The shock in their hearts can no longer be described in words. The two of them looked at all this almost dumbfounded. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have imagined that such a blessed place still exists in such a place.

All kinds of rare and strange birds and beasts, who can show such a wealth of knowledge?

"It's too exaggerated. Even if you go to grab it, you can't grab so much wealth, right?"

The two couldn't believe what they saw was real.

After getting acquainted with Yan Shuangfei once, Ye Tianxing thought that he got a lot of money from him during the feast of the stars, but looking at it now, except for the soul-suppressing pearl, other things he got, compared with the thousands of treasures here , but a drop in the bucket!

"Hiss~" Ye Tianxing took several breaths in a row, unable to maintain his composure, such a scene was too frightening.

The two stood outside the fault space, hiding their auras, silently watching everything inside,

In the main hall in the fault space, Yan Shuangfei lay on a dragon chair engraved with dragon patterns and made of pure fairy gold, with her legs crossed.

On both sides of the dragon chair, there are actually two blue female elves, beautiful and noble to the extreme. While wiping the container of the fairy king, he is enjoying the costumes of the beautiful elves.

All kinds of rare and exotic fruits, Yulu nectar, this kind of enjoyment is like a fairy.

"Your Highness, you made a lot of money today." The female elf had beautiful eyes and a voice like heaven.

"Hey, little meaning, it's just a few Muggles and a few fairy artifacts. It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning." He said so, but his heart was full of joy, and his toes couldn't help but turn up.

"Immortal Artifact? Your Highness is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among men, an outstanding person in the world."

This flattery slapped Yan Shuangfei's buttocks, which obviously made him a little bit more complacent.


"This fault is a world of its own. We can't get in. If we try our best, we will definitely be discovered by him." Gong Xianliang was greedy, calm as him, and greedy. The rarity here is too eye-catching.

"It's impossible to break through by force. If he finds out, it will be a big trouble. The fairy king container in his hand is not something we can deal with."

"Then what should we do? Just give up like this?" Gong Xianliang felt unwilling.

"give up?"

"That's impossible, one word, etc."

"Wait until when?"

"Wait until there is no movement in the hall, and wait for the sky to get darker."

Gong Xianliang raised his eyebrows, "Do you have a way to get in?"

"There is one, maybe it can be useful." A sly look flashed across Ye Tianxing's indifferent face, and then he found a suitable place to rest and waited for the time to pass.

At dusk, night gradually fell in the small world. Yan Shuangfei did not leave this small world. Now this world has collapsed into disrepute. did not come out.

Han Ziqi and Nangong Shu stood in front of the void, with different expressions.

The Qinghuang Shiqi and the Zhang brothers were all waiting quietly in front of the rift in the void. They didn't care about the life and death of the Holy Prince and others, but worried that their fairy artifacts would be buried in it and could not be taken out.

Gong Xianliang was asleep, when he suddenly heard a clear chirping sound, he suddenly opened his eyes, Ye Tianxing was standing in front of the small world of the fault, holding a piece of fairy gold in his hand, Yan Shuangfei's squirrel, who didn't know When did it appear here.

"Haw, chirp!"

Dai Mao gnawed on the fairy gold happily, not afraid of life at all, and even had the slightest dependence on Ye Tianxing.

"??" Gong Xianliang was stunned, "How did you do it? How did it appear here!" Very puzzled, the squirrel from the small fault world was actually recruited by Ye Tianxing.

There is a hole in the fault that can be entered by one person, and it was bitten out by a squirrel.

Ye Tianxing smiled without saying a word, stroking the dull hair, the little excitement on his face could not be concealed.

"You, tampered with in Xianjin?"

Gong Xianliang came back to his senses and thought of something, but now it's not important how Dumbao appeared here, what's important is that the squirrel opened a gap for them.

Ye Tian was about to put the squirrel into his sleeve robe, and the two of them restrained their breath and quietly entered the small world of the fault.

The squirrel's effect was too great, no matter how strong the fault barrier was, it couldn't resist the bite of its teeth, and the two of them approached the hall without any effort.

Yan Shuangfei slept soundly while hugging the Immortal King container. He thought that there would be no threat in it. Even if this small faulted world was forcibly smashed with an immortal weapon, it would be difficult to break it open. He will surely know.

Furthermore, in this collapsed world, people are dying and fleeing, and there is no peerless arrogance who holds a fairy weapon, so no one will disturb him. He has no defense and drank a lot of fine wine , slept deeply.

"God help us!" Gong Xianliang looked delighted, and smiled at Ye Tianxing, and the smiles of the two gradually became obscene amidst Yan Shuangfei's huge panting.

The hall was empty, the two couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts,

"Shh." Before Ye Tian moved his hand, Gong Xianliang made a gesture, and then he took out a jade bottle from his arms, and said via voice transmission, "Don't worry, let him sleep more deeply." Gong Xianliang chuckled, Immediately, he held his breath, opened the cap of the bottle, and with a waving of his sleeves, a breeze brought a scent of fragrance to Yan Shuangfei,

After a while, the two walked towards the main hall and appeared beside Yan Shuangfei, who also didn't respond.

"This is the fragrance of sleeping gods, which has the effect of sleeping. The amount of this bottle is enough for him to sleep for ten days and a half months." He was proud, and Ye Tianxing raised his hand and took the fairy king container from Yan Shuangfei's hand. , the latter had a "peaceful" smile on his face, and slept deeply, without any reaction at all.


Ye Tianxing couldn't hide the excitement in his heart when he got the fairy king container, he hadn't been this excited for a long, long time.

