Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 176 The Kind Man

"Little Liangzi, we've known each other for quite some time, and you also know that I have many enemies, and I don't have a good magic weapon close to me. This fairy king container, look..."

Gong Xianliang squinted at Ye Tianxing, "I thought you would take the initiative to give it to me."

"If it weren't for special circumstances, I would definitely let you."

"Don't, come on, you kid is very dirty, the fairy king container can be yours, but the fairy treasure you seized from him is half of each person!"

"Okay!" Ye Tianxing agreed with joy in his heart.

"As for the Immortal Artifact, if there is no Immortal King Container in hand, no amount of Immortal Artifacts will be effective." "So," he hesitated for a moment, looking at the Immortal King Container in Ye Tianxing's hand, "I just need one Immortal Artifact, Extinguishing Scepter."

"Okay, no problem! Thank you brother for your generosity!" Ye Tianxing said with a smile, but his heart still hurts. It's just an immortal artifact, and compared to the Immortal King's container, it's a lot worse.

In fact, even if Gong Xianliang wanted the three fairy artifacts, Ye Tianxing was willing to give them, as long as he could keep the fairy king container.

In the next two days, the two were busy for a while. Yan Shuangfei restricted the connection of the Immortal King Vessel with blood, and the two of them could not activate it. Fortunately, the blood restriction imposed by Yan Shuangfei was too rough, and it was not troublesome to erase it.

Two days later, the restriction was removed, and Ye Tianxing handed over the Scepter of Extinguishing God to Gong Xianliang.

"Little Liangzi, this Extinguishing Rod is an immortal weapon after all, recognize the master! If you meet the two Zhang brothers, don't you worry that it will be taken back?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own means to deal with it." Gong Xianliang was full of confidence, and Ye Tianxing couldn't say much. The fairy weapon has a spirit, and once it wakes up, it will leave on its own, so it can only be suppressed with the same fairy weapon. Or refine it completely,

But in the realm of reincarnation, it is impossible to completely refine the fairy artifact. Take the demon knife Yueyin as an example, if Yueyin did not serve him as the master, he would definitely not be able to refine Yueyin.

The two divided the genius and the treasure in half, and the two made a lot of money.

"Little Yanzi, what a treasure boy." The two sighed endlessly. One could imagine Yan Shuangfei's expression when he woke up and found that everything about him had been swept away.

"What are your plans next?" Gong Xianliang asked.

"Do you even need to think about it? You must leave here and hide for a while." Ye Tianxing said.

Gong Xianliang curled his lips, "If the holy prince wakes up, he will be furious. If he returns to that stone peak and cannot see us, he will definitely suspect us, and he will chase and kill me at all costs." Two people."

"I was thinking, how about we kill him now?" He made a non-stop gesture.

Ye Tianxing shook his head, "As the holy prince, how could he not have a life-protecting treasure on him? Just take the dragon and phoenix clothes and the bronze bowl, they are not something that can be shaken by ordinary fairy artifacts. Protector, if we wake him up, we will really walk away as if we can't eat anymore."

"That's right." Gong Xianliang nodded, "This guy has so many treasures, he must still be hiding treasures that we can't know about. It's not surprising that the majestic Holy Prince has a hole card. For the next period of time, it is indeed time to avoid it."

After the two discussed it, they planned to leave this broken world.

The dark yin and evil spirit has already receded in this broken world, and the corpse is nowhere to be found.

"Xiao Liangzi, I want to find a place to clean up, why don't you go back first?" Ye Tianxing said with a smile.

"Why, you kid want to get rid of me?"

"That's not possible. After this battle, you and I can be regarded as brothers on the same front. I can't get rid of you, but you and I have a big goal when we stay together. If you are found by the Holy Prince, I'm afraid It will be very troublesome." Ye Tianxing said in a deep voice, his appearance was serious.

Gong Xianliang squinted at him, curled his lips, "Come on, you kid is very dirty, and I was worried that if I was with you, I might be caught by you at any time, so let's part ways, I have to find a good place too." to practice."

After speaking, the two parted ways, one headed east and the other headed west.

After Gong Xianliang left, Ye Tian went back and forth, sighed and shook his head looking at the direction where Gong Xianliang was going.

With a flash of his figure, he returned to this broken world,

He came to the space where Yan Shuangfei pitted him and Gong Xianliang, released Daimao, let Daimao bite through the barrier, and returned to it.

Everything was restored, and he put the dull hair back into the small space in the Sumeru Ring, making the hair disheveled and a little embarrassed, waiting here quietly, waiting for the return of his lover.

Ye Tianxing lay quietly in a corner of the sealed place, his breathing gradually stabilized, and he gradually fell asleep.

He waited here quietly, falling into slumber in a light sleep, without even moving a bit,

until the ninth day,

A tyrannical aura raged wildly in this broken world, and the voice of rage, roaring and roaring, awakened the sleeping Ye Tianxing.

He didn't open his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly in this manic movement, and then returned to normal.


The irritable voice exploded in this space, deafening,

Yan Shuangfei was in a panic, his eyes could breathe fire, and he glared angrily at Ye Tianxing in the sealed space.

Suddenly, Ye Tianxing felt like waking up with a start, and suddenly woke up.

"Boy, hand over my things to me, otherwise you and I will have nothing to do today!" Yan Shuangfei yelled, his eyes wide with anger.

Ye Tianxing held his dizzy head with a very uncomfortable expression.

"Brother Yan, are you back?" Ye Tianxing was pleasantly surprised.

"Brother Yan, let me out quickly, I will suffocate to death sooner or later!"

"Don't talk about me, I'm asking you about mine. If you can't hand over my things today, none of you will live!" Yan Shuangfei almost lost his mind.

