Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 204 Entering the Gate of the Mysterious Realm

"What you said is true?" she said softly.

"Can that thing still deceive you? If you don't believe me, ask the eldest prince, he knows better than me!"

For a moment, everyone looked at the eldest prince, who nodded, "Dingyan Spring does exist, but it is guarded by several powerful forces and cannot be touched by ordinary people. If we want to obtain Dingyan Spring, we can only rely on it." Buy fairy gold or exchange it for heaven, material and earth treasures."

"Immortal gold is a thing outside of the body. I have plenty of it on my body. If we get together, are we afraid that we won't be able to buy Dingyan Spring to nourish your beauty?"

Chu Li was completely moved by Pei Shan's words, and after pondering for a few breaths, he agreed.

Everyone suddenly became enthusiastic.

On the sixth floor, Daimao has a bulging belly, lying on the ground unable to move, even unable to turn over, a strong breath in the belly exudes such a powerful pressure,

Ye Tianxing touched Daimao's stomach with his palm, and a trace of devouring power circulated, dissolving the indigestible immortal king's principles for it.

"Dumao, just imagine, there is only one six-tailed fairy fox in the six-tailed fairy fox family?"

"Obviously impossible. The six-tailed fairy foxes are a group, and it is a very large group. There are countless beautiful foxes in it. They are fat, thin, fat, strong, weak and graceful. There are too many styles to count!"

"Are you willing to find only one?"

"Weak water for three thousand, just take a scoop to drink? Is this your style?"

Hearing the sound, Daimao's two small eyeballs glistened,

Seeing this, Ye Tianxing continued, "As long as we have enough treasures and enough money, we will go to the lair of the six-tailed fairy fox and find all those beautiful foxes. You can choose! "

"Choose ten or eight of them, and give you a litter of cubs. It's really not enough. Let's choose three to five hundred, and change brides for you every day. What do you think?"

After the words fell, Daimao gritted his teeth, propped his little tail on the ground, propped up his whole body more than half, Ye Tianxing quickly stretched out his hand to straighten it,

"That's right. As a rare spirit beast in the world, you can pick as many as you want. As long as you have enough treasures, you don't have to worry about the six-tailed fairy fox not following you!"

"But dumb, right now we only have enough treasures to find one, so we have to work hard and work hard to enter the gate of the mysterious world! There are endless treasures in the gate of the mysterious world, and we may even meet beautiful Meijiao fox!"

Daimao seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, his little feet thumped towards the restriction on the seventh floor, his whole body wrapped into a ball, rolling and crawling.

In less than half an hour, the entrance to the seventh floor was bitten open by Daimao.

Yaojun Chu Kuangshan looked at it and shook his head.

A smug look appeared on Ye Tianxing's face, he grabbed the dumb hair and entered the seventh floor.

After collecting all seven fragments of the formation, Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting found the dilapidated teleportation formation. The front of the formation was full of dust, apparently no one had been there for a long time.

"These seven fragments are just enough to complete the formation!" Ye Tianxing was overjoyed, took out the energy word crystal prepared in advance, put it into it to charge the formation, and in the next moment, the formation shone with dazzling light, heaven and earth The spiritual energy began to frantically gather here, and the powerful force made the whole small world tremble.

"The teleportation array was activated, they cleared the level and activated the teleportation array!" Feeling this huge energy fluctuation, everyone was ecstatic.

"Brother, wait for us!" Pei Shan and the others frantically chased after him.

Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting stepped into the teleportation array, only to see the light flickering, and the two people in the teleportation array completely disappeared.

After a while of heaven and earth turning, Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting suddenly heard a boiling sound in their ears.

"What's going on with this power?!" On the vast and boundless ancient battlefield, a group of monster clan peerless geniuses were vying for a section of fairy vines, but a teleportation platform behind them suddenly lit up, and a powerful wave of ability fluctuated in the air. Shock here.

"What's going on, that teleportation platform has been abandoned for so many years, and it has been activated again?!"

Just when several people were puzzled, a bright light flickered, and then two figures appeared on the teleportation platform.

"A little dizzy!" Ye Tianxing shook his head. At this moment, a strong suppressive force covered his whole body, and his body twitched irresistibly, and then his realm was completely restricted.

"What's going on?!" Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting were shocked and puzzled.

"This is the restriction imposed by the gate of the mysterious world on practitioners. No matter how powerful an existence is, after entering the gate of the mysterious world, the realm will be forcibly suppressed to the reincarnation state. That is to say, you can only display the reincarnation state now Strength!" Yaojun Chu Kuangshan explained.

"Forcibly suppressed to reincarnation?"

"This gate of the mysterious world is really mysterious. It would be great if we could refine it and bring it back to the Milky Way Starfield!"

Yaojun Chu Kuangshan smiled wryly, not knowing what to say, he was completely speechless to Ye Tianxing along the way.

"Although the realm has been suppressed to the realm of reincarnation, the physical strength is not restricted!" Wu Ting clenched his fists, his limbs were still full of strength.

"Physical strength is limited. If everyone's realm is restricted to the realm of reincarnation, then..." Ye Tianxing's eyes lit up, and then there was a touch of ecstasy, "Here, I should be able to walk sideways!"

As soon as the words fell, his eyes had already locked on the section of the fairy vine that the nine demon clan arrogances were fighting for.

