"Sister Yaqi prefers to make jokes. She has always been careless, so don't take it to heart." Chu Li handed over a glass of Lingquan wine, which was mellow and delicious, and it was a rare wine.

Ye Tianxing took the wine glass and wanted to taste it, and a childish voice sounded in his ear,

"elder brother!"

Seeing the person coming, Ye Tianxing smiled and opened his arms, "Little guy, are you having fun?"

"Well, Sister Fuyu has been playing with me. There are a lot of delicious food and things to play in Houshan." Li Yan shook his fingers and nodded heavily, unable to count on one hand.

"That's good."

"Why didn't you see the old witch?" Ye Tianxing looked around, but Jing Qiu and Qu Wencang were not there.

"Brother Wu Ting is practicing at the bottom of the Lingquan, and he has never come out. Banuhe, Brother Jingqiu, and Brother Wencang are making a bet to see who will stay under the Fire Cloud Pagoda for a long time. They have been in for three days and haven't come out yet. !” said Berwin.

"Your brother is really a cultivator. He is unwilling to rest for a second. His talent and strength have already crushed everyone. He is still cultivating so hard. No wonder our strength is far inferior to him." Chu Li sighed. Wu Ting was overwhelmed by his diligence.

"He has always been like this, let him go." Over the years, he has seen how hard-working Wu Ting is, and it is precisely because of this hard work that Wu Ting has his current strength.

The fire king's birthday was held for seven days, and the monster clan talents from all walks of life came to worship one after another, and Ye Tianxing also got to know many monster clan masters through this.

On the sixth day of the birthday banquet, the Fire King opened the enchantment at the Heavenly Gate,

A group of Tianjiao gathered together, they were very excited. They came to participate in the birthday with the elders of the clan, and the main purpose was this moment.

Wu Ting walked out from the bottom of the Lingquan and stepped towards the Heavenly Gate.

"If you can cross the Heavenly Gate, you will benefit endlessly!"

"Unfortunately, even if you want to cross the Dengtian Gate, it will take a lot of time to realize something. I heard that it took 70 years for Master Grampy to realize it."

The Tianjiao of all races stepped towards the Heavenly Gate, sat cross-legged in the air, and comprehended the Heavenly Gate with their spiritual sense.

Ye Tianxing stepped forward and looked at the murals carved on the Dengtianmen. All kinds of ancient and strange beasts were lifelike. With just one glance, the Dengtianmen in front of him became lively.


"Chirp high~"

Strange beasts from various periods of ancient times came back to life, and the terrifying aura crushed the world.

"Chirp~!" An ice bird flapped its wings and flew over, the terrifying imprint of Bingxin instantly froze the void, Ye Tianxing only felt his soul chill, his soul was actually sealed by ice.

"This...!" Ye Tianxing was horrified. The strength of these alien beasts from various periods in the ancient famine years that manifested was outrageous. It is hard to imagine how terrifying the people who carved alien beasts on the Tianmen Gate were at their peak. .

"Dengtianmen is extraordinary, we must go in and find out!" Ye Tianxing secretly said, at this time he has been frozen by the ice bird, and in the eyes of everyone outside, his whole body is exuding a bone-chilling coldness, Fangyuan No one dared to approach within ten feet.

"This little guy is really blessed by the heavens, and he resonated with Dengtianmen so quickly. I remember that it took two years on and off for his adoptive father to reach this level." Grampy grub clicked his tongue. .

"This level of resonance is not ordinary. There are a lot of secrets in his body. I don't know why, the Hunyuan fire in my body will change when I meet him. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but after getting along during this time, only Hunyuanhuo will only change when it is close to him!" Fire King said in a deep voice.

"Didn't he say that he has the spirit of Lihuo in his body, is it because of this?"

"Hunyuanhuo, tempered from ten thousand fires, can be called the king of ten thousand fires. Even if it encounters the Dacheng Phoenix Jinyan of the Phoenix lineage, there will be no abnormalities!"

"There is definitely an extremely domineering kind of fire in his body, it is definitely not the spirit of Lihuo!" Chu Xiong shook his head and denied the grub's idea. As the king of fire, he knew the root of the change better than anyone else.

Between the two exchanges,

The atmosphere around Ye Tianxing has already changed, from extreme cold to terrifying heat. When this scorching heat ignited, the flames in the fire pool and cloud sky suddenly roared, ready to rush out of the fire pool and cloud sky .

Such a scene woke up the rest of the Tianjiao in front of the Tianmen, the sudden alternation of cold and heat, everyone felt uncomfortable,

With a wave of the Fire King's sleeve, Ye Tianxing was isolated, and the environment around the Tianjiao returned to normal.

"Is this the flame? It's so domineering!" the grub said in surprise.

"No, although this flame is domineering, it has not yet reached its full potential. It is not this fire that caused my Hunyuan fire to change. There is definitely another fire in his body!" The fire king became more and more curious, what is it? What kind of fire made his Hunyuan fire feel jealous, and he hadn't encountered such a feeling for a long, long time.

"Little guy, wake up!" The sleeping monster Chu Kuangshan was awakened by the mutation that happened to Ye Tianxing.

"If you don't wake up again, your identity as a war waste body will be exposed!" Yaojun shouted loudly, his voice stirred up thousands of waves in Ye Tianxing's mind, and he woke up suddenly, and the flames of the sea of ​​fire gradually formed around him, Instant restraint.

Ye Tianxing glanced around nervously, feeling the barrier set by the Fire King, he was slightly relieved,

"This Heaven-climbing Gate is indeed incomparably mysterious. I resonate with it and immerse myself in it. If Senior didn't wake me up in time, today's consequences would be disastrous."

