Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 212 Black Cocoon

A heavy voice resounded through the sky, and then Bai Yuan's pure white feathers were dyed bright red, Xie An's wing was severed, and dripping blood fell towards the gloomy and dark place below.

Ye Tianxing took a closer look, and saw that the golden body of the monk on the covered bridge had been destroyed, and endless darkness swept out from the broken mountain body. Just between him and Xie An's fight, a huge black cocoon had formed, which would That side of the world is completely wrapped.

"Old witch!" Ye Tianxing shouted, but there was no response, his eyes sank, Wu Ting was not there, and he was wrapped in the cocoon formed by the black air.


A light and shadow came quickly,

"Go to hell!!"

Taking advantage of Ye Tian's wandering spirit, Xie An did not hesitate to burn his blood and attack and kill him.

A little bit of Lei Mang jumped, Ye Tianxing thought in his heart, the realm of the fairy king opened instantly,

The Taoist body of the Immortal King is condensed,

The Immortal King is angry and moves the heavens!

Huge palms slapped Xie An, palms clasped together, and the world exploded.

Suddenly, a gloomy and evil breath approached quietly.

Ye Tianxing subconsciously withdrew and flew back, but still couldn't dodge in time.


A tailbone forged from black iron pierced through his body wrapped in extremely powerful Yuanli. Without any hesitation, he pushed Yuanli to the extreme, a dragon howl resounded through the world, and then backhanded a sword He stabbed fiercely behind him, but hit a hard place.


The wave blew up again, and his figure was blown away by the raging impact.

"Hehe, the defensive power of this old thing's tortoise shell is no worse than your barren body!" A gloomy laugh sounded behind Ye Tianxing.

"It's you!" Ye Tianxing stabilized his figure and stared at the old man of the dragon turtle. At the same time, he slapped out the tail stab that pierced through his right chest with his palm. The blood of the barren body was activated, and the powerful repairing power healed the injury in the blink of an eye. Seven seven eight eight.

He hadn't been penetrated in a long time.

"It's me, I actually lost my sight and didn't realize that you are a barren body at the first time!" The old dragon turtle smiled bloodthirstyly, his pupils were full of darkness.

"I'm also surprised that those eyes hiding in the dark are actually yours."

"Hehe, I told you not to meddle in other people's business, you must not listen, but my goal has also been achieved, my king is about to appear!" His expression gradually distorted, the face of the dragon turtle old man seemed to be torn apart, And with his distorted smile, this place was completely swallowed by darkness.

"A barren body of the human race will be the best tribute of my king in this life!"


dong dong!

The void twisted, and one after another Linxian-level corpse puppets came out of it, surrounding Ye Tianxing,

Not far away, Xie An's screams could be heard. The dying man was dragged by a Immortal-level corpse puppet and thrown into the cocoon condensed by black air.

"You hid it so well that even I didn't discover your existence!"

"I really want to know how you hide the smell on your body." The black sword was covered by thunder, and the endless thunder rushed over, enveloping the entire world in an instant.

Ye Tianxing was bathed in thunder, and Qiankun swung his sword forward.

"It's very simple, one relic is enough to cover up all auras." The old man Longgui said with a smile, and moved towards Ye Tianxing.

All of a sudden, there are thousands of waves in nature, and the wind blows thousands of miles of clouds.

After a few criss-crossings, Ye Tianxing made a fist with both hands,

"Endless floods come into my body, and my body returns to dust to dust..."

The galaxy is bright, and a round of stars and moons are rising slowly along with Ye Tianxing in meditation.


The dragon pattern seal was activated, and a wandering dragon entrenched in front of Ye Tianxing, and then the power of the real dragon washed the world.

"The prehistoric body is indeed good, but it's a pity that the gap in the realm is there, and it can't be made up!"

"Is it?"

"Sometimes, the realm is not the only one!"

In my mind, I became invincible in one step, and endless divine punishment fell from the sky.


Over the already closed Covered Bridge Palace, a vision of heaven suddenly appeared, thunder surged, and the situation changed for a long time...


