The Buddha's light splashed all over the sky, illuminating the dark secret room. The ghosts passed by the Buddha's light screamed and hid in the darkness in horror. Any body contaminated by the Buddha's light would be wiped out, and the corpses on the ground would also be reduced to ashes in an instant.

At the same time, there was a sonic boom in the void, and the sharp and ear-piercing sound of the sonic boom shook the ears of everyone present.

"Hundred Buddha's hand!" After Ye Tianxing made a seal with one hand, he pushed his palm forward, and the huge palm print lingered with the Buddha's light, and the death energy disappeared wherever he went.


In the dark and gloomy, the huge monster held Ye Tianxing's palm hard, and the "Zi La" Buddha's light eroded the evil spirit around it, and the withered limbs exposed bone spurs and were crumbling.

"Young man, good trick!" the dragon turtle curled up in its shell praised.

Inside the mask, the masters of the Three Cities were dumbfounded and shocked when they saw this.

"This guy actually broke the arm of a Linxian-level corpse with his own strength!"

"Impossible, the body of the corpse is so hard. The body of this Immortal-level corpse is even harder than the body of the Yaozu Linxian Tianjiao. It is comparable to an immortal weapon. How can it be hurt in a mere reincarnation state?" !" Xie An stared at Ye Tianxing, puzzled, and Xiao Kun next to him was the same. The two of them were Linxian-level masters. Although they were suppressed, their bodies were still strong enough to kill Huaxu masters. However, both of them can't get good in the hands of this corpse, and it's really puzzling that a reincarnation realm can cut off his arm.

"Crackling..." Shi Sha's empty eyes stared at the broken arm, an electric arc flashed, and Ye Tianxing's figure appeared strangely beside him, with fists clenched in his palms, and the dark red flame wrapped Buddha's light and pointed directly at Shi Sha's corpse pill .

"Not good!" Qiu Ge frowned, and suddenly reminded, "Be careful!"

"He's looking for death!" Just as the words of Xie An and Xiao Kun fell, another ghostly figure attacked in the darkness.

"Get out of the way!" shouted the old dragon turtle.

However, Ye Tianxing turned a deaf ear and slammed his fist at the corpse. At the same time, one of the tentacles of the corpse pierced through his heart.



The flaming golden fist pierced Shisha's hard body,

But the tentacle did not pierce the man's heart as expected, but was broken in the flames.

From the back, a ghostly voice struck, and Shi Sha, who was just about to succeed, was suddenly embraced by a strong body from behind to form a shackle, and the veins in his hands bulged, locking Shi Sha completely.


Blessed by the terrifying force, Shi Sha's body twisted and deformed, and the fragile parts of the bones cracked directly.

"Roar!" Shi Sha raised his head to the sky and screamed, trying to break free from Wu Ting's shackles, but no matter how it struggled, Wu Ting was as stable as Mount Tai.

"The corpse pill of the Linxian-level corpse, this is a good thing!" Ye Tianxing murmured softly, took off the corpse pill of the corpse in front of him, then turned around calmly, and the palm wrapped in dark red flames and golden light turned into a The flame knife was directly inserted into the heart of the corpse behind him.


Hearing the sound of broken bones, another corpse pill appeared in Ye Tianxing's palm.


In the dark room, there was suddenly a dead silence, and the voices that had been disdainful just now turned into horror.

"Roar!" Shi Sha counterattacked before dying, spewing out a mouthful of black air, wrapped in the sound of the soul that stimulated the soul,

This black air is the soul of the dead demon,

Ye Tianxing had been prepared for a long time, Shenying opened his eyes and spewed a golden light from his mouth, shooting at the black air, and then heard a scream, and the black air disappeared into nothingness.

"It's amazing how powerful it can suppress Linxian-level corpses!" Qiu Ge was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Obviously it was the three city lords who joined forces and seriously injured Shi Sha, and these two guys just took advantage of it!" Someone snorted coldly.

"It must be so, otherwise, how could the ordinary reincarnation realm be able to defeat Linxian-level corpses!"

