Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 174 Treasure Boy

Surprisingly, the skeleton did not catch up.Yan Shuangfei searched the surroundings for a long time, but he didn't find any survivors. He sighed and was slightly disappointed.

Turning around, he took out another piece of fairy gold, and in Ye Tianxing's sleeve robe, Daimao ran out, picked up the fairy gold, and ran back numbly.

"Hey, you bastard, why don't you come back to me?" Yan Shuangfei cursed.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Shuangfei used the fairy gold to lure Daimao out, and Daimao was arrested reluctantly. Compared with Yan Shuangfei's sleeve robe, it seemed to prefer staying on Ye Tianxing's body.

"Brothers, I'll take you to a good place." Yan Shuangfei smiled suddenly, with a hint of cunning in his eyes.

Ye Tianxing nodded slightly.

Yan Shuangfei took Ye Tianxing and Gong Xianliang to a mountain with ease, and split the mountain with the fairy king container that gathered five fairy artifacts.

In an instant, the purple air soared into the sky, a sign of auspiciousness.

In such a dark and humid place, where there are tombs all around, it is really unimaginable that such an auspicious scene appeared.

Yan Shuangfei jumped into the clumsy peak.

"There is something strange in this mountain." Gong Xianliang said via voice transmission, "This guy doesn't want to kill us, does he?"

"Don't worry, he doesn't dare to act recklessly, the majestic holy prince, he won't act so insidiously." He said so, but he didn't think so in his heart. Ye Tianxing had seen how insidious Yan Shuangfei was. Although the guy doesn't have a serious intention to kill, but he cheats people, he is called the second, and no one dares to be the first.

"Brothers, there are good treasures here, why haven't you come in yet?" Yan Shuangfei urged from inside.

Ye Tianxing signaled Gong Xianliang to be prepared, then jumped into it,

The clumsy peak was pitch black, although there was purple air, but he couldn't see his fingers when he stretched out his hands, the eyes of nothingness opened quietly, Ye Tianxing had a little insight, the corner of his mouth couldn't help a smile, his figure flickered, and a black shadow restrained all the breath, Hidden into the darkness.

"Brother Ye, are you here?" In the darkness, Yan Shuangfei was overjoyed, showing a mouthful of white teeth, "Look, there are all babies here!"

He pointed to a direction in the darkness, from where the purple air emanated,

More than a dozen plants of fairy grass are close together, and there are many rare Xizhen around, and such treasures, in the outside world, each one is valuable, but at this moment they are "piled up" here ,

Ye Tianxing and Gong Xianliang were not fools, they saw something strange.

"Brothers, come quickly, come quickly!" Yan Shuangfei kept beckoning, "There are so many treasures here, you have worked hard with me all the way, these treasures, you should divide them."

He was worried that these treasures would not be able to attract Ye Tianxing and Gong Xianliang, and then he took out many treasures from Xumijie, including many fairy pills, which really made people a little greedy.

Ye Tianxing smiled indifferently, and took a step forward, followed by Gong Xianliang. When the two of them stepped into this world, a strange and mysterious force was suddenly activated,

The expressions of the two suddenly changed.

The heaven and the earth turned into a prison, locking this space, and an irresistible force crushed towards them.

"Prince Sheng, what are you going to do?" Ye Tianxing and Gong Xianliang panicked and said in panic.

"I didn't do anything!" Yan Shuangfei looked innocent,

In the next moment, this force was increasing, but Yan Shuangfei's aura became weaker and weaker, and his body disappeared.

"Spiritual body?"

The expressions of the two of them changed, the vast energy surged, and they hurriedly fled from this place, but an invisible barrier blocked their way.


Ye Tianxing punched the barrier,

The latter remained unmoved,

"Hehehe, brother, don't blame brother for being cruel, the treasure inside is left to you by brother, don't think about escaping, even if you have a fairy weapon by your side, you won't be able to get out."

"Stay here honestly, it's very safe here, the seal here will be lifted after ten years, and you will be able to come out then!" Yan Shuangfei said proudly.

"Brother Yan, isn't it? With the friendship between you and me, why treat me like this? You don't know him well, and I have nothing to say about cheating on him, but you cheating on me can't be justified in terms of emotion and reason."

"Brother Ye, don't blame my brother for saying something unpleasant. Although your strength is good, in this world, strength is not the only one, and brains are still very important,"

"I admit that your strength is good, but IQ is a big problem. If you hadn't met my brother and me, you would have died countless times if you were someone else."

"Hey", he sighed, and then said earnestly, "You can learn your wisdom by eating a ditch. In view of the fate between you and me, my brother will give you some advice. Be a human being and don't trust others too much. The more kind you are, the better you are." Yes, the more likely it is to cheat you, my brother is gone, see you by fate."

Yan Shuangfei carried the container of the Immortal King, happily escaping into the void, humming a little tune, contented.

Five fairy artifacts, this is a huge fortune.

"he's gone."

In the enclosed space, Gong Xianliang's voice sounded.

Two figures walked out of the darkness, standing outside the cage, facing the two people in the cage.



The two figures in the cage turned into clouds and smoke, blending into this world.

"You are right. This guy wants to cheat us."

"I know exactly what is going on in his mind. After all, this is not the first time I have dealt with him." Ye Tianxing's mouth curled up, his eyes were piercing.

