In other words, in this passage, in a dark corner, there may be a pair of eyes watching their every move,

It is also possible that these eyes are just where they can see.

Ye Tianxing's eyes were calm, and he slowly swept across the crowd, his sense of consciousness stayed in the unobservable part of the crowd, but he didn't find any clues after some perception, which was really unbelievable.

"Are you worrying too much?" He said to himself, his eyes resting on the middle-aged man for a moment,

"Little brother, what's the matter?" The middle-aged man noticed Ye Tianxing's strange gaze and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious, why this channel has changed."

"Oh, do you have an idea?"


"I think we should find a way out as soon as possible. It's dark and gloomy in here. I always feel that there are two eyes staring at us, making my whole body hairy!"

In the distance, a scream suddenly sounded, transmitted from the depths of the passage.

When everyone heard the sound, their expressions changed dramatically.

"Why did this voice come from in front of us?" The middle-aged man looked a lot nervous. They had been walking in front. If there was someone, it must have come from behind.

"It can't be a bait, can it? A trap has been set, wait for us to go over and throw ourselves into the trap!"

At this moment, a gust of air flowed quietly through this space, and Ye Tianxing felt the breeze, and in the space full of evil spirits, suddenly a trace of rainy air was mixed in, revealing a touch of blood.

"Chichi, chichi!" Daimao also felt the airflow, pointed his little paws straight ahead, and then vibrated his small wings that were disproportionate to its body and flew towards the front.

"Someone seems to have opened a passage to lead us there!" Wu Ting doubted.

"At this point, even if it's a trap, I have to go over and have a look. I don't want to stay in this dark environment." Speaking of Ye Tianxing, he flashed out and fell into the darkness. Seeing this, everyone had to follow closely Afterwards, without the protection of Ye Tianxing and the two, I'm afraid it would be difficult for them to leave alive.

I don't know how long it has passed, a light appeared in front of their eyes, and all the arrogances were immediately overjoyed, the fresh air filled with rain, they rushed out, the darkness receded, and in front of them was an ancient battlefield with ruins and bones , Broken weapons are everywhere, and in this ruined ancient battlefield, there are some ancient plants growing scatteredly.

"That's a fairy medicine!?" A demon clan Tianjiao found a piece of green plant, the fragrance of the medicine was so strong that it was undoubtedly a fairy medicine, and in the whole piece of green plant, there were two spirit rabbits chasing it,

Everyone took a closer look, and were suddenly inexplicably surprised, "Fairy!!"

Farther away, a black halberd exuding a lifeless aura was stuck on a broken clumsy peak, piercing through the entire mountain, as if piercing through a petrified giant.

At this moment, all Tianjiao's eyes were straightened, and they ran towards Zhuofeng crazily without caring about other things.

"Don't act rashly!" Ye Tianxing reminded, but at this moment, his reminder is obviously useless, no one will listen to him.


Changtian let out a roar, and then a vision appeared in the sky, only a unicorn was seen running across the sky on auspicious clouds, bringing a strong atmosphere of chaos.

"The strange image of the unicorn, that is a top-quality fairy!" Ye Tianxing's eyes erupted with divine light, piercing through the body of the abnormal image of the unicorn. It snatched it, but today it obediently did not run over.

It's not that it doesn't want to go, but that the open land in front of them is full of dangers, and Ye Tianxing can detect it with the perception of Ye Tianxing, and Daimao, who is a spirit beast, must also be aware of it.

"Old Ye, our realm has recovered." Wu Ting clenched his fist, and a huge aura flowed out. The realm that was suppressed by the ancient battlefield in Xuanjie had recovered at this moment.

"It seems that we have left the mysterious world!" Ye Tianxing frowned slightly, their realm has recovered, which means that the realm of these arrogances has also recovered.

"You two, don't you want to collect the immortal medicine?" The old man Longgui who had been standing beside Ye Tianxing and the two said with a smile.

