Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 203 Not Accepting Suggestions

"Stinky boy, you are simply not human. Do you still have a lot of natural talents and earthly treasures? You also have a lot of spiritual spring liquid, and you even gouged out the eyes of that Wang Lingquan!"

"Senior, you've scolded me all the way, isn't it just a Wang Lingquan, and Wang Lingquan is also useful for the Lingquan crystals in the eyes of this spring."

"The Wang Lingquan crystal is useful? That Wang Lingquan was dug by me 2000 years ago. I planted more than ten spirit arresting formations and planted a piece of spiritual grass. Only then did I have the current Lingquan. Without further ado, you kid, even The eye of the spring has also been chiseled, so tell me that the crystals of the spiritual spring are useful?!"

"I don't even bother to talk about those mines, the jade slabs that climb the ladder to the sky, the stone lions at the gate of the sky, and the pillars that climb the sky. Why did you demolish them too?"

"It's simply the work of robbers!"

Yao Jun saw what Ye Tianxing did all the way, and wished he could do nothing, but no matter how he tried to dissuade him, he couldn't stop Ye Tianxing's desire to buy goods.

"Those are not considered treasures, and it's not very useful to keep them. It's better to make the best use of them!" Ye Tianxing curled his lips.

"Hey, no matter what, you boy shouldn't have dismantled the ladder to heaven. If it spreads in the future, you would think that our Chu family is already so poor!"

"The family of the Chu family has a great career. It's not bad. I like the Dao pattern on the Stairway to Heaven. If it is spread in Hanlin Xuan, the meaning will be different."

As he spoke, Ye Tianxing held the edge of the ancient well with both hands, trying to lift the ancient well up.

"Little ancestor, if you want to move, don't move here. Use your ability to enter the gate of the mysterious world. There are good things in there. Move it as you like. I will never stop you."

"The gate of the mysterious world?" Ye Tianxing's eyes lit up, and he became interested.

"That's right, Dengtianmen was originally one of the teleportation points of the gate of the mysterious world!"

"What is the gate of the mysterious world? A relic, or an ancient battlefield?"

"Behind the gate of the mysterious world is an ancient battlefield. Many years ago, it was divided into a common boundary in the ten directions of the mysterious world. It is a place where all sides compete for supremacy."

"Ten directions in the mysterious world?"

"Is Mysterious Small World divided into so many parts?"

"It's not that the Mysterious Small World is divided into ten directions, but that the Mysterious Small World is composed of ten directions, and the Mysterious Small World is one of the ten directions, and the position is in the middle." Yaojun said in a deep voice.

Ye Tianxing suddenly thought of something,

"Day sun and blue sky, square tripod, red plums reflecting snow and three-foot sword, don't hear the sound of tripod for nine days, but see the coldness of ten directions in the mysterious world."

"The ten directions in the profound world mentioned in these words, could it be the ten directions mentioned by the seniors?"

"You know a lot, kid. It is indeed the ten directions of the mysterious world. Back then, the Qinghuang's sword left an ancient legend in the two worlds of humans and monsters!"

"How can this junior not know about the first Immortal Emperor after the ancient times! Then how can this junior reach the gate of the mysterious world?"

"It shouldn't be difficult for the two of you to go to the gate of the mysterious world. There are seven floors in the Tiantian Gate, and each floor has a formation fragment. As long as you collect all seven formation fragments, the formation will be complete. Putting the spar into it can activate the magic circle leading to the gate of the mysterious world!"

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!"

"Then what's the secret in this Dengtianmen? We worked so hard to get in, but we didn't get anything. It doesn't mean that it takes decades to realize it. What is it?" Ye Tianxing was curious.

As soon as Ye Tianxing mentioned this, Yaojun's heart trembled. Inside the Tianmen Gate, there was an ancient bodhi tree, which had existed since ancient times. All the immortal kings of the Chu family had enlightened under the ancient bodhi tree, and the ancient tree bore fruit. The blood Bodhi is a rare and rare thing. It took the Yaojun 50 years to realize the way of the fairy king under the ancient Bodhi tree.

Originally, he wanted to tell Ye Tianxing how to find the ancient Bodhi tree, so that the two of them could enlighten themselves under the ancient tree, but what Ye Tianxing did along the way really scared him. The ancient Bodhi tree belonged to the Chu people. It is a treasure, absolutely not allowed to be ruined by him.

"Oh, in the gate of the mysterious world, there are many marks and laws of heaven and earth, and it takes a lot of time to realize them. It took me 50 years to realize a general idea!"

Obviously, Yaojun is not very good at lying, such a lie cannot be concealed from Ye Tianxing, but Ye Tianxing did not expose it.

After Wu Ting refined the spirit spring crystal, he began to search for the seven formation fragments.

Not long after, Wu Ting found the formation fragments on the first floor,

But then they faced another problem, how to get to the next level.

The enchantment in this small world is very powerful, and the consciousness will be completely isolated. If you want to go to the next level, you have to understand the prohibition on this formation, follow the restriction to find its weakest point, and reverse it It can lead to the next floor, but obviously this is very troublesome. The restriction here is constantly running, and its weak parts are changing at any time. Before this restriction, the perception of the mind is limited. The entrance to the first floor is even more difficult!

The two of them worked hard for a stick of incense, trying to understand the restriction, but obviously they didn't have any insights.

"You have to calm down and realize, the more impetuous you are, the more difficult it is to find a way to break it." Yaojun Chu Kuangshan said.

"Senior, you always know the way to break it?"

"Of course I know, but I will never tell you that ascending to the Heavenly Gate is a test for your juniors. If I tell you everything, what is the significance of this test?"

"Aren't you here for nothing?"

"Why did you come here in vain? It won't be too late to come back to accept the test after the two of us come out of the gate of the mysterious world!" Ye Tianzi said eagerly, full of curiosity about the gate of the mysterious world.