A corpse puppet of Linxian level had no time to react, and was obliterated by Ye Tianxing. His speed was too fast, and the existence of the fourth rank of Linxian couldn't fully see his every movement.

"The majesty of the emperor!" The old man's pupils condensed, revealing the body of the dragon tortoise. The huge body of the dragon tortoise is tens of feet long, carrying a golden tortoise shell with a square radius, and the air of the tide is surging around his body.

"Barrier Fist!"

With a deep roar, the vast energy condensed on the front of the fist, and the domineering coercion caused the void to explode, shaking the sky and the earth.


The intent of the fist is transformed into form, a black dragon roars loudly, bathed in endless thunder, gallops away in the sky full of thunder, resonates with the way of heaven, and everything in the world is in this fist.

"Boom!!" Amidst the deep blasting sound, everything was wiped out by the front of the fist, leaving nothing.

The dragon tortoise let out a shocking neigh, and there were countless tidal surges between the heaven and the earth. The continuous aura of heaven and earth was drawn into the tides, forming one layer after another of water shields. This water hides in front of you.

"Roar!" The Immortal-level corpse puppet attacked and killed, with a sinister aura soaring to the sky. It was as powerful as a low-level immortal soldier's body, but this kind of power was not worth mentioning in front of Ye Tianxing.

Standing invincible, he moved the avenue of heaven and earth, and the Buddha's light filled the sky behind him. Between his fists and palms, Linxian-level corpse puppet was bombarded and killed, and the thunder surged, smashing all evils and evils under the thunder, and there was no possibility of rebirth.

The Wanjun thunder rolls forward, engulfing everything, and Ye Tianxing bathes in the thunder and moves forward indomitably, like a god of war descending into the world, his black hair is hunting in the raging wind, and a pair of dark pupils are bursting with the light of destruction.

Without any redundant movements, every punch and every style has an invincible momentum. Under this momentum, even the dragon turtle who has turned around to the immortal can't help but be secretly surprised.


The fist wrapped in thunder slammed on the turtle shell of the dragon turtle, enough to break the strength of the immortal soldier, but when he touched the turtle shell, he felt a deep and lingering force, which made the strength of his fist be removed. part.

"Wonderful, wonderful, if I hadn't met you, I would never have imagined that a guy who is not as good as Linxian, with the help of the barren body sacred bone, can burst out enough to make Linxian feel threatened at the fourth turn!"

"But it's a pity that the most powerful thing about the dragon turtle is its defense, and your strength is not enough to break through its defense!" He smiled triumphantly.

In the cocoon filled with black air, the sound of fighting came to Ye Tianxing's ears through the black cocoon, and the screams of the cultivators also intensified.

"Old Witch!" Ye Tianxing became anxious, and he didn't care about anything else. He spread his hand and put three corpse pills into his mouth. The evil spirit instantly swept through his limbs and bones. Immediately afterwards, a sinister, evil and extremely violent force Crazy in his body, the barren body was almost torn apart under this force.

"Four Turns at Linxian is indeed powerful, but if I want to kill you, there are ways!" Ye Tianxing's face gradually became ferocious, his pupils were bloodthirsty, and destructive evil power surged all over his body. Under this force, his In the early stage of the realm from the first transformation of Linxian, there were signs of entering the second transformation of Linxian.

Seeing this, the old dragon turtle's pupils constricted. He obviously didn't expect that a cultivator of transforming emptiness would dare to swallow Linxian-level corpse pills directly, and he swallowed three pills!

This level can no longer be described with the word crazy.

You must know that the power contained in one Linxian-level corpse pill is far more than that of a Linxian-level master, and the power contained in three Linxian-level corpse pills is enough to make Linxian four-turn in an instant. .

And Ye Tianxing took three of them, and withstood the tearing of that explosive force.

Ye Tianxing's eyes became extremely scarlet, and destructive power filled his whole body. When he moved, his body turned into an arc of light to attack and kill the dragon turtle.

The domineering fist is several times stronger than it was just now.


He punched the water shield with his fist. This time, the feeling of being as deep as an abyss only lasted for a while, and the water shield turned into water vapor and scattered in all directions.