Seeing the former's appearance, Ye Tianxing felt distressed.

"Brother Yan, what happened, why did you get angry at me as soon as you came up, what did you lose?" Ye Tianxing looked innocent.

"Stop playing tricks on me, hurry up and hand over the things, otherwise," he urged the bronze bowl to press forward.

"Brother Yan, what kind of evil have you fallen into? What did I take from you? Why did you open your mouth and ask me for something? I'm locked up here, and I can't even get out. What did I take from you?" Spreading his hands together, he was very speechless.

"What about him? What about the other guy? Why are you the only one left?"

"He's not here?"

Ye Tianxing turned his head, looked around, but did not see Gong Xianliang, "Hey, where are the others?"

Ye Tianxing's face darkened, and there was a look of solemnity between his brows, "Brother Yan, you and I have met for a while, and the three of us are in trouble together. Xiao Liangzi is my friend. If you want to touch him, you'd better ask me to answer." No promise!"

"Promise me a fart, let me ask you where are the others?"

"Ask me? Don't you know where he went? You made a mess of this enchantment. I've been here and never left!"

"Pretend, still pretend?"

"Do I need to pretend to be with you? The two of us regard you as friends and go to this dangerous situation with you. I didn't expect that you, a despicable guy, tricked the two of us in yesterday, and now you turn around and question me. ?”

"Yesterday, yesterday?"

"It's been ten days!" Yan Shuangfei roared, his face was haggard, his body and mind were exhausted, and Ye Tianxing was going to be replaced. Compared with him, he might not be much better.

"Ten days?" Ye Tianxing was astonished, "How is it possible!"

"How did I sleep for so long?"

"Fuck, you're also addicted to the ecstasy incense! I understand, everything is caused by that guy!" After calming down, Yan Shuangfei had a terrifying expression on his face.

"You mean, Xiao Liangzi?"

"This beast, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, pretending to be trapped, then followed me and stole all my treasures, it must be,"

"Careless, careless!" Yan Shuangfei finally broke down and cried.

Ye Tianxing showed bitterness on his face, but he felt pity in his heart, and he sympathized with him a little.

"Xiao Liangzi, you must run far away." He thought to himself.

"Brother Yan, what exactly happened, can you take care of me from the beginning to the end, so that I can make a clear judgment!"

Yan Shuangfei wiped his nose, his face was expressionless, "He is your friend, you must know where he is, I must find him and skin him!"

"Wow wow wow, my baby, my hard work!" Yan Shuangfei cried like a three-year-old child,

Ye Tianxing and Gong Xianliang stole all his treasures, and there was not much left. His appearance made Ye Tianxing feel very distressed.

Faintly, Ye Tianxing felt some subtle pain in his heart due to guilt, the pain was not severe,

But Ye Tianxing doesn't regret it, because in the face of such a huge wealth, if he doesn't help Yan Shuangfei digest it, he will feel even more heartbroken.

Xiao Feifei, don't blame your brother for being unkind.

Thinking of this, Ye Tianxing had the urge to smack himself, but he actually found out that since when, he had quietly become so shameless.

Is it growth?

Is it metamorphosis?

Exactly which link went wrong.

While sighing silently in my heart, I comforted Yan Shuangfei at the same time.

The barrier of the seal was opened, Ye Tian walked out, Yan Shuangfei buried his head in tears, his nose flowed profusely, and the heart-piercing cry rang through the room until his voice became hoarse.

How heartbroken does this have to be, for an old man to cry like this?

"Brother, take care, your body is important, we can look for the treasure once it's gone, as long as the person is alive, it is the greatest blessing."

"I don't want to live anymore, this beast is not a person, so many treasures have been emptied by me, even my body!"

"Hey, isn't it just something outside of the body, so as not to get angry."

"Fuck me, you know a hemp ball, are my treasures comparable to ordinary treasures?"

"There are only four of the lost fairy spirits, my dumb hair, my fairy king container, the treasures of heaven and earth that I have been busy storing for more than ten years! You can't even imagine how many there are!"

"It's all your fault. He is with you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know him. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't lose any of my treasures!"


Yan Shuangfei cried even harder.

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, let's stop crying, when we go out, we will definitely find that beast, skin it, and cramp it, to relieve the hatred in our hearts, and find all the lost treasures!"

Ye Tianxing seems to be comforting a sobbing three-year-old child, encouraging him all the time,

Sweet talk is not what he is good at, but in order to comfort Yan Shuangfei, he also racked his brains.

"It's not as good as a beast."

Unexpectedly, a voice suddenly came to mind, indifferent and vulgar, with extreme contempt, "You call yourself a righteous person, even I can't do such a dirty trick."

The source of this voice naturally came from another him—Mo Nian Ye Tian Xing.

hehe.Ye Tianxing felt a little bitter in his heart.


In the blink of an eye, it took one month, and Yan Shuangfei spent nearly 20 days to calm down the resentment in his heart.

He took Ye Tianxing back to the small world, sorted out the small world,

I don't know, I don't know, I was shocked, except for the many treasures taken away by Ye Tianxing and Gong Xianliang, there are still many left in this small world. Gong Xianliang, who has been busy all night, actually took away Less than half!


Ye Tianxing was shocked.

However, what shocked Ye Tianxing even more was not this, but that this small world was not a space opened up in this world,

It's a mobile magic weapon that can be stored, and they are in this magic weapon.

Long insight!

This is the first time Ye Tianxing has seen such a magic weapon.

His heart was trembling. If this magic weapon was refined by Yan Shuangfei, why didn't Yan Shuangfei notice it when he and Gong Xianliang entered that night?

Could it be that he really fell asleep too much?

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