"Old Nine? Are you okay?"

Mo Wen shook his head, gritted his teeth, and took a pill, "The bone of the foot was pierced, the claws of this bastard are too sharp, even the Shura body can't hold it!"

"No big problem though."

"That's good!"

The Qinghuang Ten Riders glared at the direction behind them resentfully, with murderous intent rising.


On the left side, the solid stone wall broke open suddenly, and the sharp claws protruded from the stone wall again, without any warning, and the crowd almost lost their souls in fright


The sharp claw stabbed at Cang Yang, the latter dodged suddenly, but he couldn't dodge in time, the sharp claw pierced through his shoulder, and even his collarbone was pierced.


The severe pain caused Cangyang to scream. At the same time, the monster behind chased him up, waving Senhan's sharp claws. Its breath made people feel hairy. Chiyuan Chahar tried to resist its attack, but he couldn't help it. Just a face-to-face was blown away, and he smashed hard on the stone wall, puff, his chest was stained red with blood!

"The pinnacle of the Void Transformation, under Linxian!"

Everyone was horrified, the strength of this monster was not something they could compete with at all.

It went straight to Cangyang, its sharp claws pierced Cangyang's protective qi, pierced Shura's body, and stabbed at his heart.

At the critical moment, Chiyuan Chahar didn't dare to hold back any more, and the bloody spear suddenly stabbed towards the monster, with majestic power and sharp edge,

At the same time, Yan Shuangfei quickly made a move, and a scroll hit the position where the monster and Cang Yang were.



The stone wall was smashed with broken stones, and the power of the fairy weapon was too great. Even if the world was as strong as a copper wall and iron wall, it could not stop the power of this spear at all.

"Chiyuan, what are you doing? Do you want to kill us all?" Yan Shuangfei scolded angrily.

"I can't control that much!" Chiyuan Chahar's pupils condensed, Cang Yang's aura disappeared in the pile of rubble, and the monster disappeared.

"Old eight!"

"Cang Yang!"

Qinghuang Shiqi searched for Cangyang's location, but Cangyang was not there. There were shredded clothes and Cangyang's blood in the rubble.

"You did hurt the monster with this blow, but you also hurt your own people!"

Cangyang is dead!

Ye Tianxing clearly felt that the wave of life withered at the moment the blood spear pierced it, and the scroll thrown by Yan Shuangfei resisted most of the blood spear's attack.

He looked at Yan Shuangfei, the scroll was extremely defensive, but it didn't seem to be used to protect Cangyang.

"Old eight!"

All the ten knights of the Qinghuang had bloodshot eyes and were full of hostility.

"Go, now is not the time to be sad! They may kill again at any time!"

The time left for them to grieve is running out!

Yan Shuangfei took the lead and left first, followed by Ye Tianxing and others.

"What kind of monster is this? The claws are so sharp that they can easily tear the treasure armor, and even the Shura body that is comparable to a barren body has been pierced." Han Ziqi was very surprised, and the old man beside her was thoughtful. .

"Follow me, don't stay too far away!" Ye Tianxing said in a deep voice.

When the sound transmission sounded in Han Ziqi's mind, the doubts in her head instantly disappeared into clouds of smoke, and the whole nympho fell into it again, so she simply moved close to Ye Tianxing and almost hugged him.

"Okay, husband!" She replied via voice transmission,

The corner of Ye Tianxing's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he pushed her away by two points, "The Princess respects herself, for the sake of your safety, it's best not to be a nympho!"

"Well, good husband!"

Ye Tianxing was speechless and had nothing to do with this girl.

Nangong Shu on the side saw it. She didn't know the relationship between the two, but they looked familiar.

Speeding all the way, shuttled into an underground palace, when everyone thought it was safe, the blood-stained sharp claw reappeared silently, this time, Mo Wen was captured.

They couldn't catch any traces at all, their whereabouts were too weird, and there was no chance to catch them.


Mo Wen's screams came again, and the vitality was disappearing.

"Don't ask!"

"Old Nine!"

The eyes of the ten knights of the Qinghuang are about to burst,

All the Tianjiao were terrified and hairy all over.

"Labor and capital will kill you!"

Ji Wuye's murderous aura surged to the sky, and he held a spiritual weapon to kill Mo Wen in the direction where he was screaming.

"Fifth, come back!"

Chiyuan Chahar and Jiuxuan organized, but Ji Wuye was dazzled, plunged into the depths, and never came back.

"Your Highness, what's going on? Why do these monsters only attack our people, but not you!?" Chiyuan Chahar's face was grim. At this moment, he could no longer keep calm.

Sen Ran's eyes swept over the people in Taiyi Immortal Mansion, Han Ziqi and others.

"Are you questioning me?!" Yan Shuangfei became angry, "Someone of you must have moved their eggs, otherwise, they would not have attacked us. I didn't blame you, you are now questioning me !?" The terrifying coercion swept away, making people's hearts tremble.

"Yes, but why do they only attack my people?!"

"Then there's no need to think about it, it must be your people who moved their eggs!"

"Impossible, we didn't take it!" Several people retorted.

