Ye Tianxing didn't explain too much. From Gong Xianliang's mouth, he learned more about the spirit beasts, the squirrel and the water lark.

The squirrel sniffed the ground, then plunged into the ground,

"No wonder."

"No wonder what?"

"It's no wonder that the Holy Prince can find a way out. The squirrel's sense of smell is extremely sensitive. When it came, it placed a piece of fairy gold on the way. It can even smell the location of the fairy gold from a very long distance, and then find a way out."

With the squirrel leading the way, He Chou couldn't find the way out.

In a short while, Yan Shuangfei took everyone to rest in a canyon,

Not long after, the squirrel crawled out from the stone wall, holding a plant of immortal medicine in its mouth, Yan Shuangfei flicked his sleeve robe, and flung out a piece of immortal gold, the former happily took the immortal gold in his mouth, and dropped the immortal medicine .

It held the fairy gold in both hands, and gnawed it in front of everyone,

Those who can use solid things like fairy gold as food, there is nothing else in the world except squirrels,

This is a squirrel, no doubt!


After eating the fairy gold, the Sky Mouse sniffed it suddenly, and then turned its gaze to Ye Tianxing. It quickly ran in front of Ye Tianxing, stood up on its hind legs, "chirp, chirp!" The line barked non-stop.

"What's the situation?" Ye Tianxing frowned.

This squirrel is not afraid of life, it actually climbed directly onto Ye Tianxing's body, which surprised everyone.

"It won't bite me, will it?" Ye Tianxing worried, this little thing can crush even fairy gold, and his body can't help it bite.

"Don't worry, it's not interested in eating blood, unless it's the body of a dragon or a phoenix."

Hearing this, Ye Tianxing is relieved.

"Stupid, come back quickly." Yan Shuangfei greeted, but the latter ignored him and got into Ye Tianxing's cuff directly and couldn't come out.

"This..." Ye Tianxing was dumbfounded.

"You are a guy who eats and eats, labor and management provide for you every day, and you run on strangers?" Yan Shuangfei was upset, and in a thought, a piece of fairy gold the size of a palm flew out of his cuff again,

"Haw, chirp!"

The Sky Mouse smelled the fairy gold, and flew out from Ye Tianxing's cuff, as fast as lightning,

"Want to eat? There's no way, you eat food from inside out!" Yan Shuangfei took back the fairy gold instantly with quick eyes and quick hands. "Have you done what labor and management asked you to do?"

"Haw, chirp!" The Sky Mouse was so angry that it stood like a human being, stomping its hind legs on the ground, as if protesting.

"I didn't get things done, and you're still angry? If you want to eat, you have to get things done for me first!" Yan Shuangfei squatted on the ground, fussing over a mouse. At a certain moment, the two resembled each other very much.

The squirrel stretched out its front paw and pointed to the right direction, chirping non-stop.

"Lead the way." Yan Shuangfei threw a small lump of fairy gold to it, and the former held the fairy gold in both paws, chewing greedily and happily like a child.

It seems to be no different from human beings, it can't speak, but it can understand what Yan Shuangfei is saying.

Dumao led the crowd through the vertical and horizontal ravines. It dug a hole in the rock wall to allow it to enter and exit. It searched for a long time until it ran out of the hole with a broken bone in its arms, and then chirped. Stop, and head towards Ye Tian Xing.

It threw the broken bone in front of Ye Tianxing, shaking its head and tail as if asking for credit.

"Haw, chirp..."

"What is this stuff?"

"Dead bones?"

"Huh~" Han Ziqi looked disgusted.

"The bones found by the Sky Mouse shouldn't be ordinary bones." The rest of the Tianjiao were also curious.

In the arena, only Ye Tianxing changed his color immediately, but he regained his composure in an instant.

"What kind of bone is this?" Yan Shuangfei stepped forward and reached out to grab the bone in his hand, "It looks like a human bone, but it doesn't look like it. I can't tell from this part alone."

"Stupid, I told you to find a way out, so you just find me this kind of rubbish?"

"Haw, chirp!" Dai Mao was protesting, clamoring to snatch the broken bone from Yan Shuangfei's hand, and ran to Ye Tianxing to claim credit.

"What's wrong with this guy?" Seeing this, Yan Shuangfei became suspicious, suspecting that the severed bone was not simple: Could it be related to the barren body?

He thought of Ye Tianxing, the latter was originally a barren body, and Dai Mao was a spirit beast running a squirrel, it was not difficult to smell his difference, if the severed bone was a barren body, then...

His eyes suddenly changed, and there was a hint of greed on his face,

Then there must be wreckage in this area!

Yes, it is indeed the wreckage of the wasteland,

Ye Tianxing took over the broken bone, and the blood in his body began to circulate involuntarily between his hands. He forcibly suppressed the restlessness of the blood, and his consciousness sank into the broken bone.

Preliminarily, it can be concluded that all these broken bones are barren bodies, but which one of the eight barren bodies, he can't tell from the severed bones.

In the depths of this mountain range, there must be the wreckage of the barren body. He could feel the immortal will hidden in the severed bone, the immortal will of the barren body, and it was still immortal after he died for an unknown number of years.

"Can you tell what kind of broken bone this is?" Chiyuan Chahar stepped forward and asked, the broken bone that can be carried back by the squirrel must not be ordinary.

Ye Tianxing took out a piece of fairy gold and threw it to the Sky Mouse, who twittered and hugged the fairy gold and jumped onto Ye Tianxing's shoulder, eating it happily.