"You and him have known each other for a long time?"

"We met more than ten years ago, but I didn't expect to meet again on the road to heaven."

Ye Tianxing didn't say much about the matter between him and Yan Shuangfei, and Gong Xianliang didn't ask much.

"Now, what are you going to do?"

"What else can I do? Of course, follow him. After being his free thug for so many days without charging any interest, I feel sorry for my brother, don't you?" Ye Tianxing grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, Gong Xianliang It's rare to see Ye Tianxing laugh like this.

"Sure enough, you boy is much more sinister than I imagined."

"I'm not yin at all, don't ruin my reputation."

Between the voices, Ye Tian's footsteps made waves, turning into a shock.

"How did you find him?"

"Don't worry, I have already left a mark on his body, as long as it is not too far away, you can find it."

"Is it time to feed it fairy gold?"

"Hehe, Xiao Liangzi observes very carefully, but as I said before, don't trick me. If this happens, I will be too chilled." Ye Tianxing said with a smile, looking harmless to humans and animals.

"You boy, you have a dark belly." Gong Xianliang said contemptuously, "Don't call me Xiao Liangzi, I have a great name, if you really can't do it, you can call me Lord Gong, and I can bear it."

Ye Tianxing chuckled, and the two of them restrained their breath and disappeared.

Yan Shuangfei hummed a little tune all the way, ignoring everything, and made a lot of money this trip.

"Yan Shuangfei, Yan Shuangfei, how can there be someone as smart as you in this vast universe?"

"What is a peerless talent, what is a barren body, what is a top ten expert on the list, don't you have to bow and salute when you see you, Grandpa Yan?"

He was extremely proud, holding the container of the Immortal King, and couldn't put it down.

With the five celestial artifacts in hand, it is only a matter of time before one gets rich.

"My name of Yan Shuangfei will eventually resound throughout the galaxy, and everyone will be subdued by my divine power!"

Ye Tianxing and Gong Xianliang followed from a distance, separated by several voids, and did not get too close.

"This guy seems to be very familiar with this space, it doesn't look like he's here for the first time."

"Sure enough, I seriously suspect that this guy has been digging holes for all of us from the very beginning!" Yan Shuangfei's purpose was very clear. He didn't choose to leave this broken small world immediately, but moved towards They returned the same way they had traveled.


A black shadow quietly drilled out from the ground, stepped into the sky, and appeared in front of Yan Shuangfei.

Purple-faced fangs, purple pupils exuding a breathtaking and strange luster,

The pupils of Ye Tianxing and Gong Xianliang couldn't help but dilate, and they even held their breath at this moment.


"I didn't expect this guy to be so insidious, and the monster is with him!"

"Hitting and killing so many Tianjiao, he is probably one of the behind-the-scenes of this plan!"

Ye Tianxing was shocked, he never expected that Yan Shuangfei was with a monster of this level.

Could it be that he is also one of the behind-the-scenes of this murder plan?

Yan Shuangfei's familiarity with this area was beyond his imagination.

He chatted with the purple-faced monster for a while, then left again.

He found an excellent mountain and wild place. In this gloomy place filled with yin and evil aura, the void was broken and broken, but this place seemed to be isolated from the world, and it was not affected in the slightest.

The mountains and fields are surrounded by flowers and fruits, and the fragrance is tangy, just like a paradise.

"Oh, little ones, my prince is back!" Yan Shuangfei entered a complete fault space, and shouted into the space. In the quiet mountains and fields, there were rustling movements quickly.


"Hiss!" The pupils of Ye Tianxing and Gong Xianliang dilated instantly, and they saw a running blood bodhi.

"Dementor Grass!" Looking at the coiled green grass on the ground, like a coil of soul incense, Gong Xianliang could no longer maintain his composure.

Ye Tian moved, his body trembled uncontrollably. This world not only bred fairies, but also planted countless rare treasures.

Immortals, birds and beasts that have never been seen before, the squirrel ran out, chirping happily, and then got into the ground.

It's unbelievable, this place is like a treasure empire!

"What is this guy's background?" Gong Xianliang was so shocked that he couldn't control himself, he looked at Ye Tianxing speechlessly.

Ye Tianxing shrugged his shoulders with a bitter expression on his face. After all, he didn't know Yan Shuangfei well, he only knew that Yan Shuangfei was best at deception.

"How many people have been cheated to get so many treasures?"

"Fuck," Gong Xianliang couldn't help swearing, "Is that a stele?"

An extremely rare ink tablet was hung on the main hall, engraved with black dragons, flame sparrows and various ancient mythical beasts, lifelike and extremely lifelike, as if they were about to run out of the tablet.

"This guy is really not a person. He dug up all the people's monuments." Gong Xianliang cursed. He had never seen anyone want to hang up a tombstone as a plaque.

"A coffin?" A bronze sarcophagus, not too big, somewhat similar to the soul coffin, with various inscriptions and Taoism engraved on it.


At this moment, Ye Tianxing felt that his brain was congested, his body was turbulent, the sea of ​​samsara was churning, and the sea of ​​consciousness was equally difficult to calm down.

There are treasures dug from graves everywhere, even the bones of dead people are not spared!

How many people's graves have been dug by this pit bastard?

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