After removing the corpse pills of the two Linxian-level corpses, Ye Tianxing suspended the Jianglongwood in the pool, and the body of the Jianglongwood sent out waves of ripples, and the evil things in the cleansing room did not dare to approach.

I thought everything had fallen to the ground, but at this moment, the heavy door of this secret room that was closed by Ye Tianxing and the two was slowly being pushed open.

Ye Tianxing's eyes exploded with golden light, and between his eyes, he saw the densely packed area in the passage...

"Huh~" He exhaled heavily, feeling his scalp numb.

"Old witch, prepare to withdraw!" Looking away, Ye Tianxing pushed the Dragon Subduing Wood to Wu Ting, who carried it on his shoulders.

"Everyone, if you want to survive, you'd better join hands with us!" Ye Tianxing said in a deep voice, between the words, a dry bone exuding a stench had already pushed most of the stone door open.

In an instant, the air of death and evil filled the entire secret room. A giant beast exuding black air, like a hill, entered the secret room. Behind it was a dense army of ghouls and ghouls.

"How come there are so many corpses!" Everyone gasped.

Ye Tianxing stared at a monster wrapped in black talismans in the group of corpses, and couldn't help but focus, "Corpse puppet!"

"Someone actually refines a corpse puppet here!" Ye Tianxing's expression turned ugly, this is not an ordinary corpse puppet, but a high-level corpse puppet, much more terrifying than the one Xiao Mian refined.

What is even more shocking is that there is more than one corpse like this.

"Hiss~" Even with Ye Tianxing's concentration, it is difficult to keep calm at this moment. This is not a treasure hunting place, it is a tomb of the dead for refining corpse puppets.


The sound of iron chains shaking rang in Ye Tianxing's ears. The sound came from under his feet. He followed the sound and looked through the bottom of the pool. He could vaguely see the bottom of the pool, a huge pool of blood, and six dark iron bars. The chain was engraved with runes and went deep into the blood pool, and something was floating in the blood pool.

"Hehe, here's a good show to watch!" Inside the mask, there were monster masters gloating, but they didn't know that the danger was approaching.

"There is a door here, maybe you can pass through!" Qiu Ge quickly approached Ye Tianxing and the two with a Zen staff in hand.

"My lord, where are you going?" Without the protection of the mask, a group of people suddenly panicked.

"Qiu Ge, don't run around. There are many dangers here. There is still a chance of survival if you stay here. As long as they can't break the mask, we are safe. Don't take risks with these two guys!" Xie An shouted road.

However, the moment Xie An's voice fell, the King Kong demon circle that Xiaokun was relying on next to him was violently shot down by the giant beast, and everyone lost their protection for a while.

"Those who want to survive, follow up!" Qiu Ge didn't hesitate any longer, swung his Zen stick and slashed at the giant beast, then turned around and swept towards the next stone gate.


Behind him, there were screams everywhere, the piercing sound piercing the lungs, the monster clan's arrogance rioted, the howling sound echoed in the secret room, the sound waves were deafening, and some reincarnation practitioners died violently under the sound waves.

"It's this door. We were about to open this door just now, but we were attacked by Linxian-level corpses!" Qiu Ge pointed to the wall with mottled runes, and it was impossible to find that it was a door without looking carefully.

"Help me!" she urged.

Time is running out, and the Yaozu Tianjiao in the rear have already formed a stampede.

"Let me try it!" Ye Tianxing crossed Qiuge, put his hands against the wall and exerted force suddenly,

"Hum!" The heavy stone door was pushed open under the astonishing force, and he was neither red nor out of breath. This scene shocked Qiu Ge again.

"Everyone, come in!"

The crowd rushed into the stone gate quickly, screams came and went from behind, densely packed ghouls and ghouls poured into the crowd, and the demon clan arrogances were fighting, the aftermath hurt their own people, they fought on their own, and there was no time for others!

