeared in the world, who is the outstanding person!"

Shocking sounds came and went, and the news of the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder swept across the mysterious world in an instant.


"Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder!!" The Death Demon King's voice was extremely shocking.

"Old witch, let's go!" Ye Tianxing sucked his big hand, and rushed to the black cocoon that was split open by the Nine Tribulations Thunder.

"Want to run?" The dead devil snorted coldly, and the figure of the blood slave burst out,

But at this time, the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder descended completely, and this world was instantly submerged by the billowing divine thunder.

In the thunder of the gods, the blood slave was blown out of countless holes, and the soul of the dead demon king was almost shattered under the bombardment of the thunder of the nine robbers.

A black spear flew from the sky, and exploded above the black cocoon. The magic power was so powerful that it resisted the thunder of the Nine Tribulations, and the dead demon king escaped from it.

The three of Ye Tianxing had just escaped from the range wrapped by the black cocoon, when a blood chain wrapped in magic power stabbed towards them.

His color changed drastically, and he threw Wu Ting away violently.

The blood chain pierced Ye Tianxing's calf, and there was blood pouring out!

"Go!" Ye Tianxing roared.

Seeing this, Wu Ting's pupils condensed, grabbed the blood spear, and swooped down suddenly, his whole body was burning with blood, breaking the shackles of Linxian at that moment,

"Old Ye, you go first!" He screamed, his blood danced wildly, swallowed all the corpse pills on his body, and then rushed to the blood slave without hesitation.

Two blood chains pierced his chest,

Wu Ting's eyes were bloodshot, but he didn't stop. He plunged the blood spear into the blood slave's body, then grabbed the blood chain tightly with both hands, wrapped it around his body,

"Old Ye, go...!"

With a hoarse roar and the sound of blood gushing, without the slightest hesitation, he burst out with the last strength, allowing the blood chain to pierce through his body, and tried his best to throw the blood slave down into the sky.

He tugged on the blood chain tenaciously, until there was no more light in his eyes.

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