"The door of the mysterious world, the young master is here!" The corner of Ye Tianxing's mouth curled up, and then he jumped.


The whole earth was shaken, and the earth split under the feet of the nine demon clan arrogances.

"Humans!" Nine demon clan arrogances stared at Ye Tianxing, "Little humans, dare to enter the gate of my demon world and mystical world!"

"Master not only came in, but also took away all the treasures here!" He grinned, revealing a harmless smile.

"Looking for death, don't look where this is!" After the voice fell, a demon clan Tianjiao instantly came to Yetianxing Town, holding a black iron rod, and there was a terrifying sound coming from the iron rod. breath.


The clanging sound resounded in the field, Ye Tianxing grabbed the iron rod with one hand, and slammed it hard, and the Yaozu Tianjiao was instantly thrown away.

"This iron rod turned out to be an incomplete fairy weapon!" Ye Tianxing happily put the iron rod in his pocket, and couldn't help sighing secretly, "As expected of an ancient battlefield, there are so many treasures!"

"It's amazing power. This human kid is not simple. Brothers, we will settle our accounts later. How about solving the two of them first?"

"Okay, mere human beings, you dare to come to our monster clan's realm to provoke me, I will tear you apart!" A group of heavenly prides revealed their bodies, and a male lion suddenly rushed towards the two of them, opening its bloody mouth, wanting to swallow the night alive Heaven works.

Ye Tianxing stretched out his palm, slapped the lion's face and yelled at him,

There was only a sound of "cracking", and the right half of the lion's face was sunken, and the skull was shattered.

"Old witch, tonight's feast is ready!" This is a rare and strange species, and it contains ancient blood in its body, which is great tonic!

Ye Tianxing will never hold back against these Yaozu Tianjiao who have the heart to kill them. Since you have the heart to kill me, I will not let you do so.

He raised the lion, and with a sudden force, the lion was torn in half in the horror of the rest of the demon clan Tianjiao.

Ye Tianxing collected the demon core and the source of pills as if nothing had happened.

"Let's go together!" The remaining seven shouted loudly, their murderous intent was soaring, and the terrifying demonic aura attracted the attention of all parties.

Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting attacked at the same time, in the realm of reincarnation, they are invincible!

Wu Ting even completely ignored the attack of the eight people and carried their attack with his body.

The sharp claws and magic weapon fell on him without causing any injuries.

Seeing this scene, the seven Yaozu Tianjiao completely panicked.

"What kind of physique is this shit? This guy's body is too perverted!" The seven exclaimed and retreated, but Ye Tianxing couldn't let them go. These guys are treasures from head to toe.

"It's just a good time to cook your meat, the young master accepts it!"

He strode towards the Seven, raised his palm in the blink of an eye,


The body of the monster, which was as thick as iron armor, was broken by Ye Tianxing's palm.

The screams resounded throughout the world, and the rest of the Yaozu Tianjiao fled suddenly.

"It's not that easy to run away, keep your things!" Ye Tianxing reached out with his big hand, pointing directly at the demon clan Tianjiao who was carrying the fairy vine.

The latter was terrified, and hastily dropped the fairy vine in his hand, and fled desperately.

Ye Tianxing grabbed Xianteng and didn't continue to chase.

"There are many treasures here, and these guys are so rich!" Wu Ting threw a ring, Ye Tianxing sensed it for a while, and felt satisfied.

"I can only blame you for seeking your own death!" Ye Tianxing put away the ring, put the meat into a bowl, and the two continued to move forward.

The ruins of the ancient battlefield, here is obviously much bigger than the ancient battlefield refined by the fire king Chuxiong.

"The strength of these guys is much weaker than expected!" Wu Ting said in a deep voice.

"Their strengths are uneven, but if the realm is suppressed to the reincarnation realm, whoever comes will have the same result!"

Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting searched for the relics everywhere, wanting to get more treasures, but obviously, they found nothing. Many relics in this world have been occupied by various forces.

"You two, which organization you belong to, you are not allowed to wander here, and leave quickly!" Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting had just approached a mine, and there was a burst of shouting in the mountain,

"Don't be afraid, friends. We just passed by here. We are unfamiliar with the place and have no one to rely on. We want to find a treasure land. Can you ask your boss to hand over this mine, how about it?" Ye Tianxing was very strong. , It is obvious that they want to rob the mine by force.

In the mountain formation, the Yaozu Tianjiao heard the words, and immediately burst into laughter.

"Interesting, it's been a long time since I met such a naive idiot who asked the boss to hand over the mine!"

"You guys eat first, I'll go and capture these two lifeless guys!"

After a while, there was a slight fluctuation outside the mine, and then there was no more movement.

"It was solved so quickly? They are really two ignorant wastes. They dare to come here and make a fuss with such little strength!" Several guys were eating immortal medicine and stewed big bones in front of a pot.

As soon as Ye Tianxing and the two approached, they were seduced by the strange fragrance of the big bone.

"It smells so good!" The few people didn't pay attention at all, suddenly there was a stranger beside him, sitting aside, he directly grabbed the big bone in the pot with his big hand and started to chew.

"Old witch, the meat of this ancient and alien species is really not comparable to ordinary monsters. It tastes so good!" Wu Ting grabbed another big bone and threw it at Wu Ting.

"You...!" Several people were horrified, and instantly woke up, only to see a burly man peeling off their brother's skin and stuffing it into the pot.

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