"If you haven't taken it, it doesn't mean they haven't taken it! Now that we are comfortable, we are all troubled by you!"

Chiyuan Chahar clenched his fists, his face was dark and terrifying, "Go!" He roared unwillingly, at this moment, they could no longer stay, they had already lost three people, and there could be no more casualties.

"Boss, what about fifth brother and the others?"

"You asked me, I also want to know what to do, but you have also seen it now, this monster is not something we can deal with at all!"

"If you want me to say, sweep back with the fairy weapon, and avenge the fifth child, I don't believe that these guys can withstand the sharp edge of the fairy weapon!"

"If you want to use the fairy weapon, you'd better think carefully. Once this world collapses completely, you will definitely die!" Yan Shuangfei said in a deep voice, "Think carefully, we will go ahead!"

"His Royal Highness, do you want to watch our brothers die tragically? You could have helped them, I believe, you must know how to deal with them!" Jiu Xuan looked directly at Yan Shuangfei.

"What can I do to deal with them? Kill them all? Then let this space collapse?" Yan Shuangfei pointed upwards, "Listen, listen carefully, are there any living voices up there?"

He rolled up his sleeve robe and didn't stop, "Let's go!"

The crowd followed Yan Shuangfei, and Chiyuan Chahar had to follow. The danger was too great, even if they had a fairy weapon by their side, they might not be able to escape safely.

In this dark land, full of dangers,

The time left for Qinghuang Shiqi to grieve is running out!

Finally, they walked out of the crypt, and the Qinghuang Ten Riders lost three of them.

This is a canyon, a very hidden canyon, with ravines and ravines in it. Yan Shuangfei looked around, as if looking for a way out.

With a wave of his sleeve, a ray of light sank into the ground, "Chirp, chirp!"


This mouse has thick and spiky hair, a shiny golden hair on its neck, a hooked mouth, flashing sharp awns, and sharp claws on its feet, which are metallic in color.

The most surprising thing is that it also has a pair of golden bone wings.


Chiyuan Chahar frowned, and Gong Xianliang looked at the mouse with a look of shock on his face.

"This mouse is very valuable?" Everyone's surprised expressions aroused Ye Tianxing's curiosity.

"A mouse? You kid really think of it as a mouse?" Gong Xianliang scorned,

"It's called the Sky Squirrel. No one knows this name. It also has a name called Tunjin Beast. In ancient times, adult Sky Squirrels dared to eat even dragons. They are the real overlords in the demon world!"

"So powerful?" Ye Tianzi was startled.

"It's just that, in this day and age, the squirrel has gradually disappeared. I don't know when this race has disappeared in the demon world. The former overlord of the demon world has returned to its original appearance."

"So it's a priceless treasure?"

"It can be said that the value of a squirrel is far higher than that of an immortal artifact. Immortal artifacts can still be forged, but a squirrel is hard to find in this era. There is no way, the squirrel wants to grow to Being an adult is so hard."

"How difficult is it?"

"Do you know what they feed on?"

"Gold-swallowing beast, is it possible that it feeds on gold and silver?"

"Hehe," Gong Xianliang gave Ye Tianxing a contemptuous look, "This gold is not ordinary gold in the human world, but immortal gold. They feed on immortal gold, and their appetite is not small. I can't keep a squirrel alive."

"Immortal gold for food? Are you afraid of knocking your teeth?"


"Its teeth can easily crush fairy gold, not to mention fairy gold, even purple gold and cold iron are not enough for it to squeeze between its teeth."

"In this world, there is nothing that can't be crushed by the squirrel's teeth."

Ye Tian's mobile appearance, the teeth that can crush even fairy gold and purple gold cold iron, means that even he, who is a barren body, can be bitten to pieces by the latter, its teeth must be the sharpest in the world weapon.

Ye Tianxing can already imagine that the squirrel without the protection of the family will become the target of countless cultivators, take off its teeth, and turn it into the sharpest weapon in the world.

"Baby!" Yan Shuangfei was hiding a treasure, and he became more and more curious about what kind of treasure was hidden on the former.

"Squirrels not only have sharp teeth, but their sense of smell is also countless times that of human cultivators. They can freely shuttle between various ruins and treasure places, easily find the location of the treasure, and find a way out of the closed dead place. "

"Priceless treasure! Its role cannot be measured by things."

"In the world of the human world, the squirrel represents disaster, but in the world of cultivation, the squirrel is one of the three great spirit beasts."

"Spirit beast? Clear water lark?"

Gong Xianliang glanced at Ye Tianxing in a little surprise, "You still know Qingshui Bailing?"


"Clear Water Lark is indeed one of the three great spirit beasts, and it is also rare. It's a pity that it is almost extinct in this era."

"A friend of mine has one."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Really, I didn't lie to you."

"You really think I'm a fool. If your friend wants one, he dares to let you know? If the water lark is in the world, it will definitely attract competition from all major forces. Who doesn't understand the truth that everyone is innocent and guilty?"

"Take this squirrel as an example, who dares to let it appear in front of people? Only this perverted guy with a strong hole card in his hand dares to let it appear in front of people."

"Your friend's one must be a fake." Gong Xianliang obviously didn't believe it.

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