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Xie An roared, picking up all the people blocking him and throwing them behind him, Xiao Kun also came over with the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle,

"Whoosh!" The two passed through the stone gate regardless of their companion's life and death,

In the crowded passage, the Yaozu Tianjiao, who were regarded as companions just now, did not hesitate to kill their own kind in order to survive.

"Close the door, close the door!" Xie An and Xiao Kun rushed into the stone gate soaked in blood, the magical artifacts in their hands were dripping with blood, and it was obvious that the blood on their bodies came from the dead Tianjiao of the Yaozu.

"City Lord, save me! Save me!" A Tianjiao was seriously injured and screamed in despair, but the next moment he was trampled to death by the crowd.

The bloody scenes are horrifying, whether it is the monster race or the human race, at this moment, the human nature is fully demonstrated.

"Close the door quickly, I told you to close the door, didn't you hear me?!" Xie An howled angrily, full of murderous aura.

Wu Ting slapped him back, but the latter didn't react at all, and sent him flying several meters with a solid slap, hitting the wall.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out from his throat.

"Boy, you are courting death!!" Xie An howled wildly, his murderous aura rising to the sky.

"Xie An, calm down!" Qiu Ge dissuaded, "When is it, do you want everyone to die together?!"

Wu Ting stared at Xie An indifferently. His body was much smaller than Xie An's, but he just stood there, and the oppressive feeling made the Yaozu Tianjiao present calm down.

"It's not your turn to point out what to do. If you dare to yell at him again, I will tear you apart!" The deep and sonorous words contained the oppression that touched the soul,

"You!!" Xie An was very angry and was stopped by Qiu Ge.

The people present were surprisingly peaceful, at this moment no one dared to question what Wu Ting said.

Ye Tianxing looked indifferent, the current situation was much worse than he had imagined, countless demon clan arrogances died tragically in front of him, even though he was used to seeing life and death, those eyes of survival still moved him.

He pushed the stone door to close slowly, a bone claw and blood came in, and Wu Ting immediately smashed down the Dragon Subduing Wood in his hand.


The sharp corpse bones were brittle and smashed to pieces under this blow.

The stone gate was closed, and the rescued people sat slumped on the ground, seeing the blood all over their bodies, trembling uncontrollably,

And outside the stone gate, the heart-piercing screams, the desperate and helpless pleas for help, came through the stone gate clearly,

Everyone was silent.

"I didn't expect to come down to hunt for treasure, but I fell into a trap!" Qiu Ge's face was pale. She looked around and followed her subordinates, and there were not many left.

"It's all thanks to him. If we hadn't sensed the relic on his body, we wouldn't have been able to rush in!" Xiao Kun growled and pointed at the old dragon turtle.

"What does this have to do with me? If you are not greedy, where did all this trouble come from..."

When everyone blamed each other, Wu Ting stood guard by the door, while Ye Tianxing looked at the secret room.

Looking into his eyes, he saw one pupa after another, pupae with a breath of life.

"This is...!" Qiuge's eyes narrowed, and he hurriedly moved his Zen staff, trying to destroy these pupae, but was stopped by Ye Tianxing next to him.

"Hush" he made a silent gesture, and then walked carefully to the side of the chrysalis,

"Sure enough!" Ye Tianxing sensed the corpse puppet in the pupa, not so much a corpse puppet, but a living weapon.

"What are you going to do?" Qiu Ge asked puzzled, she didn't understand why Ye Tianxing wanted to stop her.

"These corpse puppets have been cultivated into soldiers, but they haven't refined their souls to recognize their masters. In this critical moment, refining them can also form a great force!" He explained, and when he heard the words, he separated a ray of consciousness, Then, disregarding the crowd, he covered the mind of the corpse puppet with his consciousness.

The moment the consciousness entered, Ye Tianxing felt an extremely weak consciousness. The corpse puppet already had an autonomous consciousness, but this consciousness was very weak and chaotic. Many souls were erased and memory fragments were forcibly fused. Together.

The moment Yetian's spirit entered the master, it didn't reject it.

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