Lord of the Runes

Chapter 75 The Invisible Diaphragm

Han Feng shuddered all over, he didn't care about swallowing, and hurried out, regardless of the three seven twenty one, took out a large number of bottles and cans, and put away the overflowing juice.

But when the juice hit the ground, it immediately sank into it and disappeared without a trace. Han Feng was so fast that he was caught off guard, and he only collected more than ten bottles of juice with all his strength.

"Hey, what a pity!" Han Feng sighed, had no choice but to give up, put away those bottles and cans, remembering the strange force that came suddenly, and that weird idea, he didn't dare to stay there anymore, Turn around and walk quickly to the entrance of the cave.

Han Feng arrived at the entrance of the cave within a few blinks. He didn't need the Fufeng Talisman. With a kick of his feet, he jumped up and jumped out of the cave. Knowing that at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the edge of the grass, and suddenly it was the voice of the group of people in black robes.

"Fortunately, Senior Brother Luo has four invisibility talismans, otherwise we would not be able to lurk here!" someone whispered.

The rest of the people also complimented one of the handsome men. The handsome man called Senior Brother Luo also had a complacent expression on his face. Han Feng opened the passage, his face changed slightly, his lips moved slightly, and he used his true energy to transmit voice: "Everyone, there are other people here!"

The other three men in black robes were also elites, and they immediately reacted, surrounded them quietly, and walked towards the grass without making a sound.

Han Feng immediately took out a lightweight talisman, and ran to the depths of the oasis without looking back, turning into an afterimage, and disappeared in the vast forest and weeds in a blink of an eye.

"Sure enough, there is someone, he is going to escape!" The tall and strong man in black robe growled, no longer hiding, and ran after him, the grass was blown up by the strong wind, and grass clippings flew across.

The rest of the people also used various methods to chase after him, and for a while, the light was everywhere, and the murderous aura permeated all directions.

Han Feng secretly groaned, these people's cultivation bases are spreading out at this moment, and all of them are at the level of perfect Qi storage, especially the strong man, who looks tall and mighty, but his speed is extremely fast, one step is forty or fifty Ten feet, the distance between Han Feng and Han Feng was continuously shortened. In a few breaths, the distance between them was only twenty or thirty feet.

The strong man reached out to wipe the storage bag in the waist space, and a nine-foot-long machete appeared in his hand. His eyes were wide open, and he suddenly slashed at Han Feng with the knife. There was a sound, and a jet of several feet long green blade shot out, striking Han Feng like lightning.

Han Feng felt the horror of the sword light behind him, and quickly reached out to touch the storage bag in the space in his arms. There were three more talismans in his hand. After he pushed them away, the first talisman turned into a khaki-yellow light. Behind him was condensed into a khaki-yellow shield, which was several feet wide and shone with yellow light. It was the third-grade talisman earth shield talisman.


With a muffled sound, the shield that Han Feng had unfurled was cut into pieces by the strong man's blade in an instant, and continued to come down with such force as to smash a bamboo.

However, at this moment, another piece of talisman and talisman light was created, and a golden cage with a width of several tens of feet expanded, pushing Han Feng forward, and at the same time expanding towards the opponent's green saber light. In the rumbling sound, the two collided and burst into sparks, shaking the whole field.

The strong man was also shocked by the sudden golden cage, and his body stagnated involuntarily. He immediately blocked it with his horizontal sword, and the brilliant light of the knife spread like water waves, instantly forming a light curtain to block the pushing force of the golden cage.

The other three also arrived one after another, launching attacks one after another. Sword lights, beams, flames, wind blades, etc., all kinds of attacks greeted them one by one, breaking the golden cage in a blink of an eye. It turned into a little bit of golden light again and dissipated into the sky.

It's a pity that at this moment, Han Feng had already successfully activated the third talisman, and a cloud of breeze wrapped him and flew forward at a rapid speed, more than double the speed, and quickly opened the distance from them. It looked like it was about to sink into the thick spiritual mist.

"Damn it, this guy is a talisman master from Sanye Sect!" the handsome-looking man Senior Brother Luo said bitterly as he watched Han Feng go away quickly.

"He must have borrowed the invisibility talisman to infiltrate. What he just used was the third-grade Fufeng talisman, which is only seven or eighty feet per breath at most. If we continue to chase, we will definitely catch up to him!" The thin holding The young man Jian suggested that as soon as he finished speaking, he would rise up with his sword and speed up to chase, as if he would not give up until he reached his goal. I don't know where Han Feng offended him.

"The disciples of the Sanyemen are all very rich, let's chase after them!" The handsome man, Brother Luo, said with a flash of greed in his eyes, and said that he also took out a talisman and stuck it on his body, and also controlled a Tuan Qingfeng chased after Han Feng.

"Haha, it makes sense, just the talisman on his body is very useful!" The strong man raised his thick eyebrows, laughed loudly, threw the long knife, and came to him around him, and he stepped on it, Sword flying.

The remaining three people also used their own methods one after another, flew into the air, and quickly chased after them.

Han Feng fled ahead, even though his soul power was blocked, his perception was still there. He had already felt the sudden fluctuation of spiritual energy behind him, so he naturally knew their movements.

"These guys are really like gangrene!" Han Feng was secretly annoyed, but he couldn't think of a way to get rid of them for a while, and he didn't dare to use the earth escape talisman rashly. In the middle, then I really short-circuited myself.

On this short journey, Han Feng secretly called for the residual talisman in the sea of ​​souls, but there was no movement for a long time, and he didn't know if it was digesting the huge amount of energy it had absorbed before and couldn't hide it, or if it simply didn't want to pay attention to Han. Feng, after all, it mostly appears when you have a need or are interested.Of course, if Han Feng really fell into a crisis of complete despair, that would be another matter.

Han Feng had no choice but to put away his little thoughts, and flew silently close to the ground, flying over three or four hundred feet in a short while. The miraculous thing was that he didn't encounter as strong an obstacle as that cactus. Some piranhas and bloodthirsty plants that he encountered occasionally were also instantly killed by him with thunder.

But at the moment when he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly bumped into a diaphragm, causing him severe pain. In a panic, he changed his position and landed obliquely to the side, thus avoiding a second collision .

Han Feng stood firm, raised his hand suddenly and punched, but the diaphragm didn't move at all. Instead, a huge force vibrated back, causing him to take several steps back.

At this moment, the sound of "咻咻咻" came from behind, and then four light groups appeared, flying towards one after another. After a few flashes, they came to Han Feng's approach.

Han Feng turned around in a hurry, and before he could escape, he reached out and took out a fourth-grade talisman, the Scarlet Flame Talisman. After he pushed it away, it turned into a ball of red flames and rushed over, covering an area of ​​forty or fifty feet in a blink of an eye, like A sea of ​​fire.

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