Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 173 Long time no see

"This is, a container that can hold a blow from the Immortal King?" The old man beside Han Ziqi was moved.

"One fairy weapon is far from enough. If you want to survive, entrust all the fairy weapons on your body to me!"

A container that can hold a blow from the Immortal King, even if it cannot control the Immortal Artifact, as long as the Immortal Artifact is included in it, it can also exert some of the power of the Immortal Artifact. In this way, the power of several immortal artifacts can be gathered together,

This container is also a treasure!

Ye Tianxing's eyes rippled, and at the same time, Nan Gongshu also hit the Zihuang tripod at Yan Shuangfei, and Han Ziqi threw the mirror at the latter without hesitation.

With the help of the three great celestial weapons, the celestial power emanating from this container is already enough to rival a true immortal master.


Yan Shuangfei held the container blessed by the three great celestial weapons, and swung it fiercely towards the skeleton, piercing the blue waves with a shocking blow.

The jaws of the skull collided, and the world-shattering darkness condensed into a dark sharp blade.


The two clashed, setting off a storm of tens of thousands of meters.

"Not enough, almost, Chiyuan, sacrifice that black sword!" Yan Shuangfei yelled through gritted teeth, his veins popped out, and he was very uncomfortable.

Chiyuan hit Yan Shuangfei with the black sword he had just seized.

With the blessing of the four great celestial artifacts, Yan Shuangfei Yinyin has the upper hand.

"Now, I will open the way for you!"


There was a roar in the container, and suddenly there was a radiance. Yan Shuangfei held the container and hit a blow, opening a way for everyone.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

Chiyuan Chahar led the Qinghuang's ten knights to sprint towards the torn corner of the sky.

"You guys go too, don't stay," Ye Tianxing advised.

"What about you?" A few people looked at him.

"I have to stay and help him, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"No, you can either go with me, or I'll stay with you." Han Ziqi pouted and said stubbornly. This time, it wasn't through voice transmission from his spiritual sense, but he said it in front of everyone.

Gong Xianliang was dumbfounded on the spot, and the arrogances of Taiyi Immortal Mansion were also amazed.

Nangong Shu was obviously also a little surprised.

As for the guards of the Tiansheng Dynasty, they couldn't help but smile wryly.

"It's up to you, Ye Tianxing stretched out his hand, and threw Han Ziqi in the direction of the exit."

"Ah, how can you be so rude!" Han Ziqi shouted, and the fairy drew an arc in the void.

"Guys, protect the little princess." Ye Tianxing smiled faintly at the Tiansheng Dynasty people,

A few people were speechless, if it were someone else, the masters of the Tiansheng Dynasty must have made trouble, but when they thought of his identity, they could only smile wryly.

"My lord, see you later." The old man thought, and the Tiansheng Dynasty went away in an instant.

"Will it be too dangerous for you to stay?" Nangong Shu worried.

"It's okay, I have my own measure, the fairy doesn't have to worry, let's go, or it will be troublesome if it is later."

A few people set off on the road and left in a flash.

But if Gong Xianliang looked at Ye Tianxing meaningfully, he said, "What the hell are you two planning?"

"Hehe, I can't tell you for now, are you going?"

"I'd like to see what kind of drama you two are playing."

"Alright." Ye Tianxing nodded, and the two of them flew into the sky.

"Your Highness, the two of us are here to help you!"

Yan Shuangfei frowned: If these two guys don't leave, what are they doing here?Are you really stupid enough to stay and help me?

No, I don't need your help.

"The two brothers leave quickly, this prince will not be able to hold on anymore!" Yan Shuangfei urged.

"No, I am the most loyal person, how could I abandon my brother at this time,"

"What's more, Your Highness sacrificed his life for righteousness for us, and we two will never be ungrateful!"

Ye Tianxing and Gong Xianliang rushed to Yan Shuangfei's side. The latter rolled his eyes and looked constipated.

But now...

"Brothers, you are so considerate!" Yan Shuangfei was so moved that he burst into tears.

"Your Highness, there is no need to be moved. The deal between me and Your Highness has not yet been concluded, so I will definitely not let His Highness take risks,"

"Together with you, I will kill evil spirits together!" Ye Tianxing stepped forward, his hands cooperated with Yan Shuangfei, and also held the fairy king container,

Yan Shuangfei raised his brows high, and wanted to beat Ye Tianxing, but he was afraid that he would not be able to beat him. He had a lot of cards in his hands, and the strength of the other guy beside him was also unpredictable.

No, no, I have to think of a better way.

"That's good, the two brothers will join this prince in killing evil spirits!"

"Come on, Broken Skeleton, let me see your skills!"

Gong Xianliang watched from the side, and there was obviously a lot of trouble between the two.

Ye Tianxing and Yan Shuangfei had their own ghosts, and the two of them held the immortal king container and slashed at the skeleton. The power emitted by the gathering of the four immortal artifacts was already comparable to that of Linxian.

Carrying the power of the fairy artifacts, the two radiated the power of the fairy king container that gathered four fairy artifacts.

Overcoming thorns and thorns all the way, the darkness retreated steadily, and the two of them slashed towards the skeleton like a bamboo.

"His Royal Highness, help, help!"

Below the ground, a weak voice suddenly sounded, this voice was actually somewhat familiar.

Looking for the reputation, I saw two extremely embarrassed and weak figures, dying and lingering, they were the two brothers of the Zhang family.

