Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 209 Stand still

"It's done!"

Ye Tianxing opened his eyes, and his consciousness was successfully imprinted in the soul of the corpse puppet.

He tried to manipulate the corpse puppet, his consciousness moved slightly, and the corpse puppet sleeping in the chrysalis opened its eyes in shock, like the annual rings of a tree, shining bloodthirsty scarlet,

They are different from corpses, they have real flesh and blood, and the powerful corpse spirit is breathtaking.

It stood there like that, looking at the strange things in front of it, its soul conveyed an unknown uneasiness, and gradually became a little manic.

Ye Tianxing comforted it with his spiritual sense, and the latter calmed down.

"It turned out to be a success!" Qiu Ge was shocked.

Seeing this, Xie An and Xiao Kun hurriedly mobilized their spiritual senses to cover the pupae. The two used their spiritual senses to suppress the soul of the corpse puppet, but they had unexpected resistance.


Uneasiness and fear made the corpse puppet inside the pupa restless, and the deep roar made everyone feel very scared.

"Nie Yi, how dare you resist? See if I won't refine you!" Xie An kept making formulas with both hands, and a series of formulas fell into the corpse puppet's mind, and then he released a more powerful divine sense to forcibly suppress the corpse puppet's soul.

In an instant, a powerful wave of spirit and soul swept through this space, and a terrifying spiritual coercion shook in the corpse puppet's mind.


The corpse puppet suddenly opened its eyes, two blood-thirsty pupils burst out with blood, and its sharp claws grabbed Xie An's eyebrows.

Seeing this, Xie An quickly flew back,

"How could this happen!" He took a deep breath, if he hadn't dodged in time, he might be pierced by the puppet's claws.

The waking corpse puppets appeared extremely manic, with strong fluctuations in spirit and soul, revealing fear and uneasiness. It swung its sharp claws and plucked at the crowd. For a while, every corpse puppet in the chrysalis showed signs of awakening.

Ye Tianxing hurriedly dodged forward, held the corpse puppet hard and struck with his claws, with his palm pressed to the center of his eyebrows, and kept singing in his mouth. After a while, the frenzied corpse puppet calmed down.

He used the Purifying Mantra to remove the imprint on Xie An's mind and soul, wash away his mania and restlessness, and completely appease him.

Then he used the same method to successively leave soul marks on the souls of the corpse puppets inside the cicada chrysalis.

After finishing this, Ye Tianxing glanced at Xie An and Xiao Kun coldly, his eyes full of contempt.

Such a look made Xiao Kun and Xie An angry. Both of them were Lords of the Five Northern Citadels. They were used to being respected and supported by others. When did they ever experience such humiliation.

"What do you mean by that look? Do you want to start a war?!" Xiao Kun was murderous, and Xie An held Yu Ruyi in his hand, which meant to start a fight. He was slapped by Wu Ting before. .

"Go to war? Are you worthy?" Ye Tianxing looked at the two of them coldly, and said indifferently, the corpse puppet behind him also showed a murderous intent at the same time, his scarlet eyes surged with blood, staring at the two of them.

"It's better to be quiet. If you endanger me because of the two of you, I don't mind killing you. It's as easy as killing two corpses!" The chilling tone was cold and domineering. The ground made the Tianjiao of the monster clan who were already horrified couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Xie An and Xiaokun, have they ever suffered such humiliation, and they are still being ridden on their heads by two wastes in the Void Transformation Realm one after another.

Anger filled his chest, and the fire of anger was completely ignited, but Kong was full of anger, but he couldn't vent it.

"If this is outside the mysterious world, I will definitely tear you two bastards apart!" Xie An gritted his teeth and said that the mysterious world completely suppressed his strength. If it was outside, he believed that only a slight movement Moving a finger is enough to crush the opponent to death.

"Heh." Ye Tianxing sneered, anyone can say cruel words, but how many people can really do it?

He doesn't need to pay too much attention to this kind of person.

"We plan to walk down this passage. You can go or stay as you please." After the words fell, Wu Ting lifted the dragon tree and walked to Ye Tianxing's side. The old dragon turtle rolled his eyes and followed closely The side of the two people.

"My lord, I am willing to go with you." Qiu Ge also followed, and naturally all the subordinates who followed Qiu Ge also followed.

"Qiu Ge, think carefully. This guy is not a good guy. He doesn't even dare to show his true face. If you and your party follow him, once this guy thinks something wrong, you won't even have a chance to ask for help." Xie An said coldly.

"Qiu Ge, Xie An is right. This guy doesn't know where he came from. His origin is unknown. If you really follow him, if you are in danger, it will be really ineffective every day. !" Xiao Kun agreed, and the followers of the two also tried to dissuade them.

For a while, most of Qiu Ge's followers began to hesitate. After all, compared to Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting, Xie An and Xiao Kun knew each other better.

The two guys who appeared suddenly did not even see their real faces. Although they were extremely powerful, they were even more threatening.

"City lord, my subordinates feel that what City lord Xie and Xiao are saying is reasonable. If we walk with them, we can still help each other. Although these two are very powerful, we don't know them at all after all. We are not afraid of ten thousand or ten thousand." one……"

"City Lord, I also agree to go with City Lord Xie and the others. Since we came together, we will go out together. This is not the first time we have cooperated with each other!"