"You don't need to trick me, it's useless. If you want to clear the seventh floor, you have to rely on yourself. According to the talents and strengths of the two of you, as long as you calm down, you can enter the next floor within a month. Clear the seven levels within a year. Layers are not difficult!"

Yaojun is very stubborn, Ye Tianxing is very helpless.

He punched the Immortal King's Restriction hard, but it seemed to be in the air. The intact Immortal King's Restriction cannot be shaken by him, even if he holds the Immortal Artifact, the result will be the same.

"Since this is the case, senior, don't blame the junior for being unreasonable." Ye Tianxing raised the corner of his mouth slightly, flashing a hint of cunning.

Seeing this, the demon king Chu Kuangshan suddenly had an ominous premonition.


"Stop it, boy! If you break the restriction here, how will the younger generation realize the Tao? The gate of the mysterious world is very dangerous, and those who can enter the gate of the mysterious world are the peerless talents of the ten directions of the mysterious world. The ancestor set up this restriction. , in order to prevent the younger generation from entering the gate of the mysterious world with insufficient strength and encounter accidents. Only by passing through the seventh floor with your own ability can you enter the gate of the mysterious world. If you break the restriction, how will the newcomers choose?" Obviously panicked, Dai Mao was picking his teeth, eager to try.

"Then, are you going to tell me how to clear the customs with two people directly, or do we do it by ourselves?"

"Boy, this gentleman is doing this for your own good. With the talents of the two of you, you may be able to enter the next level within half a month. Even if this gentleman tells you the method, it will take seven years for the two of you to master the restriction and break it." Over time, instead of doing this, it’s better to rely on your strength to honestly pass the level on your own to have a sense of accomplishment!"

"Boy, since you have practiced so far, you should understand the truth that you have to be down-to-earth all the way, right?"

"My suggestion is that the two of you practice while comprehending, you can kill two birds with one stone, and kill two birds with one stone!"

After hearing Yaojun's words, Ye Tianxing fell into a short thought, "Senior's words are indeed very reasonable," he nodded, "but we don't plan to accept senior's suggestion,"

"The younger generation thinks that instead of stepping down to the ground, it's okay to find shortcuts occasionally!"

"Stupid, don't you like that six-tailed fairy fox? She is quite precious. If you want to get her, you have to pay an expensive dowry gift. There are countless treasures in the gate of the mysterious world, which are suitable for dowry gifts. Therefore, you can If you can’t raise enough dowry, it’s up to you!”


After the words fell, Daimao looked up to the sky and let out a long whistle as if he had been spat with chicken blood, and then sniffed at the Immortal King's restraint. Sure enough, after a while, it found the weakest place of the restraint.

"You good-looking boy, with your spirit, the six-tailed fairy fox is yours! Bite!"

Daimao bit down fiercely, and there was only a crunching sound, and the Yaojun couldn't help cursing: "Sin!"

"Good job, stupid!"

In this way, Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting successfully entered the second floor with Daimao. Relying on Daimao's powerful talent, they soon found the second formation fragment and took away all the spirit stones on the second floor crystallization!

In one breath, Ye Tianxing and the others rushed to the fifth floor. After entering the fifth floor and finding the fragments of the formation, they chose to stay. Damao needed a short rest. Some time to digest.

"I didn't expect that there are so many spirit crystals in the seven-story space. Bringing them back to Hanlin Xuan is enough for them to practice for a while!" Ye Tianxing played with a piece of spirit crystal, which was extremely pure, and one piece was enough for a reincarnation practitioner to practice for a year more than enough.

"This time the demon world is not in vain!" Wu Ting's indifferent face in front of outsiders showed a rare knowing smile.

"Well, not to mention gaining a lot of knowledge, I also got a lot of treasures. When we return to the Tianhe Starfield, our Hanlinxuan's background will also have to be turned over a few times."

Not long after, the two of them entered into samadhi, while Daimao was slowly digesting the principles of the Immortal King,

Not far behind, a team of ten people approached the entrance of the first floor. Seeing the gap for one person to enter, they couldn't help sighing.

"Sure enough, as I expected, this guy really did this!" Chu Li was quite helpless. All the useful treasures on the road to the sky were searched by Ye Tianxing, and none of the fairy plants were spared.

"Big brother is indeed a big brother, this perfect Immortal King's restriction was forcibly broken by him!" Pei Shan admired Ye Tianxing so much that he wanted to go to the next floor while speaking.

"Pei Shan, what are you going to do?" Chu Li stopped.

"Of course I'm going to follow in the footsteps of big brother, maybe big brother has reached the seventh floor by now!" Pei Shan said excitedly.

"No, have you forgotten the rules? Unless you enter the seventh floor with your own strength, you can never enter the gate of the mysterious world. The purpose of the ancestors setting up this fairy king ban is to let me and other younger generations enter with a strong enough posture. The gate of the mysterious world!" Chu Li stopped.

"Oh, I said Xiaoli, can we not be so stubborn, what era is it, how can we become stronger if we don't go to see the world? Besides, there is a big brother covering us, what are we afraid of, everyone has never been to the mysterious world If we rely on our own strength to reach the gate of the mysterious world, it will be many years later, and I don't want to wait another few decades!" Pei Shan said pitifully.

The three Kuhai monks looked at Chu Li with a little longing in their eyes. Obviously, they were also very yearning for the gate of the mysterious world.

"I heard that there is Dingyan Spring in the gate of Xuanjie. If you can take a bath in it once, your skin will last for a hundred years. I don't know if it is true or not!" Such opportunities are very rare.

Sure enough, upon hearing the word Dingyanquan, Chu Li's eyes lit up, and her strong heartstrings instantly loosened.

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