Zhang Shengpeng's hand was seriously injured, and his face was pale, while Zhang Shengchang's face was even paler after being injured by Ye Tianxing. At this time, the two of them were sheltered under the Deity Scepter, struggling to resist the attack of the skeleton.

"These two guys are really good, they managed to find this place!" Ye Tianxing was surprised. They followed Yan Shuangfei tossing and turning, ran a lot of way, and finally found the location of the exit with the help of the squirrel. Even chased here.

"Hey!" Yan Shuangfei laughed suddenly, his eyes glowed golden, and shouted, "Brothers below, don't panic, my prince is fighting with the skeleton, and I can take it down from time to time, and I will save you all at that time! "

"Thank you, Holy Prince, thank you!" The eyes of the two showed hope.

"But now, this skeleton is displaying its supernatural power. I can't stand it anymore. I can't do anything with it even if I gather four immortal artifacts. Brother, you shoot the God Extinguishing Staff at me. If five immortal artifacts are blessed, I will be able to turn things around. Shock the skeleton!"

Yan Shuangfei held the container of the Immortal King, exuding supreme divine power,

The two Zhang Shengpeng brothers wanted to survive, but they couldn't worry too much, so they rushed towards Yan Shuangfei with the fairy weapon.

"It's you!" The two rushed to Yan Shuangfei and saw Ye Tianxing clearly.

"Don't be nervous, this is the prince's subordinate."

"It turns out that he is the subordinate of the Holy Prince!" Zhang Shengpeng withdrew his murderous aura and stepped aside, not to mention that he has no energy now, let alone not in the state, even if he is in the state, he would not dare to take the risk of fighting Ye Tianxing.

The Extinguishing Scepter was absorbed into the Immortal King Container, which had Dao marks and restrictions engraved by the Immortal King, and could easily suppress the Immortal Artifact in it.

"You two, you can leave. This prince will open up a path for you. You evacuate quickly. This fairy weapon will be returned to you after this prince saves everyone!"

As soon as the words fell, Yan Shuangfei held the Immortal King container and forcibly split a path for the two of them.

A way of life leading to the exit was in sight, Zhang Shengpeng and Zhang Shengchang's faces were full of ecstasy, the former rolled up the latter, and went away in an instant.

"The kindness of the holy prince, my brother and I will always remember it in our hearts, and we will definitely repay it in the future!"

Ha ha,

There is no need to repay, I will suffer a little, so I will use this fairy artifact to pay off the debt.Yan Shuangfei sneered, holding the Immortal King container instead of retreating,

The skeleton roared, but Yan Shuangfei couldn't help it. He marched forward and continued to search for survivors.

"Is there anyone alive? Tell me, I am the Holy Prince of the Holy Emperor Star, and I am here to save your lives!"

He shouted towards the sky, the shattered void was in a mess, this small world was in a mess, in the slow flowing turbulent flow, there were corpses of cultivators floating, and many of them were masters of the eighth level of reincarnation.

This was a terrible disaster. The black hands behind the scenes manipulated all of this and killed countless cultivators.

If it weren't for Yan Shuangfei being here, it might not be easy to get out of the dangerous situation safely.

Ye Tianxing looked at the guy in front of him, the humble and deceitful guy back then, no matter his cultivation level or combat power was no less than him, his cards were endless.

What is the origin of this guy?Ye Tianxing became more and more curious.

All the way forward, Ye Tianxing stared at Yan Shuangfei, Gong Xianliang stared at Ye Tianxing, and the three of them swept the world one by one.

Except for the dead bodies, there are obvious traces of life, floating space faults, full of blood, very tragic, many Tianjiao were killed, many of them peerless Tianjiao.

The reality is so cruel, life is so fragile and vulnerable in the face of absolute power.

Ye Tianxing opened his eyes of nothingness, inside the skeleton, it was still there and never left.

With eyes full of resentment and gloom, Ye Tianxing looked at Ye Tianxing across the shattered void.

Those are a pair of dark green eyes without pupils, hidden under the muddy hair,

Ye Tianxing stared, his scalp went numb for a while,

Indeed it is, unmistakably, it came out of the fog of the dead.


it laughed,

The weird eyes narrowed, the mouth curled up sharply, and the thick fangs were stained with blood.

The bloodthirsty smile and terrified eyes instantly made one feel chills.

It knew that Ye Tianxing had seen it, so it waved at Ye Tianxing again, with those claws that were almost like human hands.

It has become more and more similar to human beings.

"Did you see it, it's smiling at us."

Ye Tianxing sent a voice transmission to Gong Xianliang, and the latter had a serious expression on his face, "To be precise, it is smiling at you."

"I'm very surprised, can it change its breath at will?" Gong Xianliang clearly remembered that the one who fought against him that day was more like a person than a monster at this moment.

"They can evolve, devour the human body and brain, and acquire human memory."

"you sure?"

"No, that's my guess."

"Your guess is a bit too scary."

Yan Shuangfei gradually drifted away, Ye Tianxing tiptoed, and went away through the sky,

"Jie, Lao Ye, long time no see." A sentence with a deep nasal voice seemed to come from ancient times, so far-reaching.

Inside the heavy skull, the terrifying face was distorted, and a slightly jerky sentence came out of the mouth full of sharp fangs.

Immediately afterwards, its body trembled, and everything around it was changing. The sharp claws retracted into the bones, turning into a pair of white hands.

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