Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 170 Escape from the Crypt

Yan Shuangfei opened up a path ahead,

The crowd followed.

"Quack, quack, quack..."

The creaking sound of bones came from the surroundings, causing panic.

A strange stone floated past the crowd, the purple awns surged, and the essence of life was very strong, everyone was attracted by it, and Tianjiao stretched out his hand to grab it,

"Don't touch it!" Ye Tianxing reminded,

The moment he stretched out his hand and was about to touch it, the strange stone exploded instantly, and there was a sharp scream, which pierced people's eardrums. A skeleton with black air condensed, seemed to be laughing at everyone, and then opened its mouth wide, facing Everyone spewed black smoke.

Everyone was shocked,

The strange stone has an auspicious purple aura on the outside, and strong life essence, but in fact, it contains secrets inside. If it is tampered with, it will inevitably collapse when touched, and the endless life essence will turn into a deadly blade!


"so close!"

Everyone was terrified.

The dragon and phoenix clothes on Yan Shuangfei illuminated a path in the darkness, and the bronze bowl emitted a weak force, resisting the invasion of the strange forces in the darkness,

"Where is this?"

The crowd was led by Yan Shuangfei into a narrow underground space surrounded by jagged rocks, the air was filled with a chilly corpse, and all kinds of strange and eerie claw marks were left on the stone walls.

Obviously, this place is not like an exit, it is clearly a tomb, a tomb within a tomb, full of weird aura.

Ye Tian walked on the far right, and his perception was blocked by the thick evil spirit, unable to cover too far.


There was another scream that frightened many people to tremble,

The scream was very close, just a few feet above their heads.

"Shh~" Yan Shuangfei made a gesture, signaling to the crowd to restrain their breath completely, and led the crowd into a narrow path. Planting a place where you can't see anything, it is very likely that a grimace will pop up at any time, which is very terrible.

A group of Tianjiao, both men and women leaned towards the middle, while Ye Tianxing still stood at the side, looking around as much as possible.

He was very curious about where Yan Shuangfei was going to take them. The underground tomb extended in all directions, and there were many passages, but Yan Shuangfei didn't hesitate to face several passages, and chose the path they were taking directly.

It seems that he is very familiar with the terrain and routes here.

"Di dong!"

After a few more lines, there was finally a glimmer of light in the darkness, and a gust of cold air swept over the face. Everyone came to a frozen cave, like an ice cave, and the ice was hard to melt.

The extreme cold, everyone had to resist with all their strength.


Han Ziqi screamed in fright, Ye Tianxing hurriedly covered her mouth,

"This is……"

Everyone's eyes followed the direction Han Ziqi was looking at. There was a purple-faced monster sealed in the huge ice layer, with purple-faced fangs, mossy body, six slender fingers with sharp claws, and those on the square stone wall behind him. Claw marks, as if left by its sharp claws.

"What monster is this?"

Everyone has never seen such a monster, it looks like a human but not a human, it is not a ghost, let alone a ghoul.

"Boom, boom~"

A faint beating sound rang in everyone's ears, and the source of the beating sound came from the inside of the purple-faced monster.

The sound of a beating heart!


Deathly silence!

Ye Tianxing stared at the frozen purple-faced monster. There were life fluctuations in the monster's body and it was recovering rapidly.

Everyone panicked,

Yan Shuangfei, who was walking in front, once again gestured for no words,



The sound of the beating heart, not only in one place, but in the front, left, right, and in all directions, there are faint sounds of heart beating coming into the ears.

What the hell is this place?

Ye Tianxing is not calm anymore, he is covered in hairs, this monster is scary just looking at it, if it wakes up, it may cause a lot of trouble.

"Follow!" Yan Shuangfei sent out a sound transmission with his spiritual sense,

Everyone hurriedly followed Yan Shuangfei's footsteps and walked into the next passage.

Before stepping into the passage, there was a subtle fluctuation in Ye Tianxing's perception, he subconsciously looked back, the ice layer broke silently,

The purple-faced monster is gone!

"Don't look back, don't look, just pretend nothing happened!" Yan Shuangfei's voice sounded in Ye Tianxing's mind.

Ye Tianxing's heart trembled, he turned around, and followed Yan Shuangfei's footsteps.

But behind him, there was horror.

He didn't dare to look behind him, he could feel that the purple face with sharp fangs was standing behind him, looking at him.

"What kind of monster is this!?"

"In such a place, there will always be some monsters. This thing is a purple-eyed twin master who is one level higher than Yinsha. Like Yinsha, they live in a cold, humid place where evil spirits and corpses are concentrated. The difference is that they don't like blood and living things, only dead things!"

"They are the natural enemies of Yin Sha. As long as we don't provoke them, generally speaking, they won't attack us!"

"you sure?"

"My lord, I travel around the ruins all the year round, so I still need to lie to you? As long as you don't provoke it, this guy will not attack you rashly. They are not extremely aggressive Yin Sha, to some extent , they are a higher species far higher than Yin Sha!"