"Preliminary judgment, it should not be a human bone. This broken bone should be some years old, but it has not decayed. It is extremely hard. It is probably the broken bone of a certain big monster."

"This is the heavenly path of the human race, how could there be a broken bone from a big monster?"

"This is the end of the heavenly road, close to the wrist of the gods. There used to be wars between various clans here. It is normal for a great monster to fall here. The depths of this mountain range may be the place where the great monster fell!" Yan Shuangfei explained.

When he opened his mouth, Chiyuan Chahar did not refute.

Ye Tianxing put away the broken bones. If he took a deep look at the mountain range, when the time is right, he must return to this place and find the wreckage of the barren body.

Regardless of whether it is a barren body or not, as long as it is a barren body, it will be of great benefit to him who has devoured the body.


Over the hidden valley,

the sky is falling,

This small world is collapsing, the stars are dying, many cultivators have died, and there are also many cultivators. I don't know where they are hiding.

"Go, if you don't go, it will be too late!"

Staying here for so long, wasted a lot of time,

Everyone galloped in the canyon and gully, seeing a stream of pure heaven and earth aura flowing from another void, everyone was overjoyed, and they were not far from the exit.


Suddenly, the sound of bone cracking resounded through the world,

A skeleton golem lay in front of everyone,

Terrified, Dai Mao jumped into Ye Tianxing's sleeve robe.

"Good guy, you've been waiting here for a long time!"


The overwhelming pressure of destruction, like a heavy mountain covering several layers of sky, weighed on everyone's hearts. The opportunity of such destruction is enough to make people lose their will to fight!


The ground under their feet collapsed under the heavy pressure, and everyone's bodies sank suddenly,

"Break it for me!"

Yan Shuangfei let out a low growl, a ray of fairy light flashed out of his calm eyes, the bronze bowl above his head trembled, and the dragon and phoenix clothes around him shone brightly.


The upper jaw and the lower jaw of the skeleton golem touched, making a shocking magical sound. The sky exploded directly, and Ye Tianxing's eardrums almost exploded on the spot. Fortunately, Han Ziqi and Nangong Shu used fairy weapons to resist the horror in the first place magic sound.

"What kind of monster is this, it's too scary!"

Even the fairy weapon can hardly resist the strange magic sound emitted by the skeleton golem, the endless darkness swallows the sky and the earth, everyone's face turns pale, and breathing becomes much more difficult.

Is this breaking into purgatory?

In the dark depths, Ye Tianxing felt a strange and familiar fluctuation, which was hidden in the giant skeleton.

A blow from the skeleton is comparable to the real realm of immortality. The power of destroying the sky and the earth instantly shatters the void, roaring towards it, and the mountains collapse in an instant.

"Yan Shuangfei urged the dragon and phoenix clothes and the bronze bowl on top of his head to stop this attack, but he was sent flying by the formation after only one encounter, and fell heavily out of the void!"

"md!" He cursed, bleeding from his mouth, this blow caused serious injuries.

"It's going to block the way out, use the fairy weapon quickly, don't let it succeed!"

Chiyuan Chahar yelled, holding the blood spear in his hand, and stabbed fiercely at the skeleton.

The power of one blow has reached Linxian!Xianwei is mighty and powerful, but still unable to cause the slightest damage to the skeleton.

With a thought in Nangong Shu's mind, the purple phoenix cauldron sank into the sky, and the purple energy came from the east in an instant, resisting the invasion of darkness.

At the same time, the little princess also sacrificed a fairy weapon.

"Fairy Nangong, little princess, you should leave now, this place is dangerous, you should not stay for long!" Ye Tianxing suddenly sent a voice transmission to them.

"No chance, she won't give us a chance to escape!" The skeleton almost stared at them.

"It's okay, I will find a way to block it for a while."

At this moment, Yan Shuangfei turned back, wiped a mouthful of blood stains, and said solemnly, "Everyone, this skeleton is not easy to deal with. Even if there is an immortal artifact in hand, we are no match for it. For the present plan, you leave first." Go, I'll take the back seat!"

Suddenly, Yan Shuangfei became so self-sacrificing, which surprised Ye Tianxing a little. Knowing the former, he obviously didn't believe that these words came from the heart.

What the hell are you trying to do again?

"Your Highness, we have withdrawn, what should you do?"

"As a disciple of the Immortal Emperor, I have my own way to protect myself, but you can't, so I need to use the Immortal Artifact to block it one or two, and buy time for you to escape!"

"Everyone, sacrifice the immortal artifacts in your hands and entrust them to me, and I will take the opportunity to block him!" The words were impassioned, and there was a sense of giving up one's life for righteousness, which was very touching.

Chiyuan Chahar frowned and hesitated.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Could it be that my majestic Holy Prince can still deceive you?"

"Immortal artifacts are alluring to you, but to me, they are nothing. To tell you the truth, there is a real and perfect imperial weapon sealed in my body. How to activate it has immeasurable power, and this prince does not need it Borrow the fairy artifact from you!" The words were very disdainful to the fairy artifact.

"Why are you still hesitating? This is to save your life." Ye Tianxing instantly understood what this guy was up to.

"Your Highness, please!" Chi Yuan threw the blood spear into the sky, and a golden container flew out of Yan Shuangfei's body. When the fairy artifact flew over, the container contained the fairy artifact.

Immediately, a vast expanse of immortal power erupted from the container.

"This is...a container that can hold a blow from the Immortal King?" The old man beside Han Ziqi was moved.

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