"Start the search! Before dawn, let's gather at the exit!" Gong Xianliang's figure disappeared in this hall after the words were finished.

Compared with the rarity outside, Ye Tianxing was more curious about the treasure hidden on Yan Shuangfei's body. He stretched out his hand to Yan Shuangfei's left index finger,

Yan Shuangfei was stunned for a moment, startled Ye Tianxing, he quickly retracted his hand, and escaped into the void,

Fortunately, Yan Shuangfei did not wake up, as if he was in a sweet dream, he turned sideways, and the saliva wrapped in his mouth flowed from the corner of his mouth to the skirt of his clothes.

Ye Tianxing heaved a sigh of relief, returned to the dragon chair, carefully took off the ring on Yan Shuangfei's index finger, passed his consciousness over, and his consciousness seemed to have touched a deep sea black hole. There was no feedback, and there was an invisible restriction that blocked his body. Divine consciousness absorbed.

This restriction is extremely powerful, so powerful that Ye Tianxing can't think of any way to open it.

Yan Shuangfei's secret must be hidden in this ring,

"Do you want to take it away?" Ye Tianxing was hesitating, maybe he could find a way to open the ring.

He searched Yan Shuangfei for a while, and found many good treasures, including a few jade slips. Surrender.

"Tsk tsk, this kid is really lucky!" Ye Tianxing found another ring from him. The spiritual sense forcibly broke it open, and found a large amount of fairy gold inside, the amount of which made Ye Tianxing almost drop his jaw in shock, and there were many rare treasures hidden in the ring.

"Get rich!" Ye Tian moved, shocked.

He wanted to take off the bronze bowl and the dragon and phoenix clothes from Yan Shuangfei's head, but special methods were used on these two, and he couldn't do anything.

"It's a pity!" Although the bronze bowl is incomplete, it still possesses not weak power. The bronze bowl is engraved with many inscriptions and rare and exotic beasts on the eve of the ancient times. Possessing divine power, it can be seen that there must be a story in its peak period.

Needless to say, Longfengyi's defense power is astonishing and very special, both of which are priceless treasures.

"Hey, friends, let me leave some property for you. It's not easy to start from scratch, and you need capital to continue bluffing and cheating." Ye Tianxing looked at Yan Shuangfei, who was blushing and sleeping deeply, and said to himself He took out a handful of fairy silver from the corner of his corner, which was worth thousands, and placed it in front of him.

The dragon chair made by Xianjin was collected by Ye Tianxing in Xumijie, and he would definitely not keep this treasure for Yan Shuangfei.

He has been on the celestial road for so long, and he has also obtained a lot of treasures over the years, but these treasures are the tip of the iceberg compared to the treasures brought from Yan Shuangfei today.

It can be said that ten years is not as good as one day.

"Goodbye, friend, work harder, I look forward to meeting you next time!" Ye Tianxing cheered at him, and then his figure flashed, and he swept out of the hall without hesitation.

"Xiao Liangzi?"

Ye Tianxing shouted softly towards the outside of the hall.

In an instant, Gong Xianliang's figure appeared in front of Ye Tianxing with a satisfied face!

"Fat! I have never seen so many belongings in my life. These things are enough to support a super sect!"

Spiritual crystals, immortal medicines, genius treasures, rare beasts, and even fairies.

"There are five or six faeries hidden in this world, I only picked out two and I'll share one of your blood ginseng!" Gong Xianliang was holding a doll in his hand. Its whole body was blood red, with green branches and leaves on its head, full of aura and fragrant of medicine. Absolutely, the blood ginseng doll let out a baby-like cry and struggled constantly. Gong Xianliang grabbed its short legs and threw it to Ye Tianxing.

With a wave of Ye Tianxing's sleeve robe, a wave of Yuan force wrapped him up, and the latter bounced around in the circle of Yuan power, but couldn't break free no matter what.It showed a frightened and pitiful look, as if begging Ye Tianxing to let it go.

"As expected of a fairy." Ye Tianxing marveled, and included it in the Sumeru Ring. Today's Sumeru Ring has been transformed by him into a pure land for living beings to survive.

"What do you plan to do with this fairy king container?" Although Gong Xianliang said that he was not very interested in fairy artifacts, if there was a chance to get the fairy artifact for nothing, he would definitely not let it go.

"Why, you want it too?"

"Heh, I, Mr. Gong, disdain fairy artifacts, but since you and I have participated in this matter together, we will inevitably leave some troubles in the future. Holding an immortal artifact in our hands is also good for self-defense."

"Just say what you want, what excuses do you want, I didn't say no!"

"Oh? How do you plan to divide it?" Gong Xianliang's eyes lit up.

Ye Tianxing glanced at this small world, as if a pair of eyes were staring at them, fearing that there would be a change, he recruited a fool, and the three left.

"I need to return the Purple Phoenix Cauldron and this bronze mirror. You can choose two of the remaining three fairy artifacts. What do you think?"

"What about this fairy king container?" Gong Xianliang seems to be more concerned about the ownership of the fairy king container than the fairy king container. Measured by the real value, the value of the fairy king container is higher than the fairy king container to some extent. much,

As far as the pure fairy king container is concerned, it is not very useful, but the fairy king container can absorb the fairy artifacts, fuse the power of the fairy artifacts together, and exert greater power. Holding the fairy king container...

Tsk tsk, just thinking about it makes Ye Tianxing feel excited.

Therefore, he didn't want to give up the ownership of the Immortal King container.

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