Lord of the Runes

Chapter 697 Cultivation

After Han Feng tried several times to no avail, he had no choice but to store the messenger jade token in his storage ring.

He looked at the surrounding wooden walls with a little anxiety, walked to the left wooden wall, stretched out his hand, trying to touch it, but when he approached a wooden bar, he was stopped by an inexplicable force, no matter how hard he tried, it was useless .

Unwilling to give up, Han Feng clenched his fists and threw out another Overbearing Fist. The fierce force of the punch hit the wooden wall like a volcanic eruption, with a bang and bang.

A blue light flashed on the wooden wall, and the invisible power became blazing, blocking the impact of the long punches one by one, crackling non-stop.


Suddenly, a powerful surge came, pushing back Han Feng's body violently, he retreated several times, retreated several tens of meters before stopping, but the energy and blood in his body surged, humming continuously.

Han Feng stared at the wooden wall in disbelief, feeling scared for a while, and didn't dare to attack indiscriminately.

He concentrated on adjusting his breath for a while, and slowly calmed down the surging blood in his body, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

He looked down and found that the ground was also paved with cyan wooden strips, densely packed, without any gaps, and looked like a large piece of cyan floor.

However, the wooden strips on the floor will not emit blue light, let alone that mysterious power.

Han Feng's face was slightly happy, apart from anything else, he clenched his fist and hit the floor with a domineering punch.

There was a muffled bang, but the floor was unscathed, not a single trace could be seen.

Han Feng punched one after another, with bang bang, he didn't get the slightest scratch on the surface, obviously this dense wooden board was indestructible.

"Damn it!" Han Feng muttered, there was nothing he could do with this place now, he could only wait and see what happened.

He sighed and sat down cross-legged.

Han Feng adjusted his breath silently for a while. After his physical strength fully recovered, he naturally wouldn't give up and continued to think about how to break the situation.

He released his soul power and carefully observed the layout of this secret room. Although it was clear at a glance, but under closer inspection, there were completely different things.

Han Feng gradually discovered that the unique aura emanating from those wooden sticks turned out to be extremely small runes, which permeated the entire secret room, forming a net of runes, covering the world, not only isolating the infiltration of the world's spiritual energy, but also allowing him to The mana cannot be spread out, it is like a forbidden array, all mana cannot be used!

Han Feng's eyes flickered, and he used the Sunshine Reaching Heaven Art in his body, trying to forcibly break through the restriction, but he failed. Instead, his forehead was sweating, his body was cut like a knife, and he was in excruciating pain.

He had no choice but to run the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to relieve the pain. He didn't stop in a daze, and continued to grit his teeth and persevere, comprehending the mystery of it with his heart, trying to break the seal.

However, he spent less than half an hour, but it didn't work. The Tiandao Golden Pill in his dantian seemed to be sealed with paste, and it was extremely difficult to rotate. Any burst of magic power would consume a lot of his strength, and those Once the mana leaves the body, it is swallowed by a special energy in the secret room, leaving nothing behind.

"What's going on here?" Han Feng was puzzled, his brows were furrowed, and he was thinking hard.

After another stick of incense, he was sweating profusely, his face turned pale, and he no longer had the strength to fight against the secret formation in the secret room, so he had to give up temporarily.

He panted heavily, injected his soul power into the storage ring, took out a small bottle of elixir, opened the lid, brought it close to his mouth, and swallowed several elixirs in one gulp.

The elixir melted in his mouth, and turned into warm currents that flowed into his body, making him feel relieved, and the pain in his body was relieved.

It took half an hour for Han Feng to fully recover. He breathed a sigh of relief, stood up slowly, walked to the wooden wall on the left to observe, and comprehended its mystery at close range.

His eyebrows glowed, and he released an extremely powerful soul power again, stirring the aura emanating from the blue wooden sticks, making a loud whistling sound, shaking the entire secret room.

Han Feng watched carefully, but he felt obstacles, sometimes frowning, sometimes stomping, sometimes smiling, sometimes sad.

He felt uncomfortable for a while, and he was still unable to break through this secret array!

too difficult!

This kind of formation is invisible, has no fixed form, and even the runes are not finalized. It is unpredictable, and it is impossible to start.

Han Feng thought hard, pondered over and over, and deduced seriously, but he just couldn't see through the rules.

He didn't give up, he kept gritted his teeth and persisted for three full days, but he still didn't succeed. Even his eyes were red, but he didn't close them once.

His soul power was also consumed very quickly, at the moment there was only about a quarter left, so he didn't dare to continue, so he had to pause, close his eyes, and recover his soul power silently.

He was secretly anxious, it was not that he had not communicated with the residual talisman during this period, but the residual talisman did not move at all, as if it had fallen asleep again, perhaps digesting the energy it had absorbed before.

This place is isolated from the outside world and lacks spiritual energy. Han Feng tried to use the Plow Soul Art repeatedly, but he couldn't get energy from the outside.

He thought carefully, and finally had an idea, and came up with a way. After repeated attempts, he was finally able to recover his soul power by relying on the remaining energy in his body. It took him another three days to restore all the crystals of soul power in the soul sea .

The strange thing is that although his soul power was transformed by absorbing his own energy and it took a long time, every crystal of soul power is extremely full, crystal clear, sparkling and colorful.

Han Feng was amazed, and studied silently for a long time, but he didn't fully understand it. He just knew that in this mode, the soul power would be more refined, almost equal to two, and the effect would be multiplied.

Han Feng was overjoyed. He didn't expect that his mistake would be a blessing in disguise. Using this method, he would be able to break through to the middle stage of crystallization in a short time.

He is still unable to break through the blockade here, so he simply began to improve his cultivation. Anyway, his body training and soul cultivation have reached the peak in the early stage. Only by breaking through that bottleneck can he successfully increase his strength, maybe there will be Opportunity to break through this secret array and get out of this secret room.

Han Feng did not act rashly, but made a detailed plan in his mind in advance. He decided to break through the realm of body training first. After all, he had absorbed a lot of dragon's breath crystals at the entrance of the pool, and a lot of energy was still hidden in his body. Everywhere, even if it consumes a few rounds, there are still many, and it has not completely disappeared.

He silently studied the third volume of the Alchemy Vajra Jue, and only after he had a good idea, did he start to break through the middle stage of the Alchemy Vajra Jue.

Of course, he will not simply break through, but use the special restrictions here to pressurize his body and increase the success rate of the breakthrough.

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