"I also want to ask you this, the old man is amazing, why don't you fight for the treasures of heaven, material and earth?" Ye Tianxing asked back, he could clearly feel the strength of the old man, which was better than that of the middle-aged man who was in the third rank of Immortal. Men are much more terrifying.

"Hehe, the old man has already obtained a relic, and this trip is worthwhile. Let the good things be left to you young people!"

Ye Tianxing smiled slightly, "The old man is not greedy, why worry about not being able to succeed in cultivation in such a state of mind."

At this time, the six corpse puppets standing on the side suddenly stared at the distant mountain and groaned vigilantly, only to see that the remnant halberd piercing through the mountain suddenly erupted with terrifying fluctuations, and layers of black air rushed like dark clouds, sweeping the other side away. The world is completely enveloped in it.

"The mountain is about to collapse!" Yaojun said suddenly.

"That's an Immortal King's Halberd. The terrifying things should be suppressed in that mountain. If these guys take out the remnant halberd, the things in the mountain will break out!"

Horrific power is sweeping across, and the remnant halberd that has been silent for so many years exudes terrifying fluctuations, warning everyone, but the arrogances who have recovered their strength simply don't care about so much.


In the chaotic void, two white feather holes shot out, piercing through the souls of the two Tianjiao Huaxu,

"Hahahaha! Immortal King Remnant Weapon, this treasure is worthy only for me, Xie An!" Amid grinning laughter, a white kite flew out of the chaos, and beside him was a giant owl flying high. The two are Xie An and Xiaokun, two of the five northern cities.

"Immortal King Remnant Weapon, if it can be repaired, it will be a worthwhile trip!" Xiao Kun showed a greedy expression.

"Listen to me, if you don't want to die, just get the hell out of there. Fairy spirits, fairy kings, you don't even want to get any of the treasures here, they are all ours!" Xie An turned into a human body, holding a jade ruyi, forcefully .

"City Lord, this time we have made a fortune. Sure enough, if we survive a catastrophe, we will have good fortune!" A group of monster clan arrogances stepped out one after another, facing everything in the four wilds, they were extremely pleasantly surprised.

"The two of you have a bigger appetite, and you are not afraid of being overwhelmed!" The middle-aged man looked solemn, facing Xie An and Xiao Kun. If he was in the mysterious world, he might be afraid of them, but here the mysterious world treats him. The restriction has disappeared, and his realm is still above the two, so naturally he will not be afraid,

With him in the lead, the group of casual cultivators naturally chose to stand by him.

For a time, swords were on the verge of breaking out.

"Hmph, it's only the peak of Linxian's third turn, do you really think of yourself as a character?" Xie An sneered, and threw the jade in his hand, emitting immortal light, "Xiaokun, go and get the immortal king's remnant halberd, I Come meet him for a while!"

"Okay, I'll leave this guy to you, and I'll get the Immortal King's Remnant Halberd!"

After the words fell, Xiaokun fluttered his wings and flew high, swooping down towards the Immortal King's remnant halberd,

"Stop him, that fairy king's broken halberd cannot be moved!" Yao Jun suddenly said in a deep voice.


"Did you see that huge talisman on the mountain? It's a famous Buddhist secret in ancient times, Sacrifice! This is a powerful sealing technique that uses oneself as a container to sacrifice a blood body. Look at that Does this mountain look like a monk?"

Hearing Yaojun's words, Ye Tianxing took a closer look, and the more he looked, the more he looked like a monk.

"This should be the golden body of the Saint Monk of the Covered Bridge, a top immortal king, who finally had to use himself as a medium to perform the self-sacrifice tactic. It can be seen how terrifying the sealed thing is. Once it is released, it will be difficult to be here today." There are survivors, including the two of you!"

Ye Tianxing took a deep breath, he didn't want to get involved, but now it seems that he has to get involved again.

