Lord of the Runes

Chapter 73 The Mysterious Rattan

"There is still a Zihua tree in front!" A skinny young man with a sword suddenly shouted. As soon as his voice fell, a fat man beside him rushed out, and the rest of the people were not slow to react. After following it, there was hardly any distance left.

But when they rushed seven or eight feet in front of the Zihua tree, a purple light as thin as a hair flashed past, and the fat man who rushed in the front had a small hole between his eyebrows, the size of a pinhole. , but his face turned pale as paper in an instant, he fell back with a thud, and fell heavily to the ground, motionless.

The remaining four panicked and retreated again and again. They flew back tens of feet in a blink of an eye and jumped out of the oasis. The group of blood-necked bald eagles outside immediately rushed down, trying to kill them.They were so scared that they hurriedly returned to the edge of the oasis, staring at the Zihua tree in front of them, and took out their respective talismans in their hands, with a cold light, and activated their respective means whenever there was a disturbance.

Han Feng glanced at them from a distance, knowing that they would not be able to leave this place for a while, and he didn't want to expose himself, so he had to go inside the oasis. It would not be too late to harvest the elixir and spirit trees outside the oasis after these people left. .

"Is there something in the depths of this oasis?" Han Feng walked hundreds of feet in a short while without encountering any danger.

At this moment, he also saw a hardware flower, walked over quickly, and was about to bend down to pick it, but suddenly a blue light flashed, and a blue vine rushed out from nowhere, like a long Like a spear piercing his back.

Han Feng was on guard all the time. His soul power released early in the morning noticed this abnormal movement. Immediately, he kicked his heels, and the whole person flew back in the air.

But even though this cyan rattan was only the size of a thumb, it was extremely fast. When it folded nimbly, it turned around and chased after Han Feng. It took a breath, almost reaching the speed of sound, and rushed to Han Feng's throat in the blink of an eye. , Seeing that he was about to stab his throat with a stab!

Han Feng's hair exploded, he raised his right hand suddenly, grabbed the cyan vine suddenly, and pulled it across his body, with great strength, he grabbed it.

The cyan rattan swayed violently, shining with blue light. It kept pulling back, pulling Han Feng back a few meters away, and he was about to be pulled into the lush grass.

Han Feng let out a low cry, landed firmly, and using both hands together, his body suddenly burst into brilliant silver light. The power of his body exploded, and he immediately gained the upper hand. The next moment, there was only a creaking sound, and the cyan rattan split from it. Come on, after sprinkling the green juice, the part in front seems to be retracted as if flying.

Han Feng couldn't hold back the tendency to retreat all of a sudden, he backed up more than ten steps, stepped on the ground more than ten deep footprints, just now he stabilized his body, he lowered his head and glanced at the remaining piece of blue rattan in his hand, just thinking He threw it away casually, but for some reason, the residual talisman suddenly emerged from the depths of the sea of ​​souls, shining slightly, swaying in brilliance, like rippling water.

Han Feng was slightly taken aback, dipped his hand into a little bit of the juice from the broken part of the blue rattan, and used his soul power to examine it carefully, and found that it contained extremely strong origin power, hidden but not revealed, if he didn't let his soul power out to seriously Check, it will really be ignored.

However, he didn't dare to swallow the juice rashly. After thinking for a while, he took out a palm-high jade bottle, squeezed out the juice from this small section of cyan rattan, and stored it on the jade bottle.The blue vines that lost their juice instantly withered and turned into gray strips of waste.

Han Feng threw it away casually, put the jade bottle back into the storage space bag, and looked at the weeds involuntarily. There must be the real body of the blue rattan hidden there, but he couldn't spy out anything with his soul power. Things came out, except for the Zihua trees around, other things were blurred, as if they were being disturbed by a strange force.

Han Feng pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his feet and walked forward, quickly picked the hardware flower growing on the edge of the weeds, then took out the broken sword, and spurted out a dazzling light The sword, the white light is scorching, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

Without saying a word, he stepped into the weeds, shaking his wrists, the shadow of the sword fluttered, and forcibly opened a path, walking forward continuously.

In a short time, he went deep into the grass for a distance of more than ten feet, and a road about ten feet wide continued to extend behind him, grass clippings splashed everywhere, and all kinds of flying insects flew all over the sky.

At this moment, several cyan vines came from all directions, and they were so fast that they surrounded Han Feng in front, back, left, and right in an instant, forming a sure-to-kill momentum.

Han Feng didn't change his face, and danced with the broken sword in his hand, forming a bowl-shaped protective shield around it, blocking the attacks of several blue vines in a daze.

Suddenly, he snorted coldly, the light of the Broken Sword suddenly increased, and the shield that was originally about ten feet wide became three or four feet wide in an instant.

Han Feng's eyes turned cold, and just as he was about to take advantage of the victory to chase after him, there was a sudden boom under his feet, and he collapsed for some unknown reason, and his whole body suddenly fell down. Just as he was about to take out the Fufeng Talisman, the two cyan vines fell apart without warning. Protruded from the hollow below, entangled it, and dragged it down desperately.

When Han Feng was careless, he was pulled down several feet in an instant and fell into a bottomless dark cave.

Han Feng's face was a little flustered, and he stuck the Fufeng Talisman he had taken out to his body. The breeze condensed and formed a huge buoyant force, which was just equal to the pulling force of the two blue vines, making him stand in the air.

He took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and was about to use the broken sword to cut off the vine below, but at this moment, more than ten cyan vines appeared again in the darkness, stretching and shrinking continuously, the blue light shone, and the force rolled , so that he was busy raising his sword to deal with it, and he had no time to cut off the two vines wrapped around his waist.

Not long after, the power of the Fufeng Talisman was exhausted, the balance was suddenly broken, and Han Feng was pulled down a distance of several feet. The surroundings were as dark as ink, and he could not see his fingers.

Han Feng frantically circulated the true energy in his body, forced the Broken Sword to double its radiance, and vigorously shook away the blue vines that were besieging him from all directions. Broke, without further ado, took out a fourth-grade talisman scarlet fire ring body amulet, stuck it on the body, and immediately formed a thick layer of fiery red light film several feet around the body, and red flames burst out from time to time, and will attack again Once they try to wrap around, they will be burned by the sudden flames from the light film, causing them to retreat in a hurry, stop entanglement, surround without fighting, and let Han Feng quickly land.

After a while, Han Feng finally landed at the bottom of the cave, and the surrounding darkness was dispelled by the firelight on his body. Only now did he realize that the bottom of the cave was huge, with a width of several tens of feet. I saw that there seemed to be a plant in front of me, and all the vines were spreading from it.

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