It seems to be the same as what Yan Shuangfei said, there are many life fluctuations recovering in this space, but they didn't attack, or even kill.

The creatures in the sky and the earth are really strange. The ghosts and ghosts feed on flesh and blood, but they are completely different.

Above the head, there are continuous fighting sounds, strange roars, and eerie bones making sounds, which are very obvious, and the situation above is very obvious.

The little world above is collapsing, but the crypt below is safe.

"Yan Shuangfei, how did you know about this place?" Ye Tianxing was suspicious,

Obviously, he had been here before.

Yan Shuangfei continued to lead the way, from light to darkness, and then from darkness to light, there was an illusion of seeing the sun through the clouds and mists.

"It's so cold!"

Going forward, the cold air is pressing, deep into the bone marrow,

ice crystals!

There are ice crystals all around, and the cold air comes from these ice crystals.

"Holy prince, are you familiar with this place?" Chiyuan Chahar asked curiously, the journey was so smooth that there was no pause.

"As the son of the Holy Emperor Star, a disciple of the Immortal Emperor, I know this, is there a problem?"

"Don't dare, Chiyuan doesn't mean to question, the Holy Prince don't mind!"

"Go ahead, you will be able to get out of this tomb in a short time!" Yan Shuangfei said, "I have to remind you, don't touch the things inside here, if you cause trouble, I won't protect you !"

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a fairy weapon, there exists a power more terrifying than a fairy weapon!" After Yan Shuangfei issued a warning, he continued to lead the way.

Not long after, passing through a gloomy corridor, strong life fluctuations reappeared in everyone's perception. To the eyes, it looked like an ancient palace, with giant ancient sculptures made of bronze, and various bronze statues like ghost-faced Shura. , This palace is surprisingly gorgeous.

The stone walls are covered with inscriptions and inscriptions, as well as some ancient characters that are completely unpredictable. It seems that an ancient clan once lived here.

"what is that!?"

The disciples of Taiyi Immortal Mansion looked at a closed corner in surprise, a piece of white flowers neatly piled up in one corner, and the powerful life wave came from this corner.

This is a pile of eggs, there are dozens of them.

"What a strong breath of life!"

Everyone's eyes were full of greed,

Seeing this, Yan Shuangfei had to remind again, "There are some things, don't touch them randomly, otherwise you won't even know how you died!"

Yan Shuangfei, who has always been greedy for money and deceived, is surprisingly calm at this moment.

Ye Tianxing quietly opened his eyes of nothingness, and looked at the eggs. These eggs bred powerful life, and they were the monster eggs with twin purple eyes. The powerful life essence made people greedy.

"I know what you are thinking. These eggs are born by adult females. They contain all their strength and life in this egg to cultivate a new generation. Don't try to touch it, touch it Their bottom line, I can't save you."

While explaining the origin of the eggs, he warned everyone,

"If such an egg is sold outside, it may be worth a lot!" Such a rich essence of life is even more precious to a practitioner than a fairy medicine.

"If you want to survive, don't have such thoughts."

People are reluctant to part with each other,

After leaving here, he continued to walk in the winding crypt. After an unknown amount of time, a terrifying roar resounded in the entire crypt corridor behind him.

"What did you do?" Yan Shuangfei's face changed, and he glanced at everyone coldly.

"No, I didn't do anything!" Everyone shook their heads in shock.

"I didn't do anything, how could I disturb them!?"

Behind him, evil spirits swept from the crypt corridor.


Ye Tianxing felt a suffocating power, which obviously wasn't something reincarnation realm could possess.

"It's terrible, there is such a monster hidden in this crypt!"

The people were terrified and fled for their lives,

"Go on the horse, if you let labor and capital know who of you has tampered with, there will no longer be a place for you in Tianlu!" Yan Shuangfei cursed, and the wind was blowing under his feet. At this time, everyone could no longer restrain their breath and urged Momentum increases speed.


The monster's speed was unimaginably fast, and the roar echoed, and the terrifying power beyond reincarnation swept along.


Chiyuan Chahar slashed fiercely towards the back with the blood spear, and the earth shook instantly, and the crypt collapsed under the spear.

"Grass, are you crazy? You don't know what's going on up there? If this place disappears, none of you will try to get out of here alive today!" Yan Shuangfei turned around and cursed loudly.

When Chiyuan Chahar heard the words, he felt a little upset, but he didn't dare to refute, so he put away the blood spear and started to run away.


In the collapsed passage, a sharp claw grabbed over with the sound of breaking wind. Mo Wen ran at the end of the crowd and was grabbed by the ankle, "Pfft!" The sharp claw pierced his ankle, and blood flowed instantly.

The pupils of Qinghuang's ten riders changed drastically, and they all violently raised their voices. Chiyuan struck a terrible blow, already possessing the power of transforming the void, and several of them teamed up to rescue Mo Wen.

Yan Shuangfei made a move, spells flew, and blocked the space behind him for a short while.

"Go, don't stay!"

Mo Wen's face was distorted, and he was severely injured!

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