Lord of the Runes

Chapter 696 Trapped

The five-clawed golden dragon criss-crossed Han Feng's body. It was several times larger than the oolong. When they collided with each other, they knocked back each other in one round.

The five-clawed golden dragon swung its head and tail, and swept across. The long tail cut down like a big knife, and cut the oolong in two with a swish. Roll, wrapped around the back half of the Oolong's body, brought it to his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp, without any mercy, and knocked it out completely.

After devouring the oolong, the scales and armor of the five-clawed golden dragon became brighter and gleaming, as if it had been greatly nourished.

Han Feng was overjoyed, and he did the same thing. While swimming forward, he rolled up these dragon's breath crystals into his body to strengthen his own Spirit Refining Vajra Art.

Luo Feihong looked back and saw that he was fine, a gleam of light appeared in his beautiful eyes, and he was silently speechless, obviously he did not expect that he would be successful, and he could devour these dragon's breath crystals as a tonic to improve his own strength.

"This guy is full of secrets, and he doesn't know what kind of exercises he is practicing!" Luo Feihong muttered silently in his heart.

Han Feng naturally didn't know what she was thinking. As he absorbed more and more dragon's breath crystals, the energy in his body accumulated more abundantly. As the tide rises, all boats rise and rise steadily, but they still fail to break through the bottleneck and reach the middle stage of subduing the dragon.

After a full quarter of an hour, Han Feng slowly stopped, and the Spirit Refining Vajra Art also ceased, and it was useless for him to swallow those dragon's breath crystals.

But at this time, Han Feng and Luo Feihong hadn't reached the end of the pool yet.

"Let's hurry up and move forward!" Luo Feihong looked at Han Feng, saw that he had stopped practicing, and said in a timely manner.

Han Feng nodded, kicked his feet back, and followed behind her, more than doubling his speed. Waves were set off on both sides, crashing.

Before they knew it, they traveled hundreds of miles deep, but the pool was still bottomless, and there was no end in sight.


At this moment, the dragon's breath crystals all around suddenly lit up, turning into streams of light, and they struck at lightning speed.

Neither Han Feng nor Luo Feihong was easy to save fuel. As soon as they launched an offensive, the two of them used their own methods to resist the streamers and protect themselves.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of sounds spread, shaking the pool water, vortexes emerged one after another, the turbulent flow continued, condensed majestic force, and even the space was shattered, but the pool water glowed by itself, like a paste Stick to this layer of space, not sucked away by the turbulent flow of space.

The figures of Han Feng and Luo Feihong were also stirred up and turned around again and again, following the turbulent currents without knowing where they were going.

In no time, the two of them were rushed away, separated by more than a hundred feet, and getting further and further away.

"Fellow Daoist Murong, this is the turbulent flow in the Longtan space, be careful!" Luo Feihong's complexion changed suddenly, and he sent a sound transmission to Han Feng across a long distance, reminding him to be careful.

In fact, Han Feng sensed the power of these turbulent currents without her reminding him. He had released his whole body to defend against their invasion, but he couldn't control his own direction. It would be good if he didn't die because of it.


Suddenly, the dense dragon's breath crystals in front of them exploded suddenly, and there was a loud noise, which shook the space of Longtan violently, as if it was about to explode.

The frenzied stream of space burst out, sweeping across all directions, and completely dispersed Han Feng and Luo Feihong, each going their own way.

Spatial cracks appeared one after another, turning black and shining, all kinds of powerful forces were released, acting on Han Feng's body, making him unable to stabilize his body, and could only drift with the current, letting these irregular forces take him to the distance.

I don't know how long it took, Han Feng wandered around in a daze, finally came to a quiet place and stopped drifting. He opened his eyes and stabilized his body, but found that he had left the pool and came to a dry room. Inside the wooden house, there are walls made of blue wooden strips lined up all around. It is extremely wide, reaching nearly a hundred feet in length and width.

Han Feng looked up and looked around, but he didn't see anything unusual. When he looked up, he found that there was a large pool of water floating above, ups and downs, and the light was shining.

As soon as he turned his eyes, he was about to release his mana, and flew up, but suddenly found that he could not operate the exercises. The Tiandao Golden Core seemed to be imprisoned by some kind of force, and he couldn't mobilize even a single bit of mana.

"What's going on here?!" Han Feng was startled. He kicked his feet and used his physical strength to jump high. In an instant, he jumped hundreds of feet. It flashed out without warning, blocking his body, and a terrifying coercion descended and knocked him down.

He landed on the ground again, without saying a word, he punched a Batian fist, the infinite power of the fist went up against the sky, and it bombarded the light curtain, causing it to ripple and flicker, but it was unbreakable.

Han Feng didn't believe in evil, he raised his hands, and struck out repeatedly, one after another of Batian fists bombarded the past like cannonballs, hitting the light curtain, ripples and sound waves continued.

"Bang bang bang..."

The sky exploded, Han Feng didn't know how many Batian fists he had punched, but it didn't help. All the attacks couldn't threaten that layer of light curtain, but let it ripple layer after layer, and all energy fluctuations disappeared. , missing.

Han Feng panted heavily, he had no choice but to give up, sat down cross-legged, silently adjusted his breath to recover his strength.

Fortunately, he had absorbed a lot of energy from the dragon's breath crystal before, and there was still a lot of energy left in his body. Right now, he was running the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, and he recovered within a short while.

He stood up, looked around, and found that the wooden strips around him emitted bursts of faint blue light, and a unique aura spread out, colorless and odorless, but permeating the entire wooden house.

Han Feng stared, he sensed something was wrong with these auras, perhaps it was these things that caused him to be unable to mobilize his mana, but fortunately his physical strength was not imprisoned.

The center of his brows lit up, and the rolling soul power spread out. Obviously, this kind of power was not forbidden, which made him relax a little.

He released his soul power to sweep away, but was knocked back by an inexplicable force on the four wooden walls, causing his eyebrows to ache slightly.

"Could it be that Venerable Ximen Tian and others were also imprisoned in a similar place?" Han Feng secretly guessed.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that it was possible, and immediately took out the jade token of communication, injected his soul power, and tried to send a message, but he failed, and there was no movement at all. This jade token of communication could be said to have completely failed.

"As expected, I don't know how Ximen Tianzun sent a signal to inform Long Ziyun?" Han Feng was puzzled and could only guess that there might be a special means of communication between the two of them.

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