When the two subordinates spoke, Qiu Ge inevitably hesitated. She looked at the few remaining subordinates, most of whom preferred to go with Xie An and Xiaokun.

"Well, since I brought you here, I should take you back. If this is the choice of you all, I will go with you." Qiu Ge was a little helpless, and her instinct told her that being with these two people would be the same. It was safer, but as the lord of a city, she could not leave her subordinates and leave alone.

"City Lord, let's go with City Lord Xie and the others!" More people tend to go with Xie An and the others.

Seeing this, Xie An and Xiao Kun showed a sneer on their faces, and cast a sneer at Ye Tianxing and the two.

"My lord, I'm sorry, Qiu Ge won't go with you, and I hope you two must be careful." Qiu Ge bowed slightly, very polite.

Ye Tianxing nodded, since the other party has made up his mind, he will naturally not try to dissuade him, "Girl, be more careful, don't go back the way you came here, it's very dangerous there."

Speaking of this, Ye Tianxing can be regarded as being benevolent and righteous. The blood pool under the pool is obviously a sacrifice to something terrible.

"Thank you son, be more careful!"

After the words fell, Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting continued to move forward. Six corpse puppets walked out of the pupae and followed his footsteps. Except for the old man Longgui, there were also many cultivators who did not belong to the three cities followed Ye Tianxing. After Tian Xing and Wu Ting were behind, he planned to go with them.

"A bunch of brainless trash, heh, wait until they die in front, and then we'll follow up and find the way out!" Xie An grinned, his smile full of complacency.

"Brother Xie is smart, we will catch up later and collect their corpses for them!" Xiao Kun grinned grimly.

With the departure of Ye Tianxing's people, Xie An and others guarded the stone gate at the entrance and rested for half an hour, then began to walk along their way of Ye Tianxing.

Such a choice made Qiu Ge quite disgusted. Obviously, they can go together, and they can take care of each other to have a greater chance of survival. If Ye Tianxing and the others die in front, then there is little possibility of them surviving after them.

"There is a relic hidden in the body of the old dragon tortoise, I have to find a way to get it out for him,"

"The relic is second. The spirit beast flees to the squirrel. I am bound to win it. If it is not because of the limit of the realm, I would have taken action against those two incomparable wastes!" Xie An said viciously, "This kind of humiliation is still mine. This is the first time in my life!"

"Things who don't know how to live or die, if they are lucky enough to get out of the Langqiao Palace alive, I will let them feel what despair is!" Xiao Kun was murderous, the two were plotting in front, and Qiu Ge didn't say much, after all, in the north Among the five city lords, these two are notoriously vengeful.


Right in front, Ye Tianxing and his group walked along the underground passage for a long time, beheading many corpses along the way, relying on the powerful combat power of the six corpse puppets, they could go all the way unimpeded even without their actions.

"Little friend is really amazing, he can control these six corpse puppets perfectly!" the old man Dragon Turtle exclaimed.

"The two brothers, do you have something to replenish your energy? We are affected by this evil spirit, and our energy cannot be replenished, and the pills and spirit stones on our bodies are almost used up! If there are more, you can share them with us. Some, if you encounter danger at that time, everyone can help you!" A middle-aged cultivator said, "The road is full of death and evil spirits, and without the supply of heaven and earth spiritual energy, everyone's state is not at the peak. A little energy can't last for a while!"

Hearing this, Ye Tianxing was not stingy, and took out ten top-quality spirit stones from his bosom and threw them at the crowd. The middle-aged man was overjoyed when he saw this, "Thank you!"

In this way, after advancing steadily for about half an hour, the endless underground passage made Ye Tianxing doubtful.

He deliberately left a mark on the wall until they returned to the place where the mark was left, and Ye Tianxing finally found out that something was wrong.

"Why didn't the little brother leave?" the old man of the Dragon Turtle said with a smile.

The surrounding environment has not changed much, but the evil spirit has become more than several times stronger, so that the vitality in Ye Tianxing's body has been affected.

Looking at the other monster cultivators beside him, except for the stronger few headed by middle-aged men, the faces of the rest of the cultivators have changed.

"Corpse poison!" Ye Tianxing's eyes were fixed, because his body was not afraid of corpse poison, so he didn't notice the change in the environment.

Ye Tianxing took out a bottle of pills from his arms, smelted them with Lihuo, and distributed the pills to everyone.

After taking the pill, everyone's complexion improved a lot.

"Where do these evil spirits and corpse poison come from?" Ye Tianxing sensed the surroundings with his divine sense, but found nothing. This suddenly increased the evil spirit several times and slowly seeped in. The corpse poison must have flowed in from somewhere they didn't notice.

"Old witch, pay more attention to the changes in the surrounding environment." Ye Tianxing reminded, and then told everyone the fact that they were walking in place, and the arrogance of the monster clan was quite shocked when they heard the words.

"Then what should we do next? Yuanli is almost exhausted again!" A demon clan Tianjiao described it bleakly, in this dark place, there is no supply, let alone the passage of time.

"Go again, leave a mark every time you pass a place, and pay attention to the surroundings at the same time, it is best to find where the evil spirit and corpse poison come from!"

After making up their minds, everyone moved forward again, paying more attention this time, and after half an hour, Ye Tianxing confirmed that they had left their positions just now.

"Weird!" Ye Tianxing's face showed a dignified expression. Their direction has not changed. The only explanation is that someone is manipulating the mechanism and controlling the direction of the passage.

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