The fist smashed hard at the dragon turtle, and the fist hit it in the blink of an eye. Feeling the destructive force, the latter was shocked and quickly retracted into the turtle shell.


The huge dragon tortoise shell radiated bright golden light when it collided with the fist, and a burst of stamina struck. Amidst the dull sound, the dragon tortoise inside the tortoise shell spun around and was smashed towards the mountain by a huge force.

The mountain collapsed, and heavy air waves swept over it, rolling up gravel to form a tornado, which merged with the whistling void turbulence.


Tianxing four elephants, Ye Tianxing took advantage of the situation and urged the four elephants to the extreme, the gossip twirled under his feet, he saw a flicker, kicked in the air, and kicked the tortoise shell like a ball towards the cocoon condensed by the black air.

"Damn it!" Inside the dragon turtle old man, the dead devil was dizzy, and the sound of explosion echoed in the turtle shell, shaking his seven orifices to bleed.

Ye Tianxing's power is too terrifying, standing invincible, after swallowing three Linxian-level corpse pills, he can easily kick a Linxian-level three-ranked master with one punch.

The tortoise shell rotated at a high speed, and collided with the black cocoon suddenly, and the electric light was bright, tearing a small hole in the black cocoon.

Ye Tianxing stepped on with a bang, and followed closely behind to make up for it.

The power of destroying the heavens and the earth caused the whole world to be in turmoil.


Inside the tortoise shell, the death demon screamed, and the death devil's aura whizzed out to wrap around the dragon tortoise's body, and the aura of the dragon tortoise was rising sharply.

"I'm going to tear you apart!" Death Demon roared frantically,

Ye Tianxing was unmoved, the black sword was held in his hand, the power of the underworld swept through, wrapped the black sword and swung a shocking sword.

The raging Huangquan sword intent, wrapped in a black sword, pierced the head of the dragon turtle, and also pierced the soul of the dead demon.

"Do not……!!"


In the black cocoon, the endless death energy raged, and the demon clan's arrogance was swallowed by the death energy, and the spirits lost their dominance over the physical body, and they fought uncontrollably.

A black sword wrapped in the power of the underworld pierced through the black cocoon, revealing half of the blade.

"Old witch!" A hurried voice came from outside the black cocoon.

On a small corpse mound, there was a sturdy body, ragged, blood-stained, black hair turned into blood, and scarlet and dazzling bloodstains appeared on the bronze-colored body.

Wu Ting sat cross-legged on the mound of corpses, with a blood-stained spear sticking out of his side, beside him were the corpses of the Yaozu Tianjiao, as well as the corpses of Shisha and ghouls, his eyes were empty and blurred, when he heard this familiar voice , a gleam of clarity flowed in his pupils,

"Roar!" He raised his head to the sky and screamed, his soul power exploded, forcing the wisp of death devil energy out of his body,

"Old Ye, go!" Wu Ting shouted towards Hei Jian's position.

Hearing Wu Ting's response, Ye Tianxing finally breathed a sigh of relief. He grabbed the hole pierced by the black sword with both hands, his veins swelled, and he suddenly exerted force.


The sound of the dragon's roar resounded and vibrated in the black cocoon. A huge hole was torn open in the black cocoon, and Ye Tianxing plunged into it with the black sword.

"Old Wu, are you alright?" Ye Tianxing locked onto Wu Ting's position and approached him. When he saw the shocking scars on his body, he couldn't help but clenched his fists, with murderous intentions everywhere.

"I can't die yet, but the situation is very complicated now, maybe we have to explain it here!" Wu Ting looked solemn, and all the demon clan's talents were swallowed up by the devil's death energy, which was stronger than Xiaokun's three-turn immortal Master, now also a little delirious.



In the depths of the endless death devil energy, roars came, and a pair of eyes were staring at Ye Tianxing.

After a while, a bloody man appeared ten feet away from Yetian, with bloody hair hanging down his shoulders, and his whole body was bound by iron chains.



He dragged the iron chain, and walked slowly towards the world, with every step a blood mark, a suffocating sense of oppression swept over him.


Ye Tianxing couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

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