Lord of the Runes

Chapter 74 Cactus

Han Feng's face was full of caution, and he scanned it with his soul power. This place was also disturbed by the mysterious power of the oasis above, and he couldn't see the surrounding scenery clearly through his soul power, but this did not hinder his sense of smell. There was a strong stench of blood and a damp and musty smell.The ground is uneven, there are many stone particles, and occasionally there are scattered bones of alien animals. Obviously, many alien beasts were attacked by this unknown plant before and died here.

Cautiously, he walked over slowly, the surrounding blue vines flickering, rushing forward from time to time, but when they encountered the flames on his body, they suddenly shrank back, appearing to be very afraid of the red flames derived from the red fire ring amulet.

Han Feng's expression moved, and he took out five third-grade fire-type talismans from the space storage bag in his arms. He was always ready, and if the opponent made any changes, he would activate them.

At the same time, his courage became stronger, and he quickened his pace and walked forward. One step was a distance of Zhang Xu, but when he walked more than ten Zhang away, there seemed to be a sound like a dog barking in front of him, and the surrounding blue vines did not care. He recklessly launched a frenzied attack, suddenly turned into blue afterimages all over the sky, and kept slaying them, but they were all shaken away by the broken sword in Han Feng's hand, and the severed rattan pieces fell from time to time, and the juice shot out.When the tips of some vines that could not be blocked in time touched his body, they were also burned by the flames from the scarlet fire ring amulet.

Han Feng became more and more courageous in the battle. With a loud shout, he suddenly activated the five fire-type talismans he was holding in his hand. The flames in the cave surged, and more than a hundred huge fireballs the size of a millstone emerged out of thin air. The plant ahead.

The plant seemed to be extremely afraid of the flames, so it immediately waved its green vines desperately to block it. Half of the incense came down, and all the fireballs were extinguished, but more than half of those cyan vines were also destroyed, no longer threatening Han Feng.

Han Feng took a deep breath, quickly took out a light-weight talisman and stuck it on his body, pointing his toes together, turning into afterimages, passing through the siege of the rest of the vines, he rushed to the location of the plant body in one fell swoop, and took a closer look. A cactus-like plant was planted on the ground, about ten feet tall, with vines growing on it, no less than a hundred of them, but most of them were withered and fell powerlessly to the side, only twenty or thirty of them remained. Guarding and dancing around, but they didn't dare to kill him again, as if they were terrified of Han Feng.

At this time, the remnant talisman from the depths of Han Feng's soul surface emerged again, and the light emitted was even more intense, almost coming out through the center of his eyebrows.

Han Feng no longer hesitated, he raised the broken sword, and cut it with his hand.

Naturally, this plant wouldn't just sit still and fight Han Feng again, making loud noises one after another.

However, it seemed to be at the end of its strength. It didn't take long before Han Feng approached and punched its trunk, but it was not injured at all, only shaking slightly.

Han Feng was slightly startled, and hurriedly shifted his body to avoid the siege of more than a dozen rattans around him, and fought with it again.

Suddenly, a flash of fire appeared, and Han Feng took the opportunity to activate a scarlet flame talisman, covering a range of tens of feet, covering the entire cave, forcing the opponent to shrink all the vines, releasing a dazzling cyan light for protection.

Not a moment later, the red flames dissipated, and its cyan brilliance became extremely dim. A figure suddenly rushed out, rushed to it, and slashed fiercely with a broken sword in its hand, breaking through its protection and hitting its body. The main trunk immediately cracked its outer skin, and the blue juice flowed out.

Han Feng didn't care about the pity, he quickly dodged the attack of the three vines, turned around, slammed a palm, and knocked away the attacking vine on the left, then suddenly stretched out both hands and inserted it into the hole just now. The opening opened by the sword light was extremely resistant, and there were bursts of thrusts rushing towards him. He quickly ran the Lingling Vajra Art, bursting out with all the strength of his body, while stabilizing his figure, he even broke through its internal fibers. Attacked by vines all around, it remains motionless.

With a soft bang, the power of the scarlet fire ring body runes around Han Feng was exhausted, and the vines were suddenly whipped like iron whips, but under his protective energy, they didn't get hurt. The physical body, but the dark energy penetrated in, shaking his five internal organs with severe pain, the true energy in his body was almost slackened, and he spit out a mouthful of blood suddenly.

"Ah..." Han Feng endured the severe pain in his back, he held his breath, and tore open the plant abruptly, rushed in with a puff, and gulped down the juice inside without hesitation.

A pungent smell rushed over, and then his throat was as uncomfortable as a fire, then his entire stomach, and even his whole body. A large amount of vitality began to accumulate in his body, making him seem to be in danger of exploding at any time.

Fortunately, at this moment, the residual talisman in his soul sea had an effect. As its white radiance spread to Han Feng's whole body, a magical suction suddenly appeared, sweeping away all the vitality, and gathered it on itself like a whale sucking water, making it The rune, which hadn't made any progress for a long time, squirmed again, and a break in another branch line was quickly repaired.

Han Feng naturally also felt this, and immediately devoured the juice inside the plant desperately, even gulping down some latex-like pieces, as if he was crazy.

However, the residual talisman seemed to be extremely happy, the brilliance trembled unceasingly, and it increased its absorption, and within a few breaths, it repaired a fracture of the second branch line.

But even so, Han Feng's body gradually began to swell, as if he couldn't bear the full vitality.At this moment, the Spirit Refining Vajra Jue in his body started to operate automatically, constantly transforming the abundant vitality in his body into the power to temper the outer skin. Immediately, a dazzling silver light appeared outside his body, and began to fiercely stand up.

And his Tianlong Yuqi Jue was slowly unfolded under his strong willpower, silently absorbing the vital energy in his body that was about to overflow, not only replenishing the true energy consumed by his previous use of the broken sword, but also continuously improving his cultivation, He was promoted to the peak state of the mid-stage Qi reservoir in a short time, and stopped when he encountered the bottleneck of this stage. No matter what the impact was, he could not break through, but his total amount of true energy had nearly doubled.

About half an hour later, Remnant Talisman has already repaired as many as five fractures of its second branch line, but the speed has also slowed down, and the speed of repairing the sixth fracture has dropped sharply, and it seems to be subject to greater resistance.

"Little thief, dare you!"

Suddenly, a thought descended from nowhere, the sound was like thunder, and it only rumbled in the depths of Han Feng's soul sea, shaking him dizzy, and a strange force rushed to the soul fire in the center of his soul sea .

The residual talisman shook slightly, and suddenly contracted all the radiance to form a spherical light film, protecting Han Feng's soul fire before that strange force.

Under the attack of that strange force, the spherical light film also shook for a while, and a series of ripples appeared on the surface, and the power leaked out, shaking Han Feng's whole body and almost fainted.

This strange power came and went quickly, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared.

However, the strange thing is that after the disappearance of this strange power, the cactus-shaped plant began to wither rapidly, the outer skin cracked, and the juice inside the body leaked out.

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