Lord of the Runes

Chapter 698 Changes

Han Feng sat down cross-legged again, meditated for a while, then immersed himself in his body, and ran the Sunshine Tongtian Jue again, forcing the Heavenly Dao Gold Pill, and the power of the formation in the secret room immediately acted on him.

In an instant, it is as if a thousand mountains are on your body, extremely heavy!

Han Feng's waist was slightly bent, his whole body was trembling, and his hands were shaking like pendulums. He gritted his teeth, not only did not give up, but instead started to use the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, frantically absorbing the residual energy of the dragon's breath crystal in his body, transforming It is a series of special spiritual powers that hit the bottleneck inside the body.

Looking inside, Han Feng found that the bottleneck in the mid-term of Subduing the Dragon lay in his body like a mountain, blocking his impact.

Those special spiritual powers converged together, like a torrent, and launched attacks one after another towards this mountain, making crackling noises. Unfortunately, this mountain remained blatantly motionless, only a few sandstones were falling. I don't know when and what month In order to successfully defeat this mountain.

Han Feng persevered, endured the severe pain, and gathered energy one after another to rush towards the mountain-like bottleneck, as if he didn't know the passage of time.

Time passed by bit by bit, and another half day passed before I knew it.

Han Feng didn't stop, he was still persisting. The stream of energy hit the bottleneck mountain like a drill. At this moment, a small hole finally appeared, but it was a pity that it couldn't penetrate.

The strange thing is that this hole is healing and gradually recovering.

Han Feng snorted slightly in his nostrils, and immediately mobilized all the special spiritual power to rush towards this cave, launching the most intensive attack, let it expand slowly and deepen continuously, the purpose is to penetrate the front and back, and open a passage.

The deeper he rushed, the greater the resistance, and an incomparably strong force burst out from the mountain passage, blocking Han Feng's digging.

At this moment, Han Feng seemed to have entered a state of ecstasy, motionless, completely forgetting the pain, and devoted himself to the task of mobilizing energy to hit the bottleneck mountain.

Time flies, and another half a day has passed.

The opening of the hole on the Bottleneck Mountain has expanded to a size of ten feet, and the passage inside has also penetrated hundreds of feet, but there is still no end in sight, it seems that there is no end.

Han Feng did not give up, and continued to attack the bottleneck mountain relentlessly, wishing he could put all his strength into it.

However, at this moment, the energy of the dragon's breath crystal remaining in his body was completely exhausted, and there was nothing left, so he could only grab his own energy.

But his mana is imprisoned at this moment and cannot be extracted. Therefore, he can only absorb the hidden spiritual power in his flesh and blood, and gurgling it out. In less than a stick of incense, his skin begins to wrinkle, like old skin , extremely ugly.

Hunger appeared without warning, like ten thousand ants biting, unbearable, Han Feng woke up from the state of ecstasy.

Seeing this situation internally, he immediately took out a large handful of elixir from the storage ring and took it, which relieved his hunger a little and made him feel much more comfortable.

Even under such circumstances, he did not stop breaking through the bottleneck, because he knew that if he gave up halfway, the hole in the bottleneck mountain would heal itself and become stronger, and it would be extremely difficult to break through in the future .

He put aside his thoughts and concentrated all his strength to fight to the death!

Anyway, he is already trapped here, if he does not have stronger strength, he will not be able to successfully break out of the trap.

While swallowing a large amount of elixir, Han Feng mobilized various energies in his body to wash away the cave like a stream of water, running through the front and rear passages.

This is taking his life to hit the bottleneck, and he has no turning back. Once he fails, his body will inevitably rot due to lack of spiritual power, and even his Heavenly Dao Golden Core will become dim and completely shrink!

Han Feng had neither joy nor sorrow on his face. Most of his energy was devoted to this breakthrough between life and death. He only occasionally released his soul power to float on the storage ring, reaching out to take out handfuls of pills, like eating jelly beans It seemed as if he swallowed it all in his stomach, and under the operation of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, it all turned into a rolling spiritual force, providing power for his breakthrough.

Unfortunately, as he took more and more pills, the efficacy of the medicines became worse and worse. To obtain the same amount of spiritual power, he needed to consume more pills, so he fell into a vicious circle, causing him to store rings. The elixir for replenishing vitality has decreased sharply.

Han Feng was secretly anxious, but there was nothing he could do. He was thinking whether to stop this breakthrough, even if he suffered a lot of backlash, it would be better than losing his life, but he was really unwilling and continued to persist.

Soon, two more hours passed, and the elixirs he had replenished his vitality were completely consumed, and there was not even half a pill left!

Han Feng was in a complicated mood, thinking a lot, and didn't know how to make a decision, but the breakthrough in his body hadn't stopped yet, and he was still running the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique at a high speed, and there was a tendency that he couldn't stop.

A wave of suction was derived by itself, sweeping across his body, absorbing all the spiritual power in his flesh and blood, his blood energy began to decrease, and he was on the verge of withering.

Han Feng was shocked and turned pale. As soon as he thought about it, he was going to cast a spell to forcefully stop the Spirit Refining Vajra Art. But at this moment, strands of warm currents emerged from the depths of his body. They were colorless, lightless, and pervasive. The body of flesh and blood makes its blood vigorous again.

This warm current is just the innate qi. When he was about to run out of water, it finally appeared in his body and helped him to relax.

Han Feng's confidence increased greatly, and at the same time, he had an idea, stood up suddenly, posed in the posture of the first picture of the ten pictures of the secret book, and breathed out seriously, the innate energy in his body suddenly boiled, making his body's spiritual power more abundant, and continuously gathered into a stream , Continuously hit the bottleneck mountain, without stopping.

When he persisted for seven to seven forty-nine breaths, the innate energy inside his body was like a spring, and there was a faint buzzing sound, like ten thousand horses galloping, rumbling.

The injuries in his body were bathed in the innate energy, and disappeared in an instant, and bursts of red light appeared from the inside out of his whole body, and his appearance was red, as if he was in a blood fire.

At the same time, the mysterious atmosphere in the secret room suddenly shook, and incomparably slender runes swarmed in, pouring into his body continuously.

All of a sudden, the inside of Han Feng's body exploded, like a gunpowder keg being ignited, with a loud bang, and extremely violent energy fluctuations were released.

He vomited a mouthful of blood at the first moment, his body was shaken, and he almost couldn't maintain the posture of the first picture of the Ten Picture Secret Code, but fortunately, he had the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique running in his body, and at the same time, he had a lot of innate energy to protect him , the injury is recovering rapidly, and the explosive force was successfully guided by him to rush to the bottleneck mountain, but it did not lead to the cave. It hit the side, and with a loud bang, it directly blasted a deep pit.

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