If one body shows two bodies, he can refute it, saying that everyone has an illusion, and if the devouring body is exposed, it will be over.

"Climbing to the Tianmen is only the first test. Crossing the Tianmen is the real beginning. Those who can resonate with the Tianmen have reached the benchmark of the first test, which means that the Tianmen has recognized you. Now, you only need to use Consciousness guides Yuanli, engrave the word "Dengtian" on the Tianmen, and you can enter it!" Yaojun said.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tianxing wrapped Yuanli with his spiritual consciousness, and engraved the word "Dengtian" on the Tianmen, and he wrote it without any muddle.

"So easy?" Yaqi has been paying attention to the changes in Ye Tianxing, staring at the thick imprint of spiritual consciousness on Tianmen, and she is shocked. You must know that when she was in the Void Transformation Realm, she only carved the imprint of spiritual consciousness It took two days.

"This child's divine baby has at least reached the level of the third turn of Linxian. Let alone engraving the word ascending to the sky, it is not difficult to draw a picture."

"Third turn of Linxian?" Yaqi's mouth twitched, "The baby god is so perverted, if he doesn't have the magic weapon to resist the attack of the gods, he can easily obliterate the master of the void with the shadow of the gods!"

"No wonder, Huo Pingzhang, who was in full swing, was defeated by him, and the loss was not unfair!"


"Old Wu, I'll wait for you inside!" Ye Tianxing turned around and said to Wu Ting through voice transmission, and then disappeared across the Tianmen in a flash.

"He's in!"

"So fast?!"

There were exclamations from all around, seeing Ye Tianxing who disappeared after entering the Tianmen, the Tianjiao immediately became anxious.

Not long after, there was another rippling in Tianmen, Wu Ting suddenly opened his eyes, a trace of domineering coercion swept over him, his figure flashed, and he was the second to step across Tianmen.

"Another one is in! We need to hurry up!"

Time passed like this bit by bit, and after about four hours, the three monks in the bitter sea also crossed the gate of heaven and disappeared.

The time is getting longer and longer, but there is not much movement outside the Tianmen. A demon clan Tianjiao stood up, shook his head helplessly and chose to leave,

"I have been here for 11 consecutive years, and it seems that I can't get in this year!"

"I have never been. It has been seventeen years, and I can't even resonate with Tianmen!" A young man sighed helplessly and retreated.

Time flowed like this, and 13 people entered the Tianmen in one day.

"It's done!!"

"I succeeded!" In the early morning of the fifth day, the loud laughter of a Yaozu Tianjiao broke the tranquility. He wiped the sweat from his brow and entered the Tianmen without hesitation, arousing the envy of the Tianjiao outside.

"Hey! I'd better give up. I don't have any clue. I'm already dizzy and can't feel anything!" Another Tianjiao got up and left dejectedly.

In five days, the number of Tianjiao in front of Tianmen is less than one-tenth, and they have almost left one after another.

When the seventh day came, the barrier in front of the Tianmen closed automatically, and the rest of the Yaozu Tianjiao had to leave.

"This year is not bad. More than 500 people can enter with more than [-] people. The ratio of [-]% is already too much!" The old man stroked his beard and said slightly relieved.

"How much they can realize depends on their own good fortune!"

Inside the gate of heaven.

When a group of Tianjiao entered Dengtian Square one after another, their jaws were shocked by the scene in front of them.

"This is, into the robber?!"

The wilderness is a mess and dilapidated, and the rubble is piled up in pieces. In the past few years, the mountains that could not be seen at a glance were all broken into pieces, and they were violently smashed. The ore in the mountain was almost completely emptied. Even the Xuantie Dengtian Pillar along the way of Dengtian Square was pulled out, and the mud at the bottom was pulled out and turned over.

"Who did it?"

"What about Wang Lingquan? Why did this spring dry up?" A demon clan arrogance ran to the edge of the empty pond. Ten years ago, he planted spirit grass beside this spirit spring. Now the spirit grass is gone, and the whole pond The spirit spring water is gone!

"My mother, the springs have been dug. Is this something that humans can do?!" A group of demon clan arrogances blew their hair. It is the best place to practice.

"It's gone! It's gone. The few immortal ginseng plants I planted were also planed, and there was not a single root left. I also specially set up a ban to prevent people from discovering them. They were still there last year, but not this year." It's gone!" A fat young man sat on the ground, wanting to cry without tears, these ginseng plants are of extraordinary value, the most important thing is that they have been painstakingly cultivated and blended with sweat and emotion over the years, and now they have been scraped to the ground.


There was a lot of complaints.

"It's just a few elixir plants. If they are gone, they will be gone. The most wicked thing is that the stairs mixed with dao patterns on Dengtian Road have also been dug up. They don't even leave the road. This is more than a beast!" There was a lot of scolding, the traces left on the stairs of the Ascension to Heaven Road, enough for them to comprehend for decades, have now been poached away.

"The two stone lions at the entrance were also carried away, leaving two useless stone piers!"

There were only dozens of people in the square, but curses sounded from every corner of the square.

"Ah sneeze!"

Ye Tianxing sneezed heavily, and the dumb hair on his shoulder, which was happily chewing on the fairy ginseng, was almost thrown out.

"It's strange, I've been sneezing all the time today!" Beside an ancient well, he was playing with a broken bowl, and was considering whether to stuff it in his pocket, while Wu Ting beside him was refining the dug out spiritual spring crystals.

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