"Senior, can you please take action to protect the Immortal King's remnant halberd? I think it should not be difficult to see with your eyesight what is suppressing under the Immortal King's remnant halberd. If the Immortal King's remnant halberd is taken, today you and I will only I'm afraid I will die here." Ye Tianxing turned his head to look at the old man Longgui beside him, if he could make a move, it would naturally save a lot of trouble.

Hearing this, the old man of the dragon tortoise frowned slightly, and an imperceptible arc flashed in his eyes, and then he turned to smile and said, "Old man, I am an old man, I just want to live a little longer and fight fiercely with young people Ruthless, that is absolutely impossible!"

"Little brother, I advise you not to meddle in your own business. If you don't want to get some fairy medicine, you should take the opportunity to find a way out!" the old man Longgui persuaded.

To persuade the old man, Ye Tianxing could only do it himself, "Old witch, you protect the talisman on the mountain, and I will find a way to protect the Immortal King's remnant halberd!"

"it is good!"

Wu Ting took a step forward, and suddenly rushed to the location of the mountain rune.

"Little brother, it's really unwise to take risks with your realm!" Long Gui Lao persuaded again, Ye Tianxing glanced at him, and the next moment he disappeared in place.

After Ye Tianxing disappeared, the old man's smiling face was suddenly covered with a gloomy...

In the distance, Xiaokun held the diamond crouching circle in his hand to resist the terrifying murderous aura of the immortal king's remnant halberd. The fairy king's remnant halberd was trembling, and he quickly reached the fairy king's remnant halberd relying on the vajra crouching circle.

"Hey, you are mine now!" Xiao Kun was overjoyed,

At this moment, a ghostly figure quietly appeared behind him, he turned around abruptly, and struck out a world-shattering blow with the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle in his hand.

Ye Tianxing's feet surged with energy, relying on the speed of the Four Elephant Steps to narrowly escape.

"It's you!" Seeing the person who came, Xiao Kun was instantly murderous, "Stinky boy, I didn't look for you, but you dared to come to your door by yourself, heh heh, I will tear you apart!"

"I advise you, don't touch the Immortal King's remnant halberd. This mountain is the golden body of the monk on the covered bridge. He sealed the horrible things with his sacrifice and suppressed them in the golden body. If you pull out this halberd, The golden body was broken, and the forbidden things ran out, the consequences would be disastrous, and everyone present would die!" Ye Tianxing raised his voice, wanting everyone to hear his words.

"Huh?" Xiao Kun sneered, "You are so easy to deceive when you are an old man? You are not a high-level bastard, but your appetite is not small. You actually want to fight for this Immortal King's Halberd!"

"Go ahead and dream, I am sure to win the Immortal King's Halberd, and you will become a floating corpse here!" With a grinning grin, he carried the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle to kill Ye Tianxing Town.

"You really don't know how to live or die!" Ye Tianxing's hands suddenly formed seals, and the four images condensed to form a golem. At the same time, his breath began to rise steadily.


As soon as thunder appeared in the sky and the earth, the wind rose and the clouds surged in an instant. Above the long sky, Wan Jun thunder rushed towards him, and thunder punishment was sent down in an instant.


Vajra's magic circle trembled, and it collided fiercely with the black sword in Ye Tianxing's hand. In an instant, light and darkness criss-crossed!

"Break it for me!" Xiao Kun roared angrily, King Kong subduing the demon circle showed his power, and for a while suppressed the momentum of the black sword,


The golem cracked, and a wave of aftermath raged, hitting the mountain where the Immortal King's remnant halberd was located.

"Come on!" Ye Tianxing's complexion changed drastically, and the four elephant steps were urged to the extreme. He rushed to the Immortal King's Halberd in an instant and stabilized it. Defensive circle.

"Little bastard, you also said that you didn't come here for the Immortal King's Halberd. It's a pity that such sacred objects are not something that mere ants can get their hands on. Go to hell!"

Xiaokun came over again with the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle.

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